INFERNO (New Perdition's Gate Omnibus Edition)

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INFERNO (New Perdition's Gate Omnibus Edition) Page 26

by James Somers

  Jason saw that Max was the one he had been praying over. However, the light of life was already gone from his eyes. Jason had never enjoyed many words with the former Babylon agent. Max had always remained very reserved around him, maybe even distrusting. Although, Chloe’s recollections made him out to be almost like a second father to her.

  As Jason watched Solomon release his friend’s lifeless hand, he remembered the sewage drain beneath the streets of New Rome. His best friend, Jerome Brown, better known as Soulman to his team members, had passed away there. It was the fear in Soulman’s very last words, “Jason, I’m afraid,” which troubled him the most about the memory.

  Jerome had been one of the best agents Jason had ever worked with. He had logged in countless hours on some of the most dangerous secret missions Babylon could offer. He had been both friend and teammate. But Jerome had never given his life to Jesus. He had never been saved and he had died in that condition.

  Jason turned away from Solomon and Chloe kneeling down beside Max’s body to pay their last respects together. He felt the pressure rising around his eyes and knew that tears were coming. His best friend had gone to a place of everlasting fire, according to the Bible Jason now believed must be true. He had seen too much not to believe.

  Jason walked back toward the place where they had entered the building and gazed toward the street. He swept his fingers beneath his visor and wiped away the gathering moisture. Alfred had followed and came up behind him. “Are you all right, sir?” he asked.

  “I’ll be fine, Alfred,” Jason said.

  Alfred stood there, but said nothing more.

  After a moment, Jason turned back to him. “I was just thinking about Jerome.”

  “A fine soldier and loyal friend, sir,” Alfred reported.

  Jason looked away. “But not a saved one.”

  Alfred’s holographic face changed to register understanding. “Yes, sir.”

  They stood there for a moment longer, neither of them speaking. Then Alfred offered him a final thought. “I hope that you do not blame yourself. You had no idea of the danger, at the time. It could just as easily have been you in Jerome’s place. Thankfully, you happened upon Solomon and the Christian Underground in time to prevent that fate.”

  Jason tried for a small laugh, but failed. “That’s not very comforting, my friend.”

  Alfred seemed to consider it. “Perhaps, when nothing can be done to undo the past for others, it is better to focus upon the future you have.”

  There was wisdom in Alfred’s words. Jason felt sure he was right. “I’ll try to consider that, Alfred. Thank you.”

  “I’m glad, sir,” Alfred said, then stopped.

  “What is it?” Jason asked, his voice only a whisper now.

  “We have company.”


  Oliver Theed settled into his plush leather chair, reclining with his hands resting upon his chest. Jacob Stein sat on the sofa on the opposite side of Oliver’s office, watching his master carefully. As Oliver Theed closed his eyes, Jacob felt his master’s call to assemble. His thoughts were pulled inward, beyond himself, to the World Mind and the Temple of the Red Dragon.

  Jacob’s eyelids fluttered then closed. He surrendered to the current—this undertow pulling him toward the place where Theed’s spiritual children congregated to worship their lord and master. He suddenly stood upon polished black marble steps in a virtual world. It seemed as real to him as any place in the physical world. In some ways, more real. Oliver Theed stood beside him.

  A massive crimson archway of stone towered above them both—the entrance to the Temple of the Red Dragon. Within its perimeter of tall marble columns, a great trapezoid shaped altar stood higher than a man. Flames of gold, blue and white blazed upon its surface ready to receive sacrifices to the Beast.

  To either side of the steps, polished crimson statues of the Dragon, with its seven heads and ten horns, stood tall as sentinels of the Temple. Beyond the steps, Jacob heard the roar of the crowd—millions who had been called to the Temple like himself in order to commune with the man they called Savior. Each had been pulled through the Mark they bore—the crimson jewels sparkling vibrant in the indistinct virtual sunlight of a pure azure sky.

