A Cowboy’s Challenge_The McGavin Brothers

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A Cowboy’s Challenge_The McGavin Brothers Page 11

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  He undressed her with tender care and lingering kisses before tossing back the covers and lifting her onto the smooth sheets. She lay in the glow from the setting sun while he unsnapped his cuffs and started in on the row running down the front of this shirt.

  He maintained eye contact as he took off his shirt and leaned against her dresser to pull off his boots. That constant connection fired her up like one of her baking ovens.

  Before he took off his jeans, he reached in his pocket, took out a condom and laid it on the bedside table. That was caring. And sexy.

  Although she’d enjoyed the last unveiling of his aroused cock, the thrill this time was even stronger. If anything, she was even more eager because she’d experienced the effects it produced. Last night he’d been focused on exploring her body, but considering his declaration, he wouldn’t delay the moment she craved.

  He wasted no time taking off his jeans and briefs. She tightened her jaw to hold back a whimper of longing. Fishes and bicycles be damned. She was gonna teach that fish to ride.

  He rolled on the condom with as little fuss as he’d taken with undressing. Although he could be a tease and a jokester, the rich vein of passion that ran though him clearly outweighed every other impulse. Judging from the fire in his eyes, he’d tapped into it now.

  He continued to focus on her eyes as he climbed into bed and settled between her thighs. Clutching his bare shoulders gave her a jolt of pleasure.

  No wonder she’d fought the urge to grab him earlier today. And lost the fight. Fully clothed or naked, it didn’t matter. She just wanted to get her hands on him. His muscled body begged to be kneaded and massaged.

  Moving with unerring confidence, he nudged her slick channel once with the tip of his cock as if finding his place. Then, his gaze never leaving hers, he thrust deep.

  She made a low sound of satisfaction deep in her throat.

  He smiled. “Better?”

  Her heart beat a happy tattoo. He’d repeated the one-word question she’d asked last night. She replied with his answer. “Getting there.”


  Ah, she loved that he’d filed last night’s words away, even when he’d been battling sleep deprivation and stress. It told her how much making love to her mattered to him. And how much it mattered to her.

  Then he began to move with an easy rhythm. Yet their intimate connection had such heat and power that her body clenched, anticipating the tight spiral of need and the explosive release.

  Pumping slowly, he rested his weight on his forearms and lowered his body so that his lightly furred chest brushed lazily over her erect nipples. He brought his body heat with him, surrounding her in a sensual cocoon of warmth and erotic friction.

  And through it all, his gaze remained focused on hers—steady, sure, glowing with joy. As the pressure mounted, she drew him close and gathered strength from his solid presence and the unwavering light in his eyes.

  As the first tremor rippled through her core, his mouth tilted in a soft smile. He continued to stroke in an easy, unhurried way as she gradually, inevitably, surrendered to the undulating, whirling glory of release. Gasping his name, she arched beneath him.

  Only then did he increase the pace. The flame burned brighter in his dark eyes as his rapid thrusts swept her toward a second climax. Driving deep, he broke eye contact at last, throwing back his head and claiming his release with a wild cry of triumph.

  Happiness spread through her like warm syrup, filling every nook and cranny.

  Still breathing fast, he lowered his gaze. “You’re smiling.”

  “So are you.”

  “Damn straight. You give me so much to smile about it’s not funny.”

  She reached up and stroked his freshly shaven cheek. “You make me smile, too. Especially when we’re like this.”

  He grinned. “Then we’ll have to spend more time this way, won’t we?”

  * * *

  “While I wouldn’t change a thing, this order of events has one obvious disadvantage.” Wes buttoned his jeans. He’d taken his cue from Ingrid. Since she’d started putting on her clothes, he would, too. “How do you feel about cold pizza?”

  “I like it better hot.”

  “Me, too.” He waggled his eyebrows at her as he grabbed his shirt and shoved his arms into the sleeves.

  She smiled. “Could you do me a favor?”


  “Leave your shirt unsnapped.”

  He glanced at her bare breasts and the bra she held in her hand. “Could you do me a favor?”

  She looked a little wary. “Like what?”

  “Go braless.”

  “Braless? Not topless?”

  “A t-shirt and no bra is more subtle than topless. I like subtle.”

  “Done.” She tossed the bra aside and pulled her t-shirt over her head. “How’s that?”

  His breath caught. It was happening again, another moment when he became so entranced by her he couldn’t move. “Hold still.”

  “Why? Is something wrong?”

  “No.” He sounded hoarse. “Something’s right.” The last rays of the setting sun poured golden light through her bedroom window, caressing her tousled hair, her flushed cheeks and the soft t-shirt draped over her breasts. She was so beautiful it made his throat hurt.

  “Can I move yet?” She sounded amused.

  He took a deep breath. “Sure. Absolutely.”

  “You’re good for a girl’s ego.” She walked toward him. “I don’t think I’ve ever dazzled a man before.”

  “You’re dazzling one, now.” He pulled her into his arms. ”It’s happened to me twice, once on Sunday and just now. I’m going along minding my own business and whap, your beauty hits me upside the head. I can’t stop looking at you.”

