Changed? (Hearts to Follow Book 2)

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Changed? (Hearts to Follow Book 2) Page 1

by Dana Burkey


  © 2014 Dana Burkey

  "Why are we even going to this party again?" Summer asked from the back seat of Morgans car.

  "It's the last weekend before schools starts again, and it's either this or watch marathons of the same movies we watch every other weekend." Tonya sat in the front seat putting on lipstick, something Summer did not even know she owned.

  "Fine," Summer sighed. "But were only staying for a little bit right?"

  "I make no promises!" Tonya laughed, exiting the car and heading towards the house party.

  This particular party was hosted by Heather, a girl on the soccer team. Each weekend it was a new place, but each time it was the same. Drinking, people hooking up, some puking in the bushes, and a lot of photos online that were forgotten until viewed after the hangover was gone. Normally Summer would never even be invited to this kind of party, but Tonya had an in to the popular crowd now so attendance was “mandatory”.

  With only three days until school started, everyone was getting in their "last night of fun" before tests, homework, and everything else the school year brought. Whenever someone made comments like that around Summer she would just roll her eyes. She knew the truth. In two more weeks, there would be another party. Then another party after that. Most weekends there was a party of some kind, and the farther into the year they went, the more popped up. By Christmas break there would even be mid-week event. As long as everyone was having fun, and the cops never showed, kids could spend more time at house parties than in class by the time the year was over.

  Summer was lagging behind, imagining what her parents would say if they saw her face in the paper or on the 11 o'clock news. This was not her scene. She had no desire to hang out with the people inside the party.

  "Come on Summer!" Morgan called to her. "Nick is probably inside already!"

  Although she tried to fight it, a smile crept up on Summers face. She ducked her head so her friend could not see her blush as she hurried after them. They already teased her enough for liking someone so out of her league, she did not want to start the evening with another round of it.

  Even though Nick was a soon to be senior with a sketchy reputation, Summers crush was going on 2 years now. When she started high school she thought he was the cutest guy she had ever seen, and liked him even more when she went to his first baseball game. He was amazing on the field, back when he was on the team. Now, his good looks were all that could catch Summers eye. But, on most days, that was enough.

  Before even reaching the house Summer counted at least 5 people who were drunk. She had seen a few drunk people in person before, but nothing like this. Hugging her purse a little tighter to her body, she followed her friends and repeated over and over in her mind "were only staying a little while."

  "Text my phone if you need me and can't find me. I need to go find Connor!" Tonya announced before heading off to find her boyfriend. While Summer had spent the last few months at theater camp, Tonya got to know the kicker for the football team. This was not her first party of the summer, as the girls had learned the day before. At least Morgan was as new to the party scene as Summer.

  "Alright, should we go out to the pool?" Morgan asked looking around with a grin plastered on her face. "Or get a drink?"

  "You're our driver Morg, you can't drink!" Summer knew she sounded lame to anyone who could hear her, but riding in a car with a drunk driver was not something she ever wanted to experience.

  "I'll be fine if I only have a little," Morgan shrugged. "If we don't drink people will know we aren't supposed to be here."

  "Who cares? Parties like this are a waste of time and brain cells," Summer replied.

  "Just one, I promise!" Morgan pulled Summer into the kitchen stocked with beer, party punch, jello shots, and lot of people who were clearly enjoying all three.

  "I need to go to the bathroom. I'll find you in a little bit," Summer quickly announced before headed off into the house. The refreshments being offered were not ones she was interested in partaking in. Summer figured by the time she went to the bathroom, and said an awkward hello to a few fellow non-drinkers she would be on her way home. Her assumption could not have been more wrong.


  The next three hours passed by slowly. Summer spend time in the bathroom reading some magazines she found. Then, when more and more people began interrupting her porcelain library, she wandered the house, checking out each piece of art on the walls. Heather's mom worked at the art museum downtown so their house was full of fun art work. After doing some scene painting at theater camp, Summer look time appreciating each brush stroke. Finally, she had enough.

  "WHEN ARE WE LEAVING?" She typed to both Morgan and Tonya.

  Their replies came around the same time. They were a mix of soon, and in a little bit, with some extra letters thrown in for good measure. With a sigh Summer headed up the staircase, hoping this mansion of a house might have a real library she could hide out in for a while.

  Opening a door at the top of the steps, Summer found even more steps leading to an attic space. Although she knew she should not be snooping around their house, curiosity got the better of her. Flipping on the light, Summer walked up the short flight and found herself in a world of model trains. Counters were build up all around the room and covered in toy trains, plastic people, and fake scenery. Summer was in awe as she took in each detail of the room. There was a fake firemen putting out a house fire, a woman tied to the train tracks with an armed gunman nearby, and even a dog chasing a stray cat around one back alleys. She was so engrossed in this toy world she did not heard the footsteps behind her.

  "Awesome, isn't it?"

  Summer jumped at the voice, dropping her bag onto the floor. As its contents spilled onto the hardwood, she was shocked to see who had found her.