  For as far as his virtual eyes could see, Jacob saw them lift their hands and voices in praise of Oliver Theed. The man stood in a robe of crimson with gold embroidery, similar to a Japanese kimono, only more elaborate. A crown of gold sat atop his head, a token of his power and authority. Jacob’s own sand colored robe and priestly miter testified of his special place at his Master’s side.

  He felt himself strengthened just then. A feeling of peace filled him. Words began to flow into his mind, coursing through him, seeking his mouth to break forth upon the gathering. “Children of the Master,” Jacob’s voice echoed toward the endless horizon. “The Christian God has claimed the bodies of his putrefying prophets and attempted to shake the earth in his fury. But we survive! The chosen seed remain because our master has prevailed. His children remain safe in his everlasting arms. Give him glory and honor! Proclaim his name upon your housetops. Shout it unto Heaven and to its vile inhabitants….We will not be moved!”

  Upon the last phrase, gouts of blue flame issued from the seven heads of the Dragon statues. Oliver Theed ascended into the air, hovering there with his arms outstretched toward his submissive followers. All eyes fastened upon him. His body descended until his feet touched down upon the clear water of an endless rectangular pool, beginning where the steps descended from the Temple to stretch through the ranks of the chosen toward the horizon.

  There, Oliver Theed walked upon the waters of the virtual pool before his adoring followers. Arms reached toward him, longing to touch the one who brought peace to their troubled minds. Only to gaze upon him. That was enough to send all of their fears into retreat. A collective chant rose from their ranks, a crescendo of joy, building in intensity.

  White light bathed Oliver’s body. He became a purely luminescent being before them all. The longing in their hearts was barely contained now. Finally, he spoke words that penetrated to the soul. “Peace, be still, my children. I will allow no harm to come to you. Only follow me. Give yourselves completely. Empty your minds and allow me to fill you with my divine consciousness. Only then can you become as gods and fulfill your destiny.”

  The entire assembly swooned as Oliver’s voice soothed and enraptured them. When the energy could be contained no more, Jacob snapped away from the Temple out of the World Mind and back to the sofa where his physical self had been waiting.

  Pure joy washed over Jacob. Then he felt the loss of Oliver’s presence. But when he turned to find the man standing before him, his panic faded. Confidence remained. The Master was here. All was well.

  Oliver stood before him, breathing deeply, his eyes still closed. He inhales and exhaled for several seconds before opening his eyes. Crimson fire danced in his pupils for a moment when he did. Oliver smiled at Jacob. “All is well,” he said. “And we have work to do.”

  Jacob still felt the joy of the assembly washing through him. He wanted so much to travel back to the Temple of the Red Dragon, to feel the abiding current of praise flowing from Theed’s adoring followers, and to lose himself as one of them. He stammered only a moment longer. The Master had need of him. “Yes, lord.”

  Oliver turned to look out over the city. It was still quite dark outside. The electrical power had still not been restored to the greater portion of the city. Only those buildings, like Theed’s own offices at the Temple complex, that had gas powered generators still had light. Almost everywhere else, darkness reigned. Patrols of robots and Theed’s soldiers searched for marked survivors and unmarked radicals.

  “The Russian Empire, with their northern allies, will soon move against us,” Oliver said. “We must repel them before the Kings of the East begin their march westward toward Jerusalem.”

  Jacob considered the situation. Tensions had been mounting for over
a year with the North and the East. “Perhaps it would be best if you traveled back to our headquarters in New Rome,” Jacob suggested. “At least until we determine what course of action they will take?”

  Oliver did not turn from viewing the city before him. “My place is here, Jacob,” he said. “I will not cower. If the Russians or the Chinese attempt to invade this land, I will destroy them without mercy.”

  “As you wish, my lord,” Jacob said.

  Oliver turned, smiling. “Actually, Jacob, your idea has merit.”

  “It does?”

  “Yes,” Oliver said, tapping his chin ruefully. “Except, I want you to send my double to New Rome. My place is here, but I can work behind the scenes for a time while we distract our adversaries with public appearances abroad.”

  “Do you think they will send assassins to New Rome?” Jacob asked.

