Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg

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Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg Page 63

by Jack Kerouac

  JK complaints about

  and JK contracts

  and JK copyright for Beat Generation

  and JK finances

  and JK-Haverty relationship

  JK meetings with

  and JK New York City visits

  and JK reputation

  and JK request to AG to inform Lord about his activities

  JK views about

  and JK withdrawal

  and Lamantia works

  and On the Road movie

  and Paetel

  in Paris

  and powers of attorney for AG

  sends JK works to Williams

  and Subterraneans publication

  and Talbot meeting

  Wieners letters to

  Los Angeles, California

  AG trip to

  JK desire to go to


  AG comments about

  AG desire to write about

  and AG-JK friendship

  AG views about

  Burroughs views about

  JK comments about

  JK stories about

  JK views about

  Lowell, Massachusetts

  Lowell, Robert

  Lowry, Robert


  “Lucien Midnight” (JK)

  “Lucien’s Face” (AG)

  Lustig, Joe

  Lyons, Martin Spencer

  McCarthy hearings

  MacClaine, Chris

  McClure, Michael

  “MacDougal Street Blues in Three Cantos” (JK)

  McGraw-Hill Publishing

  MacGregor, Robert

  MacLeish, Archibald

  McManus, Patricia

  Macmillan Publishing

  Mademoiselle magazine

  madness: AG views about

  Maggie Cassidy (JK)

  Mailer, Norman

  Mann, Thomas

  Marconi Hotel (San Francisco, California)

  Maritime Service Training Station (Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn): AG at

  Marker, Lewis

  marriage: JK views about

  “Marriage” (JK)

  Marshall, Edward

  Martinelli, Sheri

  May, Joe


  Measure magazine

  meat poems, of AG

  Melody, “Little Jack,”

  Melville, Herman

  Memory Babe (JK)

  men: JK views about

  mental hospital

  AG in

  AG mother in

  AG released from

  AG tales about

  AG to go to

  Burroughs in

  doctors in

  JK in

  Orlovsky (Laff) threatened with

  Pound in

  Solomon in

  Merchant Marine: and AG

  Merims, Bob

  Merton, Thomas

  “Metaphysics” (AG)

  Mew, Charles

  Mexican author. See Shields, Karena

  “Mexican Girl” (JK)


  AG in

  AG plans to visit

  AG reluctance to go to

  and drugs

  earthquakes in

  JK in

  and JK offer to Cowley

  JK plans to visit

  JK views about

  JK writings about

  See also specific person

  Mexico City Blues (JK)


  Micheline-Silver, Jack

  Michigan, JK in

  Michigan State prison

  “Midnight” (JK)

  Mill Valley, California: JK in

  Miller, Henry

  Mills, Charley

  Millstein, Gilbert

  Milton, John


  AG views about

  JK views about

  Mistral Bookshop

  Mitchell, John

  “Moloch” (AG)

  Monacchio, Tony


  AG comments about

  JK views about

  See also specific person

  Monk, Thelonious

  “The Monster of Dakar” (AG)

  Montgomery, John

  Montini, JK painting of

  moon chain poem, AG

  Moore, Marianne

  Morales, Adele


  Moreland, Dusty

  AG dreams about

  AG inquiries about

  and AG New York City visit

  and AG poems

  AG relationship with

  AG visit with

  apartment of

  and Burroughs-AG relationship

  Corso watching

  and Davalos

  JK meeting with

  and JK New York City visit

  JK relationship with

  and Orlovsky New York City visit

  Williams (Sheila) as similar to

  movie novels


  and image of Beat Generation

  See also Hollywood; specific movie or work

  Muller, Dody

  Mulligan, Jerry

  Museum of Modern Art (New York City)

  Museum of Natural History (New York City)


  AG interest in

  genius in

  See also jazz; specific person


  Doctor Sax as

  JK views about

  See also Great White Myth

  Myth of the Rainy Night: AG views about


  National Institute of Arts and Sciences

  National Maritime Union

  Navaretta, Emmanuel A.