  "Uh yeah," he paused. "And your....uh...that season girl..."

  "Summer." She blushed a little as she scrambled to gather her things. Out of the corner of her eye she watched Nick begin to reach down for something, then lose his balance and take a seat on an armchair instead.

  "You don't usually come to these do you?" His words were slurred a little, but he appeared to have no drink in his hand.

  "No. I'm pretty busy all year." Summer put her bag over her shoulder and stood up, already heading for the door.

  "You don't have to go," Nick called to her. "I just wanted somewhere quiet for a little while."

  Nick closed his eyes for a minute, leaning his head back in the chair. It didn't take a genius to see he was drunk.

  "It's okay, I should go find my friends," Summer started for the stairs again.

  "Who did you come with?" Nick mumbled the question, but opened his eyes to look at Summer.

  "Heather and Tonya," Summer replied, then added, "Tonya's dating Connor."

  "Oh yeah, I know her!" Nick laughed a little then closed his eyes again as if the laughing was a bad choice.

  "Are you okay?" Summer knew she should find her friends, but part of her still remembered that first time she watched Nick pitch and she couldn't bring herself to leave him here alone.

  "I'll be okay. Just need some time." He opened his eyes again and Summer notices they were a little red and puffy. News traveled fast that him and Gina broke up, but according to rumors he was the one who ditched her. If he was stumbling around crying, could the rumor have been wrong?

  "You should get some water," Summer finally said, breaking the silence.

  "Could you get me some? I don't know if I can do steps right now." Nick struggled to keep his eyes open even for the short question.

  "Okay." Summer said the word before she could stop herself

  With a sigh she headed down the steps and to the bathroom. It was occupied so she headed down the rest of the steps again to see if she could find a bottled water in the kitchen.

  "There you are! You ready to go?" Morgan giggled as Summer entered the kitchen.

  "In a minute. I'm getting a water for.....someone." Summer found a bottle of water in the fridge then headed back to the steps. "I'll be down in two minutes."

  Summer heard Morgan ask something, but was determined to get the water to Nick and get back downstairs as quick as possible. Taking the steps two at a time, she reached the train room and handed the bottle to Nick in just a few seconds.

  "Thanks." Nick drank some of the water then held the cold bottle to his forehead.

  "Maybe you should be where people can find you," Summer offered, knowing not everyone would be an curious as her.

  "Okay, can you help me?"

  Summer froze where she stood. Help Nick down stairs? This was the most she had ever spoke to him, and now she was going to help him walk?

  "Sure." Again, Summer spoke the word before she knew what she was saying.

  Nick stood up then, reaching out and pulling her a step closer. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders he held his other arm out for some balance. Summer put one arm around his waist, using the other to hold onto anything in arms reach. Slowly, they made their way down the steps and to the next floor of the house.

  "You can just sit here in the hall. People go by enough," Summer offered as she glanced over the banister behind her and looked for Morgan or Tonya. Neither were below.

  "Can you put me in there?" Nick pointed to a room near them. Walking forward Summer saw it was a guest bedroom.

  "Are you sure someone will look for you?" Summer asked, unsure of leaving him there.

  "Yeah," he shrugged. "Someone always checks rooms for people making out or passed out."

  Summer nodded and tried not to blush as she helped Nick into the room and onto the bed. As she leaned him towards the mattress, gravity got the best of her and she stumbled down next to him.

  "If I didn't have a broken heart I just might enjoy this right now," Nick laughed as Summer scrambled back to her feet.

  "I thought you were the one who dumped Gina?" Again Summer was talking before thinking. Kicking herself mentally, she bit her lip before she could say anything else.

  "Yeah, but she never meant anything to me. She was just another girl." Nick sighed as he rolled over on the bed. "Cammy was special. But she has Josh and I'm here all alone."

  Nick paused again, glancing at Summer.

  "You're here though," he smiled.

  "Not for long. I have to go," Summer took a step towards the door.

  "Okay." Nick closed his eyes, his smile still on his face.

  Reaching over, Summer turned out the light and was about to shut the door when she heard her name being called from the bed.

  "Yes?" She asked into the darkness.


  With that Summer closed the door and headed down the steps to find her friends and ride home.


  The next week flew by for Summer. With school now in full swing she was busy with the start of classes, planning her audition for the school play, and of course lots of homework. Thankfully that left her with little time to think of her first, and last, party of the year. Despite Morgan and Tonya telling her they were going to more soon, Summer assured them she was done with parties for a long time. Playing the role of babysitter and last minute designated driver left her with a bad taste in her mouth.

  "So are you guys coming to the game tonight?" Tonya asked at lunch. They were in the newspaper office, working on the back to school issue.

  "I don't know,” Summer shrugged as she dug into her food.

  "What? It's the first game of our junior year, you have to go!" Morgan found everything they did that much more important now that they were upperclassmen.

  "I didn't go to the first game of our freshman or sophomore years, so why start now?" Summer commented popping some chips into her mouth.

