Degrees of Control

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Degrees of Control Page 7

by Eve Dangerfield

  “Oh fuck yeah, you are close. Now tell me. Tell me I’m going to make you come again.”

  Charlie shook her head, needing to be pushed. James pulled out of her with a snarl. “Tell me or I’ll leave you here, drippin’ all over my carpet.”

  Charlie was frantic, the loss of friction was more than she could bear. “You’re going to make me come again,” she whispered.

  “That’s right, darlin’, I am. But aren’t you forgetting something?”

  He surged into her again and the words tore past her lips before her brain even kicked into gear. “Please make me come again, Mr. Hunter.”

  He smacked her ass. “You’ve changed your tune, haven’t you, sweetheart?”

  She moaned miserably, unable to deny the way she ached, the way his shaft battered at that secret place inside her, tearing away every shred of modesty she had.

  “You were just aching to be fucked, weren’t you, baby?”

  “Yes. Yes.”

  “And here I am, makin’ your dreams come true. So open that pretty mouth and thank me again.”

  “T-thank you for fucking, my pussy.” She was helpless, humiliated, but ripples of pleasure were urging their way across her body and she couldn’t care about anything else. “More,” she sobbed, pumping her cunt against him. “More, more, more.”

  He thrust as deep and as hard as he could go. One hand left her hips and she felt a fingertip circle itself around her asshole. She shrieked like a sorceress being burned alive.

  “This what you meant by more, darlin’?” He stroking the pad of his thumb across her overstimulated flesh. Charlie gasped and thrust her ass toward him. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He gently eased inside her and Charlie felt herself clamp down. Both of them groaned at the sensation.

  “Please I need to come, please, please make me come.”

  “Oh you’ll come sweetheart.” He worked against her with deep, quick strokes and within seconds Charlie’s pleasure burst around him. She cried out, only dimly aware of the gasping, mewling sounds she was making. Soft to his hard, yielding to his penetrating. She rubbed her forehead against the carpet, taking everything he gave her with pleasure. With joy. Coming here was the best idea I’ve ever had.

  James withdrew from her heat and lay down on the carpet beside her, his forehead and shoulders shone with sweat. He gripped his shaft with one hand. “Get on me. Ride my cock.”

  Charlie slung a leg over his hips, eager to feel the friction between her legs and even more eager to see James come. What would this bossy, domineering man look like overwhelmed by pleasure? Gently, she guided him inside herself.

  “Hurry up, Charlotte, or I’ll put you on your back.”

  Spurred by the threat she lowered herself down his shaft, her movements slow and slick as honey. Tentatively, she flexed and he gasped. Charlie bit back a grin. Yoga wasn’t sexual but the enhanced muscle control could be. She pumped him harder, flexing as she worked herself up and down. His hands clasped her hips.

  “That’s so good, honey, ride me.”

  James’ head was thrown back and the line of his jaw was sharp as a blade. He was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen, she realized. Powerful and wild as the stallion on his ribs. James groaned, a strangled desperate sound. “Jesus, Charlotte, your pussy’s so goddamn tight, I’m gonna come.”

  He seized a handful of her hair, driving himself against her. The brutality of his thrusts made her scrape her nails down his chest. James went rigid, his hands biting into her hips, and he cursed long and loud as his cock pulsed inside her. Charlie leaned forward and kissed his golden chest, tasting the salt on his skin. For a second they stayed like that, their bodies entwined, panting breaths rattling their torsos, and then James hoisted her off him like she was no more than a kitten and pulled away. Charlie felt a pang of disappointment. She wasn’t trying to cuddle but she wanted to lie against James and listen to his heartbeat slow. Let this beautiful satisfied feeling last as long as it could. She heard James stagger out of the room, presumably to dispose of the condom. Her eyes closed and she drifted for a moment, lost on the sea of physical satisfaction. There was a soft thump near her face and when Charlie peeled her eyelids apart James was towering over her.

  “Get dressed.”

  She stood on watery legs, picking up the clothes he’d tossed down in front of her. She put Holly’s clothes back on, but without the glow of anticipatory lust she’d had before. The skirt and top felt ill-fitting and strange, like a tacky costume. Her left stocking had a run down the side so she tore both off and crammed her aching feet back into the pumps.

