Fatal Flirtation: A Cruise Ship Mystery (Cruise Ship Cozy Mysteries Book 13)

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Fatal Flirtation: A Cruise Ship Mystery (Cruise Ship Cozy Mysteries Book 13) Page 3

by Hope Callaghan

  Millie stepped inside where a warm ocean breeze met her at the door. “Nic?” She wandered to the slider, and found her husband and Scout standing on the balcony.

  Nic turned. “Ah. You’re a sight for sore eyes.”

  “So are you.” Millie slipped into his arms and placed her head on his chest. “What a long day.”

  “It’s already been a long week.” Nic gently kissed his wife before pulling back. “It looks as if we’ll be leaving a few passengers behind in St. Martin. The only bright side to tomorrow will be seeing Nadia and Regan again.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. Do you have an update on the storm?”

  “Yes. It’s still heading our way. We’ll be leaving port early tomorrow and then heading south and west.”

  “To what ports?”

  “None. It appears this will be a one-port cruise. It’s the only way to avoid the hurricane.”

  “Do the passengers know?”

  Nic shook his head. “Andy will make the announcement about the shortened port stop and the revised itinerary first thing tomorrow morning.”

  “Surely they’ll understand that safety comes first.”

  “You would be surprised. Guest services will be inundated with complaints, passengers demanding refunds, cruise credits, ship comps, you name it.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “So am I.” Nic changed the subject. “I heard you’ve had an exciting day.”

  “Yes.” Millie briefly told him all that had happened. They chatted about Regan and Nadia and then both agreed it was time to turn in.

  Tomorrow was shaping up to be another rough day. Little did Millie know how rough it would turn out to be.

  Chapter 4

  Millie joined Andy near the gangway early the next morning, as soon as the ship docked in the Philipsburg port. “I heard from one of the guests there was another small incident in the Tahitian Nights Dance Club early this morning.”

  “Can’t we kick off all of the troublemakers?” Millie asked, only half joking.

  “It’s a thought. Now we have the hurricane to deal with. Have you noticed the winds picked up?”

  When Millie let Scout out before leaving the apartment, she’d noticed the skies were overcast and bands of clouds along with brief downpours hinted at the rough weather ahead. “When do you plan to announce a shortened port day?”

  “I already did, first thing this morning. I’ll make another announcement before the first round of passengers exit the ship.” Andy went on to say that the Turner family was threatening to have them all fired. They also claimed Micah Reyes, one of the security guards in charge of watching Vic Turner, was harassing him.

  “I bet that went over like a lead balloon.”

  “Micah denies it. He said Turner made the story up.”

  “Has Micah ever been in trouble or reprimanded?”

  “Well…” Andy paused for a long moment. “There’s more to the story.”


  “Patterson took him off Turner’s watch and put him in charge of Aaron Quillen. Quillen claims Micah offered to allow him out of his cabin in exchange for cash.” Andy rubbed his thumb and fingers together. “Patterson plans to chat with Micah as soon as the ship leaves port.”

  “Whew!” Millie shook her head. “Patterson sure does have his hands full.”

  “We all do.” Andy glanced at his watch. “It’s time for me to make my reminder announcement of the shortened port day and itinerary changes. Wish me luck.”

  “You’re gonna need it,” Millie muttered.

  It was still early and in between events, so Millie headed to the galley to chat with Annette. It had been a busy couple of days, and she wondered if her friend had heard of the impending storm and itinerary changes.

  Millie bounced on her tiptoes and peered in the galley window. She spied a handful of the kitchen crew, bustling back and forth before gently easing the door open. The smell of cinnamon filled the air and she sniffed appreciatively.

  Annette was standing at one of the counters, eyeballing a tray of cinnamon rolls, fresh from the oven.

  “Those smell heavenly,” Millie said.

  “Hey, stranger.” Annette peeled off one of the rolls and held it out. “I just pulled them from the oven and need a little feedback since I’m trying a new recipe. What do you think?”

