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The Last Light Series Omnibus One: - The Dreamer and the Deceiver - All Things Eternal - Ode to the King: A Superhero Epic Fantasy Collection (The Last Light Collection Book 1)

Page 22

by Alex Villavasso

  “Better late than never,” Omari said as gravity began to pull them down from the sky.

  “There’s an Abnormal somewhere nearby controlling the earth. I don’t know where,” Emil said calmly, his eyes scanning the ruined terrain beneath them.

  “Me either, but Skye is on it. We just have to find her.”

  “I agree, but something needs to be done first. Sling me back towards the Abnormal on the ground. I’m going to kill him.”

  “What? How?”

  “There’s no time to explain. We’re falling too fast. Just throw me and meet me on the rooftops on the other side.” Omari flashed a look of skepticism but it was soon overridden by the confidence in Emil’s voice and the determination that burned in his eyes. “Trust me.”

  “Okay.” Omari clutched Emil’s arm and twisted in mid-air, only releasing at the end of his third rotation.

  All right, let’s do this, Emil thought as he flew through the air.

  In his descent, Emil rapidly gained velocity as he focused on his target below. With a grunt, his aura resurfaced, crackling with intensity. He was a blue streak that traveled through the sky, a bolt of lightning desperate to strike the earth below.

  By the time the Abnormal turned around and realized his fate, it was too late. With a visceral yell and his palm leading his descent, Emil’s hand crashed into the chest of his enemy, driving him deep into the earth. When the smoke cleared, Emil was the only one left standing, his opponent motionless in the rubble, his chest still crackling with Emil’s light. Shit. I missed. Emil clenched the fist that led his attack and flinched as his wrist creaked. A pulse of light jolted from the balled fist and quickly faded away. Emil winced as he pushed the lingering pain to the back of his mind and studied the body of his fallen adversary; stunned but not dead. It would be too risky to finish him off. The cloud of debris would be short-lived. Emil grunted as he resentfully ignited his aura and dashed to where he promised to meet Omari.

  “Nice work,” Omari said.

  “I missed,” Emil rasped. His aura suddenly left him and his arms fell to his knees while he forcefully tried to amass air into his lungs. “I was aiming for his heart,” he continued after catching his breath.

  “It’ll do. After an attack like that, he’ll hardly be a threat if he survived...that only leaves Arius and the other two.”

  “He did survive. I saw him breathing, but finishing him off would have been too risky,” Emil said as he exhaled and straightened his posture. “Come on. It’s best not to stay idle with that Abnormal attacking from afar. Let’s get a move on.”

  “Wait.” Before Emil could move, Omari shot his hand across Emil’s chest. “Take some time to gather your energy. You’ve been fighting non-stop since this whole thing began and it’s easy to see that this last attack took its toll.” Emil eyed Omari as he continued to breathe deeply. He knew Omari’s concern was valid. “What’s stopping you from falling into the same trap again? Then what? We stay together and find Skye. After that, we take out Arius. They’re more of us now. I crossed paths with one of the rogue’s allies. They’ll buy us some time until we can get the means to reach him. Without Skye, we have no defense to Arius’s abilities. Fighting him now would be pointless if he is as strong as you say.”

  Emil silently lowered his blade as his eyes focused on his brother in the distance. Even from where Emil stood, he could see his brother’s arrogant smirk clear as the morning sun. He wasn’t intimidated nor the least bit concerned, even in the face of death. His confidence worried Emil, striking a fear that sprouted from the center of his core.

  What is he doing?

  Chapter 2: Counter Strike

  “Hmm...well look what we have here, Grim. One of Arius’s playthings. Perfect, he’s still alive. That brat isn’t half bad. One moment, if you will.” One by one, Sage’s vipers rose from the spine of his back. “Time to feed.” The invisible tendrils stabbed through the wounded Abnormal’s chest, bypassing the steel covering he used to fortify his body. The steel Abnormal groaned as the vipers fed, but his musings quickly faded as his body became lax. “Yeah, tough luck, bud. That shit doesn’t do anything against me. I know this hurts, but just be thankful that I’m letting you live. I promise I’ll put your energy to good use. If things work out, I’ll be sure to pay you another visit.”

