Darla's Three Troublemakers [Love in Stone Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Darla's Three Troublemakers [Love in Stone Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 16

by Sam Crescent

  With each minute passing, Ryan felt calmer than he’d ever felt before in his life. Something was happening to all of them and he could handle every fight so long as they all had Darla to come home to.

  “Please, fuck me,” she said, begging.

  “Push out, baby. I’m going to seat you on my cock.” Jon held one of her hips, and with his other hand, he guided his cock over her anus. Ryan teased her clit, watching the lust glaze over her eyes.

  She was dripping wet and getting wetter with every passing second.

  He knew the moment Jon passed her tight ring of muscles as she gasped and her body went tense.

  “Push out, baby,” Jon said.

  Darla did as he asked, pushing out and slowly, she sank down on his brother’s cock.

  Kissing her mouth, Ryan released her pussy. He knew where he wanted to go and stood up on the bed. Resting his palm on the wall for balance, he saw his cock was perfectly aligned for her mouth.

  Palming his shaft, he presented the tip to her waiting lips. She opened her lips, swiping her tongue along his length. He moaned as she took him deep. The suction of her mouth was sweet and perfect.

  “So fucking good,” he said, growling out the words.

  Opening his eyes, he watched as Ryan settled between her spread thighs. With all three of them, they had to be a little inventive. They all wanted to pleasure her, touch every inch of her body and have her so driven by lust she didn’t know where they started or she ended.

  She pulled away from his cock as Luke plunged inside her.

  “I’m full,” she said, gasping. Her head was flung back on Jon’s shoulder. One of her hands was rested on Luke’s shoulder while the other was wrapped around his shaft.

  “You’ve got us all, baby. This is it for us. Our future is all about you,” Jon said, cupping her breast. “We all love you so damn much. We’ll never do anything to hurt you or make you wish you never came to us.”

  “This is what we want, Darla. You as our woman,” Luke said.

  “Yes, this is what I want.” She glanced toward him, her teeth biting into her bottom lip.

  “For me, Darla, you’ve always been my girl. You’ve just not known it.”

  She giggled and that sound turned to a moan as Luke pulled out of her waiting pussy, only to plunge back inside. Jon eased her off his cock and together his brothers set a pace, matching each other stroke for stroke.

  Only when she was ready did Darla reach out, gripping his shaft and bringing him closer to her lips.

  Her mouth was heaven and Ryan knew it was going to be a long night.

  * * * *

  The tight heat of her pussy was going to drive him crazy. Luke felt her cunt ripple around his cock as Jon worked her ass. He watched Darla’s lips surround Ryan’s cock in her mouth, turning him on even more. Darla was such a caring, giving person. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve such a wonderful woman. She gave them everything without really asking for anything in return.

  He loved her so completely and was thankful she’d given them all another chance. Luke knew he could have ruined all of their futures by his past actions.

  No more. He wouldn’t let it happen again. Darla would always come first and he would never risk her happiness again.

  Jon toyed with her nipples, making her pussy quiver. Her cream coated his shaft and her noises were like music to his ears. They were all sharing her and Darla was loving every second of it.

  Pressing a finger between them, he stroked over her clit, wanting her to orgasm. He’d do anything to hear her pleasured cries.

  “Please, you’re killing me,” Darla said, crying out.

  Smiling, Luke kept up his assault while also fucking her pussy. She was shaking, her screams echoing off the walls. “This is not fair. You’re all torturing me.”

  She released Ryan’s cock every time she wanted to speak.

  “Keep her quiet, Ryan,” Luke said.

  His youngest brother gripped her hair, working his shaft into her waiting mouth. Glancing over her shoulder, he saw Jon was frowning and gritting his teeth. “I’m not going to last.”

  Luke knew he wasn’t going to last much longer, either. He’d never experienced such exquisite pleasure before at her hands.

  Pinching her clit between his thumb and finger, he watched Darla explode. Ryan didn’t let up and pumped his shaft into her waiting mouth.

