Moonlight Keeper (Return of the Ashton Grove Werewolves Book 1)

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Moonlight Keeper (Return of the Ashton Grove Werewolves Book 1) Page 1

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  Moonlight Keeper

  Return of the

  Ashton Grove Werewolves

  Written by Jessica Coulter Smith

  Broken. Damaged. And nearly without hope.

  Aria McFay has suffered at the hands of her uncle and his twisted pack, but she’s not giving up just yet. When she manages to escape, the first place she runs is to Ashton Grove, Georgia, and her childhood friend, Lucas Adams, in hopes the pack will take her in and protect her.

  Heartbroken, yet determined.

  Seeing Aria again only serves to remind Lucas that he’s known his destined mate since he was ten years old, except Aria never knew, because Lucas didn't feel worthy of her. He’s worked hard to build a life for himself in Ashton Grove, but how can he claim her after everything she’s been through? Even he isn’t that selfish.

  What the heart wants…

  Aria may be damaged, but she still wants Lucas just as much as she did when they were kids. But the sexy wolf seems determined to keep their relationship as friends only. What will it take to make him see her as something more than his childhood friend? If Aria can’t have Lucas, she doesn’t want anyone.


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  Publisher’s Note:

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses, and incidents are from the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual places, people, or events is purely coincidental. Any trademarks mentioned herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks used are specifically in a descriptive capacity. Font used in this novel is Book Antiqua.

  Edited by Ilse Shaffer

  Cover Artist: Jessica Coulter Smith

  Cover Model Photo from CanStock


  ©2017, Jessica Coulter Smith


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  About the Author

  Also by…

  Wolf Charming Sample

  Chapter One

  Aria’s body ached, her latest beating having left fresh welts and bruises. She felt like one, big, walking sore, but no matter what they dished out, no matter how severe her punishment, she refused to bend to her uncle’s wishes. It would be a long, cold day in Hell before she’d bow and scrape before the likes of Boudreaux LeBlanc, her uncle’s best friend. The man was insane, not to mention the meanest son of a bitch she’d ever met. He’d never had a kind word for anyone in his life, and now her luck had run out because he’d decided he wanted her for his mate. Even worse, her uncle was in complete agreement. Sadistic bastard.

  Boudreaux wasn’t the first man her uncle had tried to pair her with. There had been three others over the past two years, and Aria knew what would happen when she refused to back down. The pain and horror of what happened those other times lived on in her mind. While it may not have scarred her physically, emotionally…well, let’s just say she wasn’t going to trust men very easily ever again.

  She pushed the curtain aside and peered through the window. It had been quite a while since she’d been free to roam the pack grounds. Uncle Remus had deemed her unfit company until she’d give her word that she would mate with the loco Boudreaux. Because she had refused, she’d been locked in her room for a week now, and it was never going ot happen; she’d never give her word to mate with him. She was lucky her small closet had been turned into a tiny half-bath when she’d joined the pack shortly after her eighteenth birthday; otherwise, she wouldn’t even have had a toilet to use, or a sink so she could wash up. Her hair was filthy, the long strands greasy and repellent. She’d plaited it, doing the best she could with what little she was given.

  Uncle Remus was afraid if he let her out of her room, she’d find a way out of the small cabin, and once that happened, he knew she’d hit the road. Well, swamp. It was a long way to the nearest town. What he didn’t realize was that the boards in the corner of her room were loose, enough so that she’d been able to dig a little each night. It wasn’t a big hole, but it was big enough for her animal to fit through. All she had to do was shift, dig the rest of the way out, and she would be free! Naked, but free. But hey, everything came with a price. At this point, anything was better than prostituting herself to an abusive asshole for the rest of her life. However long that might be. Boudreaux had already had one mate. She’d died less than a year after their mating ceremony. There were rumors that he’d killed her, not that anyone was going to step up and do something about it.

  She winced as she moved, her muscles pulling and contracting painfully. Aria had heard murmurs in the hall earlier, when no one thought she was listening, or maybe they just didn’t care if she knew her fate. Her uncle was desperate and had determined the best way to control her would be to drug her. He’d ordered Ruth Ann, the pack cook, to dose her food with sedatives, like valerian root. She was certain there would be other things in there, things meant to keep her calm and docile. She had little doubt they would continue to dose her food until it took effect, and since she didn’t plan to eat it, that could be a while. Well, either that or she’d starve to death.

  No, she needed to escape, and she needed to escape right now.

  A glance out the window showed the sun was setting, which meant the guards outside the cabin would be changing shifts. If she was going to run away, it was now or never. Aria slipped out of her clothes, shifted into her animal, and dug her way out of the room. Once she popped out on the other side, nose twitching, she froze and scanned the area, looking for signs of trouble. It looked like no one was paying attention to her. Fast as she could, she made a dash for it, leaving the pack behind her.

  Aria didn’t stop until she reached a small settlement not far from the highway. She shifted back, grabbed some clothes off a line in someone’s backyard, and made her way to the road. She’d have to be careful, if her pack had realized she was missing, they would be searching for her. Watching from the tree line, she waited until she saw a car with out-of-state plates on the front. Texans were friendly, right? Then again, they probably ate rabbit stew.

