Rainy Days

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Rainy Days Page 2

by Victoria Zagar

  “Glad you stayed now?” Ash asked.

  “Absolutely! The part where he stuck the little guy with the knife and the guy pulled out a chain-gun, oh my God, that was so funny. Where do they come up with this stuff?”

  The wind blew against the balcony door, and the door blew open. “Dammit,” Ash said, getting up. “I need to fix that latch.” Michael followed him like a stray dog, wanting to be close to the man who had let him be himself for a few hours.

  “You have a balcony?” Michael said, stepping outside and watching the rain fall. “Nice!” The balcony above shielded him from most of the rain and Ash followed him out.

  “It’s almost dark,” Ash said. “I suppose you should go home.”

  “Yeah.” Michael held onto the railings and looked out over the city. “Thanks for a good evening, Ash. It was nice, doing something I wanted for a change.”

  “Any time you want to watch something, you’re welcome to come over. It’s nice to have the company. It can get lonely here by myself.”

  “Yeah, I guess that’s true. You never wanted to settle down?”

  “With a woman? Not on your life. This town isn’t exactly a safe place to announce you’re looking for a guy, though. I’ve thought about leaving, but I have no money.”

  “So why did you trust me with your secret?” Michael said. “I could have beaten you half way to the next town for putting your hand on my leg. How did you know I wouldn’t?”

  “Instinct, I guess. I saw you checking out my ass.” Ash chuckled, putting a hand on Michael’s arm. Michael could feel his heat and drew a little closer. Ash’s breath smelled like beer and cigarettes and he found it intoxicating. I can’t help myself. He’s like an oasis in the fucking desert. He’s everything I want and need. I’m sorry, Taryn. I’m sorry, Michelle. He reached forward and pulled Ash into a hungry kiss, his face brushing against Ash’s stubble. Every nerve was on fire as he tasted Ash’s mouth, his tongue exploring the other man’s mouth as he ground his hips into Ash’s slender frame.

  Ash broke the kiss, pulling away. “You’re married,” he said, looking over the balcony. “I don’t want an affair. I can’t compete with your family and I don’t want to. I want a partner for life.”

  “If you didn’t want this, then why the blow-job in the car? You started this. You brought me here. You showed me what I’ve been missing. Now you’re going to tell me you’re not interested? Fucking tease.” Thunder started to roll in the distance and the summer rain pitter-pattered against the building as they stood in silence for a long moment.

  Ash sighed, breaking the tension. “I thought I could be your friend. You’re the first guy who knows I’m gay and hasn’t run screaming. I could never tell anybody at work, and I don’t know anybody else in town. Maybe you’re right. Maybe I have been coming onto you. I like you a lot, and you’re hot as hell. I just don’t want to get hurt.”

  Michael looked down at the ground. “I don’t know what I’m doing. I lose my mind when I’m around you. I wanted you from the second I saw you in the store. I haven’t wanted a guy this much in a long time. I thought that part of my life was over the second I got married.” He pulled out a pack of smokes and lit one, offering one to Ash, who accepted. They stood smoking in the rain, letting the tension fade away.

  “Well, what do you want?” Ash said. “Do you want to fuck me? Perhaps it would be easier if we just had a one-night stand.”

  Michael felt a warm tingle in his spine at Ash’s offer, felt himself growing aroused at the mere thought. “Maybe it would get rid of this awkward tension between us. Maybe I can get this thing out of my system and get on with my life, and we can be friends.”

  “Okay,” Ash said. He looked nervous for a second, then pulled Michael close, kissing him passionately.

  Michael broke away. “Now? I’ve got to get home...”

  “Yes. Now,” Ash said. “The longer we wait, the worse this thing is going to get. Another half hour won’t change anything.”

  Michael thought of Michelle and Taryn for a second, then pushed the thoughts away. Just once. I’m only going to do this once. Get it out of my system. It might be better for all of us if I’m less frustrated. He let Ash kiss him until he was gasping for breath. Ash’s hands roamed down to his crotch and he gasped as Ash fondled his erect cock through his jeans.

  “I want to fuck you. Now.” Ash gave him a wicked smile, his bright blue eyes filled with desire.

