Redeeming the CEO Cowboy

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Redeeming the CEO Cowboy Page 15

by Charlene Sands

  “Remember, Charger’s only here for a short time, Ally. He’ll be leaving one day,” she would gently warn her.

  She should be giving herself the same warning about Casey.

  After watching him finish his cooldown and go back inside his house, Susie went about her morning rituals, baking and delivering her goods with Ally by her side. In the afternoon, Mindy came over and Susie drove the three of them to the mall. While Ally climbed the rungs of the slide ladder at the indoor playground, Mindy and Susie finished their curry chicken salads at a café table just steps away. Susie kept her eyes on her charge. Ally grabbed the plastic sides of the slide and enjoyed the ride all the way down. When her feet hit the ground, she bounded up. “Lookee, auntie. I did it!”

  “I see that, Ally. Good girl!”

  Other children joined in and Ally got in line to climb up the slide again.

  “This is amazing,” Susie said to Mindy, lifting the last forkful of salad to her mouth. She rarely had time to take Ally anywhere fun and eat out.

  “What’s amazing is how you can keep a secret from me for so long.” Mindy’s voice lowered and she glanced around before giving her a direct look. Susie released a sigh. Here it comes. “You’re dating Casey Thomas.”

  “You already know that. You agreed to watch Ally again tonight. I promise this is the last time I’ll ask.”

  “I hope it’s not. And what’s really going on between you two?” Mindy sipped her lemonade, eyeing her thoughtfully over the glass. “You have to give me something.”

  “Okay, so maybe...” Susie took a deep breath. Admitting their sort of relationship out loud meant truly owning up to it. Until now, the secret wedged into her heart was private and protected. “Maybe...we’ve spent a few nights together.”

  Mindy’s mouth gaped open.

  “You’re gonna catch a fly that way.”

  Mindy clamped her mouth shut.

  “It’’s...” Susie shrugged a shoulder. “I don’t know what it is.”

  “You’re having sex with him?”

  “Shh...” She glanced at Ally. She’d made a friend and they were taking turns on the slide and chattering. How sweet. “Yes, okay,” she admitted.

  “Wow!” Mindy’s eyes beamed.

  “Wow is right.” She blushed.

  “Oh Suse...I’m stunned. I’m happy for you, too. I mean, Casey’s hot.”

  “I know.”

  Casey was much more than hot. He’d been a friend to her first, even when she didn’t want him to be. And he’d been around a lot. Whether he knew it or not, he was making life easier for her. How could she possibly not love him?

  “You’re wild about him, aren’t you?”

  There was no point lying. Mindy would see right through her. She nodded.

  Her friend reached out for her, touching her wrist and squeezing. “Oh, honey. I’m glad you found someone, but be careful.”

  “I will. I am.” She fibbed. She was trying to be cautious, but her emotions were already too far gone.

  “Okay. Just looking out for you.” Mindy’s hand rested on her melon belly. A pregnancy glow glistened on her face and her almond-shaped brown eyes twinkled.

  “You’re a good friend, Mindy. Thanks for not judging me.”

  “There’s nothing to judge. I say go for it, if he’s the guy you want.”

  “He is.”

  “Well, then we have a clear mission. We are going to find you the perfect dress for your hot and heavy date with breathtaking Casey Thomas.”

  * * *

  “You look gorgeous tonight, Susie.” Her skin prickled as Casey’s gaze traveled over her daring black dress made of form-fitting, marshmallow-soft leather and delicate lace. He offered her his hand and she slipped out of his Cadillac SUV gracefully, praying she wouldn’t trip on her short boot heels.

  “I hoped you’d like it.” Mindy had insisted that basic black was the way to go and when they’d found the dress in a fashionable boutique at the mall, it was a must-buy. It was worth dipping into her savings to impress Casey. He’d done a whole of lot of impressing her lately—in and out of bed.

  She giggled out loud and then caught herself.

  “Something funny, sweetheart?”

  She had a secret lover and it was the one man she’d always wanted. How lucky was she? “No, I’m just a little giddy.”


