Moonlight Keeper (Return of the Ashton Grove Werewolves Book 1)

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Moonlight Keeper (Return of the Ashton Grove Werewolves Book 1) Page 3

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  “Gabriel told me I was staying with him tonight. I think he wants to keep an eye on me, to make sure I’m not up to anything nefarious.”

  “Or maybe he’s finally coming back to us and acting like an alpha. Maybe you showing up on his doorstep was just the nudge he needed.” Marin smiled. “I have a feeling that having you join us will be a good thing, Aria.”

  * * * *

  Across the street, Lucas tried to focus on the car he was working on. Michael had expanded Andrews Garage and added two more bays; then he’d hired Lucas and two more new wolves full-time. Gabriel hadn’t seemed to show an interest in the place lately. Today was actually the first day Lucas had seen or spoken to the alpha in more months than he could count. It was now April, and he’d thought, surely, Gabriel would come back to them before now. He probably should have paid closer attention to his alpha and less attention to Aria, but damn! She’d looked so good, even covered in bruises. When he’d seen the marks, he’d wanted to hunt down the assholes responsible and beat the shit out of them, but he’d tried to hide his emotions from her. That wasn’t what she needed from him right now. She needed a friend.

  He wasn’t stupid. He knew there was more to her story than he’d been told so far, but for some reason, she was holding back. She trusted him; he felt that, but she didn’t seem to want to share everything that had happened to her. It made him wonder if it was going to put him in even more of a rage. He didn’t even want to contemplate what could be worse than the beating she’d obviously received.

  “Hey man, everything okay?” Hunter asked. “I saw you head over to Gabriel’s house.”

  “It will be.”

  “Cryptic much?”

  “Someone from my past is in town, asking to join the pack. She’s running from someone, and Gabriel offered to help her.”

  “Her?” Hunter’s grin turned sly. “And would this ‘her’ be the reason you show little to no interest in the women in the pack?”

  Lucas snorted. “You’re one to talk. You’re pining over some human at Lagoona’s, and don’t deny that you are. You eat lunch there at least three times a week, and dude, the food sucks.”

  Hunter looked a little embarrassed and shrugged. “I don’t know that I’m her type.”

  “Would you help put the word out about Aria? I don’t want a bunch of guys hitting on her, making her uncomfortable.”

  Hunter gave him a knowing look. “Or maybe you just don’t want anyone encroaching on what you think belongs to you. If you want her, you need to claim her. You know women are scarce in the pack right now.”

  Yeah, Lucas was all too aware of that fact. There was a reason he hadn’t made a move on any of the women in the pack; they weren’t his mate. Lucas had known since the time he was ten who his mate was; he just hadn’t been able to act on it. The alpha would have kicked his ass if he’d gone after the pack princess, even if she did shift into a cute, fluffy-tailed bunny. Unfortunately, he didn’t know how she felt about him. He knew she thought of him as a friend, but could she see him as something more?

  “Did I hear you say there’s a new addition to the pack?” Levi asked, his grin broadening.

  “Back off,” Lucas growled.

  “Easy, pup. If you haven’t claimed her, she’s fair game.” The wolf winked. “Maybe she likes older men.”

  “You’re old enough to be her dad.” Lucas felt his muscles tense as his body prepared for a fight. “Stay away from Aria.”

  Levi laughed. “Easy, Lucas. I’m just jerking your chain.”

  “Aria is off limits,” Lucas growled. “The first wolf who bothers her will answer to me.”

  Hunter rubbed his chin. “I think you need to tell her how you feel before someone else gets to her. Don’t live with regret because you waited too long.”

  “She doesn’t need someone panting after her right now.”

  “Maybe not, but I’m sure she could use the support of her mate,” Hunter said. “Who better to take care of her than you?”