  “Neal and the Three Stooges” (JK)

  Needle magazine


  and AG as “regular guy,”

  Corso incident with

  Nervous Set (musical)

  Neurotica magazine

  New American Reader

  New Directions Books

  New Editions

  new literary movement

  New School

  New Story

  new vision

  New World Writing

  AG wants copy of

  and AG works

  and Burroughs writings

  Cowley-JK letters about

  and JK copyright for Beat Generation

  and publication of JK works

  Rexroth article in

  Rexroth review of

  New York City

  AG apartment in

  AG car trip to

  AG in

  AG plans to return to

  AG views about

  AG visit to

  Carr views about

  drugs in

  JK in

  JK plans to move back to

  JK plans to visit

  JK views about

  JK visits to

  New York Daily News

  New Yorker magazine

  New York Herald Tribune

  New York Post

  New York Public Library

  New York State Psychiatric Institute: AG at

  New York Times

  Newman, Jerry

  Newsweek magazine

  Nicholson, John


  Nixon, Richard

  Noonday Press

  North Carolina

  Brooks in

  Cassady car trip to

  JK in

  JK plans to go to

  Northport, New York

  AG visit to

  JK house in

  JK in

  nothingness: JK views about

  “Now Mind Is Clear” (AG)

  “October Railroad Earth” (JK)

  O’Hara, Frank

  “Old Angel Midnight” (JK)

  “Old Bull Balloon” (JK)

  Olson, Charles

  Olympia Press

  On the Road (JK)

  advance for

  and AG as agent for J

  AG copy of

  AG influence on

  AG inquiry about

  AG review of

  AG sends copy to JK

  AG views about

  Beat Generation as title for

  as best seller

  and Cassady

  characters in

  classic sentence in

  closing lines of

  contract for

  Cowley revisions of

  Cowley’s support for

  Dharma Bums similar to

  Esquire piece about

  European rights for

  as Factualist art

  and Giroux-JK relationship

  and JK-AG “stealing from each other,”

  JK autographs copies of

  JK comments about

  and JK finances

  JK views about

  and JK visit to New York City

  JK wants news about

  and “Kerouac Craze,”

  McClure reaction to

  movie version of

  paperback edition of

  picture for cover of

  poems in

  publication of

  reprints of

  reviews of

  revisions of

  Rexroth views about

  “The Rose of the Rainy Night” section in

  sales of

  scroll version of

  title for

  Village Vanguard reading of

  Whalen views about

  writing and typing of

  “On the Road with Memere” (JK)

  Orlando Blues (JK)

  Orlovsky, Lafcadio “Laff”

  AG comments about

  AG inquiries about

  AG letters to/from

  AG relationship with

  AG visit with

  and drugs

  Esquire picture of

  as homosexual

  JK comments about

  and JK idea for movie

  JK inquiries about

  JK investigation of situation with

  JK letters to/from

  and JK New York City visit

  JK relationship with

  JK visits with

  JK writings about

  jobs for

  at Marceau show

  as mentally handicapped

  in Mexico

  in New York City

  and painting Carr house

  painting Jones apartment

  paintings by

  and Peter

  publication of works of

  in San Francisco

  and sex

  and Sorrells

  threatened with mental hospital

  women/lovers of

  Orlovsky, Marie (sister)

  Orlovsky, Oleg (father)

  Orlovsky, Peter

  as actor in JK play

  AG comments about

  AG first meets

  AG inquiries about

  AG letters to/from

  AG moves in with

  and AG plans to leave San Francisco

  AG relationship with

  AG writings about

  and AG X concept

  appearance of

  Asian travels of

  and Avon anthology

  and Bowles (Jane)

  and Buddhism

  and Cassady

  and characters in JK writings

  and Corso poetry reading

  and de Angulo (Gui)

  depression of

  and The Dharma Bums

  and drugs

  and European trip

  finances of

  in Hamptons

  and Harris play

  and Jarrell San Francisco visit

  and JK-AG letters

  JK challenges to

  JK comments about

  and JK divorce

  JK feelings about

  and JK idea for movie

  JK inquiries about

  and JK invitation to visit Chile

  JK letters to/from

  and JK New York City visit

  JK Northport house near family of

  and JK Paris visit

  JK relationship with

  and JK in San Francisco

  and JK stolen poems

  JK views about writings of

  JK visits with

  and JK withdrawal

  JK writings about

  and Laff

  LaVigue picture of

  LaVigue relationship with

  and Mexico trip

  Monk meeting with

  in New York City

  and painting Carr house

  painting Jones apartment

  paintings by

  passport for

  pornographic picture of

  publication of works by

  reactions to JK writings by

  and religion

  and Russian Soul

  and sales of Subterraneans

  in San Francisco

  visions of

  and Wieners

  Williams comments about

  women/lovers of

  writings of


  “Over Kansas” (AG)

