Rebellion MC: Tag & Lucy's Story

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Rebellion MC: Tag & Lucy's Story Page 6

by Nicola Jane

  “Can you show me that?”

  “I guess so. Tell me the last time you needed to use self-defense while out in a bar?” he asks with a laugh.

  “You just never know.” I can’t tell him the real reason, it’s my personal business.

  “I think you should drink in some better bars. Besides, doesn’t your man protect you? I know my woman wouldn’t ever be put in a situation where she’d need to use self-defense.”

  “You can’t always be around to protect her, just like Noah can’t always be around to protect me.”

  “Nah-ha,” he says, shaking his head. “My woman won’t be leaving my side and when she does, she’ll be with security. You can’t ever leave a queen unprotected.”

  I gasp, not in a horrified way but a swoon kind of way because the way Tag said that sentence, with so much determination and passion, well, it’s the stuff you see in movies. “I think that’s so sweet,” I whisper and Tag rolls his eyes.

  “I’m an old-fashioned kind of guy. Me Tarzan, she Jayne and all that bollocks. It’s over-bearing and I’m pretty sure it would drive her mad but it’s my way or no way.”

  “Who is she, have you been together long?” I want to know all about him, even if that means asking questions that I’m not going to like the answers to. Thinking about Tag with a woman on his arm kind of hurts my heart, which is ridiculous seeing as I’ve known the guy just a couple of hours.

  “How long have you been with your guy?” he asks, avoiding my question.

  “Too long. I met Noah in college around four years ago. Same kind of background and upbringing, it made sense yah know.” I shrug, I don’t know why I said that, like we only got together for those reasons.

  “What kind of background is that?” he asks, picking up the pads again.

  “Rich, entitled, spoiled.”

  He cocks and eyebrow like this information surprises him, “You’re just gonna admit all that shit?”

  “I was talking more about his background,” I shrug, “Mine too I guess but I hate it, I hate the money, the roles and responsibilities it brings, the expectations…” I trail off. I’ve never really said any of that out loud. Tyra and Bel know I hate the money and the assumptions it brings, but it’s not something I really discuss.

  “But you work hard, you have a business. What’s wrong with that?”

  “My step-father wanted to buy me the business, I wouldn’t let him. He paid outright behind my back, I was so pissed.” I shake my head at the memory. It was a rough time for me and my mom, despite the fact that they didn’t agree with my career choice, they insisted on helping. Harold, my step-father, hated the thought of me going to the bank for a loan and so he went behind my back and put an offer on the building where Frills, my business, is based. Of course, once I found out I was outraged, he’d taken my decision from me, along with my choice. Tyra and Bel couldn’t understand my anger, they thought I was being ungrateful but I didn’t want everyone to think I’d just walked into this business on stepdaddy’s hard earned cash. I wanted to prove I could do it alone. Anyhow, we agreed that I’d pay him back, just as if it was a bank loan. Since then, I’ve been a lot less angry about the whole thing. “What do you do, apart from fight?”

  “Me,” he laughs and then shrugs his shoulders, “This and that. We have a few family businesses.”

  “Why the cloak and dagger answer?” I ask, “What kind of businesses.”


  I’m unsure of how much to tell Lucy. I want her to trust me, enough for her to fall for me and I can only do that if I open up enough to let her in but not enough for her to ruin me when all of this ends. She’s staring at me expectantly, waiting for my answer. I hold the pads up for her and nod my head. She gets into the stance I showed her and lightly taps the pads with her fists, it’s cute really.

  “I already told you, we mainly buy and sell jewellery. Other than that, I work for a big organization. There’s someone higher than me and then me, I’m classed as the under boss. The organization generates a lot of money.” Lucy gives me a quizzical look but continues to hit the pads.

  “So you have a lot of money too?”

  “Does it matter?” I ask. I sense that it does, not because she wants money, I think the idea of more money turns her off. She hates it and I think she’d be much happier if I told her I had nothing and lived in the East End. “I have my own apartment. I work hard and I’m responsible for a lot of people. I make hard decisions and like you I don’t flash my wealth around.”

  Lucy nods, “Cool. Can we stop now, I’m exhausted?”

  I laugh, I really did work her hard, not because she needs it, her figure is perfect. I just enjoyed watching her body work hard. “I’ll take you for some food. I know a great place not far from here.”