  Hunter had a point. Lucas would do anything to protect Aria, even give up his own life. He doubted anyone else would feel as strongly. But what if she didn’t return his feelings? Just because he knew she was his mate, it didn’t mean she felt the pull too. He was sure she’d been with other men, especially since he’d left the pack. Hell, he hadn’t been celibate, but it had always been a quick fuck to blow off steam, meaningless sex and nothing more. Still, it had been a while since he’d been with a woman. The last few times, his heart had ached afterward, and he’d felt like he was betraying Aria, even if they weren’t actually mated. She was it for him.

  “Yeah, maybe.” Lucas rubbed the back of his neck. “But what if she doesn’t feel that way about me? We’ve been friends forever. She may see me as an older brother, and not mate material.”

  “Then at least you’ll know,” Hunter said. “And wouldn’t knowing be better than to be left wondering if the two of you have a future together?”

  “You’re right. I just don’t want to scare her away, not when she needs us. She doesn’t stand a chance on her own right now, not with her uncle’s pack coming after her. She needs the Ashton Grove pack in order to remain safe. I won’t take that from her.”

  “Maybe you won’t be taking anything from her and will be giving her something wonderful,” Levi said. “Did you ever think that maybe she has feelings for you too, and worries that you just see her as a pesky little sister?”

  Hunter nodded to the house across the street. “Is that her now?”

  Lucas looked at the Victorian and watched as Marin dragged Aria out of the house and practically stuffed her in the car.

  “Yeah, that was Aria.”

  Levi folded his arms over his chest. “You know, if danger is heading her way, don’t you think maybe they should have a bodyguard or two, wherever it is they’re going?”

  “But I have work to do.”

  Hunter shrugged. “Let’s go explain the situation to Michael and see if he’ll let you go with them. If not you, then maybe you can select someone to go with them.”

  Lucas nodded and followed Hunter into the office. Michael was running his hands through his hair, a look of frustration on his face as he poured over the paperwork scattered across the scarred wooden surface of the desk.

  “What’s up, guys?” Michael asked, sounding tired.

  “We aren’t overly busy right now,” Lucas said. “Would it be okay for me to take off the rest of the day?”

  Michael frowned. “It isn’t like you to ask off last minute.”

  “Someone from my past is in town, and she’s in danger. I just saw her get in a car with Marin and I’d like to go with them, as protection.” Lucas wasn’t sure how much he should say. Did Michael need to hear the whole tale? Or was it better to let Gabriel or Connor tell him?

  “This is someone you don’t just know, but someone you care about, isn’t it?” Michael asked.

  “Yes.” Lucas swallowed hard. “She’s my mate, but she doesn’t know it.”

  Michael nodded. “Then go to her. I’ll expect you to work tomorrow unless you call me to say otherwise. If you need to remain with her until the danger passes, I’ll understand. I’m sure I can get someone to fill in.”

  “I appreciate it, Michael, but I need the money with rent coming up soon.”

  Michael waved a hand. “Let me worry about the rent. I’m sure Connor and Gabriel would agree to waive it this month, in light of your mate being in danger and needing you. But, they’ll probably want you to claim her. Are you prepared to do that?”

  “If she’ll have me.”

  “Then get out of here and go take care of business,” Michael said. “Hunter, get on the phone and see if someone can fill in. I’m going to call my brother and find out the details of what’s going on with Lucas’ mate. If you need to set up some sort of guard detail, I think it’s best we take care of it now.”

  Lucas didn’t stick around to see what else was said. He stepped into the bathroom to
scrub his hands and arms before clocking out and heading across the street. Thankfully, Marin’s car was still in the driveway. He tapped on the driver’s side window and waited for her to roll it down.

  Chapter Three

  “Lucas?” Aria peered at him through Marin’s window. “What are you doing here?”

  “I thought I might escort you ladies, wherever you’re going. It isn’t safe for you to run around out there without protection, Aria. You should have at least one male with you at all times. Two or more would be better.” He braced his hands on the door. “I’ll ride in the back, but I’m not taking no for an answer. Whether you want to admit it or not, you need me.”

  Aria nodded. “You’re right. I do need you. I’ll feel better knowing you’re with us.”

  Marin looked at her. “Are you sure? We could have a girl’s day, hit the spa, do some shopping. I’m sure you’re safe right now. Surely it will take your pack some time to figure out where you went.”

