The Escort (Nights Series Book 2)

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The Escort (Nights Series Book 2) Page 6

by A. M. Salinger

  “Shut up, you hag!” Ethan barked. “And, as far as money is concerned, I can make more than you with my eyes closed!”


  Ethan’s face grew warm, angry with himself for letting a sliver of the truth slip.

  “What?” Eveline barked.

  She slipped her cell out of her purse, brought up a screen, and showed him some figures, her blue eyes shrinking to slits.

  “You’re saying you make more than this on your bartending salary, you snot-faced little prick?”

  Ethan hesitated as he stared at the numbers on the cell phone.

  Oh well. In for a penny, in for a pound. Besides, she’s pissing me off big time.

  He took his own phone out, tapped a password in, and brought up a screen of figures.

  “Read it and weep, bitch.” He shoved the phone in Eveline’s face.

  Eveline’s eyes widened as she stared at the numbers, color draining from her beautiful face.

  “Fuck. Me,” she whispered hoarsely.

  “No, thanks,” Ethan said scathingly.

  Eveline ignored him and squinted at his cell screen.

  “Hey, you went for those shares? My guy told me they were a dud investment.”

  Ethan studied Eveline’s phone closely. He sucked air between his teeth.

  “Whoa, those are gonna crash in the next few weeks. You’d better shift them.”

  “Oh, yeah? Any suggestions?” Eveline pulled a pen out of her purse and slid a napkin toward him.

  Ethan was halfway through writing details of a stocks and shares portfolio when he paused and stared blindly at the pen in his hand.

  “What the fuck am I doing?”

  Eveline chuckled. She leaned across the counter and dropped a gentle kiss on Ethan’s cheek, startling him.

  “You’re helping out your new best friend,” she said, a warm smile lighting up her face.

  Ethan stared, stunned.


  Eveline sniffed.

  “Don’t make me say it again, you little shit.”

  Confusion washed through Ethan as he stared at the woman facing him. The animosity he had felt from Eveline had vanished and she sat gazing at him with an amiable if curious expression.

  It was as if she’d been testing him.

  “Why do you still call on him?” Ethan blurted out.

  Eveline gave him a puzzled look.

  “Joe,” Ethan mumbled. “Why do you still call on him to work for you?”

  Eveline watched him silently for a moment, her face softening.

  “Has Joe ever told you about the gig he does for me on those occasions?”

  Ethan shook his head, heat flooding his cheeks.

  “No, but I can guess.”

  Eveline propped her chin in her hand again. “Well, you’d be guessing wrong, kiddo.”

  Ethan blinked. “What?”

  Eveline played with her glass, her face melancholic.

  “The client is a wealthy English widow whose son once visited Le Secret. Apparently, Joe is the spitting image of his father. He told his mother about it and she insisted on meeting Joe.”

  Ethan’s heart drummed against his ribs at Eveline’s words.

  “You mean—”

  Eveline smiled.

  “It’s never been about sex. They go for dinner once a month and just talk. She truly enjoys Joe’s company and has never asked for more than that from him.” Eveline sighed. “She and her husband were childhood sweethearts. They were married for over three decades before he died of a heart attack.” Eveline paused, her eyes glinting. “Joe is such a softie, he would never refuse her.”

  Remorse twisted Ethan’s stomach as he recalled the angry words he’d said to Joe that night at his apartment.

  “Oh God, I’ve been such an idiot,” he whispered.

  “Eveline?” someone called out from across the club.

  They turned and looked to where Joe stood watching them on the steps, surprise painted across his face.

  “What are you doing here?” Joe said. His expression turned guarded as he headed toward the bar, his gaze swinging from Ethan to Eveline and back again.

  Eveline flashed a bright smile at Joe. “I came to say hello to Ethan.”

  Joe slowed and arched an eyebrow, confusion darkening his eyes.

  Eveline grinned.

  “He and I are gonna be besties.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Ethan scoffed. “Since when?”

  “Shut up, you shitty brat. Now, pour me that scotch.”

