Darla's Three Troublemakers [Love in Stone Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Darla's Three Troublemakers [Love in Stone Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Love in Stone Valley 3

  Darla’s Three Troublemakers

  Darla has always had a crush on the Willis brothers. Luke, Jon, and Ryan are all brothers who share one thing, they are all in love with Darla. They will do everything in their power to protect her. However, one drunken night spent with Luke leaves consequences. Pregnant and alone, Darla kept the identity of the father to herself.

  With the truth out, the Willis brothers set out a plan to woo their woman. They’ve always wanted to share her and now is their chance to have the woman they’ve always craved. Can Darla accept three men in her life?

  Someone from their past is threatening their future. Whoever it is, is determined to hurt Darla and their knew found happiness. Can the three brothers save the woman they love before it’s too late?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 57,190 words


  Love in Stone Valley 3

  Sam Crescent


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2014 by Sam Crescent

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-273-7

  First E-book Publication: October 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  About the Author


  Love in Stone Valley 3


  Copyright © 2014


  On the night that changed Darla’s life

  Darla Rose cursed the oldest Willis brother with every fiber of her being. He shouldn’t be drinking and yet he was down at the high school near the basketball court, drinking on the hood of his car. He looked like a washed-out old has-been when it couldn’t be further from the truth, especially considering he never once played basketball. No, there was something else wrong with him and she was here to find out. Luke Willis was the oldest brother at twenty-six, whereas Ryan, the youngest, was the same age as her, and she was nearing her nineteenth birthday. Slamming the door on her mother’s old, beat-up car, Darla made her way toward him. For some reason, the older brother always seemed to listen to her. In fact, all of the brothers listened to her. She didn’t know why. It wasn’t like she was some great beauty. Glancing down at her watch, Darla saw it was two hours before she turned nineteen and wouldn’t be much longer before she was leaving her teenage years behind. She still held quite a bit of weight. Being on high school grounds reminded her of her time through high school when the slender, beautiful popular girls would find some reason to call her names. Darla knew she had a couple of pounds to lose, but losing weight was never easy for her. Besides, school was over and she had no reason to fit into the norm for them.

  Her mother was an amazing cook, and Darla couldn’t hurt her mother because of some past bullying. Whenever Ryan was with her back then, and even today, no one spoke a word to her. Some of their old friends hadn’t made it to college, but they were surviving together, even though Ryan had gone off to college while she stayed behind. She could have made it to college straight from school, but her mother needed her far more than she needed college. Darla did miss being with Ryan, but he did spend as much time with her when he came back to town as he could. Her application was set for next year with the funds almost settled.

  “Have the brothers sent you over?” Luke asked, drinking down some more beer.

  “No, they haven’t,” she lied easily, while looking at Luke drinking. He shouldn’t be drinking. Luke never drank. She remembered he once told her that drinking reminded him of his mother and stepfather’s toxic ways.

  “You’re lying. It’s okay, though. You always look cute when you’re lying.” Luke drank down some more beer, staring at her. He wasn’t completely intoxicated. The way he was drinking, she knew it wouldn’t be long before he was. Instead of commenting, she stopped and looked back at him. There was something about his eyes that made her pause. She’d known him all of her life, even before her father left her mother. He’d been there for her when she needed him. His gaze drifted down her body and up. What was he thinking when he looked at her like that?

  He grabbed a beer from the pack beside him. “Have a drink with me? One won’t kill you.”

  “You know I don’t drink.”

  “So? Tonight won’t kill
you. I promise to take care of you, baby. I won’t let anything happen to you. Live a little, Darla. You don’t know when life’s going to hand you a shit stick and force you to deal with it.”

  She wrinkled her nose at his description. “Shit stick?”

  “Yeah, do you think it has been all pretty roses and crap? No, stepdad’s a pain in the ass and I’ve let my brothers deal with it ’cause I just upped and left, like our dads.”

  The Willis brothers had two fathers and everyone knew their mother had kicked them out. Darla heard Luke, Ryan and Jon all visited their father in the city when their mother allowed.

