Changed? (Hearts to Follow Book 2)

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Changed? (Hearts to Follow Book 2) Page 4

by Dana Burkey

  “I’ll take that as a yes?” Nick laughed as he wrapped his arms around her in return.

  Pulling back from the embrace, Summer was suddenly aware not only of what she had just done, but also of the other students around her.

  “Sorry,” she blushed, turning away from Nick so he would not see her face.

  “Don’t be! You just did what I wanted to anyways,” he laughed. “So how about that ride home?”

  “Okay,” Summer nodded, her smile returning.

  As they walked to the car Summer thought she heard her name being whispered somewhere behind her. Glancing back she saw a few people standing together talking. Assuming they were talking about the show Summer continued to Nicks car and out of the rain. As she text her mom the good new, Summer was sure nothing could ruin the joy she was feeling right now.


  “So, I heard you hooked up with Nick,” Tonya commented at lunch the next day.

  Summer tried to ignore her and eat her food, but it was hard considering they were the only people in the newspaper office. All day rumors had been flying around school. According to what she had heard so far Nick cheated on Gina with her last school year, Nick was cheating on her with his summer fling Cam, and Nick was only dating Summer to make Gina jealous enough to take him back. They all hurt, but the last one was the worst.

  “Did you really make out with him in front of everyone last night at auditions?” Tonya tried again, talking louder in case Summer did not hear the first time.

  “No, okay?” Summer glanced at her friend then went back to eating her sandwich.

  “Really? Well, that’s not what I heard! Jenna told me-”

  “And what did I tell you?” Summer quickly cut her off. “You’re going to trust someone else over me?”

  “No,” Tonya paused. “Maybe.”

  “I’m going to the library,” Summer mumbled. Packing up her food quickly, she left before Tonya could say anything else.

  It wad been that way all day. No one cared that she got a great role in the musical. It was all just questions about Nick. Or worse, talking about her and Nick when she was sitting close enough to hear.

  Summer felt her phone go off in her pocket but ignored it as she walked down the hall. It was more than likely yet another text from Nick wanting to talk. Summer wasn’t mad at him, but still couldn’t bring herself to message him back.

  Setting her stuff down in the library Summer finished her lunch then headed to class. She was going through the motions of school quietly today, not sure if anyone was worth talking to at this point. By the end of the day the rumors were growing worse and more frequent. Walking into her first play rehearsal, however, Summer could tell immediately who started all the rumors.

  Sitting with her band of theater friends was Katie, Ginas younger sister. Summer kicked herself for not recognizing her sooner, but not there was no mistaking it. Katie was at callbacks last night. Katie told Gina everything. Gina told that everything, to everyone she knew.

  “Summer, over here!”

  Looking to where the voice came from, Summer was glad to see Tessa and her friends across the room from Katie. Heading to sit with them, Summer was relieved that the first thing they asked her when she sat down was how happy she was about her role. There was no mention of Nick, and she got the feeling they were not just waiting a little to pop him into conversation. It appeared not all of her new theater family was as into drama as Katie was.


  Signing online that evening Summer knew she finally needed to talk to Nick. With her fingers hovering over the keyboard, Summer jumped when a message popped up on the screen.

  NickofTime: Hey.

  Summer took a moment to take a few deep breaths. She was not sure what she was going to say to Nick, but knew they needed to figure out how to deal with everything going on around school.

  SummerAutumn: Hey.

  NickofTime: You doing okay?

  SummerAutumn: I guess. Not the best day I’ve had in a while.

  NickofTime: How was play practice?

  SummerAutumn: Pretty bad. I figured out who started the rumors at least.

  NickofTime: Really?

  SummerAutumn: Yup. Katie, Gina’s sister, is in the play too.

  There was a long pause. Summer was not sure if he was considering the option, too upset to actually type, or just away from the computer for a second. After the seconds turned into minutes however, Summer took the chance to get ready for bed. Brushing her teeth, changing into her pajamas, and even picking her outfit for the next day, Summer kept an eye on the computer. Finally, after a full 17 minutes, Nick wrote back.

  NickofTime: Sorry. I just called Gina.

  Summer could feel the color drain from her face. He called Gina? About this?

  SummerAutumn: Why?

  NickofTime: I wanted her to know she was out of her mind thinking a stunt like this would affect me. She still wants payback for me breaking up with her, but I told her it was a waste of her time.

  SummerAutumn: Well that’s great it doesn't affect you, but it affects me!

  Standing up from her computer Summer spaced for a moment before sitting down again. She was getting mad at Nick for the first time since this whole thing started. How could he treat all this like it was nothing?

  NickofTime: It bugs me, but I’m not going to let what people say at school get to me. If I did that then I would go crazy. I just let Gina know that she needs to grow up and stop worrying about what I do or don’t do in my spare time.

  SummerAutumn: Well I care what people say! It’s not okay that people are going around saying things like that without even knowing anything about our relationship.