  Chapter 12

  Joe stared at the door before him, a bitter taste in his mouth. He grimaced when Ethan’s face flashed in front of his eyes.

  I can’t believe I’m doing this. He’ll kill me if he finds out.

  Two hours had passed since Eveline had called him, alarm raising the pitch of her voice as she told him hastily of the escort who’d just bailed out on her and begged him for his help.

  “I’m sorry about this, Joe,” Eveline had blurted out. “You know I don’t normally ask you to do this kind of stuff anymore, but I’m desperate here. This client has the power to crush my business and I’ve got no one else in my books who fits his demands.” She’d hesitated for a couple of seconds. “Besides, he just wants to be dominated. There’s no sex involved, so this will be a walk in the park for you.”

  Although Joe had seriously wanted to refuse her request, he owed Eveline too much to say no. It was only after he’d reluctantly agreed to bail her out that she’d sent him the details of the meetup. Joe’s eyes had widened when he’d seen the name of the hotel.

  It was the most expensive place in Tokyo, with the cheapest rooms costing upward from six hundred dollars a night. The key card he now held in his hand was for the two-grand-a-night penthouse suite, which he’d gained access to via a private elevator on the tenth floor.

  Joe closed his eyes and dropped his forehead against the door’s cool wooden surface.

  She’s a friend. Ethan will have to understand if he finds out. Besides, things aren’t exactly going well for us right now.

  It had been a month since Ethan’s stalker had attacked and almost killed him.

  The gut-wrenching remorse Joe had experienced on that day had still not faded, nor had his fear of what would have happened to Ethan had he not reached that alley at the time that he did. If anything, those bitter feelings only resurfaced afresh every time Joe looked at Ethan.

  Joe knew he’d failed Ethan. Knew he’d failed to keep his promise to the young man who had slowly and insistently wormed his way inside his heart. Knew he’d failed to keep the person he cherished the most in this world safe.

  Though Ethan had tried to talk to Joe on countless occasions since that day, his green eyes bereft of the accusation Joe felt he justly deserved, Joe had been unable to oblige him.

  Joe didn’t think he could stop himself from kissing Ethan if they were on their own again. Joe knew he definitely wouldn’t be able to stop himself from touching Ethan if that were to happen. And he was scared out of his mind at the thought of ever taking Ethan to bed.

  Joe didn’t want to hurt Ethan. Didn’t want to break him. And he feared he would do just that if he gave in to the burning desire that now consumed him whenever they breathed the same air.

  It took nearly losing Ethan for Joe to finally acknowledge just how much the cocky, green-eyed bartender had come to mean to him. How much he needed him. How much he craved not only Ethan’s sinfully gorgeous body, but his beautiful heart and his bright soul.

  Which made what he was about to do all that much harder to swallow.

  Just get this shit over with and get a cab back to Saron. At least Ethan’s not working tonight.

  Joe frowned.

  And Eveline owes me BIG time for this.

  He straightened the cuff links of his blue Prada suit, steeled himself, and slipped the key card in the lock.

  The suite was as stunning as he’d expected it to be, the glass wall spanning its length and w
idth offering a staggering vista over the brightly lit city fifteen floors below.

  Muted lighting softened the sleek lines of modern furniture dotting the dining area ahead, the amber beams sparkling off the well-stocked bar to his right. Joe strolled through and entered a large living space. A king-size bed dominated the sumptuous bedroom visible through the open doorway on the other side of the wooden floor. Joe caught a glimpse of a luxurious, glass walk-in shower and a hot tub overlooking Tokyo beyond it.

  His gaze swung to the figure sitting on the couch to his left.

  The man sat unmoving in a pool of shadows, his face and the lines of his body obscured, the background light from the city glancing off the tumbler in his hand.

  God, I sure hope he doesn’t want me to stick my dick in him ’cause I don’t think I’ll be able to get hard.

  There was only one guy who’d had Joe’s cock stiff and throbbing in the last year. And that guy was the one person he would never touch.

  Joe allowed his lips to curve into a small smile, wishing it didn’t come across as stiff as it felt. Eveline had told him the client wanted to remain anonymous.

