Victorious, A Tame Quantum Novel (Quantum Series Book 3)

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Victorious, A Tame Quantum Novel (Quantum Series Book 3) Page 17

by Marie Force

“That was only one of several things I left for you. Did I also mention the interest from the casting directors? Ever since the Globes, Danielle has been overrun by them, too.”

  “It’s insanity. What do I know about any of that?”

  “Maybe nothing, but they know true, raw beauty when they see it.” He kisses me. “And so do I.”

  “I’m not interested in any of that. I want to work on the foundation and be with you. That’s all I want right now.”

  “Then that’s all you have to do. But you have to know that the whole world is interested in you.”

  “I don’t care about the whole world. I only care about you, that you’re interested in me.”

  He hooks an arm around me and brings my back in tight against his front so I can feel his erection. “Suffice to say, I’m very interested.”

  “That’s all that matters.”

  He kisses my neck and continues to grind against me. His hand, which has been flat against my belly, moves down, his fingers splayed open.

  “You’re making a scene.”

  “That’s what we do here. We make scenes.”


  “Shhh, no one can see what we’re doing. It looks like we’re just standing here talking.”

  The tall table hits me just below the ribs, hiding my lower half. I suspect that’s the table’s secondary purpose. His middle finger dips lower, parting me and pressing against my clit through my pants. I gasp from the pleasure that zings through me. “We can’t do this here.”

  “We’re not doing anything.”

  “You’re touching me.”

  “You’re my wife. I’m expected to touch you.”


  “What’s my name here?”

  Oh God. “S-sir.”

  “That’s right. And what’s your safe word?”


  “Use it if you need it, otherwise I expect you to remember the rules.”

  He just changed the rules on me, but I understand what he’s doing. He’s showing me how incredibly hot it can be to experience desire in a room full of people, most of whom are paying us no mind. But there are a few who are watching us closely, and I suspect they know exactly what he’s doing to me.

  I grasp the edge of the table.

  “Let go of the table, Nat. I’ve got you.” His voice is low and intense against my ear. He’s asking me to trust him to know what’s best.

  I force my hands to relax their tight grip on the table.

  “Fold them and rest them on the tabletop.”

  When I bring my palms together, I realize they’re sweaty. With my hands settled where he can see them, he does nothing more than rock against me, his finger teasing my clit through my clothes. He takes me right to the edge of release in under a minute.

  My hands tighten around each other. I can’t possibly come here, in front of all these people. I can’t. I won’t. “Flynn…”

  “Call me that again, and you’ll earn a punishment at home.”

  “Sir… Please… Don’t do this to me here.”

  “What’s your safe word?”

  If I say it, even in reply to his question, he’ll stop. Is that what I want with my body primed to explode? This is insanity. It’s the craziest thing we’ve done yet. My heart is beating so hard, I’m afraid it will burst, and my lungs seem to have shrunk, making me feel like I’m hyperventilating.


  I remain stubbornly quiet. If he wants this, I’ll give it to him, even if I didn’t intend to.

  My head starts to drop forward. I’m hiding behind my hair so no one can see me come apart.

  “Lay your head back on my shoulder.”

  I want to growl with frustration and embarrassment. Of course he knows I was trying to hide. Because I’m his submissive, I do as he asks and rest my head on his shoulder.

  “Don’t ever be ashamed of taking your pleasure.”

  “I told you I didn’t want this here.”

  His finger grazes my clit as his erection bumps up against the plug. “You know how to make it stop.”

  I’m not sure what makes me do it, whether it’s where we are or if I’m testing the system, but the word appears on my lips. “Fluff.”

  He withdraws immediately. Only his arm banded around my midsection keeps me from toppling over when my legs want to buckle under me. “Well done, sweetheart.”

  “So that was a test?”

  “Of sorts.” Nuzzling my neck, he says, “I want you to remember always that you have all the power. You say yes, you say no, you say not here, you say not that. It’s all about you.”

  “You’ve left me all revved up.”

  “That was your call, not mine.”

  “What’s the word for ‘game back on’?”

  “There isn’t a word for that, but if you’d like to take this somewhere private and finish what we started, I could make that happen.”

  I’m about to accept his offer when I see Kristian lead a woman to one of the pieces of equipment. Part of me feels like I should look away, to respect the privacy of Flynn’s friend. But that’s not why we’re here. We’re here to watch, which is both titillating and embarrassing. I’m dying to see what will happen but embarrassed at the same time.

  “What’s the verdict?” Flynn asks, his lips close to my ear.

  “Could we find a private spot after we watch whatever Kristian is about to do?”

  “Do I know her from somewhere?” I ask of Kristian’s sub.

  “She’s been on TV.” He names a popular sitcom that has my mouth falling open. Of course! That’s how I know her. She’s tall and curvy, with long red hair and big breasts that look real, not that I’d know the difference. Since there’s no question I’m not allowed to ask, I pose that one to Flynn.

  “Yep, they’re real.”

  “How can you tell?”

  “Please, sweetheart. I grew up in LA. I could tell the difference between real boobs and fake ones by the time I was eight.”

  “Why am I not surprised? So what’s the difference?”