  “Okay, then,” Ash said, taking Michael’s hand. “Follow me.” He dragged Michael to the bedroom and Michael pinned him up against the wall, grinding into him as his hands slid up his t-shirt, stripping him of it in one easy motion. He reached in for another kiss, deep and needy as Ash reached down to Michael’s jeans, unzipping them. They slid down to the floor and Michael kicked them off, freeing Ash’s cock at the same time. They ground together, flesh against flesh and Michael bit Ash’s shoulder.

  “Fuck me,” Ash demanded, and Michael scooped him off his feet, planting him down on the bed.

  “Where do you keep stuff?” Michael said, struggling to find the words he was looking for in his haze of desire.

  “In the nightstand.” Michael staggered to the drawers, rummaging through them. I can’t believe I’m going to do this. I could still back away, but I don’t want to. I need him. He grabbed lube and a condom and left the drawer open. He ripped the packet open and rolled the condom onto his waiting erection, then walked back around to the end of the bed.

  Ash sat up. “Are you sure you want to do this?” He was silenced by Michael’s lubricated finger slipping into him. “Shit. Okay, okay.” He laid back down on the bed as Michael slipped another finger in. Thunder rolled overhead as Michael pressed his cock to Ash’s ass and applied a little pressure. Ash gasped, a mixture of pleasure and discomfort. He reached up and stroked his cock lazily as Michael slowly entered him.

  “Fuck.” Michael whispered as he felt Ash’s tight ass squeezing him. “Jesus, that feels good.” He pulled out and thrust in slowly, moaning as he built up a rhythm. He reached down and pumped Ash’s cock with his right hand as he felt himself getting close. Too soon, but I can’t stop it. “God,” he uttered in a silent prayer as he came. He held onto the condom as he pulled out, then got to work on Ash’s raging erection, stroking it until Ash cried out and came on his chest, his head banging against the pillow.

  Michael discarded the condom in a nearby trashcan and quickly returned, crawling up on the bed where Ash was lying on his back watching him.

  “Damn, that was incredible,” Michael said. He traced a finger down Ash’s chest, spreading the pool of seed across Ash’s skin. He reached in and kissed Ash with a soft, tender kiss and laid down beside him, wrapping his arm around Ash.

  “I could just fall asleep here.”

  “Me too. You have to go, though.”

  “Just one more minute. Ash, that was amazing.”

  “Sure was. Michael, we’ll still be friends, right? I don’t want things to become distant between us.”

  “Of course we will. I’ll be here to pick you up for work tomorrow.” Michael moved to get up and Ash reached out for him, dragging him back down.

  “One more kiss before you go.” Ash pulled Michael in for a deep, loving kiss, then let go. Michael stood up, one eye on the clock as he dressed.

  “I’m sorry. I hate to just leave like this.”

  “That was what we agreed. It’s okay. Can you let yourself out?”

  Michael lingered at the door to the bedroom for a second, looking back at Ash’s naked figure on the bed. I have to go now. Or I won’t be able to leave. He took a deep breath and opened the front door. He raced down to the parking lot, seeing the time on the city clock and knowing he had to come up with an excuse. His phone was on the seat and he picked it up. Ten new voicemail messages. Crap. I’m in trouble now. He started the car and raced into the stormy night, arriving home shortly after eight. He opened the door, fear and panic rising in him as Michelle rounded on him.<
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  “Where the hell have you been? I was worried sick! I was about to call the police!”

  “I had to work overtime. I thought I told you.”

  “No, you didn’t! Christ, you could have answered your phone.”

  “Phones aren’t allowed in the plant. I know I told you that.”

  Michelle let out a derisive snort. “You’ve been smoking again too, haven’t you? I can smell it. Whatever. I’m going to bed.” She stormed up the stairs as Taryn started to climb down.

  “Daddy, Mommy, stop yelling!” Taryn said, tears in her eyes.

  Michael scooped her up and held her close, kissing her forehead. “I’m sorry, honey,” he said, in a soft voice. “Daddy didn’t mean to yell.”