  James watched her dress. Leaning against the doorframe he glowered at her, bigger and darker than he seemed before. The instant she was done he gripped her arm and steered her toward the door. “Out. Now.”

  Charlie’s breath hitched. “Wait, please, can I just have a moment?”

  “No you can’t, darlin’. There’s no reason for you to still be here.” He marched her to his front door and half-pushed her through it. “That was a decent fuck, sweetheart. I’ll call you sometime. Now run along.”

  Before she could respond the black and silver door slammed in her face. It was over. Charlie checked her phone. The last bus wasn’t for another twenty minutes. No time to hurry. She leaned back against James Hunter’s door and smiled so big and so wide she thought she’d burst.

  Chapter 6

  Charlie’s friends stared blankly at her over the crusty bread and olive oil dispenser.

  “Uh, could someone please say something?”

  Hayley’s forehead crinkled. “Okay, I’ll say something. Who the hell fantasizes about getting kicked out of a guy’s house?”

  “Me, I guess.”

  Jordan frowned. “So you actually asked Sophia’s hot cousin to throw you out?”

  Sophia rolled her eyes. “I thought we agreed to stop calling him that?”

  The four of them were having dinner at an Italian place in Chicago. They’d flown up for a long weekend to sort out Sophia’s wedding and bridesmaid dresses, and after three days of being stabbed with dress pins, tensions were somewhat high. Charlie had wanted to tell them about James sooner but she’d underestimated Sophia’s ultra-conservative sister and her ability to be in every room of her house simultaneously. As a result she had to confess her first kinky sexual encounter in a packed restaurant.

  “You don’t have abandonment issues, do you, Charlie?” Jordan asked, her brown eyes wide.

  “How could I? I’ve never been abandoned.”

  The table fell silent as the waiter deposited their meals. He gave Jordan a wide flirtatious smile that she failed to notice, her attention still focused on Charlie.

  “Okay, well, were your parents clingy? Have you fetishized being abandoned?”

  Charlie rolled her eyes. “My parents are normal, lower-class Australians who neither smothered me with love nor abandoned me in a Kmart.”

  Hayley swallowed a mouthful of linguini. “My mom left me at a Baskin-Robbins once…Although maybe you only develop weird kinks if you’re abandoned by your dad. Like Freud said, all girls want to fuck their dads.”

  “Freud never said that,” Jordan snapped.

  Sophia cleared her throat loudly. “Girls, that’s enough pop psychology. Just because Charlie has dark sexual urges, it doesn’t mean she’s a basket case.”

  Charlie flushed. “Thanks, Soph, even though you made it sound like I’m a mental case.”

  Sophia patted her arm. “Oh, honey, I didn’t mean it like that. If you want to get thrown out of James’ apartment right after fucking him, then that’s your decision. We accept and support you.”

  Charlie inspected a small coffee stain on the table. “I don’t know why I like things people think are fucked-up but it has nothing to do with my suburban childhood. If it did I’d have a fetish for concrete and tiny backyards.”

  Sophia smiled. “We know, honey, but this is new to us vanilla types, you’re gonna have to be patient.”

  “So how did James know when to kick you out?” Hayley asked, clearly still fascinated by the idea.

  “I told him in texts while we were exchanging sexual health tests and such.”

  Hayley groaned. “You are such a nerd.”

  “There is nothing nerdy about avoiding herpes. When was the last time you got a checkup?”

  “A month ago, Medicine Woman. So did Hunter make any requests while you were exchanging proof of your uncontaminated genitals?”

  “Nicely put. Yeah, he wanted me to wear stockings and heels.”

  Sophia and Jordan exchanged looks.

  “What?” Hayley and Charlie asked in unison.

  Sophia pursed her lips. “How did you feel after he kicked you out? Not dirty or used or anything?”

  Charlie laughed. “The point was to feel dirty and used, but I didn’t feel bad. It was exactly what I wanted. I was kind of thrilled I’d had a bona fide submissive experience.”