  “Sunday? You weren’t distracted by work when I caught you staring?”

  “Nope. Dazzled by you.”

  She smiled. “Which makes me feel like some legendary beauty like Cleopatra or Helen of Troy. Who wouldn’t enjoy that?”

  “Then it’s win-win.” He gazed into her sea-blue eyes. “If I start kissing you again, the cheese on the pizza will have congealed.”

  “We don’t want congealed cheese.”

  “No.” He drifted closer to her inviting lips. “But I could order another—”

  “That’s not happening.” She placed her hand over his mouth. “We’re eating this one before the cheese congeals.” Easing away from him, she headed toward the door. “I’m hungry.”

  “Me, too. For everything.” He followed her into the living room where the pizza and wine sat on the coffee table. “Do you want to eat it here or—”

  “I vote for the kitchen. There’s no good reason to juggle plates unless we’re going to watch TV. I won’t speak for you, but I’m not in the mood for that.”

  “I’d rather watch you.”

  She laughed. “Ditto.” She picked up the wine. “Hey, this is the kind that Rox discovered.”

  “I remembered seeing a bottle like that in her apartment when I was here in March.” He carried the pizza into the kitchen and put it on the table. “I took a chance you liked it, too.”

  “Oh, yeah. It became our go-to for girls’ night. We like the wine and the screw-top convenience.” She placed it next to the pizza box. “Whatever kind you got smells amazing.” She pulled two plates from the cupboard and handed them to him along with a couple of napkins. “And familiar.”

  “It should.”

  “Did you get a veggie one?” She brought wine glasses over.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Opening the wine, he poured them each a glass.

  “Awesome.” She lifted the lid and peered inside. “Mm, my favorite.” She glanced up. “That’s not a coincidence, is it?”

  “Nope. I’m really beginning to appreciate the benefits of living in a small town. I asked what you usually ordered and they could tell me.”

  “Aw. Thank you. What a sweet gesture.”

  “You’re welcom

  “Just out of curiosity, what’s your favorite?”

  “I’m more of a pepperoni and sausage man, but I like everything so this’ll be great.” And he’d eat veggie pizza forever if she’d keep looking at him like that.

  “Then next time we’ll get half veggies and half pepperoni and sausage.”

  “Boy do I love hearing that.”

  “See, you’re making a sacrifice by eating—”

  “The pizza’s fine. I’m talking about the fact that you’re already planning for next time.”

  “Oh.” She paused and smiled at him. “I did just say that, didn’t I?”

  “Uh-huh.” He picked up both wine glasses and gave her one. “To another pizza night.”

  “I’ll drink to that.” She touched her glass to his and held his gaze as she took a sip.

  He rejoiced in the glow of excitement in her eyes. For two cents, he’d postpone this meal. They could always—

  “We should eat our pizza.” Her voice was a little husky.

  “Or we could forget about this pizza and order another one.”

  “No.” She put down her glass and took her seat. “We’re eating the one that you so generously brought over. On top of that you made sure it was my favorite. That’s special.” She opened the box and took out a slice.

  “What’s special is that you agreed to spend tonight with me.” He took his seat and helped himself to pizza.

  “I wanted to. And it works out well since Abigail and Luke are out at his house tonight.”

  “And tomorrow night.”

  “You want to do this again tomorrow night?”

  “Sure, if I don’t get any calls.” He sighed. “Much as I’d like to forward my calls tomorrow night, or any night you’re available, I can’t abandon my clients like that.”

  “And you shouldn’t. Spending two nights in a row together probably wouldn’t be wise, anyway.”

  “You mean because you’d lose sleep? I promise that I’ll make sure you don’t.”

  “And I believe you.” She gave him a fond glance. “It’s just that the more often we spend the night together, the more likely someone will find out. I’d like to avoid that complication, at least for now.” She finished her slice of pizza and took another one out of the box.

  Her mention of the complication issue had bothered him when she’d brought it up this morning. He didn’t like it any better now. Hiding a relationship seemed way more complicated than making it public. “How long do you want to keep this under wraps?”

  “I don’t know.” She chewed and swallowed. “Until we figure some things out, I guess.”

  Until she figured some things out, apparently. He knew exactly what he wanted.

  She gazed at him. “You don’t seem happy with the idea.”

  “I’m not very good at keeping secrets.” Especially when he wanted to shout the truth to the rooftops.

  She frowned. “Is that going to be a problem?”

  The wariness was back in her eyes. And he’d put it there by pushing. “No, it’s fine.” He needed to be patient. She was already giving him way more than he’d expected. Getting greedy would drive a wedge between them. No way was he going to do that. “You’re right. It’s a lot of new.” Especially for her. She was the one healing from a bad breakup.

  “Thanks, Wes.”

  “For what?”

  “For understanding.”

  And didn’t that make him feel all warm and fuzzy.

  “The pizza’s delicious, by the way.” She took another bite. “It didn’t get that cold.”

  “It helps that it’s July and not December.”

  She laughed. “That’s for sure. The delivery guys use those insulated carriers, but still. We’d usually end up sticking it back in the oven for a little while.”

  He polished off another slice of pizza. “It sounds like the three of you had a good time when you all lived up here.”