  “Hi there. I’m from Le Se—”

  The man suddenly leaned forward. His glass clinked when he put it down heavily on the side table next to him. He bowed his head and dropped his face in his hands.

  “Thank God,” he whispered. “I thought you wouldn’t come.”

  Joe froze. He knew that voice. Would have known it if he were blind.

  “Ethan?” he said incredulously. He crossed the floor to a lamp and flicked the switch.

  The shadows fled. The man sitting on the couch became visible.


  Ethan smiled tremulously and rose to his feet. He was dressed in a gunmetal-gray Louis Vuitton suit that hugged his body in all the right places, his crisp white shirt and green tie highlighting his stunning eyes.

  “What the—” Joe stopped and scowled when he realized he’d been royally played.

  He gritted his teeth, his emotions vacillating between shock and anger as he considered the man watching him from a few feet away. He froze when he suddenly registered the tremors running through Ethan’s hands and body.

  Joe’s breath caught in his throat in the next instant. He blinked slowly, awareness striking him with the force of a speeding train and causing his heart to clench painfully.

  He finally understood what this was.

  What this beautiful man was trying to say to him.

  This was Ethan surrendering himself to Joe, body and soul. Asking him not to be afraid. Telling him that he wanted this as badly as Joe did.

  Begging him to take a chance on them.

  Joe stared at Ethan for a timeless moment, his gaze searching the soulful green eyes that had filled his dreams for the last month. No, for the past year. He saw only love and hope there. And a sliver of nervousness that made his cock twitch.

  Joe closed his eyes and groaned internally.

  I give in.

  The moment he thought those words, Joe sensed a huge weight drop off his shoulders. He opened his eyes and studied Ethan once more.

  For the first time in weeks, Joe felt like he could breathe again. Felt like he could risk taking that chance he didn’t dare take before.

  Felt like he could finally touch this man like he’d been dying to do.

  “Um, Joe?” Ethan said hesitantly, his fingers clenching by his sides.

  Joe walked slowly over to the side table and lifted Ethan’s glass to his mouth. He took a sip and savored the fine Scotch while he debated how much longer he would tease the young man before admitting the staggering conclusion he had just reached.

  “Nice,” Joe murmured. He licked his lips.

  Ethan’s gaze dropped to Joe’s mouth, a moth to a flame. He swallowed hard, desire flashing in his emerald eyes.

  “Look, I know you’re angry right now,” he started falteringly, “but this was the only—”

  “Shut up, Mr. Client.” Joe put the glass down and hooked a finger through the knot of Ethan’s tie. He ignored his muttered protest and tugged him across the living space and through the open doorway into the bedroom at the far end. “Let’s move to the main event, shall we?”

  Joe grabbed Ethan’s shoulder and shoved him gently toward the bed.

  Chapter 13

  Air whooshed out of Ethan’s lungs as he landed ass-down on the edge of the mattress.

  Oh, shit. He’s fucking livid, isn’t he?

  He gulped and stared at the formidable man towering over him. His stomach dropped when he registered Joe’s shuttered expression.

  Ethan still couldn’t believe he’d agreed to Eveline’s cockamamie idea from when they’d met up for lunch five days ago.

  “What?” Eveline had squealed, her blue eyes wide with shock. “You two haven’t had sex yet?!”

  Ethan had shushed her, his cheeks warming when her voice drew stares from across the chic restaurant where he was giving her advice on her stocks and shares portfolio over a free meal.

  “I mean, what’s the problem?” Eveline leaned across the table. “Are you impotent or something? I know Joe isn’t, so—”

  “I swear to God, every time you open your mouth, I want to stab you with a fork,” Ethan said between gritted teeth.

  Eveline tut-tutted. “So, what is it then?”

  Ethan found the words spilling out of him before he could stop himself. He told Eveline everything. About how he’d seen Joe for the first time a year ago and had fallen in love at first sight with the sexy club owner. About his plan to work at Saron to get closer to Joe and try and win his heart. About Joe finding out Ethan had a stalker and going into protective mode. About their date night and the one he’d spent in Joe’s bed.