  Stepping up to the edge of the highway, she held out her thumb, hoping they would stop and give her a lift. Hitchhiking was dangerous, but it had to be safer than staying with her family. Anything had to be safer than that.

  The car slowed and pulled over. The man behind the wheel appeared to be in his sixties and gave her a kindly smile. Aria pulled open the door and slid into the passenger’s seat.

  “Thank you for stopping,” she said.

  “Young thing like you shouldn’t be hitchhiking.” He noticed the bruises on her arms and frowned. “Are you in some sort of trouble?”

  “My family can’t find me,” she confided. “I need to get as far from here as possible, as fast as possible.”

  He nodded and put the car in gear. “Buckle up. I’m on my way to Chattanooga. You just tell me when you want to be let out.”

  “Is Ashton Grove, Georgia on the way? I think it’s in the mountains.”

  He smiled at her. “Well, if it isn’t, I’ll get yo
u as close as I can. You just sit back and rest. We’ll have you somewhere safe soon.”

  “Thank you.” Aria let her eyes drift closed, finally able to relax for the first time in a while. Not much longer and she’d be safe with Amber, the shifter she’d been talking to in Ashton Grove.

  When the call had gone out last year that the Ashton Grove pack was seeking new members, she’d contacted them, without her family’s knowledge. She knew at least two members of the pack and thought it would be a nice place to call home. Now, things were different. She didn’t delude herself into thinking she’d have a happily-ever-after there. It would be a resting spot. Maybe the alpha would be able to give her sanctuary while she figured out the next leg of her journey. That’s all she would ask of him. It wouldn’t be fair to bring danger to his door, not after everything the pack had been through. Her friend, Amber, had told her demons were on their way to Ashton Grove; of course, that was more than six months ago now. She hadn’t heard from Amber in a while, and she worried about her friend, but she was trying to keep her contact with Ashton Grove to a minimum so her family wouldn’t look for her there first.

  Letting the hum of the car lull her, she fell into the first restful sleep she’d had in a week or more.

  * * * *

  Gabriel groaned and slowly came awake. The doorbell chimed for the sixth or seventh time, forcing him to roll out of bed and pull on a pair of rumpled jeans he’d left on the floor the night before. He glared at the clock, wondering who dared to disturb him at the ungodly hour of nine in the morning. He’d only been asleep for a few hours, if even that. His new mate was rather amorous these days and kept him awake most nights. Not that he was complaining.

  Clomping down the stairs, he took a deep breath before jerking open the door. Whatever scathing remark he’d had on the tip of his tongue died the moment he saw the young woman on his doorstep. He’d never seen her before, but he recognized the scent of a shapeshifter. Whoever she was, she’d obviously come on pack business.

  When she turned fearful eyes on him, he knew he’d hear her out. Whatever her reason for coming, it was obvious she needed his help. Autumn would expect nothing less of him, and if she were home, she’d be the first to welcome the shifter into their home. As it was, his mate had scurried out of the house early that morning to meet with Chloe for coffee and hadn’t returned yet. Gabriel had already learned that probably meant she was out shopping.

  He opened the door wider and motioned for her to enter. The first thing he noticed was her size. She was petite, like Kiera had been, but her curves were more understated. Her long brown hair held the scent of honeysuckle, and it teased his nose as she walked past. The wolf inside of him rose from its slumber, giving itself a shake and nudging him persistently. This wasn’t just any shapeshifter in need of help; this was a potential mate for his pack.

  “You’re probably wondering who I am and why I’m here,” she said, her voice light and musical.

  “Since I’ve never seen you before, I’m going to guess and say you’re new in town.”

  “I heard about your pack from a friend. When she learned of my troubles, she suggested that I seek shelter with the Ashton Grove pack.”

  Gabriel sighed. He had a feeling this was going to be a long story. All he wanted to do was go crawl back into bed and close his eyes for a little while longer, but it seemed it wasn’t meant to be. Maybe he could convince Autumn to cuddle and sleep tonight.

  “It’s really Connor you should speak with. He’s been handling all of the alpha duties for the since before Thanksgiving. I’m still getting back up to speed.”

  “She told me to speak with you.”

  Gabriel frowned. “And just who did you speak with?”

  “Amber Fitzwilliam.”

  He froze. “She’s dead.”

  “I wondered when I didn’t hear from her anymore, couldn’t reach her on her cell the few times I’ve been able to get to a phone. She’d told me there was a war coming your way, demons I believe she said. I take it they killed her?”

  “Yes. Along with quite a few other pack members. We went from around thirty pack members to less than twenty, and those who didn’t die were gravely wounded.”

  Her eyes flicked down to the long, claw-like scars running along the top of his arm.

