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Darla's Three Troublemakers [Love in Stone Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 15

by Sam Crescent

  “Holy shit, Darla, that car just exploded,” Tate said.

  “I know. I need you to take Nathan and look after him. He can’t be here for this.” Suddenly, Luke was beside her.

  “Take her as well. She can’t be here for this. Do as I ask, Tate.” Luke shoved her inside the car, strapping her in.

  “No, Luke, I’ve got to come with you. I need to help them.”

  Luke gave her a fierce look. “No, you’ve got to look after our son and unborn child. Go with Tate, or I swear when I get you home I won’t fuck you for the remainder of the pregnancy.”

  He slammed the door shut, keeping her inside. Luke looked at Tate, ordering her friend.

  “Please, Tate, I need to stay with them. I need to know what’s happening.”

  “You see what’s happening. Luke’s right. I need to get you and Nathan out of here.” Tate reversed the car and headed back into town. “Think about Nathan. You’re scaring him.”

  Holding her son, Darla tried her best to keep herself in control. She couldn’t handle not knowing. What if Ryan and Jon were really hurt?

  Crap, why was her life becoming so difficult?

  No matter what she tried to tell herself, Darla focused all of her attention on her son. Luke was looking out for all of them. He was the one in charge and he’d take care of everything and come get her.

  She had to believe in that.

  * * * *

  Fuck, Ryan and Jon were in the truck together. He’d been hiding out, watching to make sure everything went to plan. Seeing Luke get out of truck with Darla and the boy had ended his happiness. He’d fucked up and got the wrong two men.

  Slamming his hotel room door closed, he took his aggression out on the bed. The bed was not hard enough for what he wanted to do, but for now, it had to do. He couldn’t handle any more complaints, and killing everyone was not an option.

  The Willis family needed to die. He’d found a tourist pissing outside of the Dancin’ Donkey. Derek held a gun to his head and ordered him into the car and collide with the truck. It was a short window of opportunity for him to rid himself of two Willis men. Instead, he might not have killed any of them. Stopping was not an option.

  Jackson and Byron were in town. He just needed to be smarter and make his attack wiser. For now, he’d back away. They would all be on their guard and he needed to stay unnoticed until his shot came in again.

  Patience for getting what he wanted had never been one of his virtues, but he had little choice. It was either patience or failure, and this was not something he wanted to fail on.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jon winced as the nurse made another stitch along his head. He’d been taken for multiple tests, along with Ryan. They’d both been wearing their seatbelts and had come out of the roll unharmed. Well, not completely unharmed. He was badly bruised and his body ached all over. His two fathers were all over the hospital staff and Ryan was sitting in the next bed.

  “Dude, it’s like we’re children all over again,” Ryan said.

  “Both of you boys should be lucky to have two fathers that care about you.” The nurse, in her late thirties, commented. She was a blonde woman, very attractive, and “Jade” was on the tag above her breast.

  Luke was in the waiting area filling out all of their forms. They’d been lucky, but not the guy who’d been driving the car. Did he mean to hit them? Jon couldn’t remember. He recalled Ryan’s shout of warning and not much else.

  “Sorry,” Ryan said.

  “Don’t be sorry. Appreciate what you’ve got in life. Those two men are causing a fuss for your care. Embrace it,” Jade said, smiling. She was working on both of their stitches. “Right, you’re all done, honey. You’ll have some scaring and I’ll need to check them out in a couple of weeks.” She tapped his leg, moving on to Ryan.

  Ryan had a gash on his shoulder and forehead. Sitting on the bed, Jon closed his eyes. His head was throbbing and everything seemed pretty loud.

  Someone clearing their throat made him look up. Jackson stood, looking down at him. David was beside his father, holding a notepad. “We’re going to need you to go through everything.”

  Jon told them everything. “We were driving. Talking about…everything that was happening. Ryan saw the car before I did. It hit my side, and we spun out. It was a long road, so we were going pretty fast. Ryan couldn’t stop the truck and we flipped.”