  “I’d rather not take any chances,” Aria said. “Besides, I like having Lucas around. I’ve known him since I was two.”

  “Very well,” Marin said. “Hop in, Lucas.”

  Lucas slid into the backseat and shut the door. As he fastened his seatbelt, Marin backed out of the driveway and pulled away from the house. Aria really did feel safer with Lucas around. If he hadn’t left their pack in Monroe, she might not have ever ventured into her uncle’s territory, but without Lucas, her home pack had lost its shine. Not that she blamed him for what happened to her.

  When they reached the mall, Lucas jumped out and opened Aria’s door for her. It was the type of thing he used to do for her before he disappeared from their pack. She understood that he’d wanted to explore, check out new opportunities, but it had hurt when he’d left her behind. She’d known since they were kids that he was the one for her, her destined mate. Apparently, he didn’t feel the same about her. She knew that she wouldn’t have a chance with a guy like Lucas now, not after everything she’d been through. He deserved someone above reproach.

  He took her hand and looped her arm through his, escorting her into the building. Marin glanced at them and smiled, a knowing look in her eyes, but Aria knew it wasn’t what the woman thought. Lucas was just being kind and taking his guard duty seriously. If it were more than that, he would have come looking for her sooner. Not that he would have found her.

  Marin kept shoving outfits Aria’s way, but the were-rabbit turned most of them away. Not because she didn’t like them, but because she didn’t have money of her own, and she didn’t want to accept too many things from someone she’d just met. But to her surprise, when they went to check out, it was Lucas who pulled out his wallet. She knew he couldn’t be making much money, and it made her feel horrible. If she had to bet money, she’d guess that he was working at the garage she’d seen across the street from the Victorian. He’d materialized today far too quickly to have come from anywhere else. She didn’t know much about small town mechanics, but she figured he was probably earning just enough to get by.

  “Lucas, it’s too much,” she argued. “I can’t let you pay for all of this.”

  “Aria, just let me take care of you, okay? It’s the least I can do. If I’d brought you with me when I came to Ashton Grove, you never would have been through the beatings and mistreatment from your uncle. Buying you the few things you need will make me feel a little less guilty about the whole thing.”

  “You have nothing to feel guilty about, Lucas. What happened to me wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault but my uncle’s. No one could have guessed what he would do.”

  Lucas handed his credit card to the woman behind the counter and Aria couldn’t do anything but watch as he spent his hard-earned money. She swore that somehow she would pay him back one day. She hated being at a disadvantage and having to rely on other people for her basic needs and vowed that she would change that as soon as possible. There had to be something she could do in Ashton Grove to earn some money and make her own way. It just wasn’t her nature to be dependent on other people, especially someone as kind and generous as Lucas.

  Lucas carried her packages to Marin’s car, and they piled in. It didn’t take long to get back to the Victorian and Aria noticed the alpha sitting on the front steps, his hands clasped between his legs. She hoped he hadn’t been worried about her, or worse; she hoped he wasn’t angry with her. Marin had assured her it would be okay, but she still had her doubts.

  She approached the alpha cautiously, uncertain what to expect from him.

  “You shouldn’t have left the house,” Gabriel said as she neared. “I’m glad you took Lucas with you, but if someone is after you, you’re going to need more protection than that. I’d like you to have at least two wolves with you at all times.”

  “I’m sorry, alpha,” she said, bowing her head. “Marin thought it would be okay. She said I needed clothes and seemed rather insistent.”

  “She’s right, Gabriel,” Marin said, coming to stand beside her. “Don’t blame her. I couldn’t very well let her run around in the same outfit all day every day. She needed a few things to get her by for now.”

  Gabriel gestured to the two bags Lucas was carrying. “It looks like you got more than a few things.”

  Marin shrugged. “She needed a pair of shoes. The flip-flops she’s wearing aren’t very practical, so we bought a pair of tennis shoes and some casual outfits. Lucas paid for everything.”