  Half an hour later I stop the car outside Kenny’s restaurant. He isn’t expecting me but he owes me some money and I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone. I hold the door open for Lucy to step inside. It’s an American diner, we aren’t dressed for somewhere more up market, but for burgers, this is the best place for miles. Kenny spots me from the other side of the room. He pales slightly but hides it quickly and waves to me, forcing a large smile onto his fat face. “Boss, I haven’t seen you for a while, it’s great to see you.”

  “Kenny, good to see you. Table for two?”

  He looks around the busy restaurant, “Erm, yeah, of course. Follow me.”

  “If you’re busy please don’t worry,” says Lucy politely.

  “Oh, don’t be silly, I’d ever turn away Tag.” He glances back at me before stopping by an empty table. “Please, take a seat and I’ll get you your drinks.”

  I slide into the red booth opposite Lucy who looks very uncomfortable. “Two waters please,” I say and he nods and disappears to get them. Lucy watches him closely; he whispers into the ear of a passing waitress who also eyes us before nodding her head and scuttling off the get our water.

  “He didn’t look too pleased to see you,” states Lucy suspiciously.

  “He didn’t?” I ask, “I should have booked ahead.”

  “He looks scared of you.”

  I watch Kenny who keeps glancing over at us nervously. “I don’t know why. Some people get skittish around me because of my fighting career.”

  Lucy’s cell vibrates across the table, her boyfriend’s name flashing across the screen. She stares at it for a moment and then smiles awkwardly. “Sorry, I have to get this.” I nod, watching as she swipes accept on the screen and then holds it to her ear. “Hey baby,” she coos. I can’t be certain but when she asked me earlier in the gym about self-defense, I immediately thought of this guy. I can’t help but think he hits her. “I decided to go to the gym. How’s work?” She nods, why do people do that when they are on the phone, it’s not like the other person can see them. “If it takes all night then it can’t be helped. Make sure you eat something, don’t burn out.” I can see the disappointment on her face, this guy neglects his queen and that gives me a perfect opportunity to swoop right in there. “Okay, I love you too. See you tomorrow.”

  Once she’s disconnected the call she smiles, “Sorry about that.”

  “Not a problem. You didn’t mention you were here with me.”

  “There’s no need. I’m not doing anything wrong. Besides, he’s very busy and stressed.”

  “Would he mind that you were eating dinner with another man?”

  She thinks about my question. The waitress brings us our water and then I order us both a steak burger. I don’t ask Lucy, but she doesn’t seem to mind me ordering for her. “I don’t think he’d mind. He doesn’t really get jealous. He doesn’t mind me having male friends.”

  “I’m a ridiculously jealous person,” I admit, “I’m slightly obsessive when it comes to my woman. Some might even say deranged.” I add a little laugh to lighten the statement but it’s the truth. I am completely obsessed with Ella, once she’s mine I’ll consume her life.

  “Doesn’t she m
ind?” asks Lucy.

  “She doesn’t know it yet. She isn’t mine.” I don’t add anything further, that last sentence could mean anyone, including Lucy. She seems to think the same because she blushes. Our burgers arrive and Lucy’s eyes like up. I like a woman that loves her food and isn’t ashamed to eat in front of a man. She takes a big bite and I smile.

  “Oh my god, this tastes so good,” she says between mouthfuls. “If my mom could see me now, she’d have a fit,” she adds.

  “She doesn’t agree with you eating burgers?”

  “God no, we don’t eat food that requires us to use our hands. Lucy darling,” she says in a posh voice, “Whatever would they think of you at the country club. Poor Noah must despair.”

  I laugh, I like how she mocks the stuck-up rich people even if they are her family. “You said you had a step-dad, what happened to your real dad?” I ask, tucking into my own burger.

  “He left when I was a toddler. I don’t remember him. Mom met Harold when I was ten. They dated for a while and then we moved in with him. Mom comes from money. Her parents are rich. She married for money, nothing else. My real father wasn’t from money. I think he was her little bit of rough.” Lucy laughs.

  “Don’t you ever think about finding him?” I ask.

