Nordic Heat

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Nordic Heat Page 24

by Lizzie T. Leaf

  “Since he didn’t make our wedding, I’m sure he will show up here, sooner or later. It’s not like Odin to miss a party.”

  “Hello, my darlings.” Angela rushed up and buzzed each of them on the cheek. “Galvin dear, I hate to start sounding like a mother-in-law so soon, but why did some of your guests show up in costumes?”

  Isabella looked to where her mother pointed. “Oh my Lord. How did I miss him?” The goat-man danced around a group of her aunts and uncles playing a flute. His only article of clothing was a loin cloth covering his private parts.

  “And, what about that other odd little fellow?” Angela pointed to a strange individual by the stage area where the band was taking a break. “He came in costume and has a flute, too. If I’d known so many of your family played musical instruments and insisted on bringing them, I wouldn’t have hired a band.”

  A wince crossed Galvin’s face. “I’m sorry, Angela. They’re not family, just friends of my parents. I guess you could say they know a rather eclectic group of individuals.”

  “So it would seem.” A frown winkled her brow. “Bella, what about your friends? What’s their excuse for bringing such strange dates, especially since they didn’t officially RSVP?”

  “You know how it is, Ma. Once you hit the downside of thirty, selection becomes slim.”

  “Hmmm, if you say so, but I expected better of them.” Angela squinted across the room. “Oh dear, what now?” Rose was signaling for Angela to come to the cake table. “Don’t go anywhere. We cut the cake in a few minutes.” She rushed off to see what new problem needed her attention.

  “So, who are they?” Isabella indicated toward the two individuals her mother thought came in costume.

  “The goat looking guy is Pan. He’s the son of Hermés or you may know him as Mercury, the messenger of the gods.” Pan moved from group to group playing his pipe. “We should be glad he made an attempt to cover himself. He usually wears nothing. Let’s hope he and Loki don’t hook up or there’ll be mischief at play for sure.”

  “And the other one?” She indicated the lone figure playing the haunting music. His head gear bobbed up and down as his thin body hunched over, intent on the sounds coming from his flute.

  “That’s Kokopelli.” He sighed. “A Native American fertility god. I think my mother didn’t want to take any chances on us not having lots of children from all the deities here that handle that area.”

  “She can kiss that goodbye. Two’s the limit.” Both of their mothers would find out that rule was etched in stone.

  Looking around, she laughed. For once Ma hit the nail on the head. There were a lot of people here who looked more like they were attending a costume ball.

  “You know, my family is beginning to feel normal compared to them.” The band was back from break and rocking. Gino and Tom were the first couple out on the dance floor and it was obvious they were enjoying themselves.

  “I’m glad Tom told his family. They seem pretty accepting of their son’s new living arrangements.” She wished her mother was as easy, but it took a war of words to bend their stubborn mother. Finally, Angela now accepted only one of her children would give her the coveted grandchildren and she told everyone, “better the glass half full than half empty.”

  “Who’s the big guy over there?” She pointed to yet another drop-dead gorgeous male who could only be a god.

  Her husband peered around a couple who walked in front of where she pointed. “That’s Apollo. He’s the Greek god of prophecy. I’m sure we could get him to tell our future.”

  “No thanks. I’d rather live it a day at a time and enjoy the surprises.” Isabella paled. “Good heavens, who’s that?”

  Galvin looked in the direction she stared. “Oh, that’s Odin.”

  “He could be your double, if there was more red in his hair and he lost the eye patch.”

  “Good looking devil isn’t he?” He grinned down at her. “Come. I’ll introduce you to my grandfather.”

  The clanging of glass stopped their progress across the room.

  “Okay, everybody, it’s time to cut the cake.” Angela glowed at being the center of attention. “Make way for the bride and groom.”

  The crowd parted like the Red Sea and made a path for them to get to the cake table.

