Rain Dancer (Vanderbrook Champions Book 2)

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Rain Dancer (Vanderbrook Champions Book 2) Page 2

by Edmund Hughes

  “Sorry,” he said. “I guess I messed up this time.”

  Tapestry started the car, but waited instead of pulling out into the street. She looked over at him, her emerald eyes full of concern.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah, of course,” he said. “I’m fine. I’m just tired.”

  Tapestry set her hand on his shoulder.

  “How about you come over let me cook for you tonight?” she asked. “Melanie’s been dying to see you again, and I’d love to have an extra set of taste buds to show off for.”

  Malcolm considered it. Melanie was Tapestry’s great granddaughter and best friend. She was very peppy, and could dominate conversations like nobody else.

  “Maybe another time,” said Malcolm.

  “You’ve been saying that for the past couple of days, Malcolm,” said Tapestry. “Come on. Quit pushing me away.”

  “I’m not pushing you away.”

  Malcolm looked over at her in the driver’s seat. Her eyes were full of concern, and it made him think back to the evening they’d shared the week before. He cared for Tapestry, probably as much as she cared for him. The moment lingered, both of them staring at each other. He glanced away, and let it pass.

  My life is too complicated for this right now.

  “I just need to get some rest,” he said. “Sorry. How about tomorrow night?”

  Tapestry smiled sadly at him and nodded. She started her car and pulled onto the street.


  Tapestry didn’t bring up Malcolm’s murky mood again on the drive to his apartment. He thanked her and waved as her car disappeared down the street, wondering if he’d made the right choice by brushing off her dinner invitation.

  Malcolm’s apartment was in a sketchy but livable Vanderbrook neighborhood. Though the park across the street was a common hangout for the local junkies, it wasn’t too bad in terms of other, more violent crimes.

  He headed up the stairs and down the hallway, unlocking the door to his small apartment and breathing a sigh as he walked inside. It wasn’t much to look at, with the kitchen bleeding into the living room without a dining area or table in between, but it was enough for him and his modest needs.

  The apartment was paid for by a small insurance settlement he’d received after his family home had been destroyed five years earlier. Malcolm had lost everything, including his mother, all his possessions, and any sense of stability, but the insurance company had reimbursed him with enough money to at least keep him from ending up on the street.

  Malcolm sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. The local news was on, and unsurprisingly, they were covering the robbery. What did surprise him, however, was what they’d chosen to focus on.

  “As you can see from this cell phone recording sent in by a VCAX viewer,” said a female reporter, in an overly enthusiastic voice, “Wind Runner appears to have been chasing after one of the robbers.”

  “Oh, fuck,” muttered Malcolm.

  He felt his face heat up as he watched the shaky video, filmed from across the street inside the mouth of the alleyway. The robber stood up and took off, and Malcolm watched himself not following after the man, feeling the same now as he had then.

  “He just let him go,” said the male news anchor.

  “The question this raises is a pretty fundamental one, in my opinion,” said the female anchor. “We know so little about Wind Runner, real name Malcolm Caldwell, and his reasons for doing anything. Remember the story on the day he first appeared as a champion, Todd?”

  “I think everybody remembers that story, Diane,” said the other anchor. “Wind Runner is officially a member of the Champion Authority, but if all he’s going to do is spend his time signing autographs, chasing skirts, and letting criminals go, can we trust him to defend our city?”

  “We’ll have more on this story as it develops,” said the female anchor. “You can watch it as it develops on our website, under the heading WindGate.”

  Malcolm groaned and turned the TV off. He wanted to crawl into bed and hide under his covers. His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he realized he’d missed a call. He turned it on and found that he had a new voice mail from Multi, his boss at the Champion Authority.

  “Malcolm,” said Multi’s voice. “You’re a fucking idiot. With that said, what’s done is done. All we can do know is try to handle the fallout. If any reporters get in touch with you, the only words coming out of your mouth should be ‘no comment’. Keep absolutely quiet for the next few days. We’ll talk about how this happened the next time you’re at HQ. Multi, out.”