  The alpha’s gaze sharpened on Lucas and she wondered what he was thinking. He wouldn’t be angry with Lucas for buying her clothes, would he? He didn’t seem like the type to be angry over something like that, but then, she didn’t really know him. In her experience, alphas could be volatile, especially when their rules weren’t followed. Did Gabriel fall into that category?

  “Why don’t you go inside, Aria. Your bedroom is the first one on the second floor. After the day you’ve had, I’m sure you’d like a bath and time to relax. From the shadows under your eyes, I guess you haven’t slept well in a while. If you’d like, you can take a nap until dinner. My mate should be home by then, and I’m sure she’ll be anxious to meet you. When I called her, she was excited that we had company.”

  “Thank you, alpha.” She reached for the bags, but Lucas held them out of her reach.

  “I’ll carry them inside for you and make sure you’re settled before I head out. I also want to give you my cell number in case you need anything. I don’t doubt that Gabriel will take good care of you, but if you need a friend to talk to, you know I’m here for you.”

  Right. Friend. Because that’s all he’d ever be to her. It saddened her that her mate didn’t want her, but there wasn’t much she could do about it. She’d once thought of seducing him, but had tossed the idea away, not wanting to run him off. If Lucas wasn’t in her life, she didn’t know what she would do. He’d always been her rock, the one person she could turn to no matter what. It seemed that the years apart hadn’t changed that, and she was grateful.

  Aria walked into the house and up the stairs, Lucas trailing her. When she reached the second-floor landing, she pushed open the first door and smiled. The bedroom was welcoming and quite pleasant. It had been a long time since she’d had a room half as nice and she looked forward to sleeping in the big bed.

  Lucas set the bags down beside the bed and turned to her. He looked like he wanted to say something and he ran a hand through his hair, making the blond locks stand in disarray. The mussed look was cute on him, and she fought the urge to move closer. It had been so long since she’d felt his arms around her, even if he’d only offered comfort as a friend. She missed the closeness they once shared and wondered if they would ever get to that place again.

  “Michael told me to take off as much time as I need to make sure you are safe,” he finally said. “I’ll see who else can spare the time to help guard you. Gabriel is right. The more wolves surrounding you, the better.”

  “I can’t ask you to take off from
your job, Lucas, especially after costing you so much money today. It isn’t right.”

  “Let me worry about that. Michael mentioned that the pack might waive my rent this month. If they do that, I should be fine, at least for a few days, and something tells me the pack will track you here quickly. I’m hoping this whole thing will be over within a few days’ time.” He folded his arms over his chest. “Will you stay in Ashton Grove if we’re able to free you from your uncle’s pack?”

  “I’d like to, but it will depend on whether or not I can find a place to live and a job. I can’t rely on everyone here to take care of me.”

  He smiled. “You always were the independent type. And you’re brave as hell. You’ll make someone a fine mate, Aria.”

  Why did he look a little sad when he said that? Was he worried she wouldn’t have time for him when she found a mate? If only she could tell him that she didn’t want anyone but him, but she was too scared of what he’d say, of how he would react. What if he didn’t want her in return? Surely, if he’d felt something for her, something more than friendship, he’d have claimed her by now. It wasn’t like she wasn’t old enough for a mate. She’d turned twenty-one just the previous week, more than old enough to have a mate and start a family. Her mother had only been nineteen when she’d found her mate, her first mate. The man Aria called father wasn’t actually her father. There wasn’t much Aria knew about her real father, except that her mother had said he was kind and would have done anything for her. She’d often been told that her birth was a miracle, that she shouldn’t exist. It made her wonder what type of shifter her father was. She didn’t know of any shapeshifters who weren’t compatible with rabbits. True to their animal half, they could breed like crazy. It wasn’t uncommon for a were-rabbit family to have six or more kids.

  “I don’t want a mate right now,” she said. Which wasn’t entirely true. If Lucas was that mate, she’d gladly tie her life to his. Even with danger pressing down upon her, she’d let him claim her. One night in his arms would be better than never having known what it was like to be loved by him. “It wouldn’t be fair to drag someone into my problems.”


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