  “You didn’t leave.” She took the beer from him, taking a seat as she looked up at the stars. Darla never made a habit out of drinking or partying.

  “I didn’t tell our fathers, either,” Luke said.

  “What do you mean?” She sipped at the beer, hating the taste but dealing with it anyway.

  Luke started laughing. “Ryan was the only one left and he was made to deal with the shit because Jon and I left when we were old enough. He used to use the strap on us, Darla. Derek was a fucking prick and he’d use his fists and his strap, and I didn’t even fucking think to talk to our fathers about it.” He stopped to drink more beer.

  Darla listened to him talk. She didn’t mention how Ryan had spent a lot of time on her bedroom floor or even in her bed throughout high school. The first night he’d appeared at her door while her mother was at work would stay with her forever. Ryan’s fists had been bloody and his body covered in old scars. She would never turn him away. She knew that when it came to the Willis brothers, she’d never turn any of them away. Ryan had admitted he’d fucked his stepfather over.

  She’d heard the story before from Ryan’s lips. The story was sad, but he’d asked for her never to tell anyone. Darla had asked her mother to be cool and let Ryan stay over whenever he wanted.

  “I don’t even know if Derek stopped fucking torturing my brother or if it stopped ’cause he was away at college,” Luke said, drawing her attention back to him.

  Sipping at the beer, Darla remained silent. It was killing her to remain the silent party. This was not her story to tell. Suddenly, Luke turned toward her, sinking his hands into her hair and tilting her head back to look at him. “The only good thing about all of this is you.” His other hand caressed her cheek, fingering her lips. He held her in place, staring down at her.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said.

  “Luke, what are you doing?”

  “I’m not letting my head gain control anymore. I’m the one in control and nothing is going to stop me doing this.”

  Before she could stop him, his head dropped and his lips brushed hers. At first, the touch was gentle, a mere brush of lips against lips, and then something happened. Something Darla couldn’t describe changed, and the gentle turned to hard. The simmering heat became blistering. There was nothing to stop the magnetic pull between them. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Darla kissed him back with a passion that surprised her.

  “That’s it, baby, give me those lips,” he said, kissing down to her neck. Gasping, she closed her eyes, relishing the touch of him against her.

  She let out a squeal as he picked her up and brought her down on the hood of his truck. Luke opened her legs and stood between them. Both hands cupped her face, turning her this way and that as he consumed her lips. There was no stopping his kiss or the way he took control. She was just the vessel for his rampant desire.

  Thinking was out of the question as his hands wandered down her body, grazing her breasts or touching her mound. His hands were everywhere, but they were not enough to her. She needed more. Darla needed his powerful kisses and rampant claim.

  “I’ve got to have you. I need to know what it’s like to sink my cock so deep inside your little cunt,” he said, making her gasp.

  “Luke.” She spoke his name but didn’t know what she wanted to say. What was she supposed to say in moments like this? Nothing had any focus. Her body was on fire with need for him. She couldn’t deny him even if she wanted to.

  “Fuck, let me see you.” He tore her shirt from her body, exposing her grey bra to his wandering gaze. She crossed her arms, trying to stop him from looking.

  Nothing she did was any good. He pushed her arms out of the way and rid her body of the offending item.

  Naked, aching, and ready for him, Darla stared into his eyes. He pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his hard, muscular chest. There were a few faint scars that were similar to Ryan’s all over his chest. Running her hand over his body, Darla couldn’t help but feel for him. Luke was such a hard man, a proud man, and yet he held scars of his pain like everyone else.

  “It wasn’t your fault,” she said.

  He didn’t say anything. Instead, he opened the button of his jeans and reached out to pull her off the hood of the car. “Let’s get naked.”

  In no time at all, Luke had them both naked. She cried out when he lifted her onto the hood again, opening her thighs wide.

  Naked, I’m naked.

  Luke stared at her as if he was a starving man and she was a sweet morsel for him to eat. His lips brushed hers before caressing down to suck one of her nipples into his mouth. Crying out, she sank her fingers into his hair as his other hand searched between her thighs. He held control in everything. There was nothing for her to do other than let him have his way.

