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Indestructible Page 32

by Angela Graham

  “Turn around and smile, Oliver!” Natasha called from somewhere behind us.

  My eyes rolled back at the grating sound of her voice. Logan turned us to find her holding a camera in her hands, which was pointed our way. I immediately pulled Logan and me out of the shot.

  “Say, ‘birthday boy’!” Natasha instructed with a grin.

  Oliver threw his arm around his little cousin’s neck and they both smiled, repeating her words with more enthusiasm than I’d have thought their pint-sized frames could possess.

  As soon as Natasha lowered the camera, they swung back around, fascinated once again with the aquarium.

  “Can you believe my little boy is six years old already?” Natasha asked. I didn’t know whom the question was directed at, nor did I care—especially considering she didn’t even know Oliver was turning five, not six.

  She moved in front of us, her eyes remaining on Oliver. I wished for his sake to discover some untapped proud mother hidden within her, but all I saw was the cruel woman who’d abandoned her son and was now making my life hell. He deserved so much better.

  Neither Logan nor I acknowledged her, pivoting back toward the glass.

  “He’s growing up too fast. That’s all I meant,” Natasha muttered.

  “Maybe if you’d stuck around earlier, you’d see he’s doing just fine in his development,” Jax barked, appearing beside her. “And he’s five, not six. Seriously?”

  Natasha rolled her eyes, ignoring the last part. “What happened to your date, Jax? Did she tire of you already?”

  “Decided to cut her loose before she picked up any of your skank tactics.”

  “I want to see an octopus!” Charlie shouted, halting the words that were about to spill from Natasha’s open mouth. She snapped her lips shut and pursed them.

  “I’m not sure if there are any in there,” Logan explained, completely impassive to the lashing Jax was giving.

  “We’ll find them,” Oliver declared, thus beginning the boys’ slow movements back and forth through the tunnel.

  “Come sit with me,” Logan whispered.

  There was a bench in the center of the walkway that wasn’t yet occupied, and Logan led me to it. Lawrence and Katie were on the opposite end of the room, while Blythe and Edward followed behind the boys.

  For being divorced as long as they had, they seemed to get along well. Edward was affectionate, and nothing but a gentleman. You’d never know they weren’t still married.

  Where Luke and Julia had run off to, I wasn’t sure, but I had a feeling it had to do with setting up a separate room for Oliver’s cake and presents.

  We sat in silence, enjoying the view, my head resting on Logan’s shoulder. A short while later, I caught him tapping his watch while exchanging a look with Jax. Something was going to go down, judging by the impatient looks Jax kept giving his phone. Whatever they had planned, I wasn’t thrilled with the timing or venue.

  Minutes ticked by with Logan’s hand stroking up and down my back while Jax continued to pace the far end of the tunnel, typing rapidly on his phone. I couldn’t stand the suspense any longer, and was about to ask what was going on just as Jax gave Logan a thumbs up.

  Logan’s hand stilled on my back, and his lips curled slowly into a broad, mysterious grin.

  I pulled away when he turned to me. “I need you to go with Katherine and my parents for a little while. Oliver will show you the other side of the aquarium. I’ll catch up with you.”

  “What’s going on?” My muscles tensed, eyes darting to Natasha standing in the corner, who was seemingly comfortable just watching the creatures.

  Logan cradled my face in his palms. “You still trust me?” There was a weary vulnerability in his voice.

  My hand covered one of his and slid it to my lips, where I kissed the center of his palm. “More than ever.”

  His lips slanted over mine in a short, intense kiss, then he pulled away. “Don’t hit me—at least, not in front of the kids,” Logan whispered, and then he was up.

  Uh…what the hell? Hit him? Why would I—

  I watched, thunderstruck, as he strolled over to Natasha, slipped his hand around her waist, and settled it over the back pocket of her jeans, tugging her against him. She leaned fully into his body, and my stomach churned. Yeah, I wanted to hit him all right—especially when she began to giggle at whatever words he was whispering into her ear.

