Maven Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 20

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Maven Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 20 Page 2

by Brenda Trim

  After the Great War, the realm lost all of the leaders, which resulted in his friends’ promotion. His best-friend, Evzen, became the Guild Master and ruled over sorcerers. The Goddess Morrigan ordered the Dark Alliance to continue protecting the innocent, both human and supernatural, from demons plaguing Earth.

  However, there were days he debated his sanity for starting a realm nightclub, as well as, taking on the job of the alliance’s computer expert. Those commitments often meant working from sunup to sunup without rest like today. Too much was at stake, and he was working overtime.

  Recent demonic activity, and the fact that one of their own was manufacturing the deadly drug, Angel’s Kiss, was the reason he was entering the stately mansion for a meeting.

  Shit got real during an investigation of Angel’s Kiss when their friend, Nikko died. Killian missed his buddy and wanted to find the piece of shit responsible and tear his head from his shoulders. It wasn’t often that he was on the front lines, but in this situation, he wanted to be there when they found Sterling. Killian sent a silent thank you to the Goddess that he continued his training over the centuries, rather than letting it slide by the wayside.

  Everyone was sitting at the large wooden table when he entered. He headed for Evzen, a normally serious male, and smiled at the sight of him kissing his Fated Mate. Many mocked his best friend for wearing robes and pointy shoes. He understood that his friend needed to set himself apart as the leader of the sorcerers. For centuries, Evzen worried over his position as Guild Master because Evzen’s cousin, Jace, technically should have inherited the role.

  Evzen doubted his abilities no matter how many times Killian told him that he was where the Goddess wanted him. Now, with his Fated Mate, Braelynn, by his side, Evzen came into his own and was confident with his role. There was no doubting he led their kind, and it was great to see.

  So much had changed in the realm since the Goddess lifted the mating curse and bestowed Fated Mate blessings again. That sparked a new flood of pregnancies and stripling to replenish what the Tehrex Realm had lost over time. Mainly in the war against the demons.

  “Killian,” Evzen called out as he took a seat. “Glad you could join us. I know early morning meetings are rough on you.”

  “They are, but I know this is important. Do we have any news on Sterling?” The overcrowded room quieted as Evzen and Killian spoke.

  The war room at Zeum was in dire need of expansion, given the warriors’ mates sat in on many of the meetings. Killian understood that none of the warriors or alliance members wanted to be without their mates, but they needed extra seating. If they tore down the wall and expanded, it would mean losing the ballroom, and he knew the females would never agree to that. They enjoyed the fancy parties too much. Perhaps they could devise a dimension spell with the Rowan sisters to expand the depth and width of the room without any necessary construction.

  “Nothing more on Sterling, but Braelynn received visions of trees when she scried for him. Unfortunately, there was nothing specific in the image to tell us his location,” Evzen explained.

  “I discovered several properties under his name, but we can discount a few of them as they are currently empty lots,” Killian said. That fucker was pissing him off. It was rare that he couldn’t track down someone. This male was either smart (which didn’t seem likely given Killian’s skill to find even deeply-hidden transactions) or he’d lost his homes for some reason or other.

  “Shit,” Evzen cursed. “I was hoping you’d have more information for us. Sterling is slippery.”

  “Och. The bluidy bastard is a thorn in our side. We had four more dead bodies show up downtown,” Zander added.

  Killian’s eyes went wide, and he glanced to Santiago and Orlando who nodded their agreement. They were the Dark Warriors who acquired jobs as human police so they could monitor any supernatural activity and control the situation before humans got wind of what was happening. Their existence needed to remain hidden from humans, for their safety, as well as the supernaturals.

  “Sterling is taking costly risks. He’s going to expose us if we don’t find him,” Orlando informed the group. “Two of the bodies were lupines in a partial shift.”

  Kyran, Zander’s youngest brother, pounded the table. “He’s a fucking dumbarse, and I canna wait to get my hands on him,” he barked and his mate, Mack, rubbed his shoulders, trying to calm the angry male.