  Her body was burning up. The passion burned far brighter than ever before.

  “Such a beautiful pussy,” he said, stroking her slit as he sucked on her other nipple in between talking. “You make me want so much, Darla. You make me want to be a better person for you.”

  “Yes,” she said, moaning. She wanted him so badly, just like she wanted Ryan and Jon. It was sick of her to want three men, but in Stone Valley, wanting more than one man was the ideal. She’d grown used to seeing more than two people to a relationship.

  The Willis brothers were the men she wanted. Three brothers, and so charming they made her want so much.

  He grabbed her hand, wrapping her fingers around his hard length. “Touch me, Darla. I need to feel your hands on me.”

  She gripped his shaft, not having a clue what to do with him. Luke helped her, showing her what he liked and what she was to do in order to drive him crazy.

  “That’s right, slow and steady to start. Grip me firmly.”

  His instructions had her blushing, but she did it anyway.

  “I can’t wait any longer,” he said, pushing her hand out of the way. “I’ve got to have you. I need to know what you feel like against me.”

  In quick moves, Luke pushed her back against the hood of the car. She didn’t tell him to stop, and the truth was she didn’t want him to stop. Darla watched him grip his firm flesh and run the tip along her slit. Gasping, Darla jerked as he bumped her clit.

  “So fucking wet,” he said.

  She felt him ease the tip into her entrance, stretching her virgin pussy for his hard cock. Darla cried out, screaming as, with one fierce thrust, Luke seated himself inside her to the hilt. The first wave of pain had her gasping, but the way he soothed and stroked her helped to drive her pain down and build up her need for him once more. Luke stopped, stroking a hand down her back and along her thighs. They were connected in the most primal way and Darla couldn’t believe she was no longer a virgin. She’d finally given herself to Luke. There was no fear or panic, nor regret. Darla felt content to have finally given herself to him.

  When the pain had ebbed away, Luke cupped her face, kissing her lips.

  “I’m going to fuck you now. You’re more than ready for me, baby,” he said.

  There was no argument from her. His thrusts were strong and hard as he took her on the hood of the car. She found herself looking at her watch over his shoulder and saw it was a little after midnight.

  Happy birthday, Darla.

  Kissing his lips, Darla rejoiced in the feel of Luke inside her. Nothing could compare to th
e pleasure he was giving her. Chocolate, pasta, fried chicken was nothing compared to being filled by his hard cock.

  “Fuck, Darla, you feel so good.” He stroked her clit, riding her hard. The metal of his car was cold, but she didn’t feel anything as her orgasm coursed through her. She held onto him, feeling his strokes get harder and deeper with every passing second. The grip on her hips tightened and she cried out.

  Luke grunted and suddenly froze inside her. She felt his cock pulse and something jerk out of him. It was the strangest sensation she’d ever felt.

  “Happy birthday, Darla.”

  They made love again inside his truck and when he finally fell asleep, Darla left him alone. She couldn’t handle the thought of him regretting being with her. The following day, she expected him to show up and at least talk to her. Nothing happened. When she finally built up the courage to see him, Darla realized he didn’t remember anything that happened. Had he really drank enough to forget about being with her? She’d loved every second of his tender loving, and for him not to remember broke her heart a little.

  If he didn’t remember then she didn’t have to confront the possible regret he might have. After thinking about it a little more, Darla realized she liked the fact Luke didn’t remember their encounter. Nothing was ever going to come of their night together. Deciding not to talk about it, she left him alone, and all too soon, Luke had left Stone Valley to explore the rest of the world. Her decision to keep their time together secret suited her with him leaving town.

  For a few weeks, she couldn’t bring herself to look at Ryan in case he saw straight through her. In no time at all, everything returned to normal and she could listen to the two Willis brothers talking about Luke without having a reaction to his name. Jon and Ryan worked at the Dancin’ Donkey while Luke sent them money for the repairs. Their mother and stepfather left town, never to be heard from again. Darla saw the other two brothers regularly. She loved being around them and with her mother’s illness, she needed them more than ever.


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