  My blood boiled, rage igniting at the sight of her hand skimming up his back, resting there as though it belonged. I knew there was a reason for the atrocity, but it was still hard to watch. I noticed Lawrence escorting Katie out of the tunnel with the boys, and Edward and Blythe following behind as if they knew a lot more than I did.


  Jax stepped in front of me, staring down at me impatiently. “Why don’t you go see the penguins with the boys?” he asked, loudly enough for Natasha to hear. “Give Logan some time alone with his son’s mother.”

  She didn’t look my way, but I caught the way her body stiffened. She was listening.

  Jax’s voice lowered to a hushed murmur, and he threw me a wink. “We got this.”

  “Got what?” I whispered. My eyes were still glued to Natasha, who was practically draped over Logan’s front as he walked with her a few feet farther away. If she tried to leave this tunnel with him, he’d be fearing more than my fist.

  “Shit, time’s up. Get out of here, now, or you’ll ruin this. Got it?” Jax leaned in and whispered, then dragged me up, his features darkening. Logan and Natasha were already at the opposite end of the tunnel.

  I had to trust him. Moving quickly to the door Lawrence held open for me that led out of the tunnel and into another section of normal-but-still-extremely-large tanks, I was bombarded with anxiety.

  As I passed through the doorway, Lawrence grabbed my arm gently. “This shouldn’t take long,” he said quietly, his smile easy but giving nothing away.

  Unsure what to say in response, I smiled and continued out, stopping only when I heard the door shut behind me. I ran back, peeking inside the tiny window. I couldn’t see much, but I sure could hear the loud, gravely roar of Natasha’s name echoing through the thin door.

  I swung back to see if anyone else had heard it, but the room behind me was empty. Wherever Logan’s family had disappeared to, it was out of earshot—likely for Oliver’s sake.

  When I shifted back to the door, I saw Josh rushing in, winded.

  “You slut!” he seethed, stalking toward her.

  Lawrence stood a few feet inside the door, focused intently on the scene unfolding in front of him and not me propping the door open just enough to hear and see better.

  Natasha attempted to pull away from Logan, but he held her tightly at his side. He even took a strand of her hair and wrapped it around his finger, smiling at Josh.

  Is he taunting him? Why? My temple throbbed with unanswered questions.

  Josh stared at Logan’s arm wrapped around his girl. I wasn’t sure what he was about to do, but the expression on his face was manic.

  “Josh, baby, what are you doing here?” Natasha asked, attempting to shove Logan away once more.

  “Came to see my girlfriend.” He swept his attention to Logan. “Gonna give her back?”

  Logan shrugged smugly. “Depends on whether she wants to go back to you,” Logan said, completely at ease. “Maybe I’ll keep her a while longer.”

  Natasha began to panic. I saw it clearly in her movements as she squirmed and shoved at Logan to release her. “Let me go, Logan.”

  “Why? Afraid he’ll get the wrong impression?” His voice was dark and coarse. “I think it’s time you confess to your little boyfriend here. Tell him what’s been going on between us.”

  Even from across the room, I could see Natasha’s eyes bulge. “Logan, what are—” she started, but he cut her off.

  “Like how you fucked me just last night and the night before that and that. Does Josh here not know how you tell me he’ll never p
lease you like I do?”

  My eyes slammed shut, pain coiling in my gut. This wasn’t real—I knew that. He was goading them. Still, nausea hit me at the mere thought of it.

  “No fucking way!” Josh growled. “You told me it was me and you. That you loved me—needed me!”

  “I do!” Natasha slapped at Logan’s hands that still didn’t release her.

  “Bullshit!” Josh roared. “I did your dirty work! That’s all you wanted. You lied to me, used me.” Josh’s face grew redder with every word he hissed. “Promised me we’d leave this shithole town! And here you are with him—the man you say you despise, the man you wanted in prison!” Josh was inches from her face now.

  “Baby, calm down, please.” Natasha looked frightened, and now, instead of demanding Logan release her, she sought protection in his arms. But Logan didn’t offer any, stepping away as he pried her hands from his shirt.

  “I killed a man for you and this is how you repay me? By sleeping with him? You fucking bitch!” Josh flew at her, but Lawrence and Jax were there instantly to flank each side, holding him back.