  Killian almost laughed aloud when he read Mack’s t-shirt. She and Kyran had recently adopted a baby from the dragon realm, Khoth, and her shirt nailed it. It said My Baby Can Torch Your Baby, with a cartoon dragon blasting fire.

  “He’s not as proficient as Angelica was,” Killian replied, referring to the previous sorceress who created the drug. He reached over and grabbed a muffin from a platter in the center of the table.

  Hayden, the shifter Omega, growled. “I’ll say it again. We need to tell humans about us. We need them as allies. Besides, we aren’t going to have a choice if Sterling continues his path of destruction. I’d rather control how the humans find out about us.”

  Killian barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes at the Omega’s response. This was a familiar argument between most of the alliance and Hayden. Hayden felt it was time to come out of hiding while most of them stuck tightly to the Goddess’ edict.

  Not only was it a direct order from their Goddess Morrigan, but Killian also didn’t believe it was a good idea to risk their lives by letting humans know about them. He’d seen too many wars and too much cruelty to think humans would welcome supernaturals with open arms. Supernaturals had more power and abilities than humans, and from his experience, humans would react badly to that.

  “I know you think ‘tis best that we let the human population know aboot us.” Zander interjected, “But, experience tells us they will strike out at what they doona understand.”

  Elsie held up one of her hands while the other rubbed her stomach. Killian could scarcely believe she was pregnant again. Supernaturals, in general, had an extremely low birth rate because they were long-lived and had children for centuries rather than decades. “Let’s not go down that rabbit hole again. It’s a worthy discussion, but there are pressing matters we must deal with.”

  “Yes, I agree, starting with Crocell’s whereabouts,” Evzen interjected, referring to the archdemon who’d been targeting the children of the Tehrex Realm. “Last we heard she was active, but no one found her. How are we going to find her so we can finally kill her?”

  Zander ran his hand through his shoulder-length black hair while his mouth compressed in a tight line. “That fucking bitch is slippery. We know she still wants to bring her sister back from the Underworld, but we doona know more than that.”

  “Has anyone checked Kadir’s old lair?” Killian asked.

  “‘Tis on our patrol route, but no sign of Crocell. Mostly skirm looking to feed on the homeless population,” Zander replied, and Killian thought about the mindless minions created archdemons. Skirm had one focus. Obey the command of their creator and feed on humans.

  A phone rang at that moment, interrupting the silence in the room. Kyran got up and pulled his phone from his back pocket. With a scowl on his face, he swiped the screen and brought it to his ear. “The meeting started. Are you––” Kyran’s words cut off as Killian heard a female shriek on the other end.

  Everyone in the room sat forward and leaned toward Kyran as he listened. It seemed like an eternity before he punched the screen and addressed the room. “That was Isis. She and her sisters are under attack. She’s in a car with the children. Demons and skirm are ambushing them.”

  Killian was on his feet with his staff in hand a second later followed by Evzen. The Dark Warriors ran from the room in a flash, presumably to get weapons. “Where are they?”

  “Near the corner of Seventy-seventh and Greenwood.”

  Kilian set his staff against the desk and called up a map of the area. “There is a dry cleaner on one corner. I can’t see many other
buildings.” He clicked on images and found one for the interior of the business. Thankfully, it was early, and there wouldn’t be humans around.

  Zander returned to the room, stuffing a sgian dubh into the back of his pants and clutching one in his hand. “Open a portal to the cleaners near there. We’re ready to go.”

  Killian nodded and looked at Evzen. When the Guild Master turned and headed to the entry, Killian followed suit. “It’s going to be a tight fit. The portal will damage the turnstile with clothes. No way to get around that,” Evzen called out.

  Killian focused on the one image he was able to locate online. Blue, green, and purple lights filled the entry as energy built around them. At Evzen’s nod, Killian sent his magic toward the opposite wall, and white light flared. The second it dimmed, the smell of chemicals and plastic filled the air.

  “Head through,” Zander ordered the gathered Dark Warriors. “Killian, you join us. Evzen, stay here. We will call if we need another portal home.”