  Michelle softened then, taking Taryn up to bed. “There’s some dinner in the fridge. Heat some up and come to bed, okay?” She disappeared from sight and Michael sighed, opening the fridge and heating up the chicken in the microwave. He picked at it, chasing it around the plate with his fork as he thought of Ash’s hands on his body, the taste of alcohol and cigarettes on his lips and the feel of Ash’s stubble on his face.

  It haunted him as he went to bed, laying awkwardly next to Michelle, absently wondering if he smelled like sweat and desire. She rolled on her back and started to snore while Michael looked up at the ceiling, knowing it was going to be a long, sleepless night.

  Chapter Three

  All Or Nothing

  Ash woke and stretched out as he rubbed his eyes. Daylight was flooding in through the bedroom window and he rolled over in protest, shutting off the alarm. The pillow smelled like Michael and he buried his head in it, savoring the other man’s scent before sitting up. He climbed off the bed and walked to the window, his figure masked from the outside world by a dreary net curtain. A crack in the window let in a small breeze that moved the material and Ash felt it tickle his skin as he stood there. He remembered the way Michael’s hands had made every nerve in his body react and a smile crossed his face as he made his way to the shower.

  He was good. Really good. He turned the water on and stepped in, the warm water washing his body. He grew hard as he remembered the feeling of Michael inside him and he stroked himself as he leaned up against the tiled wall, coming with Michael’s name on his lips. He washed it all away and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel and drying himself off. Don’t get hung up on him, Ash. He’s married. It was just a one night stand. He dried his hair and body with the towel. The best one night stand I’ve ever had. I’ll admit he’s gotten under my skin. This glow will pass, though. It’s not like it’s love, right? We just had some really good sex, that’s all.

  He pulled on a fresh pair of jeans and a tight t-shirt. Michael will be here soon, he realized, his stomach rolling excitedly. I’ve got to pull myself together. He threw his lunch in a plastic bag, heading out of the front door and locking it behind him. He waited for the elevator to descend with baited breath and the doors opened into the parking lot, where Michael’s car was waiting.

  “Hey,” Ash greeted Michael as he got into the car and buckled his seatbelt.

  “Hey,” Michael responded.

  “Are you okay? You look tired.”

  “Didn’t sleep very well,” Michael grumbled. “Didn’t sleep at all, honestly.”

  “Are you sure you want to go in today?”

  “I have to. I told Michelle I worked overtime. She’s going to wonder where that money is.”

  “Fair enough,” Ash said, as Michael drove the car to the exit and merged with traffic. A gentle drizzle fell on the windshield as they sat in silence.

  “Oh, I meant to give you this,” Ash said, pulling a piece of paper out of his pants. His cellphone number was written on it. “In case you can’t pick me up.”

  “Thanks,” Michael tucked the paper into his pocket. “Mine’s five-five-five-zero-six-one-nine.”

  Ash typed it into his cellphone keypad and saved it, flipping his phone closed as they pulled into the drywall factory lot. “I’ll see you later on, then. Have a good one.”

  “You too,” Michael lingered for a second, watching Ash go, his handsome figure walking towards the building. I have to go, or I’ll be late. Besides, I can’t look. We had our moment. I have a family. He sighed, going over and over the memories of the previous night as he pulled back out onto the road and headed to work. It was good. Incredible, even, but it’s over. It has to be over. Michelle would leave and take Taryn from me in a heartbeat if she knew I slept with a man. The courts would probably side with her. I’d never see my daughter again. He pulled into the parking lot with a heavy heart and pulled into the nearest parking space. It was nice to feel that way, though. It was good to be loved, even if only for one night. To have somebody who cared about me and what I wanted. It was just what I needed, but it’s over now. We can only be friends.

  He climbed the steps to the plant and clocked in, exhaustion washing over him. It’s going to be a long day...

  Ash stood outside the drywall plant after work, looking at his watch. He’s late, Ash thought, with a feeling of dread. Maybe he won’t pick me up tonight. Maybe he’s decided that it’s a bad idea to have anything to do with me. I wouldn’t blame him. He has a family to protect. He felt a pang of sadness at the thought, and then relief washed over him as Michael’s car pulled into the lot. He got in and glanced across at Michael, who looked exhausted.