  “Logan, he’s lying. He’s crazy!” She stumbled toward Logan. His arms were crossed over his chest, his face hard. “I never told him to touch Kurt. You have to believe me. Why would I do that?”

  “Because you knew I’d never want you. Because I told you I was going to marry Cassandra, and you couldn’t stand it.”

  He’d told her that? When? Before Kurt was killed, I didn’t know he’d even thought about marriage.

  My thoughts were pulled away as Logan continued.

  “So, tell me, how did you think it would play out?” Logan asked, way too calm for the conversation. “I’d go to prison, and you’d take Oliver? Or you’d play the supportive role until I let you get close enough, and then what? You thought I’d take you back?”

  He placed his hands on her shoulders, his eyes locking with hers.

  “I never loved you. I was too young to see I was nothing more than a boy in lust with an immature, ungrateful slut. The only reason I haven’t thrown you out of my life for good these past few months is because I wanted to believe you would do right by my son. But not anymore.” He dropped his hands. “I’m done.”

  “No!” Natasha gasped. “I didn’t have anything to do with this, I swear. I would have told you about Josh if I knew.”

  “You’re gonna pay for this!” Josh yelled. “Was it all a lie? Just answer me that. Did you ever love me—even like me?”

  The hurt tone in Josh’s voice was too much. The entire thing was overwhelming, and tears welled up in my eyes—angry, needing-to-kick-her-ass tears.

  Jax retrieved his phone without releasing his hold on Josh’s right side. “Doubtful. I got some snapshots of your little tramp in some compromising positions with my sister’s douchebag ex-boyfriend Mark. Took it right after you two started up. Wanna see? Or maybe the one of her blowing the bartender down at Haven last week? Got some of that too.”

  I didn’t miss the smirk Jax threw Natasha, whose face had gone pale.

  After peeling his eyes from Natasha, Josh glanced at the phone.

  “I loved you!” he yelled as he looked up from the phone, his rage snapping even further.

  “Calm down.” Natasha held up her trembling hands, her legs shaking.

  “You bitch! I’m taking you down with me! You hear me?” Josh struggled against the hold of Logan’s brothers, unable to break free.

  “Logan, please. I’m sorry. I didn’t do this. You have to believe me.” Natasha’s hands went for Logan’s chest but he stepped back again, moving to stand in front of Josh.

  “I know you killed Kurt,” Logan said to Josh. “My PI found you on the visitors list. And while you may have convinced the sheriff you two were old friends, I had it looked into. You’d never even met the guy.”

  “Screw you!” Josh spat.

  Logan brushed it off. “You got proof she asked you to do it?”

  “Hell yeah, I do! I keep a stream of video going at my place for the parties. Have the entire thing on my computer.”

  It was Natasha who propelled forward next, screaming incoherent threats. She beat her fists into nothing but the air as Logan pinned her back against his front. Her legs kicked, aiming for Josh but falling short.

  Transfixed on the whole interaction, I didn’t notice someone behind me until a hand shot out beside my face, pushing the door fully open. I twisted back, startled to find Edward and Blythe frowning at the scene inside the tunnel.

  “You need to call the cops,” I blew out, my adrenaline running high.

  “On their way,” Edward replied, sounding almost bored before walking past me inside. Blythe took my hand and led me in behind him at her side.

  Logan held Natasha with her arms pinned behind her back, Jax snickering at the empty threats she rattled off in stifled breaths. The look she sent him was lethal, but seemed only to intensify his laughter.

  “You think you won, Jax? Well, why don’t you tell Logan that you’re the reason I came back in the first place?”

  Jax’s laughter cut off. Natasha grinned, thrashing harder against Logan and adding, “Tell him—”

  Blythe slapped Natasha across the face, silencing her.

  “You listen to me, you trashy little whore.” Blythe took hold of her chin, commanding her full attention. “I’ve stood back and watched you destroy my son, tearing him down to a dark place only his son could reach him. I won’t let you hurt any more of my children—and you better prepare for a hell of a fight after the cops are through with you, because you will never see my grandson again.”