  Killian ran through the magical opening and into a pile of plastic covered clothes. Kicking them aside, Kill spared one glance over his shoulder to see the mangled metal and holes in the ceiling where the rails had been torn free.

  Shouts and yells echoed from outside the window. Killian could see the small SUV where Isis sat with her baby and Aria. Suvi and Pema stood outside the vehicle by the dented front fender.

  Red light glowed in their palms and demons were bouncing off an invisible barrier that seemed to surround the car. The front door of the business was shattered, making it easy for Kill to rush through. The warriors were attacking skirm and demons as he passed through.

  A growl was the only warning Killian got before a hellhound jumped through the air and closed its mouth around his shoulder. Acid burned through his nerve endings, weakening his grip on his staff. Grabbing the seven-foot Rowan wood with both hands, Killian shoved the end through the flank of the beast and sent a pulse of magic through the pole.

  Flesh, fur and black blood splattered Killian, darkening his blond hair. After shaking off the jaw still clamped around his shoulder, he headed to the car. There was no way he was going to let Crocell get to those kids. He would sacrifice himself if it meant saving them.

  The menacing archdemon screeched like a banshee. From the back, all Killian could see were her fully extended wings. The massive, blue appendages spanned at least twenty feet while her long, black hair blew around her in the wind. Crocell turned her head, and empty black eyes stared back at him. A shiver ran through his body at the feeling of pure evil that emanated from her. She was truly soulless.

  The fact that she looked naked once again repulsed Killian. In reality, there were strips of gray cloth wrapped around her limbs and across her torsos. There was only a slight differentiation between her skin color and the color of the fabric.

  Zander came up next to Killian and tossed one of his sgian dubh. They both continued running toward Crocell and Killian held his breath until he saw the blade sink into smooth, grey skin covered in tiny black veins.

  Distracted by watching the archdemon yank the weapon from her chest, Killian didn’t see the skirm gunning for him. A body knocked into him, sending him sprawling to the pavement.

  The sky lightened and showed the first hint of pink on the horizon. Fuck. It was going to be light soon! Zander, along with, his brothers and sister would be fried in the sunshine. Sun was one of the few things that would kill a vampire. Killian would do whatever was needed to protect the vampires from the deadly rays.

  None of them were willing to leave when there were innocent babies at risk. Dark Warriors moved around the area, slashing and fighting their foe. Mack was as vicious as any of the others. Killian heard her brag about her kill rate often, and every time he watched her in action, he witnessed the reasons she had to boast.

  Killian used his staff like a bat and hit a skirm upside the head and then kicked him toward Orlando, who used his titanium blade to stab through the creature’s chest. The skirm flashed on fire and turned to ash then blew away in the wind.

  Breslin was throwing her fire at bodies littering the ground rather than fighting. Her twin, Bhric, was battling at her back keeping her safe. Thank the Goddess she was thinking ahead. No way would they be able to clear these streets before rush hour started.

  Killian headed toward the archdemon. A pus demon got in his path, stopping his progress. He swung out at the green, oozing demon. Bile rose in his throat when the wood of his staff sunk into rotting flesh. Goddess, the smell was enough to kill an elephant, and the horrible stench made him want to hurl.

  Rather than sully his staff any further, he kicked the next pus demon into the flames Breslin was tossing around and side-stepped the ensuing mess. A rage demon came at him next. Killian tried to calm his anger, so he didn’t give the fucker more power to fight him. Killian punched the beast in the side of the head and kicked its legs out from under him.

  When he landed on his back, Killian twirled his staff and pointed it at the rage demon. Then he sent a confusion spell into its brain. When it didn’t get up, Kill stabbed it through its chest and into the heart. Killian withdrew his staff and sent ice down the wood to freeze the goo at the end. He would be pissed if demon blood damaged the gift his parents gave him as a stripling. It was the only thing he had left from them.

  Kilian turned and shouted for Zander when he watched Crocell lift her long, sharp talons to the invisible sphere. They glowed bright orange, and as Killian got closer, he felt the heat emanating from them. The air sizzled when the claws pierced the barrier.