  “They’re lucky to have come out of it unscathed,” Jade said, speaking up.

  “Thank you for taking care of my boys,” Jackson said.

  “Any time.”

  Was it him, or was his father flirting with his nurse?

  David wrote everything down.

  “Do you know anything about the guy?” Jon asked.

  “Nothing is coming up and he didn’t make it. We can’t question him as to why he did what he did,” David said. “Trevor has stepped down. He’s, erm, he’s taking an extended vacation until we figure this out.”

  Jon nodded.

  Luke came back, handing the forms into the main reception. “The truck is being towed and I’ve got it booked in to see if they can fix the damage.”

  “Damn, I loved that truck,” Ryan said.

  “How’s Darla?” Jon asked. Their woman had to have seen what happened.

  “Darla was there?” David asked.

  “Tate was following behind us. We had Nathan, and when the car exploded, I didn’t think it was good for my son to see that,” Luke said. “I sent her with Tate.”

  “We’ll need to speak with her as well,” David said. “I’m also having Daniel put on this case. He knows what he’s doing.”

  “Do you really think this has something to do with us?” Ryan asked. “We’re pretty nice guys and we’ve never hurt anyone.”

  “This is your second attack within weeks. It’s Daniel’s belief that the woman that got killed was sent to Luke to lure him away. Believe me, this is not just a bunch of coincidences,” David said.

  “Okay, that’s enough. I don’t want you scaring my sons,” Jackson said. “We’ll handle everything.”

  “You’re sticking around this time?” Ryan asked.

  “We’re not leaving at all,” Byron said, coming to stand beside his brother. “We’ve already made arrangements to stay close beside you and your woman. You need us, boys.”

  Jon felt comforted, knowing his fathers were going to stick by. “So what happens now?”

  David looked toward the two men, clearing his throat. Jackson and Byron both nodded, giving their consent. “We’re going to identify the person in the vehicle and see what connection he has to you. He didn’t make it, so I’m sure the threat against your life is over.”

  Looking between the men, Jon glanced at Luke to see if he was buying it. Luke shrugged.

  “Everything seems fine to me. There’s not a lot we can do other than hope for a good outcome from all of this.”

  “What did you do with Darla? She’s going to be pissed if someone doesn’t tell her what’s going on,” Ryan said, wincing as the nurse continued to sew him up.

  The nurse gave his brother a disgusted look and finished up her work. “For big, strapping men, you don’t half-moan like babies.” She gathered her equipment, tossed it in a bag and left the room.

  Jon saw his fathers’ gaze follow the woman out of the room.

  Rolling his eyes, he stood. “Okay, I think we should go to Darla before she drives Tate crazy. I can’t believe you left her alone.”

  “She’s not alone. Tate’s with her and she wouldn’t have been much use back there. Everything is fine now. We’re all going to be okay.” Luke helped Ryan off the table.

  “Man, I think I’m going to puke,” Ryan said.

  “We’re going to follow you into town to get your woman and go back to your place,” Jackson said. “We’re going to make sure you’re safe before we let you go.”

  “Fine,” Jon said. “There’s not enough room in Luke’s truck for all of us. We’re going to
have to ride with you.”

  “Fine by us.”

  They all headed out of the hospital. He had a prescription, and so did Ryan, for their medication. Nothing was wrong with them, but the doctor demanded they be woken every couple of hours to make sure they weren’t concussed or something.

  Rubbing his temple, Jon couldn’t care less about the pain. He was more worried about his woman and how she was going to handle the next couple of weeks. Was the accident really the end? He hoped so, but he didn’t recognize the car at all. Why would someone he didn’t know want to hurt him?

  It was a strange set of circumstances. He could handle everything else, providing he had his woman in his arms by the end of the night.

  * * * *

  Darla was going crazy. She couldn’t stop pacing, and she was wired on coffee. No one had called her and Tate had sent her two carpenter men away. Nathan was watching a movie on the television while Tate tried to talk with her. She knew she wasn’t being particularly fair, but she couldn’t stop the fear.