  Lucy shakes her head, “Not really. If he didn’t want to stick around, then so what. I didn’t need him. I guess, sometimes, I’d like to know more about him.” She wipes her mouth on a napkin and throws it on her plate. She only managed half of the burger so I eat mine and then finish hers off. I hate waste.

  Kenny approaches us, “Was everything okay Tag?” he asks. I nod. He knows I’m gonna ask him for my money, the fact I am here in person is enough to scare him.

  “Could we step into your office for a minute?” I ask, standing.

  Kenny’s eyes widen, “S-sure,” he stutters.

  I smile at Lucy who is glancing back and forth between us. “I won’t be long. Just a quick business thing.”

  I follow Kenny through the restaurant to the office at the back. I’m barely through the door before he’s turning to face me and begging for more time. I sigh, I hate it when people beg. “Don’t make this hard Kenny,” I groan. “I could have sent Dan, he wouldn’t have been as nice as me would he?” I ask and Kenny shakes his head. Dan is ruthless, it’s why I hired him as my head of security.

  “I just need a few days Tag, please. I’ve had problems with staff and the restaurant isn’t doing as well as it was.”

  “Excuses Kenny, it isn’t my problem. You came to me for money, did I make you wait for it?” I ask, referring to the ten-thousand-pound loan I gave him.

  “No boss,” sighs Kenny.

  “Then go get me the money from the till now. I’m not asking for the full amount am I, I’m a reasonable guy. Five thousand will do for now.”

  Kenny’s face pales, “I know there isn’t that much Tag, I’ve barely made enough to pay my staff.”

  My jaw begins to tick, a sure sign I’m close to losing my shit. “So what can you pay now?”

  “A thousand?” he shrugs. My hand is around his throat and he’s up against the wall in a split second. He coughs and splutters.

  “I think you’re taking me for a fool Kenny,” I growl. He can’t respond, my grip is too tight. “And now you’ve pissed me off. I’m trying to impress that girl, not scare the fuck out of her.”

  “S-S-Sorry…” gasps Kenny. His eyes dart to the door where I hear a sharp intake of breath. I glance back into the terrified eyes of Lucy. She turns and runs, slamming the office door closed.

  “Fuck,” I groan, releasing Kenny who gasps and falls to his knees. “I’m sending Dan tomorrow at seven, have my money by then.”

  I rush through the restaurant, bursting out into the fresh evening air. Lucy is half-way down the street, flailing her arms around to try and stop a black cab. One pulls in and as she opens the door, I press my hand against it, “Stop,” I order. I tap the roof of the cab and he pulls away. “Let me explain.” I haven’t quite worked out what I’m going to say but I know she can’t leave like this. Lucy keeps her back to me, folding her arms across her chest. “Let’s go back to my place, it isn’t too far from here,” I offer but she doesn’t respond. I sigh aloud. “Lucy, you will hear me out, so you can walk back to my car and get in by yourself or I can throw you over my shoulder and force the conversation.” I wait for a second and then bend down and I haul her up over my shoulder, she screams, hitting me on the back. “I told you to walk yourself, I don’t like being ignored.”

  The street is busy but no one so much as looks in our direction, this is London and odd things happen all the time. We look like a couple having a lover’s quarrel. I place her in my car. Dan is watching from his usual position, his motorbike is always nearby where ever I am.

  I lean into the vehicle and pull the seat-belt around her, she turns her head away from me and I catch her scent, it’s fruity and zesty, I like it. I slam the door and Dan approaches, slowing his bike down by the driver’s side. “Feisty,” he smirks.

  “Tell me about it. Can you do me a favor?” I hand him a piece of paper with Lucy’s full name, date of birth and address on it. “Pass this to Cruise, I need as much information as he can get on her, her mother, her absent father. I want as much as he can find.” Dan tucks the paper into his leather jacket pocket.

  “Right on it boss. Do you need me anymore this evening?” I shake my head. I don’t plan to leave my apartment for the rest of the evening. We fist bump and he speeds off.

  I get into the vehicle and I feel the frostiness. I have to make this right, I don’t like the way it feels when she’s mad at me. We drive to my apartment in less than five minutes and she remains silent for the entire time. She doesn’t get out of the car and waits for me to open her door and take her by the hand. “Lucy, please stop judging me, let me tell you why you saw what you saw.”

