Border Lair: Dragon Knights, Book 2

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Border Lair: Dragon Knights, Book 2 Page 14

by Bianca D’Arc

  She was shoved forward a bit as Darian rose over her bent bottom, sheathing his hard cock inside her with a deep groan of pleasure. The pistoning motions in and out of her sweet pussy moved her mouth on Jared’s most sensitive flesh, making him even hotter.

  Darian sped up as they neared completion, driving all of them forward. With a grin for his fighting partner, he slapped Adora’s ass playfully. Both of them enjoyed it when she yelped and clenched on them, so he did it again with Jared’s nodding encouragement. They were close to the edge now and with a final whack to her taut ass, she climaxed hard around them both, Jared coming in her hungry mouth while Darian spurted deep inside her womb.

  All three were speechless for long moments, but finally Darian drew himself out of her tight depths as she licked Jared’s cock completely clean. Adora rested her head in Jared’s lap as Darian lowered her hips to the couch, taking only a moment to seat himself under her lean, gorgeously naked body.

  Both men closed their eyes as they caught their breath, leaning their heads on the back of the padded couch.

  “I’ve been thinking,” Darian said after a long while.

  “You can still think after that? You’re a better man than I.” Jared chuckled as he stroked Adora’s silky hair while she dozed lightly in his lap.

  “Lucan keeps a woman chained to his bed, but she isn’t his fuck toy.” He kept his voice low so as not to wake the sated woman in their laps. “It’s rumored she’s a healer.”

  Jared’s eyes popped open and he looked over at his fighting partner. “A healer?”

  “I’ve seen the girl, Jared. Just once. She was skinny and dirty, but she had the most luminous green eyes I’d ever seen…until I met Adora.” He looked pointedly at the woman sleeping softly over them both.

  “Sweet Mother! Do you think—?”

  Darian nodded grimly. “That poor creature could be one of our lady’s lost twins.”

  About the Author

  Bianca D’Arc has run a laboratory, climbed the corporate ladder in the shark-infested streets of Manhattan, studied and taught martial arts, and earned the right to put a whole bunch of letters after her name, but she’s always enjoyed writing more than any of her other pursuits. She grew up and still lives on Long Island, where she keeps busy with an extensive garden, several aquariums full of very demanding fish, and writing her favorite genres of paranormal, fantasy and sci-fi romance.

  Bianca loves to hear from readers and can be reached through Facebook, her Yahoo group or through the various links on her website.


  Yahoo Group:

  Look for these titles by Bianca D’Arc

  Now Available:

  Brotherhood of Blood

  One & Only

  Rare Vintage

  Phantom Desires

  Sweeter Than Wine

  Forever Valentine

  Wolf Hills

  Tales of the Were

  Lords of the Were


  Dragon Knights

  Maiden Flight

  Border Lair

  The Ice Dragon

  Prince of Spies

  Wings of Change


  Dragon Storm

  Resonance Mates

  Hara’s Legacy

  Davin’s Quest

  Jaci’s Experiment

  Grady’s Awakening

  Gifts of the Ancients

  Warrior’s Heart

  String of Fate

  Cat’s Cradle


  Hidden Talent

  Print Anthologies

  Ladies of the Lair

  I Dream of Dragons Vol. 1

  Brotherhood of Blood

  Caught by Cupid

  Coming Soon:

  Dragon Knights

  Keeper of the Flame

  War is coming for the dragon knights…but love may find them first.

  Maiden Flight

  © 2012 Bianca D’Arc

  Dragon Knights, Book 1

  A chance meeting with a young male dragon seals the fate of one adventurous female poacher. The dragon’s partner, a ruggedly handsome knight named Gareth, takes one look at the shapely woman and decides to do a little poaching of his own.

  Sir Gareth both seduces and falls deeply in love with the girl who is not only unafraid of dragons but also possesses a rare gift—she can hear the beasts’ silent speech. He wants her for his mate, but mating with a knight is no simple thing. To accept a knight, a woman must also accept the dragon, the dragon’s mate…and her knight, Lars, too.