  Removing his fingers from her slit, Luke gripped her hips, working his cock in and out of her pussy. He worked with Jon, their pace working together as their shafts were taken inside her body.

  Her tits bounced with every thrust of their hips. The scent of sex was heavy in the air.

  “Fuck, I’m not going to last,” Jon said. Perspiration dotted his head.

  Luke glanced up at Ryan to see his brother in the same predicament. Leaning forward, Luke sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, tasting her on his tongue. He lapped at her nipple and the first stirrings of his orgasm caught up with him.

  Moaning, he pounded inside her waiting body. He heard Jon growl first, followed by Ryan.

  He watched her throat working to swallow all of Ryan’s cum.

  The sight alone was enough to send him over the edge into his own climax. He held her tightly in his arms as he found his release, collapsing over her as he did.

  They were all panting for breath. Their orgasms were slowly ebbing away into the night air.

  Darla ran her hands down their bodies and Ryan lay down beside them all.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  “It also takes some relief off your pussy,” Jon said, kissing her neck. Darla chuckled, making her whole body jolt.

  “Please don’t laugh,” Luke said, groaning as her pussy squeezed his flaccid cock. He was so tired, but feeling her body respond to him could easily wake him up.

  For the longest time, they all laid together on the bed. No words were necessary in that moment. Luke held onto her, listening to her heart beat.

  When it was time to get up and move, he carried his woman into the shower. He left his brothers to clean up the mess as he washed her. The shower was nice and hot. He lifted her into the stall and started to wash her.

  She hummed slightly as he soaped her body.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you, too, baby.” He pushed the hair off her shoulder, kissing the tender flesh of her neck.

  Darla sighed. “I don’t regret what we did all those nights ago.”

  Her words caught him by surprise. “What do you mean?”

  “The night we conceived Nathan, I don’t regret it.” He remained quiet, hoping she’d continue talking. “Having a baby was scary, but I loved him with my whole heart. It was like I had a little piece of you guys when you were not there, or it felt like you weren’t there.”

  Luke tilted her head back. “My only regret about everything that happened was leaving you. I would have always been here for you. Nothing would have held me back. We’d have been happy for five years instead of causing each other pain.”

  She smiled up at him. “I really do love you.” Darla wrapped her arms around him. Once they were showered, he dried her and carried her back to bed. He watched both his brothers leave to shower and held her in his arms while waiting for them to return. “Do you really think the threat is over?”

  “I hope so. I don’t see why we should have to worry about anyone else. We don’t have any reason to think that the person in the car wasn’t the person after us. I’m sure David will have something for us all to worry about or to relax about soon enough.” Luke ran a finger down her body to rest his entire palm over her rounded stomach. “Until then, you’ve got to focus on keeping our baby safe.”

  Moving down the bed, Luke rested against her stomach and started talking. She giggled, and this was how Ryan and Jon caught them. Before he knew it, his brothers were helping him to talk to their son or daughter. They all asked the baby to be good and try not to make Darla too grouchy in the comin

g months.

  “You guys are horrible. You’ve just been in a huge accident and you’re behaving like nothing happened.” She pulled them all up to the bed. Kissing her lips, Luke smiled down at her.

  “We’re men. We can handle anything.”

  Luke wasn’t going to dwell on what happened. He’d watch his and his brothers’ back, but he really did believe the threat was gone.

  Chapter Twelve

  Two weeks later

  Darla hummed to herself as she set up flasks and lunchboxes for her men. After they dropped Nathan in nursery, they were headed to visit her mother and then on to work at the Dancin’ Donkey. Since the accident two weeks ago, everything had returned to normal. The truck had been condemned and was in no way fixable. Ryan tossed the truck and started trawling the internet for a replacement. He got some money for parts and scrap metal. Luke returned to work, taking over Tate’s job of running the place. Jon also returned to work, but made sure she had someone at home at all times.