  “We don’t have much time, Sage,” Grim said as he casually surveyed the battlefield. “It won’t be long until the other Abnormal locates us.”

  “Don’t worry. We’re good for now. Luna is keeping it occupied...but I understand. This should be enough. There. Much better.” Sage clenched his hand into a fist as he stared at his arm. He could feel the energy making its way through his system and the power it brought. The sensation was like no other. The serpents on his back sunk into his skin and Sage exhaled a breath of sweet reverie.

  “Just so you know, I find that whole process disturbing. Taking someone’s life force and using it as your own. It’s sick.”

  Sage smirked and kicked the downed Abnormal in his chest. The steel plating that covered his skin compressed. “Heh. What can I say? If you were me, you’d do the same.” He flashed a sarcastic grin at Grim before bursting out into a full-fledged sprint.

  “Humph.” Grim took a final look at the unconscious Abnormal in disgust before sprinting behind his team leader. As odd as it seemed, two men rushing towards the chaos, their actions went unquestioned by those who wished to save their lives. Grim and Sage navigated through the throngs of people desperate for escape while the guard did nothing to uphold the peace. In the sea of panic all but one seemed to be going against their direction. It was a young woman of medium height with wavy brunette hair, her skin only slightly lighter. Skye burrowed through the crowd, slipping past the traveling herd, determined to confront the two Abnormals that she had sensed.

  “I know what you are,” Skye called out, her feet planted firmly to the ground in a defiant stance.

  Sage and Grim slowed their steps and ultimately came to a stop. Grim’s eyes slightly widened, intrigued at the bold statement. He turned to Sage, who bore a look of expectancy, not fazed in the least. Together, they turned to face her.

  “Ah, well if it isn’t the healer,” Sage said as his eyes outlined her silhouette. “Shouldn’t you be playing doctor somewhere? We grownups are busy right now.”

  “Don’t patronize me. I know what you’re trying to do. I doubt you’re strong enough.” Her hazel eyes pierced into Sage’s, wiping off the waggish grin he wore on his face. “Not nearly enough for Arius.” Grim stepped to her and her gaze shifted with an unparalleled ferocity. Sage shot his arm across Grim’s chest, restraining him, but the fire behind Skye’s eyes would have easily been more than enough. Skye felt his emotions spike. He was flustered.

  “Says the girl whose friends I almost killed on a whim,” Sage said as he scoffed and lowered his arm away from his companion’s chest. “Let me be the judge of Arius’s strength.” The head of one of Sage’s snakes slithered in the air around Skye as if it was inspecting her, but she knew it was all show. He knew that she could see his energy. His method of intimidation hardly did anything to her but cause disgust. Sage’s energy was foul. Putrid.

  Fed up with his antics, Skye shielded herself with her energy and batted the serpent back, involuntarily absorbing a hint of his unwanted emotions in the process. It came and went in a flash, but it was the last thing she wanted. Sharing the feelings of the man who decimated her home was far from pleasant, and it was something she planned to never do again.

  “I’m trying to help you,” Skye said harsher than she intended, suppressing the aching pain that echoed in her head. “He’s an—”

  But it was too late.

  Skye silenced herself as she saw Sage’s serpent shoot towards the stage. There was still time to warn him about Arius and the Abnormal who waited on stage with him, but Skye held her tongue behind a cage of clenched teeth. “You’re an idiot,” Skye finally said once his serpent was well on its
way. Sage chuckled while Grim paid her no mind, his intentions fully set on watching the young king’s coming demise.

  “This will all be over shortly, miss. Then you can go back to doing whatever it is you do,” Sage snickered. “Just leave this to us.”

  From the stage, Arius stood calmly as he surveyed the battle that erupted over the square, his hostage still on his knees and bound by his will. “Vespa,” Arius whispered.

  “I see it,” he responded. Before him, a purple snake-like creature composed of energy lurched towards the king, growing in size as it gained distance in its travel. “It’s big but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

  “Good,” Arius murmured.