  She is at first shocked, then intrigued by the lusty life in the Lair. But war is in the making and only the knights and dragons have a chance at ending it before it destroys their land and their lives.

  Warning: Contains dragons, their sexy knights and a damsel who is not quite in distress. Sizzling hot m/f/m scenes may leave you breathing fire.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Maiden Flight:

  Gareth got his first look at the woman—girl, really—as he walked out of the lake. The cool wetness of the water as it sluiced down his limbs barely registered in his mind as he strode toward the girl. She stomped around, ineffectively arguing in front of the impassive dragon.

  Gareth was struck by her lithe form, her soft hair waving in the warm summer wind and the passion in her stance. She showed absolutely no fear of Kelvan, his dragon partner, though the beast outsized her many times over. No, this little woman was fearless and rather focused in her anger.

  She was also too thin. It was more than obvious that she needed that stag to feed herself and her family. If they were all as thin as she was, they needed much more than just the one stag. Perhaps he and Kelvan could do something to help her the next time they came this way, he thought absently, not even realizing he was already looking forward to the next time he would see the girl.

  He knew almost immediately that he wanted to see her again. Something about her drew him. There was a light in her, a fire that called to him. He didn’t understand it, but it was beyond question. She pulled him in like a moth to a flame and he went willingly. The fire in her glittering green gaze mesmerized and the vulnerability in her bowed lips made him want to fall to his knees and give her everything he had, everything he was. The desire to please her, to protect her and cherish her, blindsided him. He didn’t even know her. Yet everything about her called to him. He watched as she berated the dragon—or tried to. Kelvan seemed just as in awe of her as he was.

  She had worked up a good head of steam as he neared, though she seemed completely unaware of his approach. Kelvan shifted his head, finally alerting her to Gareth’s presence. She turned to face him, gasped, and suddenly stopped talking.

  Maybe it was because he was naked, he realized belatedly, enjoying the way her eyes seemed glued to his groin. Of course, such attention caused his staff to grow rapidly, as did the enchanting stain of embarrassment on her cheeks. Slowly, he reached for his clothing. It lay in a pile only feet from where she stood, still watching him.

  “Keep looking at me like that, mistress, and you will reap the consequences.”

  The girl gasped as her gaze shot up to his. Finally. Her mouth closed with a snap as she seemed to gather her wits.

  “Your pardon, my lord, but I’m not used to meeting unclothed knights of the realm.”

  Sarcasm fairly dripped from her words. She wasn’t afraid of him. Quite the contrary. He grew even more intrigued. Gareth shrugged into his shirt, leaving it unlaced for the moment as he faced her, now clothed more decently in breeches and shirt.

  “My partner here tells me you claim this very large stag as your kill.”

  He thought his statement masterfully done, complimenting her hunting skill while making no mention of the fact that they all knew she had been poaching. That she was in the wrong, according to the law, bothered him much less than the thinness of her l
ithe little body. He would rather she take the deer and feed herself and her family. Kelvan could always hunt another or wait until they arrived back at the Lair to feed fully. He knew from long association with dragonkind that it would be no hardship for the huge creature who was his dearest friend in the world and closest companion.

  “I shot him fair and square before this great lug lumbered in from above.”

  “Lumbered! I’m insulted. I never lumber.”

  “Mistress—” Gareth shook his head theatrically. “You have insulted a dragon. That is never wise.”

  The petite beauty looked up over her shoulder at the dragon and rolled her eyes.

  “All right then, how about if I said you swooped in majestically?” She paused to see the dragon’s reaction and then went for the kill. “And stole my deer.”

  Kelvan snorted, careful to keep his flame away from the humans, though he choked the woman momentarily with his sooty wheeze. While she coughed, Gareth smiled up at his partner.

  “This is a strange one indeed. And just as beautiful as you said.”

