The Italian Heartthrob: Forbidden Standalone

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The Italian Heartthrob: Forbidden Standalone Page 19

by N J Adel

My shoulders lifted with a hanging shrug. “But I don’t. It’s like there’s an invisible hand stealing that moment from me replacing it with a terrible feeling of unworthiness.”

  Every time I’d accomplished something or something good happened to me, a voice inside kept saying it wasn’t enough. It was nothing. I’d done nothing.

  He grimaced, his hands on my shoulders, relaxing them. “How about every time you have one of those God-awful moments, I tell you, remind you of how accomplished, talented, beautiful and worthy you are? Would that help a little?”

  I let myself get lost in his beautiful, loving eyes and nodded. “It will help a lot.”

  Samantha came through the door, dragging Mike’s suitcase, her phone on her ear. “Hold on a second.” She stared at me, pressing the phone to her chest. “It’s Callahan. What do I tell him? Do we have a deal or not?” she whispered.

  I grinned, gazing at Mike. “We have a deal.”

  Scene 48


  I signed with Callahan at dinner, and on the way back to my room—to Mike—I got a text from Robello calling for an urgent meeting at his office first thing in the morning. A simple message, yet I received it with a pang in my chest. Normally he’d call, and we’d have those meetings on set. He’d never asked me to come to his office before.

  It was probably just another managerial meeting, which could mean budget cuts. Happened all the time. Nothing worth fretting about. But I was so happy I couldn’t help worrying something would ruin it for me.

  I’d signed my third movie deal, become a partner in Mondo M, and the world would know I was Mike’s girlfriend in less than six months. I should be enjoying myself and not let anything mess it up.

  However, there was something else that troubled me. Mike.

  He was about to tell me something before Samantha interrupted us in the shower. Something important. Yet when I’d asked what it was, he’d changed the subject; he said he wanted me to know he couldn’t wait for Black Sheep to end so we would live together. An uncomfortable subject, even if I wanted it as much as he did, that would get me nervous— on purpose. Not a single forehead rub or a drop of sweat on his side, though. Then he’d gotten me back into bed.

  I’d ask him again and again until he told me the truth and why he had to hide it. Just not tonight. Not when I could spend the whole night in his arms and let his smile lift the weight of uncertainties off my soul.

  Scene 49


  Inside Robello’s office, I checked in with the secretary and took a seat in one of the leather chairs. In a few minutes, he waved me in with a formal smile. “Come in, Dawson.”

  Dawson. Not Maggie or Kid as he would address me. Not a good sign. Should I call him Mr. Robello now? He hated that. He’d always said Mr. Robello was his father and insisted I call him Don.

  As I shut the door, he dropped the smile. The pang in my chest burrowed deep. I knew it. This was no regular meeting. What the hell was going on?

  He sat at his desk and fixed his eyes on me. “I called you here today for a random drug test.”

  I blinked, shifting in my seat. “What?”

  He picked up a file and thumped it down in front of him. “It’s regular procedure…and also mandatory.”

  “I know that, and I don’t mind. But aren’t these supposed to be for more than one employee? Why just me? And why here?”

  He hunched over the desk, flipping through the file.

  I stared at him, waiting for an answer. He was so tense the veins in his neck stood out. “Don, what the hell is going on?”

  A long sigh left his mouth. “Look, Maggie, you know how much I admire your talent, but I’m afraid I’ve received some very disturbing photos of you on set.”

  “Photos? What photos?”

  He sent some glossy pictures skidding down the desk in my direction. They were photos of me on various set locations with lit joints and bloodshot eyes.

  Fabricated photos.

  I knew that because I could remember exactly which party each one of those shots was taken.

  My apprehension turned into irritation now. I hadn’t been in the industry long enough to make enemies or build rivalries. Who would do that? Go to that extent to get me fired? “These aren’t real. Who gave you those?”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Yes, it does!” Anger erupted inside my chest, and my teeth clenched together so tightly my jaw ached. “Whoever sent you those wants to destroy my career. I think I have the right to know who the fuck wants to do this to me.”


  “Look, if you don’t believe me, here.” I got out my phone and swiped through the photo albums. Then I gave him the phone. “These are the originals that were Photoshopped to make them look like they were on set. They were taken months ago. You can see the date.”

  He glanced at the screen then up at me, his lips pursed.

  “And don’t worry, I’m taking the test. Got nothing to hide.” Thanks to Mike, I hadn’t smoked anything since my birthday. My mind rumbled. Wait a minute… “Is this what it’s all about? Someone is getting me for the Kyle-Mike situation?”

  “Let it go, Kid.”

  I stood, and my palm banged on the desk, scattering the photos on top. “No, I won’t. Who the fuck did this, Don?”

  “It’s Andrea. Happy?”

  I froze for a second. Then my ass plopped back down. “What?”

  For several moments there was nothing. No noise. No words. No reaction. The room was so heavy with nothing that I was choking on it. “I don’t understand. Why…why would my own mother try to get me fired?”

  He ran a hand over the back of his head and set my phone on the desk. Then he held his own cell. “Listen to this.”

  A recording played with Andrea’s and Robello’s voices.

