Dark Redemption

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Dark Redemption Page 11

by Barron, Melinda

  “There’s no markings, no anything. Not even a brand name to show where it was made, or what type of lock it came with, if it did. It’s confusing to say the least.”

  Marcy held the key up to the light, then quickly palmed it when a deep voice sounded behind them.

  “Break time? Those boxes aren’t going to unpack themselves, you know.”

  “Sorry, Briscoe,” Tatum said, shooting her boss a guilty look. “My fault.”

  “Just get busy. We have another shipment coming tomorrow and I’d like to have today’s out before you two leave.”

  They both nodded at their boss. Marcy handed the key to Tatum.

  “Was it just taped to the seat?”

  “Actually, it was in an envelope, with some numbers written on it. But the numbers make no sense, either.”

  “Well, I’d love to be your Watson, Sherlock, but I have a date tonight. I’ll give it some thought, though.”

  While waiting on customers that afternoon, Tatum tried to focus on how she could decipher the mystery of the key, but her thoughts kept turning to Knox. Her body still hummed from last night’s session at Jaguars. It had been fantastic. The waiting had been hard, but the buildup had provided her with the most incredible orgasm she’d ever had in her life.

  Looking back on it she wondered why she’d been so reluctant. An image of Brandon flittered by. That’s why. Brandon, for all that she’d loved him, at first, was not a true Dom. He liked to play at it, but he was always more worried about what he would get out of the session, then what the two of them would get.

  He’d always pushed her to try things she was uncomfortable with, then berated her if she didn’t enjoy it, saying it was her fault. After last night, she knew that Brandon just hadn’t wanted to take the time to lead her in new directions. He’d only been worried about himself. Tatum had no problems believing that Knox could lead her past her comfort zone, and she’d love every minute of it.

  She had just finished waiting on a customer from Britain, who wanted ‘real Southwesty things’ to take home when her cell phone rang. She recognized Knox’s number on the ID and flipped the phone open.



  “A little.”

  “Good. That means you’re thinking about me.”

  “I have been, yes.”

  “Excellent. What gauge are your piercings?”

  Briscoe stopped in front of her and frowned. He put a finger near his ear, and one near his mouth in the classic phone symbol and shook his head.

  She nodded and mouthed, “Sorry, emergency.”

  He circled his finger round and round and she nodded. When he was gone, she said, “Fourteen.”

  “All of them?”


  “All right. Get back to work. I’ll see you tonight and remember my orders. Bye, Tatum.”

  She flipped the phone shut and pursed her lips. As if she could forget. The idea of being naked when he arrived unnerved her. Last night the room had been dark, with only candlelight for illumination. Tonight he would see the real her. She hoped it didn’t change his mind.

  * * *

  “Who’s your new sub?”

  Knox turned toward the doorway of Destiney’s and grinned.

  “Shouldn’t you be at work, Vince?”

  “I am. I’m a cop, we’re always at work. I was driving by and saw your new bike.” Vince’s gaze drifted to the counter. “Damn, she’s pierced? When do I get to meet her?”

  “Not now.”

  Knox turned to Destiney and smiled. “Good work. Thanks for getting it done so quickly.”

  “No problem, Knox. If you want me to make a special collar for her just let me know. I can do something to match these colors. Something special she could wear while she’s out in public.”

  “Thanks, sweetie. Design one for me and I’ll take a look at it.”

  Destiney winked at Vince, and then went to answer the phone.

  “Damn, thinking of a permanent collar already? How long have you known this woman?”

  “A week.”

  “You’ve lost it. A week? She must be one hell of a fuck.”

  “I haven’t fucked her yet.”

  “Then I know you’ve lost it.” Vince shook his head. He leaned closer. “You’re buying jewelry and planning collars and you haven’t been inside her pussy? Where did you meet this woman?”

  “She’s a friend of Margaret’s, and she sold me the bike.”

  “Oh, that’s different. I was afraid she was someone you’d picked up at Jaguars.”

  Destiney returned and took Knox’s credit card. She crossed to the register to complete the transaction and Knox frowned at his friend.

  “When have I ever picked someone up? I’m more careful than that, and so are you.”

  “Yeah, but some cute little subbie might have gotten under your belt, so to speak.”

  “She has, yes.” Knox signed the slip and took his package. They both gave Destiney a kiss on the cheek and left. Out on the sidewalk, Knox turned to Vince.

  “Let me ask you a cop question. If you had a key and you didn’t know what it opened, how would you start to find out?”

  “Ask the owner.”

  “He’s dead.”

  “You didn’t kill him, did you?”

  “No. He’s my new friend’s uncle. Or I guess I should say he was her uncle.”

  “Okay, if you’ve tried it on everything in the house, then go through his financial records, see if he paid for a safety deposit box, or a storage unit somewhere.”

  “Good idea.”

  “That’s why I make the big bucks. So, when do I get to meet her?” He lifted his brows to show exactly what he meant by meet.

  “Not yet.” Knox shook his head.

  “Why not? We’ve shared before, several times. Remember Alex? Damn, I love me a pierced woman.”

  “Then go and find one. You can’t have mine.”

  Knox straddled the bike and started it up.