  What if something happened to Jon or Ryan, or both of them? Crap, she couldn’t handle the emotions crashing around her. Running fingers through her hair, she tried to stop the tears from falling, but it was the hardest task in the world.

  “He’s got to be okay,” Darla said. “They’ve got to be okay.”

  “They will, honey. Luke’s amazing, and always in control. He’ll take care of both his brothers. I’m sure he’s got help.”

  She went to the phone, picking it up and then putting it down. “No, can’t do this. I don’t even know who to call.”

  The sound of the doorbell interrupted her panic. Tate left the table to see who it was. Seconds later, Tessie and Ruby were wrapping their arms around her.

  “We heard and we came as soon as we did,” Tessie said. “How are you, honey?”

  “I’m freaking out. I don’t think Tate likes me very much when I’m like this.” She sniveled, and wiped a hand under her nose. No wonder Luke got her away from the scene. She wouldn’t have been able to handle seeing Jon and Ryan hurt.

  “I love you, honey. I don’t like you panicking. It’s not a good look for you.” Tate sat her down at the table. “Nathan’s in the sitting room. He’s watching a movie and he’s been good as gold.”

  “It’s good you kept her out of his way. I think he’d panic if he saw his mother and would wonder what happened,” Ruby said.

  “He’s a kid and doesn’t know what’s going on.” Darla spoke up, pressing a hand to her face. “I watched it happen. I saw the car heading toward the truck and then it went out of control.”

  “Luke, Jon, and Ryan will all be here to let you know what’s going on. If something bad happened, I’m sure you’d be the first to know.”

  All three women did their best to console her. Darla was having a hard time being distracted. Her thoughts were only focused on her men. She’d only just got them. There was no way she could handle letting them go.

  Taking several deep breaths, she tried to be drawn into their conversation. Tate was a real lifesaver, giving her some space but also being there for her. She glanced at the clock, seeing it had been a good four hours since the accident.

  Suddenly the door was being banged on. Darla tensed as she watched Tate leave the table and go to the door.

  The moment the door was open, Darla was out of her seat, flinging her arms around Jon’s neck. She sobbed against his chest, thanking everything above that he was all right. Behind him was Ryan and he wrapped his arms around her as well. All of her men were safe and smiling at her.

  “It’s nice to know you were worried,” Ryan said. He stroked her hair and she couldn’t tear her gazes from them.

  “I was so worried,” she said.

  “She really was.” Tate’s arms were folded and she stared at Darla. “Well, you owe me an apology, missy.”

  Darla chuckled. “I’m sorry for being a wreck. My men are fine and I shouldn’t have doubted you.”

  “No, you shouldn’t.” Tate pulled her in for a hug. “I’m so happy for you.”

  Luke made his way into the small apartment. The spacious room suddenly felt small with all of them inside.

  “Right, I’m going to update everyone at the diner. They were all flipping out about you and I’m pleased you’re all alive and living to tell the tale,” Tessie said.

  “Yeah, I’m going back to my shop. I’ll let them know you’re fine. The town was worried,” Ruby said, leaving the apartment.

  She wanted to leave as well, but she didn’t like the thought of Tate being alone.

  “My men are waiting downstairs. They promised to be here when you left,” Tate explained, stroking her arm.

  “You’re too good for me,” she said.

  “Don’t be a stranger, and call me if you ever need me.” Tate hugged her, making her promise before she let go.

  “Treat her right.”

  Darla gathered Nathan into her arms and followed her three men out of the apartment block. She saw their fathers waiting in a truck.

  “We’ll meet you at the house. We’re riding with Dads,” Ryan said. He kissed the top of her head, followed by Jon doing the same.

  “We’re okay, baby. Nothing is going to happen. It’s all over.”

  She nodded at Jon before climbing in beside her son. Nathan was exhausted and kept yawning.

  Luke ruffled Nathan’s hair before starting up the truck.