  “My daughter is not well, Don. I’m so worried about her. This business is not right for her. It’s going to make her relapse.”


  “Her father and I hid this from everyone, but…Maggie is a recovering addict.”

  My heart sped up. Sweat broke out along my forehead, and for a minute the world seemed like it was spinning with me sitting in place.

  “I’m very sorry. I should have come to you earlier, but I thought she was handling it,” Andrea whimpered.

  I covered my quivering lips with my hand, stifling the urge to cry out loud.

  “Then I got those pictures.” There was a crunch of paper, probably of the envelope where the fake pictures were. “Here. See for yourself. I don’t know what to do. This girl is breaking my heart.” Andrea cried. “Don, please help me. I need to get her out of this before it’s too late.”

  I scrubbed at my eyes angrily, wiping away any potential tears in one jerky motion. “I was never an addict. She’s…”

  He stopped the recording. “I know it’s all lies. Mike tipped me off a few days ago that she might do something like this. I recorded the conversation and asked you to take the drug test to be on the safe side, legally.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t think she’ll stop here. She’ll probably go to the tabloids, and we need to be ready if things escalate.”

  My lips parted in shock. “Why would she do this to me?”

  “Why do you think? Your upcoming movies with Mike are the reason he wouldn’t make the ones she’s bringing him. You’re taking away her golden goose.”

  “But I’m her only daughter.”

  “Welcome to Hollywood, Kid. These standards don’t apply in our world.”

  Wiping my eyes again didn’t work. Tears streamed down my face, and I wanted to punch a hole in the wall.

  “Get it together, and don’t worry. We got your back,” he said.

  “Thanks.” I sniffled. “Can I please have this recording? I think I owe Andrea a visit.”


  “Don, please,” I pleaded. “I need to do this.”

  Scene 50

/>   Maggie

  I shoved my way past Loretta. “Where is she?”

  “Upstairs.” She closed the door. “What’s wrong? Are you all right?”

  I glanced at the real kindness and concern in the housekeeper’s eyes—the emotions I’d never seen in my own mother’s—so hurt and sad and angry I couldn’t speak. I grabbed the railing and flew to my parents’ bedroom.

  “Andrea!” I popped open the door, my eyes darting around the room. My mother was sitting at her dresser, applying makeup. She could use all the makeup in the world, but it would never be enough to hide this evil, narcissistic face. Not from me.

  “Maggie?” She barely looked at me. “What are you doing here? And what the hell are you thinking barging into my room like this?”

  “Why the fuck are you trying to sabotage my movie?”

  “Do you think this is a proper way to talk to your mother?”

  “Mother? You call yourself a mother? What mother tries everything in her might to destroy her child’s career and reputation? What mother spreads a lie about her own daughter being a drug addict?”

  “Are you out of your mind?” Andrea looked at me over her shoulder. “I can’t believe it. You’re in the middle of making your first indie feature and already think people are jealous of you and out there to get you?”

  A familiar pain resonated through my body. The kind I’d felt for years whenever Andrea began gaslighting, putting me on defense mode, making me feel low about myself.

  But this time, I was too angry to take the bait. “Before you even think about lying, listen to this.” I played the recording on my phone.

  Andrea continued fixing her fake lashes as if she heard nothing. Then she just sighed.

  “Aren’t you gonna say anything?” I demanded. “I can sue you with this, you know?”

  “Sue me?” Andrea finally stood and turned to face me. “You’re going to sue your mother for trying to protect you?”

  “Protect me?! From what?!”

  “From this biz. You know nothing about it and don’t have the skills or the experience to survive it. You’re too weak to handle it.”

  My pulse thumped between my temples. Even my damn eyes seemed to throb. My mind was dragging itself around in a circle struggling not to fall into Andrea’s trap. There was no point in defending myself or convincing my mother I was good enough for anything. “Even if you think that’s true, your idea of protecting me is telling my producer I’m a fucking junkie?”

  “Maggie, what you need to understand is that you belong in your father’s company and with Kyle.”

  “I don’t…” I gritted my teeth, my fists clenched limply by my sides, fighting to regain control. “So this is what it’s all about. Mike.”

  “Isn’t he what this is all about to you? You don’t really care about making movies. You got in the business for him. To gain his attention and make him fall for you.” Andrea smirked. “But he’s not for you, Maggie. Never will be.”

  I stared in the eyes assaulting me. “I’m making movies because I have finally found a job that I care about and love. And I’m gonna make it in this business whether you like it or not, Andrea.”

  She stepped forward, closing the distance between us. “Come on. Be realistic for once. You really think he’ll be with someone like you? He’s Mike Gennaro, and you’re…you know.”

  Tears accumulated in my eyes despite my efforts. “I’m what? Not pretty or hot or smart or good enough for him or any other man or anything in this world?”

  Andrea rolled her eyes, her hands lifting in the air. “I’ve had enough of your drama.” She spun and returned to the dresser. “When will you ever grow up and spare me these ‘crying for attention’ spectacles?”