  Millie gingerly accepted the warm roll. Her mouth watered as she took a big bite. The outside of the roll was flaky. The center was soft and warm, and nearly melted in her mouth. A dab of the rich, creamy frosting dripped onto her chin. “Oh my gosh. I love the cream cheese frosting. There’s something else with a pinch of tart.”

  “I added a dash of orange juice to the frosting,” Annette said. “I’m rolling these out on the sea day brunch menu tomorrow. Today is my final trial run.”

  “These are so good.” Millie took another big bite. “We’ll have lots of sea days for you this week.”

  “I heard. I’ve been keeping an eye on the weather. We’re gonna have to pick up some speed later today if we want to skirt this storm. It’s a monster.”

  “Speaking of monsters, have you heard about the fifty plus members of the Turner Family Reunion on board causing chaos?”

  Annette nodded. “Yeah. I’ve sent some special room service deliveries to the men under cabin arrest. What a mess.”

  “Hopefully, the main instigators will be removed from the ship and things will calm down.” Millie polished off the last bite. “Do you mind if I take one of these cinnamon rolls to Nic? He loves cinnamon.”

  “Of course not. I’ll grab a to-go and throw in some extras.” Annette scooted to the other side of the galley to search for a container while Millie turned her attention to a commotion near the door. It was Amit, Annette’s assistant. He was struggling to pull a kitchen cart across the threshold.

  “Hang on Amit.” Millie darted to the door and held it open.

  “Thanks, Miss Millie.”

  “Whatcha’ got?”

  “It’s crew appreciation day down in the crew dining room. Miss Annette made some special breakfast bakes, a batch of her new cinnamon rolls and a crew favorite, the fruit medley.” Amit lifted the lid on one of the large metal serving pans. “There’s a little of the bacon breakfast bake left. Would you like a sample?”

  “Thanks, Amit, but I’m stuffed.” Millie patted her stomach. “I already sampled one of those delicious cinnamon rolls.”

  Annette joined them carrying a to-go container. She handed it to her friend. “I put three in the box, in case any of the other ship captains are on the bridge.”

  “Perfect.” Millie took the container. “I’ll have enough time to take these to the bridge before meeting Andy at the gangway to see the passengers off. I’m sure we’re going to get an earful on the shortened port day, not to mention the changed itinerary.”

  “You can count on it.” Annette thrust her hand on her hip. “Keep your chin up, Millie. At least you’ll get to spend a few days with your friends, Nadia and Regan.”

  “Yes, I need to focus on the bright side. I’ll try to bring Nadia by later after she and Regan have had a chance to get settled in. Don’t forget about the welcome gift for their suite.”

  “Already got it covered.” Annette gave her a thumbs-up. “The chocolate extravaganza and Domaine Ste. Michelle champagne are on the way as we speak.”

  “You’re the best.” Millie impulsively hugged her friend. “I don’t care what Amit says.” She winked at Amit and backed out of the galley. “Thanks for the rolls,” she called out before stepping into the corridor.

  Millie delivered the cinnamon rolls to the bridge before running back down to the gangway where she joined Andy, who was explaining the change in the ship’s itinerary to a group of passengers.

  “What a racket. It must be nice to change the ship’s schedule willy-nilly,” one of the passengers sniffed loudly before she and her group stomped off the ship.

  “I would ask how your morning is going,
but I think I know,” Millie whispered.

  “Surprisingly, a good number of the passengers stopped to tell me they appreciate the cruise line and the captain being concerned for their safety and they don’t mind the shortened port day, but there are a few…” Andy shrugged.

  “You can’t keep a hundred percent of the people happy a hundred percent of the time,” Millie said.

  “No truer words have been spoken.”

  The rush of passengers disembarking turned into a trickle and Millie left to check on the few events being held during their time in port.

  The scrumptious cinnamon roll was long gone and Millie’s stomach started to growl, so she headed to the buffet to grab a quick bite to eat.

  Brody, one of Millie’s favorite security guards, was in the buffet area, seated near the back and alone.