  “Real ones,” he says, cupping mine in his big hands, “move the way they’re supposed to. They’re softer, more pliable. Fake ones are harder, closer together and don’t move like real ones do.” As he speaks, he manipulates my breasts to make his point.

  I release a deep breath that I’ve been holding. His touch is always electrifying, but here, in public, it’s even more so. “Good to know.”

  As we watch Kristian’s scene unfold, Flynn answers all my questions. He tightens his hold on me. “I love you so much, Nat. That you’re here with me and asking questions and willing to explore this world with me… You can’t possibly know what it means to be myself, entirely, with you.”

  I squeeze the arm he has around me. I love that I’ve made him happy, which is so important to me.

  Watching the scene unfold has me right back on the edge again, my entire body tingling with the need for release.

  “You said something about private rooms?”

  “Is my baby feeling hot and bothered?”

  “Maybe just a little.”

  He takes me by the hand to lead me deeper into the club. “We’ve got one more stop we need to make before we see about something private.”

  I suppress a moan at the thought of waiting longer for relief. Being here, watching Kristian’s scene, allowing Flynn to touch me in public… I’m on fire from the inside. My skin is tight and tingling, the throb between my legs is like a second heartbeat, and I want to grab Flynn and drag him to the nearest dark corner.

  He applies his hand to a device on the wall, and a door slides open.

  “What is this?”

  “It’s the dungeon. Only the five of us have access to it.”

  The word dungeon trips my already heightened senses into overdrive as I try to imagine what goes on here. I see right away as we step into the huge room that pulsates with loud music… Cresley is suspended from the ceiling. Natural-
colored rope has been wrapped around her body in an intricate pattern that is strangely beautiful. The elaborate scheme is held together by a single knot that falls just above her clit.

  What that must feel like, to hand over that much control to another human being, to trust him with so much outside a committed relationship…

  Flynn’s arm around my waist keeps me from losing my footing. “Talk to me, sweetheart,” he whispers gruffly in my ear. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  “Why does she like it? She’s a successful, powerful woman. What makes her want to be dominated so completely?”

  “It’s because she’s so successful and powerful that she enjoys giving over control to someone else for a few hours. It takes her away from all her responsibilities and gives her a kind of freedom she can’t find anywhere else.”


  “I wish I could crawl inside your head right now so I could know your every thought.”

  Laying my hand on top of his arm, I want to share those thoughts with him. “I wonder what it’s like for her to give up that kind of control to someone she doesn’t love.”

  “She does love Hayden. They’re old friends, and there’s trust in friendship.”

  “Still, to do that with a man she isn’t in love with… That takes…”


  “Yeah,” I say with a nervous laugh, “that’s for sure.”

  “It’s a form of relaxation for both of them.”

  “Relaxation… Um, okay.” I’d be anything but relaxed in Cresley’s position.

  “No, really, look at her. Take a good look.”

  Cresley’s eyes are closed, her face is slack, her lips are parted ever so slightly, and she appears to be floating above the room in what I now see, upon closer examination, is a blissful state.

  “We call that subspace, when the submissive reaches a place of total trust and absolute submission. She relies upon her Dom for everything in that moment. It’s total surrender.”

  “Would they mind that we’re here?”

  “No, sweetheart, they love being watched. Most of us do. It’s part of the thrill.” He leads me to a sofa I hadn’t noticed in a dark corner and positions me in front of him, between his spread legs with his arms around me.

  The scene progresses slowly. I have no idea if we’re there half an hour or two hours, because I’m so caught up in what’s happening between them.

  Flynn’s erection is pressed tight against my bottom, his hand is flat against my belly, and I’m on the verge of begging him to touch me when he tugs on the button to my pants.

  I’m immediately filled with panic and excitement and desire that’s hotter and more potent than anything I’ve felt before.

  He pulls down my zipper, slowly but insistently, as if he’s waiting for me to stop him. But stopping him is the last thing I want to do. I raise my hips against his hand, encouraging him to touch me before I die from wanting him to.

  Flynn’s hand slides inside my pants.

  Because they suddenly feel about ten sizes too small, I want to pull them off to give him room. I shaved down there earlier, so my skin is ultrasensitive. Every nerve ending in my body seems to have arrived in one place to party for the night. All it will take is one brush of his finger over my clit to detonate an orgasm for the ages. Naturally, he must know that, because he touches me everywhere but where I need him most.

  “So wet,” he whispers as he slides his fingers into me.

  “Flynn… Don’t tease me.”

  “Who am I here?”

  “S-sir. Please…”

  “Do you like watching them, Nat?”

  The whisper of his breath against my ear whips through me on a tidal wave of sensation. I raise my hips, trying to get him to move his fingers, but he won’t be rushed.

  “Natalie? Answer me.”

  “Yes, I like it. I like to watch.” Saying it out loud, admitting to it, is like gas being thrown on the already out-of-control wildfire that burns within me.

  “Mmm, I can tell.”

  He keeps me impaled on his fingers, pulsing them inside me in time with the insistent throb that beats through me. “Hayden can keep this up for hours. I can, too.”

  “No…” The single word is expelled on a whimper.

