Something Sweet (Curvy Women Wanted #1)

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Something Sweet (Curvy Women Wanted #1) Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2017 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-157-1

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Curvy Women Wanted, 1

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  “You want me to what?” Camden Martin asked. He moved his cell phone to his other ear as he finished sanding down the latest chair that he’d just made. In his spare time when he wasn’t on a building site he was crafting his own furniture.

  “I’ve told you about Alyssa. She works with Edith in the insurance call center,” Sean said.

  “Yeah, yeah, you’ve talked about her.” Camden still didn’t understand why he was being invited to dinner. It wasn’t like Edith and Sean were hosting dinner. “Why are you inviting me?”

  “It was Edith’s idea. She thinks you’ll like Alyssa.”

  Camden paused and smiled. He knew exactly what was going on. “She’s trying to get me to date her friend?”

  Sean paused. “Yeah, she is. She loves Alyssa.”

  “So do Sammy, Marshall, Millie, and Chris, and they have all called me to go to dinner.”

  “See, you should really come. You’re going to love it.”

  “I am?”

  “Yeah. Alyssa is your kind of woman.”

  Camden sighed. They had all been trying to get him to meet this woman for the past year. He’d avoided it. His last spell with love had left him broke, and looking like a laughingstock. “I’m over Delia.”

  “We know. That’s why we think you’ll do wonders for Alyssa, and where you live, in the middle of nowhere, you’ll need her. She’s one hell of a cook, and she has similar tastes that you do.”

  “I can’t believe my friends are working together to set me up.”

  “We all care, and besides, Alyssa needs to move on from the asshole who hurt her.”

  Camden rolled his eyes. This was the nightmare that his life had turned into. His own friends were trying to set him up. What was surprising to him was the fact he’d never actually met Alyssa. Sure, he knew so much about her, but that was it.

  “Fine. Fine. What do I need to bring?” he asked.

  “Just bring yourself. Alyssa is the best, and she never demands anything from her guests. You’re going to adore her.”

  “Right, fine. I’ve got to finish this order first, and then I’ll be there. Try and not embarrass me tonight. No one likes to hear the shit that you like to spill.”

  “Got it. Got it. You’re the best.”

  If he wasn’t wrong, all of his friends were sitting together, cheering right this very minute. They had been driving him crazy for the past year. He’d turned into somewhat of a recluse since Chris and Millie had gotten married. From what he knew of Alyssa, she was a full woman, and totally adorable. She was the kind that bends over backwards for everyone else only to get shit on herself. He hated that. He hated when people took advantage of a good woman. Anyway, Alyssa had gone away with her boyfriend, only for him to steal her money, and leave her abandoned in a foreign country. If it wasn’t for Marshall’s contacts, she would still have been in a pickle, but they had gotten her money back, and she’d come back home without looking back.

  He’d seen a couple of pictures of her, as his friends liked to share everything. Alyssa had long blonde hair, with startling blue eyes. She hard large tits, hips, and thighs, and he wouldn’t deny that he’d felt a stirring in his dick at her picture alone.

  She was the complete opposite of him, and now his friends were trying to push them together. His own sad story was he was willing to marry a woman he’d believed was pregnant with this kid. He’d been willing to give up everything, and all she had to do was belong to him.

  It would seem women didn’t like belonging to any man anymore. They just wanted to make men crazy, and then leave them. There was no kid, nor was there any future. In fact, Delia, the woman he’d been with, had been using him for her entertainment, and if it wasn’t for a video going viral, and his discovering her betrayal, he’d still be with her, believing all the crap, and probably married as well.

  There were times he wondered what the fuck he was thinking. He never trusted women, not anymore, apart from his best friends’ women. Other than that, they no longer held any interest to him.

  Finishing the last of the sanding of the chair, he cleared away the mess in his personal workshop, and set about getting ready for dinner. He stripped out of his work clothes and stared at his reflection in the mirror. He wasn’t trimming his beard, nor was he cutting away his hair, which was shoulder length. Never would he change who he was for a woman.

  “Get over it, pal. You can tell this broad to fuck off. You’re not obliged to be nice, or to give an inch.”

  One broken heart was more than enough. At thirty-nine years old, he was over dating, relationships, and he was happy to live a somewhat celibate life.

  No blonde bombshell was going to change him. Not now, not ever.


  Alyssa hummed as she grabbed the cool wine out of the fridge. She loved giving dinner parties, and even though they were her friends, she still made sure that everything was special. Life was too damn short for her to only get her finest ingredients out for special occasions.

  All she had in life at twenty-five years old was her job, and her cooking. She had no boyfriend, no other life, but at least she had her friends, and the apartment that she lived was the best. Her neighbors were awesome, and accepted the food that she offered out. Her dream would be to write a cookbook, but there was no chance of that. She hated any kind of attention, and tried to avoid it. When she hosted parties, she always made sure there were people who loved taking center stage. It fed her need to feed people, and also meant for a few hours she didn’t feel lonely.

  “You really don’t need to fuss,” Millie said, coming into the kitchen.

  “It’s not fussing. You know I love it.” Alyssa really did. Being in the kitchen, serving people was something she’d always loved. Her mother loved to do it as well, and she got it from her.

  “Are you nervous?”

  “About what?” she asked.

  “We invited Camden over. You know, are you nervous?”

  “No, of course not. I’ve made plenty, and there will be enough for me.” She smiled at her friend. They were trying to set her up with their friend, and she really wasn’t interested. Alyssa had made a vow when she was dumped in a different country, penniless, that no man would ever have any kind of control over her again. She preferred being alone than with anyone.

  “He’s a really sweet guy,” Millie said.