  She met his eyes and saw something bright and beautiful in them.

  Casey’s lips twisted. “Oh, I’m getting the picture. It’s because you’re having dinner with the super talented Zane Williams tonight.”

  “Maybe I’m giddy for a different reason.” She smoothed out his raven-black dinner jacket and then straightened his collar.

  “Oh, yeah?” He lowered his head toward her and his arms came around her waist. Gently, he drew her to his chest. They stood on the sidewalk beside the lush, landscaped gardens leading to the restaurant. He didn’t seem to mind who saw them acting like hormonal teens. His warm lips came down on hers and an impatient sound rose from his throat. After the kiss, he nuzzled her hair and sighed. “Oh, man. In another minute, I’m gonna have to dunk myself in that doggone river,” he whispered.

  Susie giggled again and he gave her a warning look. Taking her shoulder, he turned her to face the restaurant. “What do you think?”

  Festive bubble lights illuminated the grounds, highlighting the private, invitation-only grand opening gala of Zane’s on the River. The stone masonry and wood beam architecture was exquisite. The building itself was an equal compilation of modern and rustic with the second story bay windows surrounding the structure acting like skylights. The double doors were heavy and carved with layers of beveling. “It’s stunning, Casey. You should be proud.”

  He nodded, gleaming with pride. “Thank you.”

  Casey had come a long way and she was struck by his success. He didn’t let his injury get him down. He’d moved on with his life and risked a great deal to become CEO of Sentinel.

  Grabbing her hand, he led her through the doors and into the restaurant. “Zane doesn’t appreciate swooners,” he said into her ear.

  She doubted that. Zane’s husky voice and antics on stage were designed to make women lightheaded. At the one concert she’d attended, she witnessed a young girl faint dead away. Poor thing had to be revived with smelling salts. The paramedics had carted her off and she never did get to see the rest of the concert. “I’ll try to remember that.”

  A quiet snort of laughter rose from his throat and he grinned.

  The hostess showed them to their table. And shortly afterward, Zane Williams entered the restaurant. His six-foot-two frame, black hat and charming superstar smile commanded attention. He knew how to handle fame. He accepted it with grace and his fans appreciated his down-to-earth attitude. She watched him shake hands with his guests and thank them for coming. Susie looked around at the attractive women and well-groomed men in attendance. Tonight, she was mingling with A-list peeps.

  Zane finally made his way toward them and sat down next to her. Her heart pounding, she slid a glance at Casey and he winked.

  “Hello, darlin’. Susanna, right? Did you bring me one of those delicious muffins?”

  Gosh, he remembered her name. “No...but I’ll make sure to get some to you.”

  “I’m just funning you, but dang it...I wouldn’t complain if a batch landed on my doorstep one morning.” His jacket brushed her shoulder when he reached over to shake Casey’s hand. “Good to see you, man.”

  “Same here, Zane. And mind your manners with my date.”

  Susanna’s breath caught. Had Casey really said that? Surely, Zane Williams wasn’t flirting with her.

  “So, you’re dating now.” Zane leaned his elbows on the table and hunkered down. “Finally C
asey’s showing some smarts in the female department. I could tell you stories....”

  “She doesn’t want to hear them,” Casey drawled. “And that subject is forever closed.”

  Susie blushed. It wasn’t every day she was the topic of conversation with a country superstar. But she liked hearing Casey call her his date, even if it was competitive banter between two strong men.

  “My lips are sealed,” Zane said. He wore dark slacks and a tastefully decorated studded shirt, nothing too flashy, but his wardrobe definitely set him apart from the crowd. “So the manager, Toby, says they’ll be ladling up samples of our chef’s favorites to every table. Hopefully, the food, the service and all will hit the mark.”

  A waiter came by to take drink orders. Zane and Casey ordered whiskey straight up and Susie requested a glass of white wine. After the drinks were delivered, a ruggedly handsome man joined their table; he had to be Zane’s brother, the two looked so much alike. Another couple of men took their seats and introductions were made. Zane’s brother Caleb asked everyone to call him C.W.