  As Sage’s snake grew closer, Arius remained unmoved, even as the manifestation continued to grow in strength. From the other end of his projection, Sage’s cold demeanor was only a front. Underneath his mask of ice, he was bubbling under the surface, eager to strike the final blow to the king’s heart. He put more energy than he needed into his attack. It was insurance for overkill, a precaution taken from Skye’s words only moments ago, though he wasn’t entirely sure what she meant. Little did he know—his energy was exactly what Vespa wanted.

  Before Sage’s serpent could envelop Arius, Vespa stepped between the two and extended his hands. An aura of white light illuminated from his palms and grew brighter once his hands connected with the serpent’s head. Vespa smiled as the serpent continued to move forward, traveling deeper into the light that encompassed his hands, until finally, it was no more.

  “Excellent work, Vespa,” Arius said flatly, his confident gaze still surveying the battlefield.

  “What now? I know where the attack came from. Should we go after him and finish him off?”

  “No. Not yet.”

  Sage screamed in pain and fell to his knees as he clutched his sides. “W-what the hell?!” Confused, Grim looked to Skye and then to his downed ally who was now hunched over on the ground, heavily breathing with beads of sweat beginning to form beneath the rim of his silver hairline.

  “Sage?” Grim turned to Skye, bewildered by his sudden pain. “What happened to him!” he yelled.

  Skye ignored him, focusing only her thoughts on the wounded Sage. “So I guess neither of you can see it then, huh?” Skye said as she tilted her head, transfixed on Sage’s body.

  “Ah, Grim, it hurts!” Sage groaned from the ground.

  “I bet it does,” Skye chimed.

  “I-it’s like fire!”

  “Are you just going to stand there and mock him, or are you going to help?”

  “I can’t. And even if I could, I probably wouldn’t. He destroyed my home.” Sage scowled at Skye’s bitter speech from his fallen position. “The Abnormal that did this to him performed a technique similar to his own. Just like your friend, he’s able to drain energy. No,” Skye paused, “it’s a more accurate statement to say that he absorbs it. I figured since your friend, Sage, was able to attack on a psychic plane, he would be able to see what was happening. But I guess I thought wrong. For someone who’s supposed to be all powerful, I never expected him to be downed this easily.”

  “Keep talking, bitch!” Sage said through clenched teeth. “As soon I get up, I’ll personally shut that mouth of yours.”

  “I doubt it. That feeling you’re feeling right about now is his energy neutralizing your own.”

  “W-what?” Sage croaked as he struggled on the ground.

  “They’re like little stars. I can see all of them. I can see...everything.”

  “Enough talk. You help him, now.”

  “Like I said...I can’t do anything for him. A portion of the other Abnormal’s energy was transferred during Sage’s last attack. It’s not fatal, but his powers won’t be up to speed until his body naturally cleanses it from his system. If another exchange were to happen, it would only do more harm.” The heat of Grim’s building rage warmed Skye’s face as she glared at the rogue’s accomplice. He was angry at the situation, confused by his ally’s sudden ailment, and most of all, he was skeptical of what Skye said. “Hey, you’re not stupid enough to attack me are you? Not with your friend like this, at least. He’s in pain, I get it. But attacking me won’t make anything better. The girl you’re with is buying us time and your friend is injured, and for what? Arius,” she said coldly. “If you have an issue, take it out on him. We’re after the same person. We want the same thing.”

  “Grim...if I could just get some more energy, I-I’ll be all right.” Skye shifted her eyes to Sage who was now attempting to stand to his feet. Slowly but surely, he rose shakily, trying his best to not succumb to the exhaustion that overtook him. “Grim, come closer...give me some of yours. I won’t take much, I swear. Just a kick-start.” The purple aura that usually encompassed Sage had shrunk tremendously in size. No longer did it protrude from his body, but instead was a muddle of a flame that had been reduced to the center of his core. With Skye between the both of them, she kept her distance as Sage wearily walked forward towards Grim. “Please...” Sage extended his hand before falling to his knees. “Grim.”

  “No, don’t! If he borrows from you, it’ll only hurt our chances.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t listen to her, Grim. She’s lying!”