  “Here, cut this layer.” Aunt Rose placed the cake knife in Isabella’s hand and pointed to the second layer of the opulently decorated cake. “You put your hand over hers and smile at the camera,” she instructed the groom

  “Yes ma’am,” they said together and did as directed.

  Galvin fed her the bite of cake without squishing it across her face, which was a good thing. She didn’t want to have to kick his ass in front of a room full of people. Returning the favor, she resisted the urge to smear butter cream frosting all over his mouth and lick it off.

  Odin stepped out of the crowd and came up to them. Turning to face the gathering his deep voiced silenced them when he spoke.

  “As the head of our little group, I speak for all of us in saying that Galvin could not have selected a more beautiful or courageous wife. Grandson, bring forth my new granddaughter so I may get to know her.”

  Little group my ass, Isabella thought as she looked out on the sea of faces, not recognizing a lot of them.

  “I’m delighted to meet you in the mortal world my dear.” Odin lowered his voice and the one good eye gleamed giving a hint of the brilliance it concealed. “As I’ve informed the others I am Odin, Galvin’s grandfather.” He spoke softly and took her hand in his, bowing over it and kissed her fingers.

  “You. I remember you from my dream. You stopped me from going to the light.” She might not recognize the physical form, but she could never forget the voice and the eye. The eye that almost blinded her with the glare now focused on her in a normal way.

  “I told you it was not your time to enter the door of white. I claimed you for my army of warriors and for my grandson.”

  Odin bowed again and raised his voice for the assembled audience to hear. “It is a tradition in our family to select a special gift for the bride. For this bride I have chosen well, I think.” He gave a wave of an arm. “Bring forth the gift.”

  A man wearing a winged hat and sandals floated across the floor. From Galvin’s description earlier, she knew it could only be Hermés. He led the biggest, blackest horse she’d ever seen. Horses terrified her when they were normal size, let alone this gigantic beast.

  The buzz from the crowd told her most of the guests were just as confused as she was.

  “I…I…uh.” She was at a loss on what to say. Get that creature away from me seemed a good place to start as Odin held out the reins toward her. What the hell was she supposed to do with horse? If he wanted to give her something why not a new BMW or Mercedes?

  “See, even a change doesn’t make a mouse into a lion.” Thor laughed and whispered something to the man at his side.

  Isabella saw the challenge in her father-in-law’s eyes and squared her shoulders. She was no longer a timid mortal woman. Instead, she was a proud Valkyrie and deserved to have a magnificent steed such as this one to ride. Taking the reins from Odin, she stepped forward and scratched the head of the mighty beast. Slipping around to its side, she flung her left leg into the stirrup and threw her right one across the wide back, grateful for the long slit in her skirt.

  Someone jumped up behind her and her husband whispered in her ear. “Don’t worry, Odin will take him back to Valhalla. You can get him from there anytime the need arises.”

  Laughing she kicked the sides of her new transportation and they rode out of the ballroom to the excited murmurs of the wedding guests.

  Loki hovered around the fringes of the gathering, bored. The fun he could have if he connected with Pan. Instead, he made it a point to avoid the goat-man and his pipe, knowing they could not have refrained from creating mischief and gaining Sif’s disapproval. Between them, they could have livened up the dull relatives of the bride. If t
hey only knew the truth about the clan their precious Isabella has married in to.

  He rubbed his hands in glee at the thought of implanting the facts about the bride’s new family in their twisted, narrow minds. The idea appealed tremendously until Sif caught his eye. She seemed to know what he was thinking and gave a slight shake of her head which stopped him from following through on the impulse. How did she know so much?

  Well, at least the presentation of the wedding gift created some excitement. He’d skulked around earlier and listened in on some of the conversations by guests and knew the Girardi family and friends were confused over the guests who thought this was a costume ball.

  What is this? He spied Odin and Nonna Pia making their way along the far side of the ballroom.

  Not being one to miss out on opportunity, he quickly made his way in the direction he’d seen them go. No way could they evade him as slowly as the old woman walked. Did they leave? He stood before the closed door debating if he should check outside when a soft giggle from behind a curtain caught his attention.