  “He hasn’t kissed me since that day. Hasn’t touched me,” Ethan said, his voice trembling slightly. “It’s as if he doesn’t even want to be in the same room as me anymore.”

  Eveline pursed her lips and watched him for a silent moment.

  “I think what we have here is a serious case of Overly Protective Alpha Male Syndrome,” she said finally. “Also known as The Guy Is So Crazy for You, He Daren’t Touch You.”

  Ethan stared. “Come again?”

  Eveline sighed and rolled her eyes.

  “He loves you, you dumbass. Utterly and irrevocably. And he’s probably going crazy right now stopping himself from touching you.”

  Ethan stared at her, his mouth opening and closing soundlessly. His pulse sped at Eveline’s words. He didn’t want to believe them yet wished so hard they were true he couldn’t help but dig his nails into his palms.

  “I—I don’t understand!” he stammered.

  Eveline reached across the table and took Ethan’s hands. She uncurled his stiff fingers before gently holding them in her own.

  “Joe thinks he failed you,” she said quietly. “Failed to protect you. And it’s killing him. He doesn’t want to hurt you any more than you’ve been hurt already.”

  Ethan’s stomach twisted at the look in Eveline’s eyes.

  “You mean, he thinks he’ll—hurt me if we have sex?! Why would he—”

  “Because he’s afraid of losing control, you dope.” Eveline sighed. “Joe has never truly been in love before.” A sad smile curved her lips. “He thinks he has, but he hasn’t, really. So he’s scared. Scared of what he could do to you if he surrendered to his body’s urge to, well—,” she leaned in again and lowered her voice, “—fuck the living daylights out of your sweet little ass. And, FYI, there’s a reason Joe was my best escort. He’s a demon when it comes to stamina in the bedroom. And the guy’s dick is a work of—”

  The rest of Eveline’s words were swallowed by Ethan’s palm as he pressed a hand to her mouth, heat flooding his cheeks at the graphic image Eveline had just painted.

  Eveline blinked rapidly.

  “Oh my God, are you blushing?” She scrambled for her cell. “So cute! Let me take a picture and send it to Jo

  “Eveline!” Ethan barked.

  She’d spent the next hour coming up with the ridiculous scenario now playing out before Ethan’s eyes, even picking out a suit for him and telling him which hotel he should book for his meeting with Joe.

  Ethan was wondering what he could say or do to soothe Joe’s ire presently when the club owner spoke.

  “Soooo,” Joe pursed his lips and made the word drag out. “I’ve been told you like to be disciplined, Mr. Client.”

  Ethan froze, his train of thought completely derailed by Joe’s words. He blinked at him owlishly.


  Joe ignored his dazed stare and strolled over to the nightstand. He opened the top drawer and studied its contents for a moment. Ethan blushed when Joe removed the box of condoms and the bottle of lube he’d put in there earlier, setting them on top.

  “I see you came prepared,” Joe murmured.

  Confusion washed through Ethan when Joe suddenly dipped down on one knee and reached under the bed. A smile curved Joe’s sculptured lips. He brought out a box, rose to his feet, and tipped it out on the mattress.

  Ethan’s heart stuttered when he saw the sinful black leather items scattering across the sheets. His eyes widened.

  “And I gather you also like a bit of S&M,” Joe continued silkily.

  He picked up a leather riding crop and flicked it gently against his palm.

  Ethan’s belly clenched at the sight of Joe with the whip, not sure whether it was unease or excitement that had his pulse hammering away in his veins.

  “Look, I have no fucking idea how those got there,” he said stiffly. “I sure as hell didn’t—” Ethan paused, realization striking him like a bolt of lightning. He scowled with his next breath. “Oh, that witch! I’m SO gonna screw up her portfo—” Ethan bit the inside of his cheek and swallowed the rest of his words when he saw the puzzled light that flashed in Joe’s eyes.

  “Is there something you want to tell me, Ethan?” Joe snapped the whip against his palm again and walked slowly around the bed.

  Ethan’s stomach flipped-flopped at Joe’s predatory stance.


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