  Millie filled a salad plate with lettuce, tomato, cucumbers and onion before sprinkling vinaigrette on top. She placed a slice of roast turkey, a scoop of macaroni and cheese, along with a scoop of potato salad on her plate before heading in his direction. “Mind if I join you?”

  “Hey, Millie. Have a seat.” Brody slid a set of silverware to the other side of the table. “I figured I better grab some grub before the fun and games start again.”

  “I heard.” Millie set her tray on the table and pulled out a chair. “Hopefully, the troublemakers are long gone and we can have a peaceful rest of the cruise, except for having to dodge Hurricane Imelda.”

  “Danielle said you have friends boarding the ship, the ones who own the resort where you and the captain honeymooned.”

  “Yes. Regan and Nadia Leclerc own the Grand Bay Beach Club in St. Martin.” Millie reached for her fork and stabbed a mound of lettuce. “Do you think you’re still going to have trouble with members of the Turner family?”

  “Yep. It’s almost guaranteed. We expect more trouble from the family reunion passengers and then there’s the large group of insurance adjusters on board. They’re a rowdy bunch.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” Millie mulled over Brody’s comments as she chewed her food. She thought about the security guard, Micah. “How well do you know Micah? I can’t remember his last name. He’s also a security guard.”

  “Micah Reyes.” Brody nodded. “He’s a big mouth and thinks he’s a big shot. Heard he got into it with one of the passengers, who already filed a complaint. Corporate is going to bust our chops with an internal investigation of Patterson and all of the security personnel.”

  “Do you think Micah is part of the problem?”

  “It’s possible.” Brody took a big bite of pizza and chewed loudly. “His days are numbered. Patterson doesn’t mess around with employees he suspects violated company policy, especially when an altercation with one of the ship’s guests is involved. He’s already out of here.”

  Millie’s cell phone chimed. She pulled it from her shirt pocket and glanced at the screen. It was a message from Nadia: “We’re here.”

  Millie texted back. “Great. Can’t wait to see you. I’ll swing by to check on you soon.” She slipped the phone back into her pocket. “Our friends arrived.” She quickly finished her food and reached for her napkin. “I hope the rest of the week is a piece of cake.”

  “Me too.”

  Millie patted Brody’s shoulder. “Hang in there, Brody.”

  “You too, Millie.”

  Millie stopped to drop her dirty dishes off in the bin on her way out before circling the lido deck. She paused near the deck railing, casting a wary eye to the sky. The winds had picked up, and large drops of rain began pelting her arms and face.

  Millie made a mad dash for the canopied bar area only seconds before the skies let loose. The deluge sent the passengers scrambling for cover.

  The rain band passed as quickly as it arrived and Millie headed back to the railing. The ship’s sail away deck party would be getting under way shortly, and not a moment too soon in Millie’s opinion.

  Although she hadn’t had time to track the storm’s progress, she knew the longer the ship remained in port, the better the chances they would feel the effects of the hurricane as they tried to outrun it.

  Millie had complete confidence Nic would get them out of the cone of uncertainty safely. She also suspected it might be a rocky ride until they were out of the storm’s path.

  She’d turned to head back indoors when the sound of sirens wailing and a flash of light caught her attention. An ambulance screeched to a halt near the gangway. The emergency crew sprang from the vehicle and ran onto the ship.

  Chapter 5

  Millie took the stairs two at a time as she raced to the ship’s exit where a crowd was already gathering. She slunk past several passengers as she edged her way to the front of the fray.

  Doctor Gundervan stood nearby, talking to Nic. She watched the emergency workers roll a stretcher down the metal gangway to the waiting ambulance. Doctor Gundervan and Nic followed close behind.

  Millie shifted to the side in an attempt to catch a glimpse of the person on the gurney, but they were moving at a clipped pace and the emergency workers blocked the view.

  “Please make way for returning passengers.” One of the ship’s security crew waved the onlookers away from the exit and the crowd began to disperse. Only a few stragglers and Millie remained as she waited for Doctor Gundervan and Nic to return to the ship.

  She caught her husband’s eye as he boarded and Millie could tell from the look on his face something was terribly wrong.

