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Prisoner of Avrox_Alien Romance

Page 7

by Amelia Wilson

  Was she still going to have to leave?



  I wake up in a warm bed, taking in my first breaths of the day. I had such a crazy dream last night…

  An arm reaches across the bed, wrapping around my waist. Krult snuggles closer to me, burying his nose in my hair.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He asks groggily. I kiss him, and then playfully push him away,

  “I have to go to the maternity facility,” I tell him as I get dressed. “There are a few new clients that have just arrived. I am going to go check their vitals and all that. You know, the boring science stuff.”

  “Such a busy woman,” he jokes from the bed, still sleeping. He looks so cute from this spot. We have plans for an official marriage ceremony in the next few days, a new tradition that has started on Avrox, since we’ve changed everything around.

  “I hope it’s going okay over there,” my mother said from a communication screen as I prepared breakfast for myself, “When are you coming home to visit?” I smile at her,

  “Hopefully when I can catch a break at work, and when we can get the light speed router fixed on the ship.”

  “I am still not used to you saying these kinds of words, honestly, Joss,” my mother shakes her head, adjusting her glasses. Krult stumbles in with tired eyes. He waves at the screen.

  “Hello Ms. Lee,” he says happily.

  “Hi, Krult,” my mother says, smiling and waving back.

  Krult kisses me on the cheek and leaves the room to get ready for the day.

  “You know,” mother says, “I wasn’t sure about the whole, you know… alien thing at first, but he’s very sweet, and you look really happy. And when you’re happy, I am happy too.”

  “That’s good to know, Mom,” I tell her.

  It’s true, I am very happy here on Avrox. I’ve been here for almost a couple of years now. It was hard to break the news to my mother that I had found an alien lover billions of light years away, but she’s settled into the idea. Plus, I get to live with Krult, and I never had to face the heartbreak of leaving this planet behind.

  Now that the new facility has been built, there have been swarms of potential mates for the Avroxee here. The Avroxee seem to be happier too, focusing less on conquering worlds, and spending more time trying to create more machinery and other mechanisms to help the planet grow. Must be from all the “companionship” they’ve been getting these days. They still fight in the arena though, from time to time, but it’s more of a tradition now than a necessity.

  I say my goodbyes to my mother and get my supplies for work. I’d been having trouble buttoning my lab coat over my stomach, which has grown considerably in the past few weeks. We’re expecting our new arrival any moment now, so I’ve been a little on edge. Krult and I are very excited to welcome him into the world. I’ve never been a parent, but I am looking forward to it now more than ever.

  I check on my patients at the maternal facility. Each day we get dozens of pregnant women from all over the galaxy that we check on, making sure they have a safe delivery. This new way of life has allowed for people of all species to come to Avrox to help these women, acting as special consultants to help accommodate their future children to the Avroxee conditions.

  It’s really beautiful to see the connections we’ve been able to make with this breakthrough. I met a woman named Teesh, whom I’d discovered is Teela’s sister. She looks almost exactly like her, too. She said what happened to her sister has made her upset, but she took a position at the facility to let other women get the kind of help her sister wouldn’t have been able to get.

  “Hey,” Teesh pulls me aside in the hall, “We got the new sonogram machine running. Do you want to test it out?” We always joke about the sex of the child, because we always know it’s going to be male. I decide to humor her, just this once, and to hear my baby’s heartbeat.

  We both watch the screen as she rubs jelly on my stomach, running a bulbous device over it. We hear the familiar whooshing sound of the baby’s heartbeat. “Sounds good to me,” Teesh says, but immediately stops, examining the screen closer. I feel wave of panic rush over me.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, trying to hide my concern, but Teesha is beaming.

  “This is most strange,” she said, “It’s…it’s a girl!”

  I almost fly out of my seat. A girl! We’re having a girl!

  The very first, born on Avrox. I can’t wait to tell my spaceman.


  Preview: Sensual Abduction Series Book 1

  Aeon Captive

  Sensual Abduction Series Book 1


  Amelia Wilson

  Chapter One

  Sarah Ellison stormed out of her boyfriend’s dorm, ignoring his calls as she pushed the door to his hall open and stepped outside. He came after her of course, as she knew he would, but he stopped at the steps, standing with his barefeet on the cold concrete as he called out her name and asked her to stop.