  NickofTime: Relationship, huh? ;)

  Again Summer was fuming. She did not understand how Nick could make a joke at a time like this.

  SummerAutumn: You know what I mean…..

  NickofTime: Do you have play practice tomorrow?

  SummerAutumn: Yeah, until 6. Why?

  NickofTime: Why don’t I pick you up and we can go for coffee and chat about this in person.

  Summer considered the option. She did not want to lose Nick as a friend, but if spending time with him was making people at school talk, then was it really the best idea? And sure, she still liked him, but he still had not make his feelings known. What if this was such a “no big deal” to him because he saw her as nothing but a friend? With a sigh, Summer brought her fingers back to the keys.

  SummerAutumn: Okay.

  NickofTime: In the mean time just don’t listen to what people have to say. If someone has to ask you about it, or feels the need to ask someone else about it, they are not worth your time in the first place.

  As summer signed off a few minutes later she could not help but think of Tonya asking her about the rumor in the newspaper office earlier that day . Her “best friends” were treating her like anyone else they would hear a rumor about. Aside from Nick, the only people that did not care much about the rumor was Tessa and the friends from the show she had introduced Summer to at rehearsal. If the rumor helped her get to the bottom of things going on with Nick, Tonya, and Morgan, maybe it was not completely bad after all.


  The whole next day at school Summer did her best to plan what she wanted to say to Nick. She had some questions that had been growing since their conversation last night. Even with the rumors whispered behind her throughout the day, her mind was focused on how tonight would pan out.

  After a rehearsal filled with looks and glares from Katie, Summer was looking forward to her chat with Nick more and more. Watching for his car from the edge of the parking lot, Summer hopped in his car quickly hoping no one saw who she was leaving with. It would likely only lead to more rumors.

  “How was rehearsal?” Nick asked while driving to the coffee shop near the school.

  “Better than yesterday for sure,” Summer admitted honestly. “Aside from Katie and her group I’m meeting some really awesome people.

  “That’s awesome,” he smiled.

  The rest of the drive continued with small talk. Summer figured Nick also had a lot to say to her, but was waiting for the coffee shop as well. They would have plenty of time to move past the simple chatting soon. In fact, it was only 10 minutes later when they sat at a corner table with their drinks in front of them.

  “Okay, can I go first?” Nick asked once they were settled into their seats.

  “Sure,” Summer shrugged. Maybe this would help answer some of her questions, saving her time for the ones that mattered the most.

  “Well, I wanted to start by saying that I didn’t care about the rumors because, in some way they are a little true.” Nick paused, taking a sip of his drink. “Sure, we didn’t hook up and I wasn’t cheating on anyone by hanging out with you, but if I was still with Gina I would pick you over her easily.”

  Summer was not expecting this at all. Nick was admitting his feelings for her, and here she was sitting with her mouth open, staring in shock

  “I’m not sure when it happened, but at some point I realized I don’t just want to hang out with you at football games or have you watch out for me when I make stupid choices at parties.” Nick reached across the table and took Summers hand. “I want you to be my girlfriend, and I don’t care what Gina or anyone else has to say about that.”

  Part of Summer wanted to leap across the table and announce that she would love to be Nicks girlfriend. However, her not so emotional side was winning the eternal battle. The questions she has been working on earlier popped into her mind then, saving her from more open mouth staring.

  “I think you’re getting ahead of yourself here,” Summer began slowly. “Yes, I really like you, and being your girlfriend is something I’ve hoped for for a while, but I need to know something.”

  “Okay,” Nick loosened his grip on Summers hand, a worried expression on his face.

  “When you started dating Gina, was it because you liked her or because there were rumors about you two and if it looked like you cheated on Annie for someone you were planning on dating then it would not be as bad?”

  Summer closed her eyes for a second, hoping she worded everything correctly. Opening her eyes, she looked at Nick and saw the worried look still on his face. Summer could feel her heart pounding in her chest, nervousness hitting her like a brick wall.

  “Wow, no one has ever had the guts to ask me that,” Nick laughed. His laugh was hollow, his eyes glued to the table. “But you’re right, I didn’t like Gina. But she was there for me after Annie when no other girl would even talk to me. So I figured it was better than being alone.”

  “Am I the new Gina then?” Summer asked, a lump forming in her throat.

  “No!” Nick answered quickly, once again holding onto her hand. “Rumor or no rumor I would want you to be my girlfriend. The timing is just not ideal.”

  Summer allowed herself to take it all in. She allowed her fingers to get tangled with Nicks, and enjoyed the feel of his thumb rubbing circles on the back of her hand. Her mind was racing, and when she finally decided what she needed to do Summer knew there was no turning back.

  “November 18th,” Summer finally announced, taking her gaze off of their hands to look Nick in the eye.

  “What?” Nick asked,still tracing circles on her hand.

  “The last night of my show is the 18th of November. I have too much going on right now to have a boyfriend, but once the show is over I should have time.” Summer quickly added, “If you’re still interested.”