  “I gotta go; I’ve got a date.”

  “Does she have a sister?” Vince yelled over the noise.

  In reply, Knox revved the engine and grinned. When he drove off, Vince was laughing and shaking his head.

  Chapter 5

  When she got home, Tatum fed Rhett, Scarlet and Fred. She sorted her mail, thankful to see a smaller stack of bills than she’d had for the past year. Her inheritance from Craig had helped to pay off most of Brandon’s debts.

  She took the key from her pocket and placed it on the table.

  “Talk to me, Craig. Tell me what this means. Where does it fit?”

  Fred barked in return and she rubbed his ears.

  “Do you know, boy, huh? Did he ever tell you anything?”

  Fred barked again, and then ran for the sliding glass door that led to the backyard.

  “Okay, you’ve just gotta pee. I get it.”

  She let him out and checked her watch. She had a little more than two hours until Knox arrived. She made a quick decision to use a little of the time to Fred’s advantage. She went out back and picked up his favorite chew toy, throwing it to the far end of the yard for him to chase and bring back to her.

  After they’d played fetch for about ten minutes, Fred went to his water dish and lapped up most of the offering. Tatum went to refill it with the garden hose, stopping near the garage that housed the motorcycles. She filled the dish, then went inside and flipped on the light. The area looked empty without the Indian but sitting near the back were boxes of things she’d brought from Craig’s house.

  There were about fifteen of them, full of books and other things that she thought Patrick might want one day. Although he’d never shown any interest in them. She briefly considered taking a few into the house and going through them, to see if she could find some clue to the key but decided against it.

  Only three of the boxes held records of any kind, and she didn’t think there would be anything that said, ‘key’, on it. Fred bar
ked from the doorway. When she turned her attention to him, he grabbed his toy and growled around it in an effort to gain her attention again.

  “Okay, boy, but just for a bit. I have a date tonight.” She could have sworn the dog gave her an ‘I don’t believe you look’, and she laughed.

  “It’s true. With a real live man. You’ll get to meet him one day and I hope you like him.”

  Fred dropped the toy and barked. Tatum figured it either meant hurry up and play with me, or I’ll believe you have a date when I actually see him.

  They played fetch for a few more minutes before Tatum went inside the house to shower. Since she didn’t have to dress, getting ready was easier. She did her hair and makeup and then laid out her favorite purple dress on the bed. It was loose and flowing, with a very full knee length skirt and always made her feel special when she wore it.

  She picked out shoes and jewelry and put them next to the dress on the bed. Rhett jumped up to investigate, and she shooed him away.

  “I don’t need cat hair on my dress. Stop that!” Scarlet jumped to the top of the bed and watched with barely concealed amusement.

  Tatum had just told the cat to behave herself when the doorbell rang. She ran to the front, clutching her robe around her and checked the peephole before opening the door to Knox. He stood there with a sack in his hand and a smile on his face.

  “Hi,” she whispered.

  He stepped inside and kissed her forehead. “Disobeying me already? I thought I told you to be naked.”

  “I am.”

  Knox looked pointedly at the robe and Tatum looked away. “I’m uncomfortable with being naked.”

  “You should follow your Master’s directions, Tatum. Take it off.”

  “Knox, it’s so light in here, I just…”

  “Take it off. I’m already going to punish you for breaking my command. If you don’t take it off now, there will be two punishments this evening.”

  She bit her lip and waited.

  “Tatum, do you want to submit to me?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Do I? Because if you did you would follow my orders without hesitation.”

  Tatum nodded, then slowly dropped the robe to the floor. She gathered her arms around her waist and shivered.


  “Excuse me?”

  “Find a corner. Put your nose in it. Hands behind your back, legs spread.”

  “Is that my punishment?” Tatum put her hands on her hips defiantly and took a step back.

  “No, that’s you standing in the corner while I decide what to do. If you’re not careful, this evening will turn into one huge punishment. Corner. Now.”

  Tatum threw up her hands in disgust and looked around. She found an empty corner in the dining room and got into position, her face burning with embarrassment. Why had she done that? Knox had been nothing but nice to her, and here she was, goading him.

  After a few minutes, she heard the beep of a number being dialed on a cell phone. Knox’s voice rang loud in the room.

  “Hey, what’s up?” There was a pause, and he laughed. “Listen, can you meet us at Jaguars around eleven?”

  Knox paused again.

  “I know, but I need help with a punishment. Great. We’ll see you there. Bye.”

  The phone clicked shut.

  “Come here, Tatum.”

  She moved in front of him. “You can’t be serious. You’re going to share me? After one night? You’re a pig! I should have known!”

  She pushed against his chest and he grabbed her hands.

  “Did I say I was gonna share you?”

  “You just called someone to meet us at Jaguars. That sounds like sharing to me.”

  “Why would you assume that so quickly? Did Brandon share you a lot? Did he make you do things you didn’t want to do?”

  Knox cocked his head and Tatum looked away. Finally, she whispered, “Yes.”

  “I don’t work that way, Tatum. I thought you understood that. I’m not going to share you tonight. I can’t promise that I never will, but we’re not ready for that stage. I would like an audience, however, to use as a punishment.”