  “She lights your fire, then?”

  Gareth had to fake a cough to hide his start of laughter. “Indeed.”

  “Good. You need a hard fuck. You’ve been much too tense lately. I’ll go hunt another deer while you settle things with Belora.”

  “Belora,” Gareth repeated. It fit her, rolling through his mind as prettily as she stood before him. It was a delicate name. An intriguing name.

  Kelvan winged away without responding, blowing the slight woman straight into his knight’s arms, belching dragon laughter as he headed back toward the forest. The girl looked up at the knight, clinging to him to hold her steady in the fierce wind created by the dragon’s massive wings.

  “Where’s he going?”

  Gareth smiled down at her, holding her tightly in his arms. “To hunt another deer. You can have the stag, with our compliments.”

  Her whole face lit up with joy, and it was a sight to behold. This young woman possessed more than mere beauty. She had a light that radiated from within, the likes of which he had seldom seen before. A rare jewel, indeed, and he knew he must have her, if only for this moment.

  “Really?” Her wide eyes held hope for the first time since he’d encountered her, and happiness that made her glow.

  “Yes, really.” He tightened his arms around her, his gaze falling to her lips. He felt her breathing hitch as her body responded to his nearness. It was a good sign, as was the fact that she wasn’t trying to get free from his embrace. Rather, she seemed comfortable in his arms, clinging to him in a way that was most gratifying. “Kelvan and I will fly you back to your home and deliver the deer there for you. Later.”

  “Later?” Her voice was soft as her eyes spoke of the pleasure he was bringing her with the soft, circular motions of his hands on her back.

  “Much later.”

  His head dipped and his lips claimed hers in a sweet kiss that swiftly turned passionate. Gareth had only meant to give her a quick buss, then sit her down and discuss her family situation. As a knight of the realm, he couldn’t let people go hungry. He’d wanted to help her, if he could.

  But her kiss brought something to life inside him that would not be denied. She was sweet, but it was more than that. Her taste and innocent, passionate response brought out a possessiveness in him that he hadn’t expected.

  He wanted her. Despite the dragon’s parting words, he hadn’t meant to actually take her. But the feeling inside him was demanding more. Truth be told, it was demanding all. All he was. All he would ever be. All they could be together.

  There was an instant recognition. An instant wanting. Needing. It was something Gareth had heard about, but never thought he would actually experience. This woman tasted like his true mate. The one woman meant to share his life. Knights often knew on the first meeting the woman meant for them. It was a blessing and a curse all knights shared. The magic of their dragon partners helped them recognize the woman that would make their extended family whole.

  Gareth very much feared—and hoped—that Belora was that woman. His woman.

  Haunted by personal betrayal, stalked by a murderer and taunted by destiny.

  Finding justice—not to mention a little faith—has never been so hard.


  © 2011 Denise Tompkins

  The Niteclif Evolutions, Book 2

  A murderer is terrorizing the streets of London, targeting women who look suspiciously like Maddy. Under the mantle of darkness, the killer attacks his victims from behind, severing their heads with startling efficiency and single-minded brutality. A single gold coin is left at the scene of every crime, buried in the neck of each victim. Nothing adds up, and the deeper Maddy gets into the investigation, the more she learns that there are hostile eyes in every faction—some malicious, others murderous.

  Amid her struggles to stop a seemingly unstoppable killer, Maddy learns that dreams are far too fragile to juggle. Her newfound love is crumbling around her under the burdens of guilt and blame, and where one man abandons her, another is slated by the gods to take his place. Defiant, Maddy finds her struggles with free will versus destiny have only just begun.

  Figuring out whom she should trust, and when, will force Maddy to reassess her alliances…and reaffirm her fragile mortality.

  Warning: Contains Scottish and Irish brogues, heads that—literally—roll, seriously random acts of violence, heartbreak and hope, explicit m/f sex in a variety of locations, a voyeuristic vampire and one dinner table that will never be the same.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Wrath:

  Whoa, baby.