  “Perhaps,” Oliver mused. “More likely they will perceive Palestine as ripe for their taking. They will swoop in to take it for themselves as a spoil while they think I am away.”

  “Their armies, sir…can we stop them?”

  Oliver grinned. “Why do you think I had you preparing our grand army, Jacob?”

  Jacob smiled knowingly. “Of course, my lord.”

  “Jacob, it is time to prepare my army to receive my long-banished brothers. As I now walk upon the earth in flesh, so shall they.”


  The sound of a patrol outside was barely perceptible. “I believe we have been discovered,” Alfred said as he moved to a better vantage point in order to locate the patrol. Jason moved with the deepest shadows, sliding along the wall toward a shattered section of the building where he could see into the darkened street. Through the night vision on his contact lens displays, he saw Wraith coming down the avenue with a team of Babylon agents and several H9 robots. He wasn’t even trying to hide, likely feeling confident by the robots he had with him.

  Jason wanted to swear, but he reigned in his tongue—something that made him stop to examine the inclination despite the mounting situation. “It’s Wraith,” he whispered ever-so-slightly. He knew Alfred would pick it up. The H7 nodded, keeping his electronic eyes upon the approaching team.

  Jason heard a slight crack in the plaster behind him. Alfred suddenly jerked his head in his master’s direction. The wall behind Jason exploded. Plaster and steel blasted out into the room. Jason partly leaped as the force coming through propelled him across the debris-strewn floor. He landed awkwardly, slamming his shoulder against a metal beam hanging diagonally to the floor from what was left of the ceiling.

  Alfred tackled the H9 before it could get any further into the room. The enemy robot defended itself. Alfred drove his heel into the knee joint as the robot shifted its weight. The attack forced the H9 off balance despite its superhuman strength and agility.

  Long ago, Jason had incorporated highly advanced fighting software into Alfred’s programming. At the time it had been cutting edge technology sold only on the black market or to the highest military bidders. The programming actually utilized the sensor-recorded movements of some of the world’s foremost martial artists of nearly every discipline. With Alfred’s advanced A.I. system, he could utilize such programming to overcome opponents like the H9, despite their upgrades. Though the newer bots were tougher, Alfred was smarter.

  As the big H9 tried to compensate for its shifting balance, Alfred struck at its face then shoved hard against its armored torso. The H9 couldn’t maintain and tumbled back into the wall, but not before kicking back at the H7. Alfred staggered backward as the H9 got up again.

  “Alfred!” Jason got up from the place where he had fallen, tossing his counterpart a grenade from his vest. Alfred caught the explosive charge then rammed it against the base of the robot’s neck, activating it. Alfred jumped back as the H9 reached for the device too late. The blast popped its head off like a toy, propelling the shiny skull out through the wall the way it had entered.

  Jason stood to his feet and saw Chloe and Solomon rounding the corner to investigate. He caught her eye and instantly knew what he had to do. Jason turned from her and her father, grabbing two more grenades from his vest as he ran toward the shattered wall and the approaching squad outside. “Get out of here!” he called back to them.

  Alfred looked at him, apparently dumbfounded by his tactic. “Sir?”

  Jason leaped through a large hole in the cinderblock wall, charging down the short hill toward the street. He lobbed both grenades toward Wraith and his team as they took aim. Someone hollered “Grenade!” just before they could open fire on him. Jason took off in the opposite direction as hard as he could run. Wraith dove behind a pile of debris along with the humans on patrol with him. The grenades detonated on the cracked pavement.

  The two H9 robots stood their ground while the blast incinerated an unfortunately light-armored H3 next to them. None of the four humans were killed. The H9 robots were in hot pursuit of Jason before the debris thrown up by the blast had settled back on the road.

  The earthquake had done a great deal of damage to this part of Jerusalem. Jason was leaping over and dodging around rubble, wreckage and downed power lines every few seconds as he sprinted away from the place where he had intentionally left Chloe, Solomon and Alfred. He had hoped that Wraith, in his desperation to kill his old boss, would completely ignore the others and come full force after him—at least long enough for Chloe and the others to get away.