  They were also dating again. She went out with Ryan, Jon, and Luke, all separately. Jackson and Byron helped out when they could. They stayed with her on the nights her men were working or took Nathan when she was going on a date. She loved getting to know the men who helped bring her men into the world. They were renting out a place in town at the moment, but she knew Jackson and Byron were looking for a place to buy.

  “I need coffee,” Jon said, going toward the coffee she’d set out.

  “There’s breakfast under the grill.”

  She heard him wince as he put his fingers on the plate. Moving him out of the way, she pulled all three breakfasts out and placed them on the counter. Nathan had already eaten and was sitting in front of the television, watching cartoons.

  “What would I do without you?” Jon said, kissing her neck.

  Rolling her eyes, she finished packing away the lunches, checked the refrigerator to see what she’d need to get from the grocery store. She was applying for a business course that afternoon. The woman who worked in the library had set everything up for her with the adult education councilor.

  “You lived without me before,” she said, writing down a few items.

  “Yeah, but not without the sex,” Jon said, teasing.

  She laughed. “Great, sex and food. At least I know my place.”

  Ryan slapped her ass. “You know you’re loved.” He kissed her neck before grabbing his own coffee and sitting in front of his breakfast. They were all currently sharing Luke’s bed. He had the biggest room out of all of them, and they were all making it work for them.

  “What are we all talking about?” Luke asked, heading toward her.

  Darla kissed him back. “My use as a sex slave and cook. Eat your breakfast. I’ve got to get ready for this afternoon.” She slapped his butt as she passed. Grabbing her bag from the back of the sofa, she glanced at Nathan seeing his attention completely caught up in the cartoon.

  “Is it a good cartoon, baby?” she asked.

  She got a grunt in answer. Chuckling, she quickly packed her bag, making sure she had up-to-date documents. Luke had given her a card for her to use for expenses. She really didn’t like taking their money. It made her feel like their arrangement wasn’t that of a relationship, which made her uncomfortable.

  Once everything was packed, she went back to the kitchen to put everything away. So far, she’d not been suffering since all the stress had been taken out of her life. Her stomach was queasy in the morning, but nothing that she couldn’t handle.

  “You look so hot in those jeans,” Ryan said.

  “All you guys think about is the naughty.”

  In no time at all, they were rushing out the door. She rode with Luke in his truck. Ryan was sticking with Jon in his truck until a new one was found. Nathan held a plastic plane in his hands, which he was zooming through the air.

  She talked with Luke about the course she was going to pick. “With a business degree, I could help you guys out at the bar. It means we’ll get to be together a lot more and you wouldn’t have to worry about me driving so far out of my way to get to where we want to go.”

  “I think it’s awesome. I love having you around me, baby.”

  He pulled up outside of the nursery. She waited while Nathan kissed Luke, and then ran him to the other truck to say good-bye to Ryan and Jon. Darla loved hearing him call them all Dad. None of them cared which one was the father. It all worked for each of them. They were a family and it didn’t matter who fathered Nathan.

  She handed over the lunch to the teacher and ran back to Luke’s truck.

  The next stop was her mother. She strapped in and held on as Luke followed behind his two brothers toward the hospice where her mother was staying.

  Darla tried to get out to see her mother as much as possible. Some times were not as easy as others.

  When Luke stopped the truck, she climbed down and sought out a nurse to take her to her mother.

  She found her mother sitting up. There was an oxygen mask on her face and she looked thinner than Darla remembered. “Mom, you okay?” She reached over, touching her head to check her temperature.

  “I’m fine, honey,” Janet said. She smiled at her men, nodding for them all to sit down. Taking a seat, she listened to her mother talk.

  Darla felt sick to her stomach at the decline in her mother. It was horrible to see. When the doctor stopped by within twenty minutes, Darla knew it was bad. She excused herself, Ryan and Luke following her out.

  “I’m really sorry, Darla. I’ve got bad news.”

  Dread was unlike anything she’d ever felt. The last two weeks had been blissful for her. She’d been so happy and now the doctor was going to shatter her world.