  “My name is Aria McFay. I’ve come to you from a small pack in the bayou, just outside of New Orleans. I tried going to the New Orleans alpha first, but…well, let’s just say it didn’t end well. Amber knew what was going on in my life, knew the horrors I’ve been facing, and she wanted to help me. When she joined your pack, she told me how wonderful it was. But it’s taken me until now to escape and come this far.”

  “Escape?” His eyes narrowed. Gabriel wasn’t sure he liked where this was going. The last thing he wanted was trouble landing at his feet. “Just what are you running from?”

  “My pack. Amber told me you had experience with were-rabbits.”

  He snorted. “Yes, and they can’t be trusted.”

  Aria winced. “We aren’t all like that.”

  “So you’re a rabbit shifter? And just what is a rabbit doing in a wolf pack out in the swamps of Louisiana?”

  “Being held prisoner. They took me in a few years ago, acting like my friends. My uncle runs the pack, and I’d gone there, thinking to relocate when I turned eighteen. They were so very welcoming, making me feel right at home. But things changed when I mentioned heading out, and thanking them for their hospitality. It got ugly fast.”

  “I find it hard to believe that you’ve been a prisoner for years, had to escape, and made a mad dash across the southern part of the country to race here to freedom and safety. It’s a bit farfetched.”

  “Is Luke still alive?”

  He looked surprised. “You know Lucas?”

  “We were friends, before this chapter in my life. We both grew up in Monroe, Louisiana. If you need someone to vouch for me, call him.”

  Gabriel reached for the phone on the coffee table and made the call, telling the wolf only that he needed to see him immediately. If what she said was true, if Lucas would vouch for her, then he would have to listen to her story. If there was a pack on her trail, he didn’t know how much time he had before all hell broke loose. One war was enough. Was it really too much to ask for some quiet time?

  “While we wait for him to show, tell me exactly what you’re expecting of my pack,” Gabriel said.

  “Sanctuary. Amber said you’re accustomed to non-wolf shifters and would give me a safe haven, possibly welcome me into the pack. All I want is a safe place to live, somewhere I can belong. I don’t want to bring trouble to your door, so I won’t stay long if you don’t want me to. I just need somewhere to lay low and figure out the next part of my life.”

  “The last rabbit we allowed into the pack caused a ton of trouble. She lied in order to be mated to a man she knew didn’t want her, all because she was determined that he would come to love her one day. Then she schemed with another pack member and that same man, a man she professed to love, nearly lost his mate forever. So I’m sure you can see where I’d be hesitant to let another rabbit into the pack.”

  “She’s good people,” a voice said from the doorway.

  Gabriel’s gaze shifted. “Lucas, I didn’t even hear you come in.”

  “I was quiet. Didn’t want to interrupt if the two of you were talking. I’ll vouch for Aria. She won’t cause trouble like Luna did.” His gaze rested on Aria a moment before returning to the alpha. “And if what Amber told me was true, she needs us.”

  “Maybe it’s time for me to hear what Amber and you know,” Gabriel told him. “Maybe then I can make an informed decision. I don’t want to do anything that’s going to harm the pack. We’re still recovering.”

  “I won’t lie to you,” Aria said. “The other pack will come for me. I don’t know what lies they’ll concoct to get me back, but they will come. I would imagine that we only have days, if even that long, before they track me h
ere. So, if you aren’t going to help me, I need to know so I can be on my way. The more road I put between them and me, the better.”

  “Why do they want you?” Gabriel asked.

  “I don’t know. They’ve…”

  “They’ve what?”

  “They’ve tortured me for the past two years, especially this past week, and I don’t know why. I don’t understand why they didn’t just let me leave that night. Rabbit shifters aren’t all that uncommon, so what is so special about me? A week ago, my uncle told me I was to mate with his Beta. The man is evil and vile. I refused and was locked in my room, where I would be destine to remain until I could be persuaded to see things their way.”

  He had a fair idea that her beauty had been part of the draw. She wasn’t stunning, but her features were striking. And despite what she said, it wasn’t often that werewolves ran across female shifters. He knew there were towns of shapeshifters, but in places like Ashton Grove, it was uncommon to find one. The only reason their pack was so well-rounded was because of the recruiting Ramsey had done on their behalf. And now that the war was over, the recruiting would begin again. They needed to replenish their numbers.

  “Okay, so they’ve held you prisoner. How did you manage to escape?”

  “I waited until everyone was asleep, and when my guards weren’t watching, I shifted and slipped through a crack in the wall. I ran as fast as my bunny legs would carry me, and when I reached the nearest inhabited area, I found some clothes and shifted back. I hitchhiked most of the way here.”

  Lucas growled. “That wasn’t safe, Aria!”

  She gave him a haunted look. “What could they possibly do to me that the pack hadn’t done already?”

  “I don’t know, maybe, kill you?” he retorted.

  “If my only other option was going back to those savages, I’d gladly take death.”

  Gabriel was surprised. Whatever the pack had put her through, it must have been horrible. Not enough to break her, but it was close. His thoughts shifted to his sister-in-law, and he wondered if Aria might open up a bit with Marin, who had also been abducted and abused. Perhaps another woman would be just the thing.


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