  When everyone had settled in, appetizers were served. Susie took small bites of Thai shrimp over a bed of polenta. The Southwest Asian fusion dish tasted spicy and sweet. “I like it,” she said.

  Casey agreed, nodding his head. “Not half bad.”

  During dinner, Zane spoke to everyone at the table about his upcoming tour starting at the end of the month, which led to a lively conversation. The sampling of food was rich and delightful. There were a few dishes a little too out there for her taste buds, but overall Susie liked the fare.

  Susie recognized members of Zane’s band setting up on an elevated platform in a portion of the restaurant cleared of tables. There were a few strums of a guitar, a few beats on the drums and a grating screech of the microphone as the guys tuned up their instruments. Zane left the table to head up his band, grabbing the now-functioning mike.

  “I apologize for the acoustics. This place wasn’t exactly designed for this,” he said. “But my band can make just about anything sound pretty good, including me.” He chuckled and then looked out at the sixty or so people seated at tables in the softly lit room. “First of all, I want to thank all of you, my friends, for coming out to taste test our food and enjoy the restaurant. I’m pretty doggone proud of the way this place turned out. Now, if you’ll allow me,” he said, “while I have you at my mercy, I think I’ll try out a few new songs on you...and maybe some old ones too.”

  Casey put his arm along Susie’s chair and dropped his hand possessively onto her shoulder. The lights dimmed everywhere but where Zane was standing. Casey leaned close, his breath fanning her cheek. Then his lips were brushing over hers softly, tenderly. The short sweet kiss touched her heart in too many ways to name. Tender emotions welled up. Could a person die from too much happiness?

  The first songs were new, upbeat tunes that Zane had written himself. Susie, along with just about everyone else in the room, tapped her feet and clapped her hands to the music.

  Applause broke out when he stopped singing and the room quieted again when Zane grabbed a bar stool and sat down, slipping his guitar strap over his head. “You all come up here now and dance. I’m singing a ballad this time, guys, so no excuses about having chicken legs. Take up your girl, and come onto the floor.” Zane aimed a taunting look at their table. “That includes you, Casey.”

  Casey’s immediate chuckle rang in her ears. He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Guess we’ve got no choice now. Dance with me?”

  As if there was any chance she wouldn’t. “If I have to,” she said, smiling.

  They rose and he led her to the dance floor. They fit together perfectly now, all awkwardness and reserve gone. Their arms and hands knew just where to go as they swayed to Zane’s heart-wrenching tune of lost love. Casey whispered for her ears only, “No offense to Zane, but I can’t wait to get you home.”

  “Mmm.” She was being serenaded in an intimate concert by her favorite country idol and yet being home with Casey sounded so much better. She snuggled tighter in Casey’s arms and he brushed a kiss to her forehead.

  An hour later, she was in the car with Casey driving home, eager to be alone with him.

  “Did you have fun tonight?” he asked, entwining their fingers and placing her hand on his leg.

  She loved the little gestures that connected them. “I did. Sort of like a dream, amazing and lovely all at once.”

  “I could say the same about you.” He glanced over. “Amazing and very lovely.”

  Her eyelids fluttered. “Thank you.”

  He reached around her neck and tugged her close. She leaned as far as the seat belt would allow and he darted a glance at the empty road, then turned his head and brought his mouth hungrily to hers. A blast of desire swept through her, hot and dangerous. The kiss ended and Casey leaned all the way back in his seat to stare at the road, huffing out a pent-up, frustrated sigh.

  His cell phone rang. “Damn, who’s calling me at this hour?” Casey glanced at his watch. Susie knew it was after eleven. He punched the Bluetooth button on his steering wheel. “Yeah?”

  “Hey, Casey. It’s Luke.” His brother-in-law’s tone immediately put a frown on Casey’s face. “Sorry to call so late but—”

  “What’s wrong?” he demanded.

  “It’s Audrey. She’s been doubled up in pain for hours. At first we thought it was food poisoning. She just kept heaving and I didn’t like it. I rushed her to emergency. Oh, man...I’m so damn worried about her.”