  “Are you okay to drive?” Ash asked. “You look like you could fall asleep any second.”

  “Not really. I almost fell asleep getting here.”

  “You need to rest when you get home. You’ll get sick.”

  “I can’t rest. Michelle will have a dozen tasks that I have to do. She says I don’t pull my weight as it is.”

  “Then let me drive you to my place,” Ash said. “You can nap for an hour. I’m not going to let you have an accident.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “I won’t do anything. I swear. You need to rest before you collapse. Everything else can wait.”

  “Okay,” Michael conceded. “I don’t have the strength to argue.” They switched seats and Ash shifted the car into drive, taking off down the main road. Michael dozed in the passenger seat and Ash looked over at his peaceful, sleeping face. This is a bad idea, and I know it, but I can’t just leave you here like this. If you had a car accident, what would I do then? He turned off the main road, heading towards Tower Heights which loomed in the distance. He pulled into the parking lot and leaned over, shaking Michael awake gently.

  “Come on, we’re here,” Ash said. Michael mumbled something and got out of the car, staggering and holding onto it. Ash locked the vehicle and called the elevator as Michael stumbled over. The elevator arrived and Michael leaned on the handrail to prop himself up. Ash let them into the apartment.

  “You know where the bedroom is. How long do you want to sleep?”

  “Just an hour. I have to get home. I can’t keep making excuses.”

  “Okay.” Ash watched as Michael lay down, closing his eyes and falling to sleep instantly. He studied the man’s peaceful sleeping face. I can’t help it. She treats him so fucking badly. He deserves to be loved by somebody. He shook his head and walked away, going out into the balcony and lighting a cigarette. Falling for him is the worst idea I’ve ever had, but I don’t think it’s a decision at this point. I never should have slept with him. He sighed, blowing out a long puff of smoke as it started to rain again. He tossed his cigarette stub off the balcony and lit another, returning to the subject he didn’t want to think about. I’m walking in dangerous territory. I know he still wants me. I can feel it in the silence between us. This can only end in sorrow. He’ll always choose his family over me. I don’t want to be his rent boy. I don’t want to wait for the scraps from his table. I’m just lonely and vulnerable. That’s what started this whole thing. He sighed and sat down, waiting for the time to pass.

  An hour went by, but he felt no urge to wake Micha
el. Let the man sleep. She doesn’t deserve to have him back. Let him scramble for an excuse. Let her wonder where he’s been. Maybe she’ll treat him better if she thinks he’s escaping from her. He reached for another cigarette to find the pack was empty and sighed. I guess I’ll ask Michael for one when he wakes up. Lord knows I’ve smoked enough today anyway, but nothing seems to ease this knot in my stomach.

  The door opened and Michael stepped out onto the balcony. “You were supposed to wake me,” he grumbled.

  “Twenty minutes doesn’t make much of a difference. Relax.”

  “Yeah, I guess that’s true,” Michael said. “I feel better, anyway. Thanks.” He stretched, seeming to take his time, as if he was waiting for something. He leaned over the balcony and looked out at the rainy day. “So much rain. The city’s going to flood at this rate.”

  “Maybe.” Ash shrugged. “Can I have a cigarette? I’m all out.” He stood up and walked over to where Michael was standing.

  Michael offered him the pack. “Take them all. I can get more on the way home,”

  “Thanks. I like your brand.”

  “Oh? Why’s that?”

  They taste like you. “I dunno. Just do.” Ash leaned on the railing and looked over. He could feel Michael’s body heat radiating from the figure so close to him. They stood in silence, Michael not wanting to leave and Ash not wanting to tell him to go.

  Michael finally broke the silence. “Ash, last night was... It was... Special.”

  “Yeah. It was,” Ash said. “It was amazing. But we have to move on.”

  “Do we? I’ve been thinking a lot. Maybe we don’t have to.”

  Ash turned his head away, not wanting his expression to betray him. “Michael, you have a family. If things were different, I wouldn’t hesitate, but you know how this will end. We’ll get found out, one way or another. You'll go back to your family and try to patch up a weaker marriage while I sit here alone. Michelle will get hurt. So will Taryn. So will both of us. There’s no situation where this ends well. Can’t you see that?”


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