  Malcolm sighed and deleted the message. He tossed his phone onto the couch next to him, feeling suitably chastened. Multi had a manner about him that leant itself to hands on administrative duties, and not just because he could have multiple copies of himself on the job at once. He was sharp and used barbed words to great effect when it came to instructing the champions under his command.

  I deserve this. What the hell was I thinking, anyway?

  A noise came from just beyond the door to Malcolm’s bedroom. He sat up straight, realizing that he hadn’t bothered to make sure he was actually alone in the apartment when he first came in.

  It was just after sundown, and that fact made Malcolm’s heart beat faster with anticipation. He slowly stood to his feet and walked toward the other room. An unnatural darkness seemed to emanate from inside of it, and he felt a smile spread across his face as he realized what that meant.

  “Rose,” he whispered. “You’re back?”

  Rose emerged from the darkness slowly. Malcolm could tell that she was in the middle of an episode just from a single glance at her eyes, dark and empty in their sockets.

  She wore only black sweatpants and a bra, but tendrils of shadow swirled around her upper body like a gown made of darkness itself. Her skin was pale purple, and it leant an exotic quality to her incredible figure. Even now, sensing the danger of her wild state, Malcolm couldn’t help but admire her full breasts, trim waist, and curvaceous hips.

  “Easy…” he said, holding up a hand. “It’s just me. There’s nobody else here.”

  Tendrils shot out from Rose’s body and the darkness behind her, grabbing at Malcolm’s arms and legs. He resisted the urge to counterattack with his wind manipulation, knowing that escalating an encounter with her would be a terrible idea. She was a spryte, but she was also his friend.

  He hadn’t seen her for a couple days, ever since she’d helped him in the fight against Danny, or Hothead, as he had been more commonly known. Malcolm’s guilt over his brother’s death had mixed with his concern for Rose’s safety and wellbeing, and seeing her in front of him now, in his apartment, took part of the weight off his shoulders.

  Except for the fact that she is in the middle of an episode and might try to kill me, that is.

  “Rose,” he said, keeping his voice calm. “Try to remember, alright? It’s me. Malcolm.”

  He hadn’t seen her like this since the day they’d first met. The darkness surrounded her like a living cloak, extending up against the ceiling and out toward the walls. Malcolm was scared, even knowing her as well as he did.

  She stepped in closer, holding him in place. The shadow tendrils felt soft through his clothing, and he was a little surprised when they began to move along his arms and legs, caressing, rather than attacking.

  Malcolm stared at her. Her black hair fell loose across her shoulders, framing the cleavage of her breasts on either side. She took another step forward, drawing within just a few feet. One of the shadow tendrils slid up Malcolm’s inner thigh, before unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans with surprisingly dexterous motions.

  “Shouldn’t we talk for a bit, first?” asked Malcolm. “Maybe settle in a little?”

  Rose brought her lips in close to his for a hungry kiss, pushing her tongue into his mouth and letting out a low moan. Her breasts pressed into Malcolm’s chest. Altogether, it was a very satisfying kiss, except for the
fact that she still bound his arms with her shadow tendrils, holding him in position.

  Why do I get the feeling that she was into bondage, once upon a time?

  The shadow tendrils stripped off Malcolm’s jeans and boxers. He was already somewhat turned on, but watching Rose slowly nuzzling her face against his chest, and then his stomach, pushed him even deeper into a state of arousal.

  She sank to her knees in front of him, her hot breath tickling his hardness in an incredibly erotic manner. Malcolm stared down at her, excited, but also a little frustrated by how completely she had him dominated. Rose closed her eyes and rubbed her cheek against the head of his erection, sending a burst of pleasure through Malcolm’s crotch.

  It was more than just sex for Rose. Every champion, spryte, and demon had a certain activity intrinsically linked to their powers. It was unique to each of them, and not only served to focus and recharge their gift, but also helped a spryte or demon in the midst of an episode come back to reality.