  “It’s hard not to judge, the guy was terrified of you!” she huffs, but at least she’s talking. I lead her into the apartment block. She doesn’t look in awe of the huge glass walls or the twinkly bright lights that bounce off the shiny floor. The security guy presses for the elevator, tipping his hat to me as we step inside the car. I insert my key card into the slot in the elevator and the doors close. It takes us directly to the penthouse apartment. When the doors open again, we step directly into the apartment. The huge living room is impressive, it’s the main reason I bought the place. The couches are huge, I had them custom made. They curve into a long semi-circle. Opposite, on the wall, there is a ridiculously large television, which I hardly spend any time watching.

  “Can I get you anything to drink?” I ask, shrugging out of my jacket. Lucy folds her arms across her chest and looks around the living room warily, shaking her head at my offer. I point to the couch and she shuffles to the edge, perching like she doesn’t plan on staying for long. “What you saw back there was a moment of craziness, a split second where I lost my temper. That doesn’t usually happen,” I lie. “Kenny cheated on my mom,” I add, another lie. “And that’s the first time I’ve seen him since then. He made a remark about her and I lost my shit. I love my mom, she’s my world.”

  Lucy eyes me skeptically, “Oh.”

  “I regretted it instantly, he really isn’t worth my time. But, I’m sorry you walked in on that.”

  “I don’t like violence.”

  “Me either, I prefer to talk shit out but then no man wants to hear his mother bad-mouthed.”

  “I guess,” she mutters.

  I take a seat next to her. “I had a great time tonight, I hope I haven’t ruined it by that stupid mistake back there.”

  “I had a good time too…” she trails off. I suspect she feels guilty because she has a boyfriend. We haven’t done anything wrong yet but I can tell she wants to. Her tongue keeps darting out and licking her lower lip, she wants me to kiss her.



  I’m not impressed b
y the big apartment or the flashy television that almost looks like a cinema screen. I wasn’t impressed with the nice sporty car he drove or the fact that he had security detail following him at a distance all evening. I certainly wasn’t impressed when I saw him holding that poor restaurant owner by his throat or the fact that he just lied to my face. So why in the hell do I want him to kiss me so bad. It’s all I can think about, his lips on mine, his hands exploring my body in a way in which I know Noah never will. I can tell, just by the look in Tag’s eye that sex with him would be passionate, hungry and exciting. With those thoughts comes a huge amount of guilt. I have a boyfriend; I have no business being here and having these kinds of thoughts.

  I stand abruptly, “I should go,” I sigh.

  Tag’s eyes bore deep into my own, I feel like he’s reading my mind and I blush. This guy is everything I should run from, he will use me and spit me out, I have too much at stake to risk that. Plus, he lied to me, I don’t believe for one second that the guy cheated on his mom, his eye twitched when he said it. I’m not a fool. “Okay,” he says, leaning back against the couch and kicking off his boots. I was expecting an argument, he picked me up and put me in his car to get me here and now he seems relaxed for me to just leave.

  “Right, okay, well, thanks for tonight.”

  I’ve taken a few steps when he shifts forward, leaning his elbows on his knees. “Of course, you could always stay for a while. It’s not like he’s back home waiting for you is he?”

  “That’s not the point. I shouldn’t be here.”

  “Why?” he asks, “We haven’t done anything wrong…” he pauses, “Yet,” he adds.

  That’s the word that scares me, ‘yet.’ “What does that mean?”

  Tag stands and moves towards me, “You know it will happen. You feel it too, I must have thought about kissing your lips a thousand times tonight and I don’t know how much more control I’ve got but I’d like to find out.”

  “It’s not a good idea, I have a boyfr…” Tag presses his lips against mine, cutting off my words. I freeze and Tag pulls back slightly, “iend,” I finish. He smirks and then his mouth is against mine, his hands cup my face as his tongue caresses mine in a slow, lazy kiss. I feel like I’m floating and the only thing keeping me on the ground is Tag’s large hands as he moves one into my hair and gently tugs a handful, angling my mouth the way that he wants it. His other hand trails to the front of my neck and rests there, not squeezing, not adding pressure but having it there turns me the fuck on. I keep my hands hanging limply by my sides. I feel Tag’s body shift closer until his front is pressed against mine. There’s no mistaking that his erection is huge, pressing against my stomach.


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