  Her friends’ faces relaxed and Charlie was relieved. As Sophia pointed out, they weren’t kinky like she was so it made sense that James dominating her and telling her what to wear sounded the behavior of asshole not an amazing lover.

  “I know it sounds weird, but it was hot. Sometimes just watching porn makes me feel like I need a bleach-bath, but it wasn’t like that with James. It was everything I’d hoped it would be and kinda different at the same time.”


  Charlie smiled sadly. “It was the best sex of my life.”

  With a pang she recalled the way James looked beneath her, his mouth slack and his hazel eyes blazing like fire. It wasn’t fair, she’d had boyfriends who worked their asses off for her in bed. James Hunter had fucked her on his couch with sour mash whiskey on his tongue and it still eclipsed everyone that came before him.

  Hayley grinned. “So are you gonna see this sex god again?”

  Charlie looked at the table. The coffee stain really was quite fascinating, up close it was shaped like a piñata…


  “We already made plans. I’m going to his place on Wednesday.”

  Sophia leaned across the little gold table and seized Charlie’s hand. Her bracelet rested in Charlie’s gnocchi. “Honey, I love you and I have no problem with you seeing James. But if this is gonna be more than a one-night thing, you need to be careful.”

  Charlie’s stomach sank. She’d been expecting this speech but that didn’t make hearing it any easier. “Why?”

  Jordan grabbed her other hand. “Because you always see the best in people.”

  Clearly they’d already discussed this without her. “What’s so bad about seeing the best in people?”

  “Nothing, we love that about you,” Hayley said quickly. “It’s just some people are dicks. Dicks who don’t deserve your kindness or the benefit of the doubt. Like Dale, for example.”

  Charlie frowned. “Me hooking up with James has nothing to do with Dale. He’s the exact opposite of Dale.”

  Sophia clutched her hand tighter. “We know, darlin’, but you’re sharing this huge, new experience with him and that makes you vulnerable. Which is something you can’t afford to be because he’ll eat you alive.”

  Charlie rolled her eyes. “You guys are making him sound like Dracula. How could someone so perceptive about my needs be so ignorant about my feelings?” As soon as the words fell out of her mouth Charlie was embarrassed. She did sound like the kind of naive idiot who needed to be warned about players like James.

  Sophia frowned. “Seriously, Charlie, do you want stories? I can give you stories. You want to hear about the parties and the threesomes and the girlfriends who got dumped the second something shiny and new came along?”

  Charlie’s heart stabbed a little warning. “No.”

  Sophia leaned forward. “The night you guys met you didn’t go home with James, so he found someone else to fuck in about five seconds. He’s a slut. He has man-pain issues.”

  “What do you mean he has issues? Is he okay?”

  Jordan raised her face to the ceiling like she was calling on a higher power. “She’s doing it again.”

  Hayley seized the back of Charlie’s head and brought their faces so close their noses were touching. “Charlotte Bell. It’s me, Hayley, your best friend. Listen to my voice. Do not concern yourself with James Hunter’s bullshit problems. You have one job to do, that is to ride his dick like it’s the 1999 Tour de France and you’re Lance fucking Armstrong. Do you understand me?”

  Charlie planted a kiss on Hayley’s nose. “Okay, okay, point taken. Sorry for caring.”

  The redhead frowned. “Don’t be sorry for caring, just don’t care about James.”

  Sophia nodded in agreement. “When it comes to my cousin, you need to act like he’s one of those people in favor of keeping orca whales in captivity.”

  Charlie shuddered. “Then I could never, ever sleep with him.”

  “Okay then you need to treat him like he’s a withholding asshole with an ego the size of Mars. Which he is.”

  Charlie took in Sophia’s angry expression. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to sound like I know James better than you do.”

  Sophia huffed. “Oh don’t worry about that, I barely know him, that’s my point.”

  “So what do you think I should do, Soph? Break it off?”

  Sophia smiled. “Of course not, if it’s working between you and James, then go for it. Just understand he’s going to lose interest. Probably soon.”