  It wasn’t uncommon for one of the elderly passengers to experience a medical emergency and need to be transported to a hospital while in port. Still, no matter what the incident, it was sad to think a loved one needed emergency evacuation.

  Patterson joined Doctor Gundervan and Nic before the trio stepped into an empty elevator and disappeared from sight.

  “Millie, do you copy?”

  Millie plucked her radio from her belt and pressed the button. “Go ahead, Andy.”

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m standing near the gangway.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  Andy joined her moments later. “I’ve got some bad news.”

  “I saw the emergency crew. They took someone off the ship.”

  “Yes. It was Micah Reyes.”

  Millie’s eyes widened. “Isn’t he the security guard who was in charge of keeping an eye on Vic Turner and Aaron Quillen?”

  “The same. Sharky, the night shift maintenance supervisor, found Micah in the hall, down by the medical center. It appears he was trying to find help when he collapsed in the hall.”

  “Sharky found him?”

  “Yes,” Andy nodded his head. “Sharky accidentally burned his hand on a portable welder and was on his way to have Doctor Gundervan take a look at it when he found Micah lying in the hall.”

  “Oh no. I hope he’ll be all right. Are we going to postpone the ship’s departure until we have an update on his condition?”

  “No. Captain Armati and the other officers just received an updated hurricane tracker report. Siren of the Seas is definitely in the storm’s path. If we don’t leave port soon, we won’t be able to skirt Hurricane Imelda. We have no choice but to leave him behind.”

  Andy continued. “Patterson is talking to some of the other crewmembers now. I suspect it may have had something to do with the two troublemakers.” Andy rubbed his brow. “I also heard Micah has some issues of his own. At this point, until the authorities are able to talk to Micah, we won’t know what happened.”

  A long string of passengers descended on the gangway and Millie began answering their questions, most of which involved the Siren of the Seas’ plan to skirt the hurricane. She hoped her words reassured the guests that everything would be all right, but even she was beginning to wonder.

  During a lull in the crowd, her eyelids began to droop as the stress of the long day and worry over the weather started to catch up with her. Millie had been on the go from the moment
her feet hit the bedroom floor early that morning. She hadn’t even had a chance to stop by Nadia and Regan’s suite.

  Finally, the last few stragglers boarded several minutes late. As soon as they were safely on board, the crew pulled the gangway and closed the door.

  “I need to chat with Donovan.” Andy gazed at his watch. “I’ll catch up with you later.”

  Millie climbed the stairs to an upper deck and drifted to the deck railing where the gusty winds whipped stray strands of hair in her face. She gazed at the ominous clouds, wondering how rough the seas would get.

  “Please God. Protect us from the storm.” Millie said a quick prayer, thanking God for the technology which had given them ample warning of Hurricane Imelda’s path. She cast one more worried glance at the skies and then headed to deck eleven and the spa suites where Regan and Nadia were staying.

  Millie tapped on the door. It swung open and Nadia’s smiling face appeared. “Millie. It’s so nice to see you.”

  “You too, Nadia.” Millie gave her friend a warm hug and pulled back. “You look wonderful.”

  Nadia’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “I’ve been bored silly since you and Nic left us. Have you gotten involved in any good mysteries lately?”

  Millie grinned. “Oh…maybe one or two.”

  Regan joined his wife at the door. “Hello, Millie. Thank you for the luxurious accommodations, not to mention the basket of goodies we found waiting for us when we arrived.”

  “You’re welcome. I hope the suite suits you.”

  “We love it. Our room steward, Khian, has already stopped by to drop off a bucket of ice and some extra bath towels.” The smile left Nadia’s face. “We almost cancelled on you. Have you watched the forecasts on Hurricane Imelda’s path?”

  “No. I’ve been busy all day. I do know Nic was given approval to change the itinerary and we’re going to skirt the storm.”

  “I spoke with Nic briefly when we boarded and he mentioned the itinerary change,” Regan said. “The hurricane has picked up some steam and is moving faster.”


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