Big Flight

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Big Flight Page 5

by Zenina Masters

  The seamstress in town looked familiar to Molly, but she couldn’t quite place the face. She knew the features but couldn’t figure out where from.

  Tannara Bekwith was skilled with a needle, and she made the minute adjustments with no hesitation.

  Molly felt that the gown was fit as if by magic.

  Tannara smiled up at her while finishing the hem. “My sister speaks very highly of you.”

  The smile made it all clear. “You have the same features that she does.” Teebie’s sister had the same good-natured grin as her blue sibling.

  “Well, I tan a little better. We definitely had the same mother.” Tannara winked. “I was delighted to hear she got that permanent posting.”

  “She is thriving and all those around her love and cherish her skills. I hear that your aunt has even stopped by in the last month or so.”

  “Dira is one of the greatest women I have ever known. I want to be just like her when I grow up.” Tannara winked. “There. One perfectly fitted wedding gown. Teebie does wonderful work.”

  “This is from her?” Molly looked at the fitted mermaid-style gown. The flare from mid-thigh downward was a dramatic silken sweep; the bodice was studded with waves of crystal. The crossed bands of silk were woven to hold her in and support her. She felt pretty and dramatic. For the first time in her life, she not only wanted to, but she would also be proud to stand out.

  Tannara winked. “On the day of the wedding, I will bring the gown to the manor and my daughter will do your hair and makeup.”

  Deane was sitting on the edge of a chair and she smiled. “Nadine has an amazing skill with hairstyles. She does most of the shifter weddings in town.”

  Tannara started to remove the gown. “She enjoys the challenge.”

  When the gown was off, Deane handed her the sundress she had come in with. Next on the list was underwear and clothing from the local shops and a light lunch in town. The manor had been home to the last three avian councillors. That sort of thing left a mark on an area. Bird shifters gravitated toward the town and filled the vacancies that arose. In another two generations, the town would be nearly completely supernatural.

  Deane explained that while in the natural world, Andean condors held superiority, there was nothing more beautiful than a king vulture in human form. Their easygoing natures made them more likable, and yet, their intelligence made them formidable. It was the best of all situations.

  “So, do you already have a man waiting for you?”

  Deane smiled. “I do. Robert has been waiting for two years, but he understands. He is a golden eagle who thinks he is prince charming. I am way prettier than he is, so I can deal with that. I get to be sleeping beauty with him waiting to storm the manor and sweep me away.”

  “It sounds nice.”

  “Well, it isn’t the same romantic gesture as Damon sneaking into your room every night, but we make do.”

  Molly felt colour creep through her face. “Nothing happens.”

  Deane snickered. “I know. He wouldn’t tarnish your name in the house. He saves that particular treat for when you go for walks in the woods.”

  Molly covered her face and peeked at her soon-to-be sister-in-law. “Is it that noticeable?”

  “It is with him. He comes back all smug and protective.”

  Molly smiled, “He does, doesn’t he.” She giggled. “I have lost more shoes than I can count. I think he has a Cinderella fetish.”

  “I think you are right. He identifies you as the woman neglected by her family in need of a new life, and he is the man to give it to you.”

  Molly shrugged. “He isn’t wrong. I wish that I could have met him years ago. He would have made life so much more bearable.”

  Deane smiled and sipped at her coffee. “And yet, he wouldn’t have had any power to do anything about it until now. So, you met when you were meant to. Now, things can go on as they were destined to.”

  “I like that idea.” Molly lifted her cup to Deane, and they clinked the porcelain together.

  When the confirmation of attendance came from the Wexlers, Molly winced but accepted that her parents and sisters were part of a community she had not been allowed into. Now, she was going to be married to the man in charge. It was quite the change of direction.

  Three days after that fateful invitation, Deane and Lea were waking her for her wedding day.

  Breakfast was brought to her, and she worked her way through it, just as any other bride would.

  Joliette took away the half-full tray with a grin.

  Molly was washed, scrubbed, set and in her corset and stockings before Nadine came in and worked her over.

  The creature in the mirror bore only a basic resemblance to the Molly that she was used to seeing. The gown was on, her hair was up, the makeup was perfect and she was ready to become Mrs. Suel.

  Deane and Lea walked with her down the stairs and into the rear yard where the gathering was being held.

  Lea supported her when she saw the five hundred faces looking at her.

  “It is a big deal when a councillor gets married.” Lea whispered as she supported her to the flower-strewn pathway.

  All at once, Molly was on her own with Damon at the end of her path. She focussed on him and walked down the aisle, her bouquet of pink and white roses clutched in her palms.

  A woman with jade green eyes and black hair was standing near the podium. She winked as Molly approached. It was another woman with Teebie’s facial features. The aura of power was unmistakable.

  Molly took Damon’s hand, and they stood together while the woman greeted their gathering and congratulated the two on finding each other.

  “Our community grows and shrinks with the times; we rise and fall around the human world, but we endure. Since the inception of the Shifter Council, we have stabilized our populations, and it is with those who have the will and determination to see us progress beyond old traditions and into new ones that we will remain strong. The Suel family has had a strong history of taking on new traditions, and they have seen the potential for greatness in those around them and helped them rise.”