  “Your children, Blythe?” Natasha cackled. “Is that what you tell yourself when you look at Jax? Or do you see the slut your husband fucked: Jax’s real mother?”

  I gasped, my hand flying to my mouth.

  “What the hell is she talking about?” Jax’s stunned words fell out, his grip loosening around Josh’s arm.

  Blythe closed her eyes, took a breath, then turned to face him. “Honey, I’m sorry. We’ll talk about it—”

  “What’s the matter, Jax? Didn’t know?” Natasha taunted. My palm was itching for another swing at her. “Just like Logan didn’t know how much your cock enjoyed my attention when you convinced me to return home last summer?”

  Jax’s ashen gaze flew to Logan, who said nothing, gripping Josh so tightly he could barely move. Either Logan already knew or he didn’t care, but the terror on Jax’s face was heart-wrenching. He was scared—I could see it, mixed with a flurry of hurt and confusion.

  He released his hold on Josh, who used it to his advantage, whipping around and slugging Lawrence in the gut. He doubled over and Logan raced forward, dropping Natasha to grab Josh with the help of his father and Lawrence, who’d recovered instantly.

  Natasha made a run for it, sprinting out the door with Jax on her tail. I leaned up against the glass, no longer noticing the sharks at my back. I didn’t speak until Blythe walked over shortly after the cops arrived to arrest Josh.

  “I’m going to check on my grandsons. You coming?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “I’m going to wait for Logan…if you don’t mind.”

  She gave me an almost-relieved, genuine smile. “Not at all. You’re good for him.” It was all she said before stepping away, with Edward there to meet her as they walked out together.

  Logan slumped down on the bench after a while of talking with the police. I sat beside him, my arms encasing him instantly, holding him close. His head was down, and he didn’t make a move to look my way.

  When I moved to speak, I noticed he was staring at his phone. I could see it clearly: a text from Jax.

  I wasn’t fast enough. She grabbed a cab. Sorry for everything. Always the fuck up. Tell Oliver I love him. I’m done with this shit.

  “Logan, I’m sorry about Jax.”

  He didn’t reply as he pulled me into his arms, burying his face in my hair, where he sighed.

  “Is this why you a
llowed Natasha to come today—to turn Josh against her?” It was all making sense, but why would he do it during such a special event as Oliver’s birthday party?

  “Yes. Only Jax, Lawrence, and my father knew. Natasha will never be allowed near my son again. I thought it only fitting on his birthday, since she’s missed every one before it.”

  I hugged him closer, my head resting against his shoulder. “Poor Oliver. He’ll be heartbroken when he finds out she’s gone.”

  “He’ll be hurt but he’ll eventually accept it. When he’s older, I’ll be honest with him.” Logan shifted back. His knuckles swept over my cheek, a soft but tight smile on his lips. “Besides, he has me and he has you. Nothing else matters, sweetheart. It’s over now. We win.”

  Always the strong one.

  He stood and helped me up.

  “Let’s go give Oliver the birthday he deserves,” he said with a hint of a smile.

  I nodded in agreement. Oliver’s lively enthusiasm was exactly what we needed. I knew we’d talk about Jax later, but for now we had a birthday boy to entertain.

  Logan was right: Nothing else mattered.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  There are many moments in time I wished I could undo or rewrite, but with Natasha on the run, I knew everything was playing out the way it was supposed to.

  Oliver and Charlie had been oblivious for the hour or so most of us had been missing from the birthday festivities, with Julia and Katie doing a great job of distracting them with every tiny reef in the tanks. When we finally entered the party room, which was filled to the ceiling with balloons and streamers, Oliver was too focused on his gifts and giant cake to notice his mother was missing.

  That moment occurred when he opened her present: a giant stuffed dinosaur. It was incredible how instantly Logan was at his side to reassure him that Natasha had to leave, but that she told him to make sure Oliver knew she loved him.

  Oliver may have frowned, but it was brief, and after that day it got easier every time he’d ask about her. Logan reiterated patiently that she couldn’t stay any longer, and after a couple weeks, Oliver stopped asking. He seemed to understand in his own way. The only person he continued to ask for was Jax, who was still MIA and responding to no one’s calls.


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