  “What did they say? What’s wrong with her?”

  “They’re prepping her for surgery now. It’s her appendix.”

  “Ah, hell, Luke. Did it burst?”

  “No, thank God. We caught it in time.”

  “Tell her I’m coming. Where are you?”

  “Douglas County Hospital.”

  “Be there as soon as I can.” He pushed the Off button and winced.

  “Oh, no,” Susie said, chewing her lip. She’d heard the entire conversation and the fear on Casey’s face scared her. Her heart pounded hard against her chest. She hated the feeling of dread. It reminded her too much of when her father was ill. “Casey, I want to come with you, but Ally...”

  “You can’t leave Ally tonight. I know. It’s too much to drag her out in the middle of the night.”

  “She doesn’t like hospitals. She has bad memories of them because of her mom.”

  Casey nodded.

  The drive home seemed to take an eon. When they finally pulled up to the house, Susie covered his hand. It was shaking. “Please be careful driving.”

  He nodded again. “Don’t worry.”

  She swallowed past a lump in her throat. “When you see Audrey, give her my love. I’m praying she’s going to be okay.”

  “She will be,” he said. But what Susanna really heard was, she has to be.

  * * *

  Casey sat in the hospital waiting room, slumped down, his legs stretched out and his eyes closed. His third cup of coffee had grown cold sitting in its cupholder on the arm of his chair. Audrey had come out of surgery just fine. Thank God, thank God. He’d never get over his protective instincts when it came to his sister. He’d had a lifetime of worrying over her. Even if they butted heads at times, he’d never protected anyone the way he had Audrey.

  Luke was in with her now. She’d woken up an hour ago. Ava was in good hands with her Aunt Kat and Uncle Justin back at Sunset Ranch. Kat was a natural with babies. She’d raised Connor practically alone until Justin claimed him as his son. Luke’s other brother, Logan, and his wife, Sophia, had been here, keeping Luke company until they were sure Audrey was out of danger.

  Casey had gone in to see Audrey while she slept off the anesthesia. She hadn’t known he was there or seen the tears welling up in his eyes as he looked
upon her pale face.

  “You can go in to see her now,” Luke was saying. Casey’s eyes snapped open. “Audrey’s asking to see you.”

  Stiff in the joints, Casey rose and straightened his back out slowly. “Thanks. How is she?”

  “She’s a little groggy, but feels pretty good, considering. It was a close call. The surgeon said it was a good thing she got here when she did. The appendix was pretty close to bursting.”

  “Oh, man.” He put his hand on Luke’s back. “It’s a good thing you insisted on bringing her in. Audrey never cooperated with me so much.”

  “Yeah, well. I played my trump card. I used Ava as a weapon. Audrey would do anything for our little girl. Besides, the pain got so darn bad, she didn’t have the strength to argue.”

  Casey’s heart seized up. He hated thinking of his little sis in pain. “I’m going in to see her now. Why don’t you go home and check on Ava.”

  “That’s exactly what Audrey asked me to do. The doctor says she doesn’t have to stay overnight, which is a good thing. Audrey misses Ava like crazy.”

  “Then go. I’ll stay with her until you come back.”

  “Promise to call me if anything comes up.”

  “I will,” Casey said. Then he walked down the hallway and into Audrey’s room.

  She had a big blurry-eyed smile for him. “Casey, hi.” She was propped up in bed, wearing a green and white checkered hospital gown, her head supported by two stiff pillows. Her words came out slowly, her voice a little muffled. “You didn’t have to come. You waited all night for me,” she said.

  “Yes, I did have to come. I had to make sure you were okay.” He strolled over and kissed her on the forehead, letting his lips linger for a second as he squeezed his eyes shut. It was good to see her awake and out of danger, even if she was fog-brained at the moment.

  “I have the best big brother,” she whispered.

  “You didn’t say that while you were growing up.”

  Even in her half-drugged state, she rolled her eyes. “You’ve changed.”

  He laughed with relief, refusing to argue. “You gave us a big scare. Luke was going crazy.”


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