  The woman smiled. “Today, we are here to see Councillor Suel greet his bride. He saw the greatness in her, and she saw his soul. They both liked what they saw. Before they knew they were the same kind, they knew that their souls were destined to mingle and work toward a new generation.

  “Molly Wexler has faced many things in her life, but Damon was not an event that she could have anticipated. Going to the Crossroads was her choice, but finding Damon was her destiny.

  “Damon Suel is bearing the burden of the Avian Councillor position with grace and style. He went to the Crossroads on a mission and brought back the love of his lifetime.”

  Damon smiled at Molly, and she blinked back happy tears.

  They exchanged vows, exchanged rings and when it came time to kiss the bride, she met Damon halfway.

  The applause rose into a deafening roar, eagles screamed from human throats, humming birds chirped and crows and mockingbirds cawed.

  Molly ignored it all and kissed her husband until her lips were numb and her body hummed. When they turned to greet the public, a cheer rose up.

  They walked to the side and signed the paperwork with Dira Montrose as the official, Lea and Deane as the witnesses.

  When they faced the crowd, Damon lifted her left hand to his lips and kissed the ring that he had placed there.

  She smiled brilliantly at everyone as they walked through their community, and when they adjourned to the erected tent, the party started.

  Chapter Nine

  Photos were taken against a cliff face with the wind tugging at the long veil that was firmly pinned into the twist of her hair.

  His wife, Venezia, had flown in Athon Wells. Venny was charming, direct and had a manner that set folk at ease. She worked well with her husband and her competence shone in each movement.

  When she was arranging the veil for the bride-only photo, Venny winked
. “We met at the Crossroads as well. Our son is with his uncle right now. Adon is enjoying his time learning about how wolves live. We don’t know what he will be when he grows up, but he will be strong and healthy.”

  Venny winked again and retreated while her husband took the photos.

  When the couple photos had been taken, two older and elegant strangers stood next to them in the pictures.

  As the photos were completed, Damon turned to her, “Molly, these are my parents. Dorian and Alizani. Mom, Dad, this is my wife, Molly.”

  She was hugged by the two beautiful newcomers.

  Dorian smiled, “Welcome to the family, daughter.”

  “Thank you…”

  “Call me Dorian.” He smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  “Call me Ali.” Alizani grinned. “We are delighted to have you joining the Suel family.”

  “It is a good day all around.” She giggled.

  Damon cocked his head. “Given that the music has begun, I believe that we should join the party.”

  “My dear husband, that sounds like a lovely idea.” She took the arm he extended to her and walked with him down the path with the photographer and his wife following the family.

  With her new family behind her, she was finally prepared to deal with the old one.

  Joliette had directed the catering, and Molly couldn’t find a flaw in it, not that she was looking. The tower of cake that had its own table kept most of her attention. It was both delicate and terrifying in its size. The conflict of visuals was enough to draw her gaze to it over and over.

  When the meal was over, the tower of cake was cut with fanfare, and then, it was time to get the dancing started. Damon pulled her to the dance floor to take his new bride for their first formal event as husband and wife.

  It was when the families of the bride and groom were invited to the dance floor that she first saw the Wexlers.

  Sissy was with her exceedingly nervous-looking fiancée, Celeste was with her annoying husband and her parents were waltzing on the edge of the dance floor. They completed the dance and the floor was thrown open to everyone.

  Laughing and holding onto Damon, she began to circulate through the guests. She met the other Shifter Council members, hugged Teebie’s aunt Dira and made her way through the endless waves of strangers who hugged her and wished her well.

  Damon whispered, “You can’t put it off any longer.”

  She understood what he meant when he steered her toward the Wexler table. Her parents got up and greeted him warmly.

  Damon introduced her in one of the most bizarre moment of Molly’s life. “This is my wife, Molly Suel, your daughter.”

  Her mother stepped forward and gave Molly a stiff hug. “Congratulations, Molly.”

  “Thank you, Mother.”

  Her father merely nodded toward her. “Congratulations.”

  Celeste and the rest of the family nodded politely, but Sissy’s fiancé got up and came around to shake both their hands. “Congratulations. I am delighted for you both.”

  Molly smiled, “Congratulations on your engagement.”

  He looked charmed. “Thank you. Sissy never said that you were so stunning.”

  Molly looked around the table. “Well, you know how it is. You never get a good look at those who are close to you until you step back and let yourself see it.”

  Five sets of embarrassed eyes looked away from her.

  “Come on, Damon. More folks to meet. It was good to finally see you, and I wish you and Sissy nothing but the best.” She nodded to her soon-to-be brother-in-law.

  He blinked. “You will be at the wedding, of course.”

  She looked to Damon and he nodded his head. “Apparently I am the councillor’s plus one.”

  The fiancé laughed. “I should hope so.”

  Molly smiled and linked arms with her husband, and with a slightly lighter heart, she went about her rounds while the wine flowed and the snacks were plentiful.