  “This man watching is my punishment?”

  “He’s going to watch your punishment. It’ll be both of them in one fell swoop. This will take you way out of your comfort zone.”

  Tatum bit her lip and tapped her foot.

  “If you don’t want to do this, tell me now. I’ll leave and it will be over. No questions. No hard feelings. I enjoyed last night immensely, and it will be a great memory if you decide to stop.”

  “You would do that for me?”

  “Any good Dom would, Tatum. Domination is not about forcing someone to do something. Domination is about consensual activities, trust, and bonds, and taking people to new levels.”

  Tatum nodded.

  “Listen, we didn’t talk about a safe word last night, and that’s my fault,” Knox said. “If, at any time, you decide you want out, just say the word, and it’ll be over, whether it’s just the scene we’re in, or the whole thing. What would you like the word to be?”

  She glanced up at him.

  “How about swoop?”

  “Done. All you’ll have to do is let me know if it’s just that scene, or the whole arrangement. Understand?”

  “Yes.” Tatum paused and then said, “Master.”

  “Good. Now, for your presents.” He held up the bag.

  “I still get my presents?”

  “Of course you do. I’ve been looking forward to this all day. Hop up on the table here and sit on the edge, with your legs spread.”

  When she was in position, he traced the slit of her pussy.

  “I love that you’re pierced, and that you did it for yourself. But I wanted to give you new rings.”


  “Hush. New nipple rings. A new bar for your hood piercing, complete with slave ring, and new labia rings. All from me, and all fourteen-carat gold, since I know your old ones are gold and didn’t bother your skin. I bought them today and took them home and made sure they were thoroughly cleaned. Now I’m going to change them out.”

  “You’re going to change them?”

  “That’s right. And you’re going to sit still like a good little subbie. Understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Good girl.” He opened the bag and took out two boxes. Tatum raised her eyebrows.

  “What’s in the other box?”

  “You’ll see.”

  The first box held glittering gold rings.

  “Your job is to lie still. No movement at all, understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Good.” He pinched each nipple and Tatum pressed her lips together to stifle a moan. He gently popped the ball from the left ring, and then the right one. When he slid the ring from the piercings, he gently traced her areolae. Tatum gasped, then swallowed another moan when Knox said, “Tatum. Behave.”

  He continued to trace her areolae and nipples, trailing his fingers back and forth over the peaks. Tatum thought she would come right on the spot. She’d never had anyone do something so very erotic to her.

  He was content to touch her, teasing her skin until goose bumps began to rise.

  “Master. I…”

  “Hush. Such pretty little nipples.” He tweaked each one, then slid the new rings through, attaching the balls and tugging on each one as if to make sure it was on properly.

  Tatum’s pussy was on fire, and he hadn’t even touched her there. She could feel wetness pooling beneath her and when he leaned down and sucked first one, and then the other nipple into her mouth, Tatum moaned.

  “Test run,” he said when he was done. “Spread your legs wide for me.”

  It was sweet torture when he tugged on her labia rings, his fingers teasing her swollen lips. He quickly unscrewed the balls and removed the rings, replacing them quickly before leaning over and inserting two fingers into her wetness.

bsp; “Master, please. Can we… Can I… Master?”

  Knox remained silent. He pumped her quickly with one hand, the other tugging alternately on each labia ring. Tatum tensed to keep from pumping her hips, his order not to move running over and over in her mind.

  When he pulled back from her, she wanted to beg him to return, beg him to come back. Instead, she followed his order to stay still and silent.

  When he gently traced the bar of her hood piercing she shivered.

  “I’ll give you that one,” he said. “The bar I bought has two large beads. We’ll put the larger one against your clitty. It’ll be heavier and provide a different sensation for you, or so Destiney said.”

  “She’s the one who pierced me. Did you tell her these were for me?”

  “Yes. She remembered you. And she worked something up for me today that will work with your piercing to provide greater stimulation.”

  Tatum moaned when he unscrewed the ball at the top of her bar, and slid the bar out of the hood, quickly replacing it with the new one. The new ball felt heavy against her clit.

  “I think I’m gonna come.”

  “You’d better not. No orgasm until I say so.”


  “Tatum.” The warning in his voice was clear.

  “I won’t, Master. I won’t.” She repeated the mantra in her head, willing her clit to calm down.

  When he was done, he caressed her thighs. He leaned down and ran his tongue along the bar. Tatum hissed and clasped her hands into fists. His tongue traced the bar over and over and her clit throbbed in response. She just knew that, if he touched it, she would come.

  “Master, please!”

  “Not yet. Get up and walk around, take it for a test drive.”

  Tatum gasped when she stood. Her first few steps sent sweet, thundering vibrations through her body. Her clit felt like it could explode at any minute.

  “Oh.” The word came out as a hiss and Knox laughed.

  “I take it the gifts meet with your approval.”

  “They do. Thank you, Master. Makes me wonder why I never tried a larger ball before.”

  “Good. Now, come back here and sit so I can give you the final part of the present.”

  Tatum walked back toward the table, her clit throbbing. She sat down in the exact same spot and glanced at Knox.


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