  "But it will be fun!" Tonya tried. "Connor his having the after party at his place."

  "Then of course not. I'm done with parties." Despite having this conversation a few times in the last week, Summer still found herself fighting for her side on the matter.

  "The coaches come, and there are parents there so no one is drinking," Tonya quickly explained. "They save that stuff for the after-after party!"

  "Fine." Summer gave in, knowing they would not stop until she agreed. "But after the first after party I need to get home. I have a test in biology next week."

  As Tonya and Morgan began planning their wardrobe for the game, Summer focused on her lunch. She was not sure why she was suddenly involved in all these "popular" events, but it did not sit well with her. There was a reason she did theater and newspaper instead of sports.

  All the talk of parties and drinking had her thinking about Nick suddenly, and that was something Summer did not want to do. So far she had only seen him across the hallway twice, and Summer wanted to keep it that way. She could only imagine what version of the story the alcohol allowed Nick to remember. Did he remember her getting him water, or their arms around each other going down the steps. Did he remember talking about Gina and this Cammy girl, or them lying on the bed together. No one around school was talking about it yet, so maybe Nick's memory left with his hangover the next morning.

  Finishing her lunch, Summer left her friends behind to head to the library to look up audition pieces for the fall musical. She had too much going on the in the next few weeks to let her friends get into her head.


  By the time the marching band was playing the fight song at half time, Summer was ready to go home. Thanks to Tonyas insisting they were sitting in the “Cheer Zone”, a section of the bleachers full of students from school wearing gold and blue from head to toe. Summer planned to bring a book to read while keeping an eye on the game, but after losing her spot thanks to loud screaming and cheering countless time she instead settled for counting down the second until the game was over. Tonya and Morgan unfortunately were extremely focused on watching the whole game, so leaving even a second before the final whistle was not an option.

  "I told Connor I would stay all game and get some good photos of him on the field," Tonya explained when Summer had last asked when they could leave. It was still a shock to her that Tonya, newspaper writer and honor roll student, was dating a football player. But, thanks to her little brothers, she spend most of the summer at the pool. It just happened the be the same pool Connor and his younger sister were at every day as well.

  "I'm going to go get something to drink," Summer announced as the second half of the game began. Before her friend could protest she took off towards the concession stand.

  Waiting in line to order her lemonade Summer pulled her cardigan closed and wrapped her arms tighter around her body. It was forecasted to rain the rest of the weekend, and a cold front was already moving in.

  "You cold?"

  Turning towards the voice, Summer was surprised to see Nick stand next to her with a smile on his face.

  "What?" She asked, moving forward in the line as the person in front of her allowed.

  "You look cold. Do you want my sweater?" Nick motioned to his blue basketball hoodie from when he was still on the team.

  "I'm okay," Summer did her best to smile as she stepped up to give her order.

  "Make that two," Nick interjected after Summer had ordered her lemonade. Setting a ten on the counter he added, "My treat."

  Before Summer could protest the woman at the counter was handing Nick his change as well as two lemonades.

  "Uh, thanks," Summer mumbled, walking away from the counter and back towards her seat.

  "Want to walk around a little?" Nick asked taking a sip of his drink.

  Glancing up at the stands Summer watched as Morgan and Tonya were screaming and jumping, c
heering on the Eagles to a win. She was not sure where this sudden team spirit came from, but it was a little too much to deal with.

  "Okay," she shrugged, assuming it had to be better than heading back to the “Cheer Zone”.

  "I wanted to thank you for last weekend," Nick finally broke the silence after they had walked for a few minutes.

  "Don't worry about it." Summer was trying to forget it had happened, so the sooner Nick did too would be better for them both.

  "No really," Nick tried again. "Most people would have walked away and left me there without caring much about it. People at those parties are just there to have a good time, not play baby sister to a guy like me."

  Summer allowed herself a look at Nicks face. He seemed almost sad as he talked about his party loving friends. Although she had to admit she did not know him that well, this did not seem like the Nick Summer always heard about around school. Nick was known for being great on the baseball diamond, a party legend, and quite the ladies man as well. It was a mystery she even could find a guy like him physically attractive in the first place.

  "Well, I'm not like the people at those parties," Summer finally commented, glancing at the field in time to see the Eagles score yet again. They were winning by quite a bit, based on the numbers on the scoreboard. The game did not make much sense to Summer, and had no plans on trying to figure it out now.

  A sudden gust of wind had Summer pulling her cardigan around her body once again. The storm looked like it was not going to wait until the game was over to hit.

  "Here, you need it more than I do." Nick handed Summer his drink before removing his hoodie. Part of Summer wanted to tell him she did not need it, but her thin cardigan was no match for the chilling weather.

  Trading the drinks for the hoodie, Summer quickly slipped it on and zipped it up. It was big on her, but made her instantly warmer.

  "Thanks," she smiled sheepishly as she took back her lemonade.

  "So why were you there? At the party last week, I mean." Nick clarified, returning to their previous conversation.


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