  When her father-in-law, Dorian, grabbed her and hauled her to the dance floor, she was laughing as they did the Chicken Dance with a group of enterprising partiers. Crouching in the tight-fitting skirt was tricky, but she managed it.

  Laughing at the clapping, the twisting and the twirling, she was thirsty and exhausted when Damon finally caught her against him and they swayed together.

  “So, Mrs. Suel, would you care to retire for the night?”

  Molly grinned up at him. “Why, Mr. Suel, are you propositioning me?”

  “Less of a proposition and more of a sure thing.” He winked and dipped her back in his arms.

  When he righted her, she sighed. “I hope I am not that transparent.”

  “No, I am simply that persuasive.”

  “Well, in that case, I would love to go.”

  “Good. Toss the bouquet and we will be on our way.”

  She blinked and nodded. “Right. Don’t you have to do something with a garter?”

  “Right. I had forgotten about that.”

  He turned her around and she bumped into a chair. She burst out laughing as he went to one knee and the crowd began cheering and whistling.

  His hand skated up her calf, and he lifted the skirt with his arms, not putting her on display but still finding the garter on her thigh with his hands before he ducked under the frothing silk to pull the garter down with his teeth. When it was past her knee he lifted her leg to his shoulder and eased the garter over her calf, slipping her shoe free and then pulling the garter away. With the garter still in his teeth, he slipped her shoe back on and winked. Cinderella complex in action once again.

  The single men were already gathered, and with a tremendous snap, Damon fired her undergarment into the throng.

  There was lunging, a few fistfights and, finally, a triumphant waving of the garter.

  Now, it was on to the most dangerous part of the evening, tossing the bouquet.

  Molly stood at one end of the dance floor as the unmated women came running into a flock that rippled with both hope and hostility.

  Molly clutched her roses and swung the bouquet. “One, two, three…”

  The flowers were launched, and Molly turned to watch the arc of the green leaves and pink and white petals.

  The women lunged upward and several pushed, using their inner animals gaining several feet of height on the jump.

  The flowers struck one hand and were knocked to another. They spun it around, tackled each other, one or two fists flew into backs and jaws.

  Molly moved toward Damon as the women growled and snapped in their effort to gain the upper hand. When the bouquet finally settled, it was a triumphant Ameline holding it aloft.

  At the human weddings that Molly had attended, the single men avoided the winner of the bouquet. Here, Ameline became the target of interested eyes the moment that she brandished her prize.

  Molly sighed and leaned against Damon. He and his family had provided every ritual she had ever heard of regarding weddings. The shower was to have been thrown by her family, but Molly pretended that there just wasn’t time.

  He swept her off her feet and walked out of the wedding without saying a word to anyone.

  “You can’t keep carrying me around like this. You are going to hurt your back.”

  He chuckled. “It is one of the bonuses of the council position. I gain the strengths of all the creatures under my auspices.”

  “Good to know.” She leaned her head against his shoulder and let him carry her without quibbling.

  The moment he entered the manor, a pathway of pink and white rose petals highlighted the way to his bedroom door.

  She smiled and giggled when he opened his door to find another path leading through the front room and into the bedroom. The bed was covered with rose petals and the scent was dizzying, and considering her normally poor sense of smell, that was saying something.

  “Who did all this?”

  “Deane and Robert. They slipped in here during the dancing and the
n returned to the party.” He set her on her feet but held her against him.

  She smiled as his fingers reached behind her to work at the gown. After a minute of fumbling, he turned her around and took a look at her back.

  “How many buttons are there?”

  “One hundred and three. You might want to get started if you would like to finish before dawn.” She chortled.

  He sighed and began to manipulate her dress. It took ten minutes, but he finally got the dress open enough to slip off. It dropped to her feet, and with him holding her hand, she stepped out of it.

  “Wow. That is a good look for you.” Damon grinned.

  She laughed and twirled, reaching up to remove the pins and comb that held her veil in place.

  He lifted her dress and placed it over a stand that seemed to be there for that purpose. His own formal wear was peeled off with unseemly haste.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and leaned against one of the four posts while she watched him undress. “I don’t think I will ever get tired of that.”

  He grinned. “I feel the same way with the exception of your wedding gown. I am very glad that it is a one-night event.”

  Her corset, stockings and panties were all in a soft rose. Damon stroked her skin through the tight satin of the corset, and the strange tension on her flesh started her arousal with an explosion. Being unable to take in a complete breath and having her torso compressed and heated sped her journey to climax.

  When he skimmed her panties down over her garter straps, she grinned. Deane had not steered her wrong. With only the corset and the silk of her stockings on, she shoved him around until he was seated on the bed and she was astride his lap.

  He whispered, “With this cock, I thee wed.”

  “With this body, I thee worship.” She moved on him slowly.

  “With all my worldly goods, I thee endow.” He grinned as he kissed her.

  His hands supported her as she rocked and twisted on him, driving higher and higher until she screamed and nearly passed out. She shuddered in his arms, and he reached behind her, releasing the straps of her corset.


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