  “Oh, we did, but I can guarantee Abigail and Rox are thrilled with the direction their lives have taken.”

  And hopefully one day soon, Ingrid would feel the same way about the direction her life was going. “Do you still get together?”

  “Once in a while. It’s a little trickier to coordinate, now.”


  “But I’m enjoying spending time with my new neighbor.” Her foot caressed his calf under the table and he jumped.

  “You don’t say?” His words came out slightly garbled as her foot moved higher.


  His breathing quickened. “Like now.”

  “Uh-huh.” She smiled. “I’m thinking the meal’s over.”

  “Me, too.” He stood and held out his hand. “Time for dessert.” He’d leave the complication issue alone for now. If they made wonderful love to each other enough times, the problem might take care of itself.

  Chapter Eighteen

  True to his word, Wes made sweet love to her and then insisted they were going to sleep. She was convinced that wouldn’t work. Tucked into the curve of his virile body, she resigned herself to lying awake all night in a state of sexual frustration. Two minutes later she was asleep.

  A minute after that, or so it seemed, he kissed her awake. “Time to leave your cozy bed, Sleeping Beauty.”

  The rumble of his deep voice in the dark bedroom roused her in more ways than one. She snuggled against him. “Did my alarm go off?”

  “I set mine on vibrate for a couple minutes earlier.” He nibbled on her lip. “I wanted to wake you up myself. I cancelled yours just now.”

  She wound her arms around his neck. “Very nice, except now I don’t want to get up.”

  “What time do you need to be downstairs?”

  “I like to get there about quarter-to-four.”

  “You need forty-five minutes to get ready?”

  She smiled at the disbelief in his voice. “I do if I don’t want to rush.”

  “Then you’d better climb out of this bed.”

  “What if I don’t want to?” She stroked her hand down his hard body and discovered he was as awake as she was.

  “Then you’ll have to rush.”

  “You’re good at that.” She grasped his firm cock. “Any tips?”

  “Sorry, I’m all out of tips. You just short-circuited my brain.”

  “Your brain is located down there?”

  “More times than I care to admit.”

  “Got another condom?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Let’s put it to use. Then you can teach me how to rush.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He suited up in no time and found easy entry into her slick channel. Then he slid his hands under her bottom and put his mouth close to her ear. “We don’t have time to fool around. You’re going to come, and come fast, so hang on tight.”

  Heart pounding, she wrapped her arms around him. “I’m strapped in. Let ‘er rip.”

  His first thrust lifted her off the mattress.

  She gasped and shivered in delight as he followed up with rapid strokes that soon had her panting and hanging on for dear life. He took her on a wild thrill ride that had her yelling as if she’d claimed the front seat of the most daring roller coaster in the park. Her climax arrived in a burst of fireworks.

  He followed right on her heels, his breathless laughter filling the room. Braced above her, he gave a little whoop of joy. “Damn, that was fun!”

  “Sure…was.” She gulped for air.

  “You okay?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Although her heart pounded and she was struggling for breath, she’d had the time of her life. She hadn’t considered that Wes was a former athlete who’d recently been pumping iron. He’d brought his A-game just now and the results had been spectacular. “Let’s do that again sometime.”

  He put his mouth next to her ear. “My pleasure.”

  * * *

  Despite Wes’s help or maybe because of it, Ingrid arrived at Pie in the Sky about five minutes later than usua
l. Abigail was already there prepping for the first round of baking. Acting normal after a hot goodbye kiss a few moments ago took some acting skills.

  She’d put on her lipstick after that kiss and straightened her clothes, but adrenaline course through her veins. Fortunately, they had a lot to do and Abigail didn’t seem to notice anything unusual. The Guzzling Grizzly had emailed a large pie order and if they filled it today they wouldn’t have to work on Sunday.

  When Abigail mentioned that Ingrid looked happy, her response was easy. “I got a really good night’s sleep.”

  Very true, although hard to believe. Evidently great lovemaking and Wes’s body curled around hers had combined to give her seven hours of deep and restorative rest.

  Add to that a vigorous quickie session this morning, and she had more energy than she’d had in weeks. They’d made tentative plans to see each other tonight, assuming a client didn’t contact him with an emergency.

  She congratulated herself on working side-by-side with Abigail and chatting about plans for the weekend like nothing unusual was going on. She even mentioned she and Wes might go riding.

  Abigail seemed to take it all at face value. Then, minutes before their two employees were due to arrive, Abigail paused to give her a no-nonsense, direct stare.

  She stared right back. Good friends could get away with that. “What?”

  “I’m trying to figure out what’s different about you. Did you dye your hair?”


  “Did you adopt a kitten?”

  “No. I would have told you.”

  “Not if you wanted to surprise me.”

  “No kitten.”

  “Did you win a small jackpot? I know it’s not the Powerball. You couldn’t keep that a secret, but—”

  “I didn’t hit the jackpot.” She smiled because in a way, she had. “Like I said, I got a great night’s sleep. That can do wonders.”

  “Granted, but you’ve slept well other nights. There’s more to it than that. Are you and Luke planning something special for my birthday?”


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