  “I’m not lying. If Sage would have listened to me in the first place, he wouldn’t be in the position he’s in now. You can’t let him feed off of you. There’s a chance that your energy will be inhibited too.” Grim grunted as he looked upon his downed ally, his thoughts cycling through their potential options.

  “Will he live?”

  “Yes, nothing that I can see indicates otherwise. His body is already starting to reset its natural flow. The pain he’s feeling is only temporary. In a few minutes he should be functional.”

  “You heard her, Sage. You’ll be fine. No use bringing us both down. Conserve your strength and focus on recovering.”

  “You can’t be serious! Grim, you believe her?”

  “We don’t have much time,” Skye said.

  “Look, fine, Grim. I understand. It makes sense, you know? But the people...I can get energy from them. It won’t take much. I just need a little. I won’t kill them I swear. I—”

  “If you do so much as lay a finger on them, I’ll kill you myself.” Skye’s eyes turned to stone as she glared at Sage who was sweating and virtually immobile below her. “That goes for you, too,” Skye said, shifting her head to Grim. “Leave them out of this. They’ve already been through enough. This is between us and Arius. They’re not pawns. They’re human beings, just like us.”

  “Humph. Bold words coming from a young lady such as yourself. You don’t even know what I’m capable of,” Grim said as he inched closer.

  In front of Skye, two bodies emerged, one donning all black, another draped in a cloak that concealed the blade he wielded in his father’s name. The self-generated breeze from their sudden appearance kicked dust into the air, whipping debris into Sage and Grim’s faces. Emil’s sword crackled faintly with sky-blue energy that danced along his blade, ready to be used at a moment’s notice. Omari, ever vigilant, kept one eye on his sister and the other on the threat that stood before him. “Take one more step and I’ll kill you where you stand.”

  “Is everything okay?” Omari asked after slightly pivoting his head back.

  “Couldn’t be better. Right, Grim?” Skye spat. Grim scowled and caught Omari’s full attention once more. Noticing the fallen man from days prior, Emil pointed his sword at Sage.

  “What happened to him? Did you do this?”

  “No.” Skye paused. “It was another Abnormal shadowing Arius.” Emil’s eyes quickly scanned the vicinity but nothing struck him as a threat in the area.

  “And where is he now?”

  “Still with him. He never left his side. The man you’re pointing your weapon at is named Sage. He tried to attack Arius with his projections, but the Abnormal was able to not only neutralize the attack but temporaril
y inhibit Sage’s abilities with his life energy, as well.”

  “And this all happened from a distance?” Omari asked.

  “Yes,” Skye answered with a nod.

  “I see. Given his array of units, it’s odd to see that he only chose Abnormals with an emphasis on defense. An Abnormal that can coat his body in steel, one that can manipulate the earth, and another, from what we know, that has the ability to neutralize the natural energy in those who use such properties to fuel their attacks.”

  “And of course, there’s Arius, himself,” Emil added.

  “And members of his militia surrounding the area,” Skye said.

  “We knew what we were getting into when we came here. I’m not about to get cold feet just because the odds are against us. None of them made a move outside of responses to ours. Arius hasn’t even graced the field, but it seems as though he has no intention of running away,” Emil said as he shifted his body.

  “You talk of this man as if he’s a god among gods,” Grim said as he folded his arms in speculation. The words of the outsider hit Emil’s back, causing him to react in a bout of fury.

  “And what do you know about him?” Emil asked as he lowered his sword and turned away from Sage. Grim’s eyes narrowed as they met Emil’s but he remained unresponsive. “That’s right. Nothing,” Emil hissed. “I’m his brother, and I’ve seen what he’s capable of. When I was younger, I tried to kill him but I couldn’t. Want to know why? Because he said I couldn’t. He’s made a man kill his own daughters, and a whole kingdom bow at his command. When I failed to kill him, he made me break my own fingers and left me to die. If he isn’t a god, he might as well be.” Emil paused. “He has the power to bend one’s will to his own. What can you do?”

  “That’s bullsh—” Sage began, but he was stopped once Emil jutted his hand in front of Sage’s face, his body still facing Grim.


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