  Slipping behind a stack of boxes he heard whispered voices and made his way to the corner. Sure enough, there they were. Odin discovered a glider swing and the two sat side by side rocking in a back and forth motion while engrossed in conversation.

  “The Devil One told me who you really are,” he heard Pia say.

  Odin threw back his head and laughed. “I have heard Loki called many things. That is a new name for him that I need to remember. He is a trickster, I admit.”

  They grew quiet for a few minutes; each appeared lost in their own thoughts and memories of that time so many years ago.

  “It is best things happened as they did.” Pia twisted her arthritic hands in her lap and tried to hide them under the folds of her skirt.

  “No, do not be ashamed of aging.” Odin took her hands in his. “You are right, the path our relationship took was for the best, but not for the reason you think.” He massaged her palms. “I was then and am now married. My wife allows me a lot of latitude in certain things. Bringing the woman I love to live in our home would not have been one she would have tolerated.”

  “I didn’t know you were married. Then again, I didn’t know you were a Nordic god either.”

  She pulled a hand free and touched his face and then placed her fingers to his lips. “You’ve not aged at all and me…I’ve grown old and wrinkled.”

  “You are still beautiful to me.” Odin’s knuckles grazed her chin. “In my mind’s eye you are still the young, sweet Pia who loved to dance on the hills.”

  “Thank you. Your good eye must be as blind as the one you wear a patch over.” She smiled. “It’s okay. Now, I worry about my Bella. She has married one of you and will grow old like me. What will Galvin do then? Break her heart?”

  “That has been taken care of. Isabella risked her life to save that of a fireman and I have made her a Valkyrie. Her bravery earned her the right to be one of us now. Not a god…an immortal and a proud warrior.”

  “Thank you.”

  Loki watched the tears slide down the wrinkled cheeks as she took Odin’s hand and brought it to her lips, allowing them to linger on his palm for a moment.

  Wiping her face with the back of her hand, she stood. “Come, we’d best go back to the party. All the talk will be about what an old woman like me is doing slipping off with a young buck.”

  Loki ducked down behind another group of containers and allowed them to pass. He stayed put, thinking about what he’d seen and heard. It was obvious Pia still loved her Viking.

  The Lord of Mischief was sure the young Italian woman Odin fell in love with still held his heart, too. It would have taken more than his plea alone to make Isabella a Valkyrie for the God of War to have followed through.

  “Enough of this boredom. I do believe I saw Crow earlier.” Connecting with the animal god could result in some fun. They could educate these mortals in animal rights and even Sif couldn’t find fault with that…could she?


  Squeezing the racy black convertible into the small parking spot, Isabella thanked the heavens once again that Odin agreed a car was more practical in this realm than the horse.

  She grumbled to herself about inconsiderate people with huge vehicles hogging space. “If this idiot puts one ding on my car, I’ll break him in half.” Her ways of finding out things these days left no doubt she’d know within the hour if she put out the call to find the owner. Being immortal with contacts in all the realms came in handy.

  Time to worry about that later if the need was there. Excitement at seeing her friends surged through her and she checked her hair in the mirror. Sighing in frustration, she ran her fingers through the mass of curls. Some things didn’t change, Valkyrie or not, and her hair fell into that category.

  Straightening her short black leather skirt and adjusting the matching bustier, she slung her bag over her shoulder before entering the bar where she agreed to meet Tonya, Diane and Karen.

  Thank heavens the trio had made it to the reception even though she’d not been able to spend time catching up on what was happening with them or share her story. Diane had been smart enough to arrange this meeting when Isabella had been pulled away to greet more of the other guests. Now she looked forward to the show and tell that was bound to happen.

  Slapping her hand on the counter she called out to the man behind the bar filling the cooler. “Barkeep, a tankard of Honeyar.” She’d developed a real appreciation for this concoction in their visits to Asgard.