  “Wait, what happens until then?” Nick asked, his thumb stopping suddenly.

  “We can be friends, but that’s it.” Summer regretfully pulled her hand away from Nicks and held it in her lap. This was taking a lot of willpower, but she had to be sure he liked her for the right reasons.

  “Okay,” Nick sighed. “It’s not going to be easy, but if that’s what it takes to show you I’m serious then I’m all in.”

  “Yeah?” Summer asked, still afraid Nick would not be on board for her plan.

  “Of course,” he smiled. “Good things are worth the wait.”




  The crowd was on their feet, cheering and screaming as the cast took their final bows. Summer took all of it in, suddenly nervous now that the show was over. As she walked back to the dressing room to change she knew what was waiting for her. Or rather who.

  Nick had come to every performance so far, and today would be no different. He would be waiting at his car, as they decided earlier today while hanging out in the library.

  Their library hang out times had become a common part of their friendship. Lunch and any free moment was spent in the library where Summer could work on her homework before play rehearsal and Nick could work on getting caught up in all his classes. He was no longer failing anything, but still had a ways to go if he wanted to get into a good college in the fall.

  Over the last two month Summer and Nick were with each other almost all the time. The rumors faded after about a week, leaving them room to breath. Morgan and Tonya would still ask Summer for info on her and Nick now and then, but she didn’t tell them much. Summer was not telling them much of anything anymore. They were still friends, but the rumors taught her who her real friends were. Now, when she was not with Nick, Summer was with Tessa, Jodi, John, Peter, and Olivia. They were her friends from the show, and biggest support system when she was stressed out Nick.

  “You need to hurry up and get out there so you can text me all about it!!” Tessa announced all but dragging Summer to her makeup station. Jodi promised to help Summer to fix her hair and makeup so she looked more like herself and less like “Sasha.”

  The girls were just as excited as Summer was, and quickly assisted in getting her ready. As they all headed to leave Summer took a minute to just breath. Part of her was worried. What if Nick just wanted to be friends now? He did such a good job of keeping things casual, Summer wondered if he could have given up. With a sigh, Summer grabbed her bag and headed for the parking lot; it was now or never.

  Stepping outside Summer was shocked to see it was snowing. She had been inside for hours thanks to the show, but now there was at least 2 inches on the ground with more falling. Looking through the falling snow, Summer saw Nicks car alone in the parking lot. She did not see him yet, but assumed he was staying warm inside the vehicle.

  “Hey,” a voice suddenly elicited a scream from Summer.

  Pressing a hand to her racing heart, Summer looked over to see Nick standing to her left with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. Unlike the flowers from every other night of the show, tonight Nick had brought her red roses.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” Nick moved to her side, putting an arm on her waist while she caught her breath.

  “It’s okay, I just didn’t see you,” she laughed.

  “It’s slippery, so I wanted to walk you to the car,” Nick explained with a grin. “But first, these are for you.”

  Taking the flowers from Nick’s outstretched hands Summer could not help but smile. Her heart was still beating quickly, but it was no longer from Nick startling her.

  “And I have one more thing for you,” Nick said moving closed.

  Removing her eyes from the flowers Summer looked up as Nick leaded closer. His hand on her waist wrapped around her while Nick reached his other hand up to brush a hair off her face. Looking deep into his eyes Summer could still see the snow swirling down around them. However the snow faded into the background as Nick’s lips finally met hers.

  Standing in the deepening snow was no longer a concern as Summer allowed herself to be lost in their kiss. Leaning into Nick, Summer did not want the moment to end. Even with the cold, Summer felt warmth radiating through her whole body. The feeling lingered, even as Nick finally pulled back. Summer could feel her heart racing still, as she grinned from ear to ear. Clearly Nick did not lose his feelings for her in the last two months.r />
  “Sorry,” he laughed taking a little step back.

  “Why are you sorry?” Summer asked, struggling to still her spinning head.

  “For the kiss. I just couldn’t wait any longer,” Nick explained, his arms still around her.

  “Don’t be sorry, I’m the one that made you wait,” Summer smiled.

  “Yeah, and I'd do it all over again if I had to,” Nick whispered before leaning in for another kiss.

  Minutes later as they walked to Nicks car hand in hand, Summer could not help but grin. Nick proved he was different than the guy who dumped Gina before school started. Now, without the show to worry about, Summer could really enjoy being Nick’s girlfriend. She was sure there would be more amazing moments to come, but in the meantime she was going to have one long text to send Tessa.

  On second thought, she would have plenty of time to send that text once she got home. Stopping their progress to his car Summer leaned up and kissed Nick yet again.


  Thanks for reading the second novella in the Hearts to Follow series!

  If you enjoyed this book please take a moment to submit an honest rating. As a self published author your feedback is very important.

  Thanks again, and I hope you will enjoy more of my books in the future!

  -Dana Burkey-




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