  The man was built beautifully when he was in his shirt, but out of it? He was a visual orgasm. More muscular than Bahlin, he wasn’t muscle-bound but rather seriously ripped. There wasn’t a stray hair anywhere on his chest and only the thinnest stripe from his bellybutton running into his trousers.

  He caught me looking and I blushed. He didn’t laugh but came over to my side of the bed and knelt on the floor beside me. Taking my hand, he kissed each knuckle “May this body please you in any way you see fit to use it, Madeleine Niteclif, be it for sword arm, shield arm, lance, magic, or love.” He looked stunned at his own words. He scrubbed his hands over his face and muttered an unintelligible oath before getting back to business.

  I pushed myself to sitting, grimacing with the movement and ignoring the unexpected oath of devotion. “What are you going to do, Hellion? Bahlin’s tried, and the fae healer did a little, but nothing’s finished the process.”

  “Oh, I’ll do a bit of this and a bit of that.” He cracked his knuckles and eased me back onto the bed so I was lying flat. He lifted my shirt up so my stomach was bared. He pulled a small dirk from his boot top and, without pausing, sliced his palm open. I gasped. “Shh, you’ll distract me.” He took the knife and laid it across my stomach so it pointed north to south, then he began to drip blood around the knife. He scrubbed the wound to keep it open and, when he had enough blood gathered, he began to trace runes onto my skin, using the blood as paint. The patterns were impossible to discern. The one thing I could say with certainty was that they were interconnected. He got to the last rune at due north, and he said, “This is it, Madeleine. Do you want me to take your voice? This is going to hurt, and I can’t have you scream.”

  I nodded, and he did the same thing as earlier, leaving me with a scratchy throat. He finished the last line in the rune, and my stomach lit up, the runes blazing gold and red. Black smoke seeped from around the knife and seemed to come from my skin. I screamed but it was nothing more than a hiss of air. The sheer pain was ripped straight from my gut. I cried and I thrashed, but Hellion held me immobile, pressing down on the hilt of the knife with one hand and laying his other forearm across my shoulders. He ended up nicking me, and when my blood joined his, the runes burned even more intensely for an interminable second, and then it was over.

  I lay there panting, fighting nause
a. It hadn’t taken more than a literal minute though it felt as if it had passed on a time-lapse camera, each frame sliding by at a third its normal rate.

  Hellion laid his hand over my forehead, and again the nausea faded. He said, “Stay here.” I nodded, and he murmured the releasing spell for my voice. He went to the sink and grabbed a washcloth, wet it and came back to clean my stomach off.

  “What was that?” I panted.

  “It’s a rather complex, arcane piece of magic that has been all but forgotten. It’s used for healing when one is dying and for, ah, well, death itself. Different order for the runes and a few different words, and you’d be pushing daisies before you knew what had happened.”

  “What do you mean dying? I wasn’t that bad.”

  “Days more and you would have been.”

  I sat up and realized I wasn’t sore. I looked inside my T-shirt, and all the bruising was gone. I scrambled off the bed and Hellion let me go. I raced to the bathroom and shut the door. Lifting my T-shirt, I twisted in front of the mirror: the bruising over my kidneys was gone. I looked closely at the area over my heart where Tarrek’s curse had taken me, and the black blistering was gone. I felt really good. I walked quickly back into the bedroom. I stopped across from Hellion and smiled a true smile, and he gave one in return.


  I nodded. Then my smile faltered. “I have to go back to Bahlin, Hellion. It’s not a choice for me right now. You understand that, right?”

  “I do and I don’t.” He moved farther onto the bed, propping himself up on the pillows and watching me. “But I do believe it’s for the best, at least until we sort out how you and I are going to proceed.” He let his head list to one side, and his eyes closed gently before he asked, “My god has deemed us a mated pair and all but ordained it. I must ask, do you think you could love me, Madeleine? Or spend your life with me?”


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