  Rose’s focus activity just so happened to be sex. Malcolm watched her press her lips against the side of his shaft, slowly sliding them around to the front so she could give it a quick, teasing suck. He groaned and wished that his hands were free, feeling a bit tortured by having no control.

  As though to emphasize that fact, Rose slowly stood to her feet. She pulled her sweatpants down, wiggling out of them and looking slightly more aware of Malcolm’s wandering gaze than she had before. She wasn’t wearing any panties underneath, and Malcolm’s entire body hummed with anticipation of what was about to come.

  The shadow tendrils seemed to lift Rose up and into position. She slid herself down onto his rod, a cute, very girlish expression coming across her face. Malcolm felt her gyrate once, grinding her crotch into him. She was tight, and the feeling was amazing.

  The bonds holding his arms had softened slightly. Malcolm pulled against them, unwilling to be restrained for a moment longer than necessary. His hands came loose, and Rose’s eyebrows went up with alarm as he took hold of her in his arms.

  Malcolm thrust up into her, walking forward as he did. Rose let out a small squeal as they tumbled down onto his bed, Malcolm landing on top of her. He reached out and grabbed her wrists, pinning her down and grinning at the sudden role reversal.

  “My turn,” he whispered.

  Rose’s legs wrapped around him as he began to pump into her, moving at a fast rhythm from the very start. The blackness was already starting to fade from her eyes, but Malcolm found that it wasn’t his main concern. All he cared about was her soft body, her big, perfect breasts, and the tight reward he was thrusting into between her legs.

  She seemed to submit to him, as though by breaking out of her bonds, Malcolm had also broken her will to take charge. He knew that if she really wanted to, she could easily restrain him, even as flustered and erotically distracted as she currently was. Her powers were more formidable than his, but in the realm of the bedroom, it didn’t seem to matter.

  Malcolm had one hand on Rose’s waist and the other on her breast. He pushed her back against his bed as he moved, enjoying the feeling of her nipple rubbing against the center of his palm. Rose was letting out low, regular moans. He pushed into her with all the strength he had, intent on making their reunion something to remember.

  She came first, seizing up in a sudden fit of sensual shivers that seemed to take all the tension out of her body. Malcolm lifted one of her legs up and shifted her slightly to the side, giving himself a better angle to enjoy her from as he chased after his own release.

  It didn’t take long. Malcolm pushed in as deep as he could go as he went beyond his limit, only thinking clearly enough to pull out a second or two into the orgasm. He made a mental note to change his sheets later that night and tried not to think too hard about whether sprytes could get pregnant.

  Rose slid up to cuddle next to him, resting her head on his chest. The shadow tendrils were gone, and her eyes were completely back to normal. Other than the faint purple hue of her skin, Rose was no different from any other woman in her post-coital state, relaxed and sleepy.


  “How are you feeling?” asked Malcolm.

  Rose lifted her head up, resting her chin on his pectoral muscle.

  “Lucid,” she said. “And hungry. I haven’t eaten yet today.”

  She smiled at him. Malcolm ran his hand through her hair.

  “I was worried about you, you know,” he said.

  Rose frowned, and looked a little surprised.

  “You were worried about me?” she asked. “I’m a spryte, Malcolm. A scary monster that you, as a champion, are supposed to be hunting.”

  He smiled.

  “Maybe I’m just playing the long game,” he said. “Luring you into a false sense of security with sex and tenderness before finally springing my trap.”

  Rose laughed, the sound of it soft and sensual. Malcolm leaned his head back on his pillow, still smiling to himself.

  “Seriously, though,” said Rose. “Do you have anything to eat?”

  Malcolm shrugged.

  “Not much,” he said. “Maybe some leftovers from last night, but you’re welcome to them.”

  Rose stood up, only then seeming to become aware of how little she was wearing. She found her sweatpants and pulled them on, along with one of Malcolm’s t-shirts.

  “You know you left some of your clothes here before the start of your last episode,” said Malcolm.