  “No, who?”

  “Sir. No, Sir.”

  “Are you saying no to me, Natalie?”

  “I’m begging you, Sir. Please let me come.”

  “I can’t… I have to…”

  Flynn’s fingers find a spot deep inside me that triggers the epic release that’s been building for a long time now. As wave after wave of nearly unbearable pleasure overtakes me, it occurs to me that he never gave me permission to come. Anticipating the punishment I’ll receive triggers a second smaller orgasm.

  “Someone is in big, big trouble,” he whispers as he brings me down slowly. His fingers are still buried deep inside me, snug against the spot that set me off. If he keeps pressing against me there, it’s going to happen again, which I’m sure he already knows.


  “Yes, Natalie?”

  “Please take me home now.”

  “As you wish, my love.”

  Chapter 15

  I’ve never experienced anything sexier than Natalie’s reactions to the club and the scenes we watched together. The way she positively detonated in my arms has me clinging to sanity as I drive us home as quickly as I possibly can. I can’t wait to administer her punishment and then fuck her until I slake this unquenchable need that seems to grow and multiply every day we spend together.

  “When we get home,” I say after a mostly silent ride, “you have five minutes to go into the bedroom, remove your clothes and present yourself for punishment.”

  “H-how shall I present myself?”

  “I’ll leave that up to you.” Goddamn, this is fun. To be able to have this sort of relationship with the woman I love more than my own life is my every dream come true. Except even I never could’ve dreamed the perfection that my life has become since I met Natalie.

  I park the Vanquish in the garage and glance at my watch. “Five minutes starts now.”

  Without another word, she gets out of the car and goes into the house.

  As I watch her go, my entire body is tight with desire and anticipation and love. I love her so fucking much, even more than I did before bringing her fully into my world. That I can have her and this, too…

  Fluff’s frantic barking gets me out of the car and into the house to deal with her while Natalie prepares herself for me.

  I take Fluff into the backyard so she can pee and then give her a few treats, hoping she’ll go back to sleep so we can get down to business. I crouch down and hold out my hand to her, a tiny dog biscuit sitting in the middle of my palm. A few weeks ago, she’d have taken part of my hand with the treat. Tonight, she approaches me and gently removes the biscuit from my hand and eats it while gazing at me adoringly.

  “Thanks an awful lot for bringing your mom to me.” I scratch her ears. “I know we got off to a rough start, but I really am so grateful for what you did that day. I was lost until you girls found me.”

  She leans into me, wanting more of the scratching that she loves so much.

  “I need to go see Mommy. You go back to sleep like a good girl, okay? If you’re good, there will be more treats.”

  At the word “treats,” she perks up, but she’s smart enough to know she’s gotten all she’s going to get for now. She trots over to the spot on the sofa that she’s claimed for herself and, after repeated circles, plops down. I pour a couple of fingers of Bowmore and down them in one shot before heading to the bedroom to see what my wife has planned for me.

  At the doorway, I’m brought up short by the sight of her lounging on the bed in black garters, thigh-high hose, four-inch black heels and nothing else. My hand lands on my chest, perhaps to see if my heart is still where it belongs. “Holy fucking hell, Nat. You ought to warn a guy before you d
o that to him.”

  “And miss seeing that expression on your face? Never.”

  “What’re you doing to me?”

  “Just what I was told to do.”

  “You’re awfully smug for a girl who has already earned one punishment tonight.”

  “I’ve learned to rather appreciate your brand of punishment.”

  “Perhaps I’m not doing it right, then.”

  “Oh no, you’re doing it right. I’d let you know if you weren’t.”

  I can’t help but laugh at her cheekiness. I love her confidence and how far she’s come from the first day when she told me she wouldn’t sleep with me, or any man, unless she was married. She was hiding then, running from her traumatic past. And now… Now she’s quite simply magnificent.

  I remove my clothes, leaving them in a pile on the floor to be dealt with later. “Are you the same virtuous girl I met all those weeks ago who gave me such a run for my money?”

  “I’m the new and greatly improved version of her.”

  Laying my hand flat against her belly, I lean in to kiss her. “You were perfect then, and you’re perfect now.”

  “I’m more perfect now that you’ve helped me to see all that I’m capable of.” She gestures to her sexy outfit. “I never would’ve been able to do this, to be this, before you. You gave me wings so I could fly.”

  “You had them all along. I just helped you spread them.”

  She raises a brow in a sultry, sexy look that brings me to my knees. “Are we still talking about my wings?”

  Smiling, I kiss her again. I love her this way, saucy and fearless and up for anything. “Talk to me about the club.”

  “I-it was very… Interesting and exciting.”

  Kissing her neck and jaw, I say, “Exciting how?”

  “Watching, having others watch us… All of it.”

  “I loved having you there, gauging your reactions, knowing you were aroused by what you were seeing.”

  “Aroused,” she says with a laugh. “That’s one word for what I was.”

  “Did it surprise you? To be so turned on by it?”

  “A little. I expected to be more nervous and perhaps a bit intimidated. But I wasn’t either of those things. I was… Transported. I don’t know how else to describe it.”


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