  Charlie’s mouth turned down as she imagined texting him to meet up and getting a “thanks but no thanks” in response, or worse, no response at all. Sophia was right, she needed to protect herself. “So I enforce an honesty policy; be completely open about everything, don’t try to impress him or accommodate him in any way. I’m sure our personal differences will be more than enough to keep it platonic.”

  Hayley grinned. “You are a vegan.”

  “Exactly, nobody likes vegans. I’m going in with my eyes wide open. Besides, have you all forgotten I’m going home in a few months?”

  Sophia’s blue eyes darkened. “We haven’t forgotten, we just don’t like talking about it.”

  “I know but it makes worrying about James a moot point. I’m leaving, he’s way out of my league. I get it. All I want is to explore my fantasies.”

  Jordan rubbed a speck of Napoli sauce from her bracelet. “If you want my advice, Charlie, date someone else. Having another guy in the mix will help keep you from getting too attached to James.”

  Charlie contemplated the idea and decided it would probably be a disaster. She preferred to date guys she was already interested in. Hooking up with two strangers felt like more stress than she was ready for. “No thanks, the vagina is willing but the brain has never been good at juggling men.”

  “Then you cannot get blindsided by how sexy this guy is.” Hayley’s expression was uncharacteristically serious. “I would know.”

  Hayley did know. Two years ago she dated a gorgeous marine who texted nude photos of her to all his friends. Charlie rubbed her friend’s foot with hers. “Don’t worry, Hayley, I won’t let anyone Dale me ever again. And thanks for your understanding, everyone; I was worried you’d be mad I hadn’t told you sooner.”

  Jordan gave her a sly smile. “Oh, we all knew you fucked James.”

  “What? How?”

  Jordan snorted. “When I called you on Thursday you sounded like you’d taken an assload of horse tranquilizers. We figured you’re either getting high with your roommate or you hooked up with Sophia’s hot cousin.”

  Sophia banged a fist on the table. “Enough with the cousin talk.”

  “Can’t you just pretend he’s not your cousin?”

  Hayley sniggered. “If she didn’t know he was her cousin she’d want to fuck him herself. More than she already does.”

  Sophia tried to slap her but Hayley moved out of her range.

  “There’s no need to get angry, Soph! I’d fuck Ja
mes if he was my cousin, I’d fuck him if he was my brother.”

  “Oh my God, gross,” moaned Jordan. “We just ate.”

  Charlie giggled into her napkin as Sophia literally shook with rage. “Hayley, I’m so glad you’re an only child.”

  “So am I.”

  Chapter 7

  James hadn’t felt this fucked-up in a long while. In the last hour all he’d done was pace around the house like a starving dog. He’d picked up a video game only to put it down, eaten half an apple and dumped it. He must have scrolled through his phone contacts half a dozen times to call a friend or a girl or someone. Anyone.

  Relax, asshole, it’s a fucking Wednesday night. You’ve got a girl coming over in twenty minutes.

  His day had been hell, five meetings, one guy quit, someone keyed his truck and his brother called. James told Will that if their older sister Kelsey wasn’t invited to their mom’s birthday he wasn’t going either, but once William Hunter started bitching there was no stopping the guy. The only reason his brother gave a fuck was because his ten-year wedding anniversary was coming up and his wife would sulk if everyone wasn’t there. He’d been looking forward to seeing Charlotte all week but now there was a buzzing feeling in his gut saying he needed to be somewhere else, fucking, dancing, drinking, sunk so deep in a crowd or a woman’s cunt he didn’t have to think.

  He knew a few beers would take the edge off but he didn’t need a psychology degree to know that was a bad fucking idea so he went to his workout room, poor fucking substitute that it was. He was thrashing a heavy bag when he heard the doorbell ring. He checked his watch. Exactly eight p.m., Blue-Eyes was punctual.

  She has to be, she takes the fucking bus.

  Shaking his head at the strange behavior of his latest lay, James grabbed a towel and headed for the door. Charlotte looked fucking edible in a thin purple dress paired with a gold belt and gold flats. With her big tits and her wide eyes she was the perfect blend of dirty and innocent. For the first time all day his blood felt like it was pumping for a purpose. Charlotte’s eyes locked on his sweat-drenched torso. “I can take a shower if you want.”


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