  Paetel, Karl


  by AG

  by Corso

  by JK

  of JK

  by Leslie

  by Orlovsky (Laff)

  by Orlovsky (Peter)


  Paris, France

  AG in

  AG plans/desire to visit

  AG poem about

  AG reluctance to go to

  friends of AG and JK in

  JK in

  JK invitation to AG to go to

  JK plans/desire to visit

  JK views about

  JK writings about

  women in

  Paris Review

  Parker, Charley “Bird,”

  Parker, Edie. See Kerouac, Edie Parker

  Parker, Helen

  Parkinson, Thomas

  Partisan Review

  Passing Through (JK)

  Paterson, New Jersey

  AG description of

  AG dreams about

  AG in

  AG-JK meeting in

  AG plans to go to

  AG views about

  AG visits to

  politics in

  Williams book about

  Payne, Thomas

  Persky, Stan

  personality: AG views about

  Perspectives publishing


  Philosophical Library (New York City)

  Pippin, R. Gene

  The Place (North Beach bar)

  Playboy magazine

  plays, JK

  Podhoretz, Norman

  “Poem Decided Upon in Ohio” (JK)

  Poems (JK)

  Poesy magazine

  “The Poet: I and II” (AG)

  Poetry magazine


  abstraction in

  AG interest in French

  AG views about

  and drama

  JK views about

  poetry readings


  Big Table as sponsor of

  at Brata Gallery

  at Columbia University

  Corso views about

  in Germany

  at Half Note

  at Harvard University

  at Hunter College

  and jazz

  JK views about


  for Measure magazine

  in New York City

  requests for JK at

  in St. Louis

  in San Francisco

  at San Quentin

  Six Gallery

  as source of money

  at Village Vanguard

  at Wesleyan College



  AG views about

  AG writings about

nbsp; JK comments about

  Pommy, Janine

  Porter, Arabelle

  Pound, Ezra

  AG interest in

  AG sends Howl to

  Buddhist works of

  Cantos by

  and de Angulo’s book

  Duncan as friend of

  JK interest in

  JK reading of

  JK as similar to

  and JK views about poetry

  Martinelli drawing of

  in mental hospital

  Rexroth compared with

  Translations from Chinese by

  Williams-AG discussion about

  Yeats description of

  prayer: AG views about

  Price, Ray

  Protter, Eric

  Proust, Marcel

  Provincetown, Rhode Island

  psychoanalysis: AG views about

  Publishers Weekly


  AG views about

  JK views about

  power of

  Rexroth comment about

  See also specific publisher, author, or work

  “Pull My Daisy” (AG)

  Pull My Daisy (movie)

  Rabelais, François

  radio programs

  Rahv, Philip

  “Railroad Earth” (AG)

  Random House

  Rauch, Jerry


  AG views about

  JK views about

  reason: AG views about

  rebirth: JK views about


  of AG

  of JK

  by JK

  See also specific recording company

  Reich, Wilhelm

  relationship, AG-JK

  and AG as agent for JK

  and AG decision not to go to San Francisco

  and AG and JK as brothers

  and AG as missing JK

  AG views about

  and AG views about hate

  break in

  Burroughs as complication in

  change in

  and clairvoyance compatibility

  distance in

  freedom in

  Glassman comment about

  and helping each other

  honesty in

  hypocrisy in

  and imitation of each other

  jealousy between

  and JK as genius

  and JK fondness for AG

  and JK invitation to AG to go to Paris

  and JK missing AG

  and JK mother

  and JK need for AG

  JK views about

  and JK views about AG

  as loving relationship

  and madness between AG and JK

  and “our poem,”

  philosophical excitement in

  and pleasing each other

  police take custody of letters between AG and JK

  as stealing from each other

  strains in

  suffering as basis of

  trust in

  and truth

  as Van Doren-type relationship


  AG views about

  and “beat” as Second Religiousness of Western Civilization

  and The Dharma Bums

  JK study of

  JK writings about

  and Lamantia

  See also Buddhism

  Revelations of Golgotha (AG paintings)

  Rexroth, Kenneth

  AG comments/views about

  and AG Guggenheim application

  and AG as literary agent for JK

  and AG at poetry reading

  and AG in San Francisco

  AG views about


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