  We all knew this day would come.

  Her mother’s words echoed through her mind. Glancing in the window, she saw her talking with Jon. He’d stayed behind to talk to Janet.

  “She’s dying, isn’t she?” Darla asked. The tears fell down her cheeks. She was sad, but part of her was ready for the news.

  “There’s nothing more we can do. Her organs are starting to fail. Soon she’ll be in a coma, and she’s asked for no extraordinary measures to be taken.”

  She stopped listening to the doctor. Darla knew what her mother had done. Janet Rose was ready to die.

  * * * *

  Jon watched Darla leave the room to talk to the doctor. Ryan and Luke were with her. He knew it was bad news in the way both his brothers reached out to touch her. Their hands were on her shoulders, holding her together.

  “It’s bad news. I’m dying and it’s only getting worse. I doubt if I’ll last the week. I’ve asked them that when the time comes, they let me go. It’s hurting too damn much to talk,” Janet said. The woman smiled at him weakly.

  “Then don’t speak. I’m happy to sit here with you.”

  Janet reached out to touch him. He took her hand without a second thought. This was his mother-in-law. He’d do everything to comfort her. “She should have put me in this place a long time ago.”

  “Don’t talk like that.” Jon tapped her hand lightly, not wishing to cause her any more pain.

  “I wouldn’t have gone. She had Nathan to look after and she needed my help. Money was tight and she always felt responsible for our problems. It’s not her fault her father up and left.”

  “Why did he leave?” Jon asked.

  “Darla doesn’t know the truth. I thought it would be easier to tell her a little white lie than the truth,” Janet said. Her gaze went to the window where Darla was crying. The doctor was still talking, but his brothers were the ones who were listening. “Her father loved me. He hated the diagnosis and was prepared to bankrupt us to find a cure. Cancer is a bastard. There is no cure.” Janet coughed.

  Jon grabbed the water and offered her the straw. Once she’d finished drinking, she leaned back on the bed, smiling.

  “I sent her father away. He was in too much pain. I told Darla a lie. Actually, I told her a lot of lies about

  He looked at his woman, seeing the distress on her face. “I can’t believe you lied to your daughter.”

  Janet smiled. “Her father was a good man, but a weak one. Darla didn’t need to care for two adults at the time. I sent him away and she doesn’t really remember him. The last I heard, he’d found another woman and had settled down.”

  What was he supposed to do with this revelation?

  “You’re not to do anything, honey. I’m not asking you to see me differently. What’s done is done, and maybe in time, you’ll understand what I’ve done. I did what I could to protect those I love. I loved my husband, but Darla is my life. I couldn’t let her be alone while he was busy searching for a cure that’s not available. This way, we all got some good years out of it.”

  Jon knew the older woman spoke sense, even though he didn’t like what she was saying.

  “I’m happy to hear you’re going to be there for my daughter. It makes dying easier for me. You’re going to take care of her, aren’t you?” Janet asked.

  “Yeah, Luke, Ryan and myself, we’ll all take care of her.”

  “I’m not talking about the other two.” Her hand tightened on his. “I’ve got nothing against Luke and Ryan, but I see the way you look at her, Jon. The other two worry about everything else in the world. They’ve got other commitments to occupy themselves. I know you’ve got the bar, but you worry about Darla. You always have.”

  Jon felt tears close to the surface. He’d never had someone see so deeply inside him.

  “I know you’ll look after my baby and my grandbaby.” Janet didn’t let go of his hand. He held onto her, staring at the older woman. Jon saw parts of Darla looking back at him.

  “I love your daughter and I love Nathan. I’ll do everything to care for them both.”

  “I knew you were special when I saw you caring for her when she was too busy reading and walked into that blasted lamppost,” Janet said.

  “You saw that?” he asked.

  “Jon, I see everything. Darla’s always been near you Willis boys. Living in Stone Valley has its advantages. Something was going to happen and you always seemed so distant. You sometimes need a nudge in the right direction.”


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