  “I love you, Daddy,” he said.

  Darla watched as Luke glanced back at his son. There were tears in his eyes and she smiled at him.

  They were all home within thirty minutes from Tate’s apartment. She was relieved to see the front door. When they passed the area of the accident, she’d been terrified of something else happening.

  Nothing happened and they made it home without a problem. Luke helped her out of the truck and reached in for Nathan. She went straight ahead to the kitchen to start making up some dinner for them all.

  She heard them all heading into the kitchen as she was filling a saucepan of water. Something quick and easy with pasta always worked. Darla set to work with her hands shaking. The more she cooked, the less her hands shook. She had to keep stopping to take some breaths.

  In between cooking, she watched all the men with her son. He now had grandpas. She saw the happiness on Nathan’s face and how delighted all the men were. Rubbing her stomach, she thought about her unborn child. He or she would grow up in an environment knowing only love. For the first time in her life, Darla was excited for the future and she refused to let the events of this day spoil her life.

  * * * *

  Later that night, Ryan lay beside his woman in Luke’s room. His fathers were looking after their son, giving all four of them the chance to have some time together. Stroking a hand down her naked back, he stroked his palm over her ass. She lay on her stomach between them all. Jon laid across the bed where the pillows used to be, with Luke on one side and him on the other.

  They’d all made love to her once, taking turns to be inside her. Ryan was always content to watch her be pleasured by one of his brothers. It made him feel complete, somehow, which was insane. Still, he wasn’t going to worry about his sexual desires.

  “I was really worried about all of you. I hated that,” she said, running her fingers through her hair. Jon caressed her cheek.

  “There was nothing to be worried about,” Luke said, kissing her shoulder. She moaned, leaning over to claim his brother’s lips. Ryan felt an answering heat in his groin. She was so beautiful and responsive to all of them.

  “I hope I never have to go through this again.”

  Luke rolled her onto her stomach, exposing her ass and her rounded curves.

  “You won’t have to go through anything else again. We’re here for you,” Jon said.

  Ryan pressed a hand to her stomach. “This is our baby in there. We’re not going to risk anything happening to you, or to us. We love you too damn much and have waited so long t
o make you our woman. Nothing is ever going to get in our way.” He pressed a kiss to her lips and then down to her neck. Ryan kissed his way down to her breasts, lifting each of the curves up for him to love with his mouth. She moaned, thrusting up to meet him.

  “I think our brother is a little insatiable tonight,” Luke said.

  He didn’t care what they thought. This day, he could have died. He wasn’t going to take risks anymore. Darla was the woman he always wanted to be with. They all finally had her in their home, in their bed, and he wasn’t going to mess it up because of fear or taking it slow.

  “I want you, Ryan,” she said.

  Darla sat up, cupping his face and slamming her lips down on his. He stroked her breasts, feeling her nipples bud against his fingers. Their moans mingled in the air. Luke and Jon were moving also. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as Jon placed a condom over his erect flesh and smeared the latex with a generous amount of lube.

  After the day they’d just had, Ryan knew it was right for them all to share her.

  Pulling away, he helped Luke settle her over Jon’s hard length.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m going to take your fine ass.” Jon stroked her hip. “You can take me, baby. I’ll be careful with you. I promise.”

  Ryan claimed her lips as Jon worked his length inside her ass. His brother took his time, teasing her ass open with his lube-covered fingers before helping her onto his hard shaft.

  They were all tense from the day they’d just had. This is what they needed. All four of them had been panicking over what happened. Darla was in their arms and bed. None of them was going to screw that up.

  Running a hand over her stomach, he went down, slipping a finger into her tight cunt. “She’s wet, Jon. Darla likes you playing with her ass.”

  She whimpered, tightening around his finger.

  He added another digit and she moaned.

  “Her ass is so fucking sexy. I can’t wait to fuck her,” Jon said.

  Luke turned her head to the side. “Ignore them, baby.” His oldest brother distracted her with his lips.


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