  “Me crying for attention? Yeah, right. Well, hear me out because I hope to God this will be our last conversation ever.” I blinked the tears from my eyes. “You can turn it all on me and feed me more lies as you always have, but it won’t work anymore. Because today, when I found out you were ready to destroy your own daughter for your own gain, I realized you’re simply incapable of loving anyone but yourself. I have finally stopped seeking your love.”

  “Is this what you came here to say? Are you done?”

  “I’m here to tell you to leave us the fuck alone.”

  Andrea chuckled. “Do you even love him?”

  “None of your business.”

  “Well, if you do, if you really care about him, you shouldn’t make those movies with him. You don’t want to bring him down with you when you fuck up.”

  The image of Andrea’s gaze in the mirror pierced into my heart, stabbing between the cracks. Again, Andrea had managed to strip me of the ability to fight in a confrontation I should’ve won easily. I was the one wronged here, not the opposite. I wanted to tell Andrea I wasn’t going to fuck up. I loved Mike as much as he loved me. We’d succeed together because we cared and believed in each other. But the words refused to leave my lips.

  “Goodbye, Andrea.” That was all I could say.

  “I wish I’d aborted you when I had the chance,” she mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

  My eyes squeezed shut as I shook against my will. “Then why the fuck didn’t you? You could’ve done us both a fucking favor!”

  I stormed out of the house. Blinded by tears and rage and fissuring ache, I barely made it half-way across the street when tires screeched, and I felt myself flying and then rolling down a cold, rough surface. Pain cracked into my left hand and shot all the way up my arm, followed by a painful smack in the head.

  Then…everything went black.

  Scene 51


  “DeVries,” Mike called out as he dashed forward. He spotted her blonde head peeking out from behind a security team posted in front of the hospital wing.

  She waved an arm at him. “Come.”

  “Where is she?” he demanded, his heart racing, his eyes darting around the closed rooms.

  She nodded at a room on the far left guarded by two bodyguards. “I arranged for security as you can see. Any reporters down there?”

  He shook his head, running to Maggie’s room. When the guards let him in, his heart jumped to his throat. “Oh my God.”

  She was lying on a bed, her face and lips swollen, her arm in a cast, her eyes and nose red. He rushed to her side and kissed her forehead and a spot on her cheek that wasn’t bruised. “How are you feeling, amore? What did the doctor say?”

  “I’m all right. Don’t worry,” she said, her voice distant. “You didn’t have to come all the way. Now, the tabloids will feast on us.”

  “You expect me to sit on my ass somewhere while you’re fucking hospitalized? Who the fuck cares about the tabloids?”

  She glanced at him, her eyes vacant. “It’s just a few bruises anyway. They said they’d discharge me tomorrow.”

  He squatted next to the bed and took her hand in his. “Just a few bruises? Your arm is in a cast.”

  “Yeah, that too.”

  “Where the fuck is that driver? I’m gonna kill him.”

  “It wasn’t his fault.” She swallowed in pain. “I wasn’t paying attention when I was crossing the street.”

  “You should’ve let me come with you. You shouldn’t have faced her alone. What happened?”

  Tears brimmed her eyes as she shook her head. “It was terrible.”

  He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and her tears turned into sobs.

  “You should’ve seen her face. That woman is sick, Mike,” she whispered. “She wasn’t even sorry, like she actually wants me to fail, her only daughter. As if I’m a threat to her or something. If I didn’t know better I’d say she was even jealous of me. Who does that?”

  A monster.

  “I can still hear her in my head. The sound of her scoff. I can see the roll of her eyes. The smirk.”

  “Hey, hey!” He rubbed her back and squeezed her gently. “I’m here. I’ll take care of Andrea. I’ll end this.”

p; “No.” She gasped a few ragged breaths as she pulled away. “I don’t want you to do anything. No more talking. No more…anything with Andrea. She’s out of my life for good. I told her that. I know you have business with her, and I can’t interfere with—”

  “Carolina, amore, I already fired her.”

  “What?” Her eyes narrowed with suspicion. “When?”

  He thought she’d be happy about this news, but the lack of enthusiasm in her voice proved him wrong. “After that night when you told me how she’d been treating you.” He dragged the guest chair over to the side of her bed and sat. “I couldn’t just continue to work with her knowing she…”

  “But that was months ago. Why didn’t you tell me? Wait, is that what you were trying to tell me yesterday, when you made up all that living together shit?”

  She knew all along I was lying? Sweat broke along his forehead as he looked at his feet. Was now even the right time to have this conversation? “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but the whole Callahan thing happened, and I didn’t wanna ruin the day.” He dragged his gaze to her face. “Andrea didn’t take no for an answer and came to me a few days ago with a new movie deal with an extra five million. She didn’t like it when I said no, and I figured she’d do something shitty.”

  She nodded. “I get it now. She lost her power over you and got all worked up.” Her hand squeezed his. “Mike, you have to promise me you won’t talk to her or do anything about what happened.”

  “You’re joking, right?”


  “Why are you always tying my hands? Let me fix this. I know how to stop her.” To destroy her.

  “Then what? I don’t want another war. The only way to win with Andrea is ignoring her. Not giving her the attention she’s asking for. If she messes with us again, we’ll handle it legally, like Robello said, okay?”


  “Promise me.” She held his gaze.


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