  “Huh?” The bartended turned from his task and glared at her. “What are you some kind nut case?”

  How dare he? Straightening to her full height, she met his glare. “No. I only asked for a drink?”

  “Well, we’ve got beer, on tap or in the bottle. Take your choice.”

  Obviously, this dolt didn’t know what she was talking about when she requested her favorite beverage. “Do you have mead?”

  “Look, lady. I told you we have beer. Now do you want a draft or a bottle? I don’t have all day to screw with someone who lost their way to a Halloween party.” Crossing his arms, he waited for her order.

  “Very well. You don’t have to get in such a snit about a simple request. Give me a tankard of your strongest ale…excuse me, I mean beer.”

  “We got pints and half pints. You definitely look like the pint type.” He slapped down a glass of brew in front of her, slopping it over onto the bar.

  “Fine.” She threw a wad of bills in his direction and turned to survey the room.

  “Isabella, over here.” Diane waved from a darkened corner.

  “Love the new outfit,” Karen commented as she approached the table.

  Tonya tossed a lock of long dark hair back over her shoulder and frowned. “The white leather for the wedding was okay. This one’s a little too masculine for my taste, but whatever.”

  “Gosh, I haven’t seen you in a skirt this short since college. You’ve still got great legs.” Diane looked more closely. “In fact, I think you’ve got better muscle tone than back then.” She reached over and ran her hand over Isabella’s thigh. “I’m envious.”

  “So what are you supposed to be and since when do you drink beer? You never used to dress like this and you said beer made you gag.” Tonya continued to frown.

  Smiling, Isabella sat down in the empty chair. “Ladies, since we really didn’t get a chance to talk at the wedding reception. Do I have a story to tell you.” She took a long drink of beer from her glass. “And Tonya, I prefer mead, but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

  “Anyway, let me tell you all that’s happened.” Isabella took another long swig of brew and faced her friends. “But since you asked, Tonya, it’s not what I’m supposed to be, but what I am. I’m a Valkyrie.” She sat back, enjoying the looks of disbelief on her friends’ faces. “You see, my new life and the ensuing events all started the night we last got together and indulged in a little too much vodka
before we went…”

  Finished with updating her friends on how her life had changed since they last had a chance to really talk, Isabella sat back and surveyed their faces. Tonya and Karen both had a smug look about them and poor Diane stared open mouthed.

  “Oh, by the way, before I forget, Diane. Let me give you back that book you left at my place when you helped me get home that night.”

  Diane’s brow wrinkled in confusion. “Book, what book?”

  Catching the look that passed between Tonya and Karen, Isabella was a little confused herself. “You know, How to Hook Up with Immortals…Conjure Up Your True Love.” Diane still didn’t seem to get what she was talking about, but Karen bit on her lower lip in what looked like an attempt to keep from laughing and Tonya stared into her drink as if it had become a crystal ball.

  “Oh come on guys. I can tell you all know what I’m talking about. I admit I didn’t dig the book out from behind the dresser where it slipped down until Galvin and I were making room for his stuff. Maybe if I read the book before all this happened in my life, things might have gone a little smoother.”

  Okay, so Diane still wants to play dumb. Maybe I need to refresh her memory, though I still don’t know how she came up with the book to leave that night. Must have been something she’d picked up earlier and saw that as the opportune time to have a little fun. I was so wasted I didn’t notice.

  “Let’s see, there’s the section on how to meet and seduce a shapeshifter.” Isabella drummed her fingers on the table as she recalled some of the tips. “Watch out when you’re in the heat of passion and your lover loses control to the point he starts to change shapes on you.” Tonya giggled into her drink and avoided Isabella’s eyes.

  “Then you have the chapter on elves. I didn’t realize their ears were so sensitive.” Karen squirmed in her seat and blushed.

  “Oh yeah, I especially liked the section on vampires. You really have to be careful kissing one to avoid cutting your tongue on their teeth.”

  “Really?” Diane leaned forward, her eyes glittering with interest.


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