  However, at the moment, Jason had no plan for what to do next. He just knew Chloe had to get away and stay safe. He couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to her.

  The H9 robots were closing the distance on him fast. Jason could hear their heavy footsteps pounding the pavement behind him. Occasionally, they simply knocked heavy obstacles out of their way rather than taking the time to go around. Surely it was a testimony to the stoutness of the H9 model that they even overturned a flipped car in the process.

  Jason didn’t have time to stop. He didn’t have time to close his eyes or assume some form of humble position. All he had time to do was run and pray. “Father, please help me,” he said between gulps of air. “I don’t know what to do.”

  The robots were closer now and still gaining. Jason wasn’t sure why they weren’t armed. In the distance he heard Wraith barking orders at the robots despite their natural eagerness to seek their target.

  Jason leaped over the hood of a car with all of its windows blown out. He dropped a magnetic grenade in passing, hoping the fuel tank would add fuel to the blast. His feet hit the ground running while his mind counted down the three seconds until detonation.

  The first H9 reached the damaged car and rammed its shoulder into the front fender in order to shove the vehicle easily out of its way. The car exploded instead.

  The double bang provided by the grenade-and-car combination tore the legs off of the H9. The torso remained twisted inside the wreckage of the car, writhing madly in its attempt to get free. The second H9 disregarded its fellow, maintaining a steady pursuit of its human target.

  Jason stumbled, gasping for air as he heard the robot closing the short distance between them. The pavement beneath him vibrated then shifted sideways under his feet. He stumbled again and fell, tumbling down the street before scrambling back to his feet.

  In that moment, Jason caught sight of his pursuer. The robot was nearly on top of him. The H9 stumbled sideways, tripping over a pile of concrete and steel that had dropped out of the wall of a swaying structure looming over them. Its momentary unbalancing was unexpected.

  Jason noticed a deep thunderous rumble emanating from everywhere at once. The H9 instantly righted itself and charged after him again. Beyond the robot, closing in, Jason saw Wraith and the other Babylon agents with their weapons drawn. Wraith shouted at the robot, “Kill Jason Night!”

  The H9 immediately activated the gun mount on its right forearm. That was it, Jason suddenly realized. The H9 had been previously instructed to apprehend, but now
Wraith knew who they had. He wouldn’t be spared.

  Jason turned to run as the rumbling vibration cascaded over the entire area. The buildings still standing here trembled at its touch. Several dilapidated structures, not quite demolished by the big quake, swayed dangerously as this aftershock grew in intensity.

  The sound of gunfire erupted behind him as Jason instinctively dodged sideways, running serpentine style, hoping to evade his attacker’s aim. Chunks of concrete on a nearby debris pile exploded as the H9 fired on Jason. Armor piercing rounds raked the side of a parked minivan behind Jason as he passed.

  Thunder bellowed beneath them. The H9 robot disregarded it mostly. Jason knew what was happening, but couldn’t bother with it now. A fissure tore through the pavement directly in Jason’s path ahead. He tried to stop, but couldn’t. Instead, he stumbled and fell into the great crack as a building to his left caved inward, unleashing a huge rolling mushroom cap of dust over the surrounding terrain.

  The H9 ran undaunted up to the fissure, peering inside with its multilayered optic sensors. There, nearly twenty feet down, lay its target wedged between the split sides of the underlying rock. Jason Night was bleeding from a gash traveling along the side of his head, but his heart was still beating on the H9 robot’s body scan.

  The robot heard its master, Agent Wraith, running toward it with several other human agents. It did not hesitate carrying out its objective. The arm housing the gun mount sighted Jason Night, intending to deliver the kill shot.

  A shadow loomed over the robot briefly then passed to allow the sunlight again. A falling wall of concrete and steel pummeled the street where the H9 had been standing. Brushed away like a gnat, the robot was buried under the explosion of crumbling debris along with the human agents and its target Jason Night.


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