  “Do you not like me wearing your t-shirts, Malcolm?”

  Rose turned in a slow circle, showing off the stylized circle graphic on the front, along with the curves of her body underneath the fabric.

  “I’m fine with it,” he said. “Just letting you know in case you want something that fits.”

  “You’re such a gentleman,” she said.

  Malcolm followed her out into his kitchen. She reminded him slightly of a wild cat, full of poise and elegance, but impossible to tame or restrain.

  “Hmm…” said Rose, examining the contents of his fridge. “More leftover pizza? You need to learn how to cook.”

  “I go somewhere else when I want a home cooked meal,” he said.

  “Tapestry’s house, you mean.”

  Malcolm winced. Rose smiled at his discomfort.

  “We’ve been over this before,” she said. “I am fine with you and her being close, and even intimate.”

  “I doubt she’d feel the same way if she knew about you,” said Malcolm.

  Rose shrugged.

  “I’m a spryte.” She took a small bite out of the piece of pizza she’d liberated. “I doubt she’d be alright with you even talking to me, let alone… other things.”

  Maybe this is the real reason why I’m pushing Tapestry away…

  Rose walked over to Malcolm’s couch and took a seat. He hovered behind her, still feeling curious about her sudden appearance.

  “Do you remember much?” he asked. “From your episode, I mean.”

  “Bits and pieces,” said Rose.

  He waited for her to continue, finally getting too annoyed by her silence.


  “I didn’t hurt anyone, if that’s what you’re wondering,” said Rose. “I just… hung out in the shadows. It felt like being a wild animal, lost in the city. It was confusing, and frightening, and… not something I want to dwell on.”

  “Sorry.” Malcolm came around to the front of the couch and sat down next to her. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”

  Rose took a tiny bite out of the pizza crust. She shrugged.

  “I remembered something else,” she said. “Not from my episode, but… from my life before.”

  “You did?” asked Malcolm. “What was it?”

  Rose furrowed her brow, tapping a finger against her lips.

  “It was a house,” she said. “Not here in Vanderbrook. In Halter City. I think it was… my old house. From when I was younger.”

childhood home,” said Malcolm. “Do you remember where it was?”

  Rose frowned.

  “Why does it matter?” she asked.

  Malcolm thought about his childhood home. It had been destroyed by his brother, violently, with his mother still inside. He thought about what it would mean to him to get another chance to see it, with all of the memories and nostalgia held within.

  I think I’d give just about anything for that.

  “We should follow up on this, Rose,” he said. “It might be the key to helping you get control over your powers and your episodes.”

  “Or… It might be nothing.” She shook her head. “I don’t really share your optimism here, Malcolm. Especially when we’d have to do so much traveling in the open just to get there.”

  Malcolm frowned at her.

  “Come on,” he said. “Your family home, Rose. Think about everything you could find there. Pictures, family heirlooms… Maybe even some of your old clothes?”

  Rose’s mouth twitched into a small smile.

  “Well…” she said. “You certainly know how to make your case.”

  “Perfect,” said Malcolm. “I’ll get dressed. We can head out immediately. There’s a bus that goes by my block every hour that we can take to Halter City.”

  Rose sighed. She reached her hand across to him on the couch, letting it rub his knee, up his thigh.

  “This wasn’t exactly what I was looking forward to tonight, you know,” she whispered.

  “It’s still pretty early,” said Malcolm. “They’ll be time for more of that when we get back.”

  I just turned down sex, potentially to visit a girl’s family. What has the world come to?


  They changed into more respectable clothing and headed outside to catch the bus. Though Rose could usually get away with moving around at night without drawing too much attention, both of them agreed that it was better if she stayed hidden for the bus ride.

  And thus, Malcolm appeared to be standing alone at the bus stop. Rose was there, hidden inside his shadow, one of the nifty features of her powers. It became harder for her to stay hidden that way when they were in motion, but it wouldn’t matter once they reached Halter City.


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