  It wasn’t even seven, the sky above campus the dull orange of early morning. A few people were milling about, and they watched as Sarah fought back tears and kept walking, turning a corner and soon unable to hear Chris calling after her.

  The break-up had been building for a while, she knew it and she was sure he had as well. She had spent the night in his dorm, which wasn’t allowed of course, but his roommate was visiting a sick parent out in Nebraska, and Chris had asked her to stay even though they had one of their blow-up fights just a few days previous. He had surely been planning a night full of sex and pizza and then more sex, but instead there had been fighting, talking about their feelings and finally the break-up.

  Sara was twenty, and as she hurried to where she had parked the night before, she couldn’t help but think that her life was already turning out much differently than she had thought. First there had been college itself, where she had met Chris the year previous, her freshman year. She aced her classes, things were looking up. Sophomore year rolled around however, and things had changed. Well, if Sarah was going to be honest with herself, she had changed, school had remained the same. No longer sure she wanted to follow in her geologist father’s footsteps she had left school last semester, and moved into her father’s home once more.

  Her dad hadn’t been thrilled at the news, and his requirement for her moving back home was that she had to be working, and so she had found a job at a store in the mall, a mall which was clearly going the way of almost all of the other malls in America, it could be hours in between customers there, and Sarah passed her time bored and confused and wondering just what the hell she was going to do with her life.

  When she got to her car she sat behind the wheel without cranking the engine and let the tears come. They weren’t for Chris, at least, not all of them, everything that had happened in the last year or so was catching up to her. She had lost her best friend growing up right after her freshman year to a drunk driver. She was sure that was the start of it all, the worry that she wasn’t getting what she wanted out of life. She still had bad dreams often, she still lay in bed after they woke her up, unable to get back to sleep.

  When the tears had stopped falling she reached into her purse and pulled out her cell. She called her father, knowing that he was up, he got up at six every day, and had for decades.

  “Hey,” he said when he answered.

  “Chris and I broke up,” Sarah said. Her dad was truly one of her best friends. It had just been them growing up, her mother divorcing her father and moving across the country when Sarah was only two. She told her dad everything.

  “Good,” her father grunted. He had never liked Chris, he found him crass and juvenile, which was certainly true, but he was also devilishly handsome. That had been a big plus in Sarah’s eyes, but had done little to endear him to her father. “You working today?”

  “No, I’m off,” Sarah said.

  “Good, I’ll take off and we can grab some lunch. You coming home?�


  “Alright, love you sweety,” her father said,

  “Love you too dad,” she replied and then hung up.

  As she started the car there was a strange sound, a high pitched whine that Sarah at first took to be her engine, as though something else was going wrong, and the car wouldn’t start. But it had started, and had done so without issue. The whine was nearer than the engine, and when Sarah looked down she saw a strange white glow underneath her shirt, at her chest.

  She had worn the necklace for nearly ten years, ever since her father had given it to her. It was a plain silver chain, delicate and pretty, and at the end was a white crystal, beautifully cut and nearly clear. As the whine continued, high pitched and almost like the sound of nails going down a chalkboard, she pulled the necklace from beneath her shirt. She gasped as it came free from her neckline and she saw that the crystal was indeed glowing, it’s light pale and pulsing.

  Then, without warning, the light faded and the sound died away.

  She looked at the crystal, waiting for it to glow again but it did not. She tucked it back under her shirt, remembering the day her father had given it to her.

  It was her tenth birthday, and she had a party at home, inviting a few of her best girlfriends over for a sleepover. They ate pizza and ice cream and watched movies until they had fallen asleep, and then the next morning after the girls had gone home her father gave her one last present.

  “I saw this and thought of you,” he said smiling. His name was William Ellison but other scientists knew him as Dr. Bill. To Sarah however, at age ten, he was always daddy.

  “Thank you daddy!” she said,taking the long box. He smiled, the bottom half of his face covered with a thick black beard, his head bald and shiny and often red from the sun.

  “Open it, open it!” he had said, and she had done so, revealing the beautiful necklace.

  Thinking back on that memory filled Sarah with a happiness she hadn't felt in a long time as she drove to her father’s house.

  Continue reading Aeon Captive on Amazon..




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