  Zander was right next to her and drove two steel blades into her side. As the Vampire King twisted the knives and withdrew them, Killian sent a blast of fire at the archdemon. A second after the flames hit her skin and spread, making her shriek and disappear.

  Cursing, Killian turned ready to fight the remaining demons only to see that they were all dead. The sky lightened further. “Zander, you, Bhric, Breslin, and Kyran need to get into the building. I will be right there to open the portal.”

  “Shite,” the King replied. “Let’s go. Bre, light the rest of the bodies up.”

  “My pleasure,” Breslin cooed, and flames shot from her hands as she walked to the cleaners. Killian looked at the place, thinking the business owners were not going to be happy given the destruction.

  When Killian turned around, Isis jumped from the car, leaving her baby restrained in its seat. Her red hair was flying around her head like fire, and she clenched her fists. Killian took a step back when he saw the way her eyes glowed bright green. She was pissed, and nothing good ever happened when Isis was angry.

  “I’m going to hunt that mother fucking demon down and rip her head from her shoulders,” Isis screamed out. The second the words left her mouth, the plate glass window of the cleaners shattered, and sparks flew from the way the streetlights burst. Isis was going to cause real damage if she didn’t get control of her rage.

  Pema walked up to her sister, and they clasped hands. Killian’s gaze snagged on the jewels embedded in their palms as their mating stones glinted in the early morning light. He recalled Pema’s mating ceremony with Ronan and wondered what that moment must’ve felt like for the couple. Mating stones bound couples together, but the sisters’ tripled their power once they were mated. The Goddess never ceased to amaze Killian, and these unique gifts she’d given the sisters that harnessed the power of three was unparalleled in history.

  “The kids aren’t harmed. You kept Aria, Callum, and Donovan safe. Now, it’s time to take them home,” Pema divulged.

  Isis looked at her sister. “I’m not taking the boys home. I’m taking them to Khoth. They aren’t safe here. That bitch will never give up, and I refuse to put my stripling in danger when there is a safe realm.”

  Killian’s mouth fell open at that. Having one-third of the High Priestesses out of the realm would leave a power vacuum. He prayed that didn’t bite them in the ass because no one could change the mind
of a determined female.

  Chapter Three

  ‘What the hell am I doing at a burger joint when I don’t eat this crap?’ Teagan wondered as she stood next to her car in the parking lot of Lil’ Woody’s. She had been working too hard.

  Her job might include setting up promotions for companies, but it wasn’t all a party. Far from it, in fact. Sure, she got free alcohol from the brands that hired her, but it was a lot of work planning the event and carrying it out. And, then she took everything down and cleaned up. It was all a ton of work, but she enjoyed what she did. Plus, there were perks of getting to go to various clubs and drink for free.

  What disturbed her most was that she drove there entirely on autopilot. She was damn lucky she made it in one piece. Tired and distracted drivers caused too many car accidents. Not recalling one step of her trip seemed worse than falling asleep at the wheel.

  She needed to make some changes in her life and fast. Numb and unaware was no way to live. It was lonely and rather pathetic. Of course, she had no idea how to make a meaningful, lasting relationship. Her mom was a drug addict that had abandoned her kid for a temporary high. And then she was shuttled from foster home to foster home for years.

  Perhaps it was time to move on again and find another place to live. Relocating and establishing a new life was an area of expertise for her. And, her job made doing it easy. She was the queen of moving, and her clients were all too happy to find their way into new cities and clubs. So far Kari followed her, but Teagan worried that her friend was getting tired of new places.

  They both fell in love with Seattle the moment they moved there. It was so much better than the heat of the Southern California desert they’d lived in last. The green that surrounded them in the area spoke to an unknown need deep in her soul. There was a forest behind her house. Well, she considered it a forest. It wasn’t enormous, less than a quarter of a mile, but it was so dense that she was utterly surrounded and felt cut off from the neighborhood within a few feet.


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