  “I will take your word for it. Please, don’t worry. I’m fine. I’m happy.” She kissed her friend on the cheek, and then made her way back into the sitting room.

  “Come on, Alyssa, help me out here,” Sean said.

  “What do I need to help you out with?” she asked, placing the bottle of wine in the cooler after filling their glasses. She took a seat on the edge of the sofa, and smiled at her friend.

  “We’re having a little argument here about
the relevance of a horror movie.”


  “Sammy there believes that a horror movie has to have something paranormal to make it scary.”

  Alyssa shook her head. “I don’t think so. I think there can be just enough scare with people. Let’s face it, history has shown us how destructive we can all be.”

  “Traitor,” Sammy said.

  She winked at her friend, and then stood. “Is that Camden?”

  “It should be, unless you’ve invited someone else?” Millie said, walking into the sitting room.

  “Any of you want to answer that?” she asked. Her palms were a little sweaty. She hated being rude, and she adored her friends, she really did, but they didn’t seem to understand that she was actually happy being alone.

  “No, you can do it,” Marshall said.

  She tried to hide her big deep breath, and instead smiled at her friends. Right now, she hated them. This was what she’d tried to avoid. There had been many occasions that they had tried to get her to meet Camden.

  “I’ll just go and answer that.”

  “Don’t bite him. He’s a good guy,” Chris said.

  Leaving the room, she wondered what the hell she was going to do.

  Opening the door, she paused when she caught sight of one sexy, completely out of her league, man. He was tall, over six feet tall, and muscular. Camden didn’t look like the kind of guy who spent time in the gym but from physical work. He was a builder, and a guy who crafted things out of wood. That was what her friends had told her, and she even had a coffee table that he’d made.

  Edith and Sean had bought it for her for Christmas.

  “Do I have the right apartment?” he asked.

  “Are you Camden?” Her nerves were still gripping her.

  This guy was way out of her league, and even though she found his beard and shoulder length hair sexy, she had her vow, dammit.

  Men weren’t to be trusted. They hurt you, and laughed all about it.

  “Yeah, I’m Camden, which makes you Alyssa.” He held his hand out, and she stared at it for several seconds.

  Shake his hand.

  Don’t be stupid.

  Stop staring.

  “It does.” She placed her hand in his, and something happened. Something gripped her, and it was like everything faded as Camden stared into her eyes. “Nice to meet you.”

  She pulled her hand away quickly, and stepped back. “Everyone is waiting for you. Would you like to come in?”

  “Yeah, I really, really would.”

  Waiting for him to pass her, Camden paused, and once again they stared at each other. He was so handsome, and something held her captive.

  “Something smells amazing,” he said.

  “Oh, I have a rosemary and garlic roast lamb in the oven.”

  “That’s not what I was talking about.” He leaned in a little close, and she couldn’t help but tense up. “You smell like cinnamon buns.”

  “Thank you, I think.”

  She loved the scent of cinnamon, and her body lotion was that smell.

  He stroked a finger down her arm, and her body came to life. Her nipples tightened, and her pussy grew slick.

  This was a bad thing. A really bad thing.

  Camden was the kind of guy she usually associated with a trail of broken hearts. He could have any woman he wanted.

  She’d already had her heart broken.

  She didn’t want to go through it again.

  Chapter Two

  Alyssa was sexier than he’d imagined. Their friends hadn’t done her justice, and when he glanced at her behind, Camden had to contain his groan. Her ass was so round, so fucking juicy, he couldn’t wait to sink his teeth into the tender flesh and leave his mark. His cock hardened as he looked at her, and those tits were things of beauty.

  Her body, he was going to have some wet dreams this evening.

  “Camden arrived,” she said, walking into a sitting room.

  He saw his friends, and they were smiling.

  “I’ve just got to go and check dinner. I’ll leave you in good company.” Alyssa escaped, and he watched her ass as she walked away.

  “He likes her,” Sean said.

  “You checked her out,” Millie said, smiling.

  “You interested?” Chris asked.

  “I will say that I’m intrigued. I won’t lie. She’s sexy as hell.” He hadn’t expected the woman that answered the door. Her hair was like gold, her eyes the color of the ocean, and her body, a canvas for him to love.

  He took a seat, and kept his gaze on the door. The scents were amazing. “Is she a good cook?” he asked.

  “The best,” Millie said. “She could have been a chef, but she didn’t want to do that. Her mother is a good cook as well, and everything she knows is because of her.”

  Camden wanted to know more.

  He’d never been this taken by a woman so quickly. For all six of his friends to adore her, it was time for him to know more.

  “The boyfriend is completely out of the picture?” he asked.

  “Yes. She hasn’t even attempted to date, and it has always been a challenge to get her to commit to anyone since then,” Sammy said. “We all think you and she could really hit it off.”

  The way his dick was behaving, Camden was in complete agreement.

  Alyssa entered the room. “Dinner is ready if you’d like to make your way to the table.”

  She left, and he watched her ass sway from side to side. That dress she wore was pure heaven.

  “Come on, we’ll take you in,” Millie said.

  They entered a small room with a nicely decorated table. “She does this a lot?”

  “Yeah, it’s what she enjoys doing.” Millie patted his arm, and she placed him in a specific seat. “You sit here. She always sits near the kitchen.” She pointed to the door behind the chair opposite him. “This way she can chat with you.”

  He sat down, and watched as Alyssa came in with a large platter of lamb surrounded by roasted potatoes, and there were some beans, and a small jug of gravy.

  “Please, dig in.” She smiled at the table, taking her place opposite him.

  Her cheeks were a little flushed, and the dress plunged in the chest, showing off a great deal of cleavage.

  Already he wanted her naked for him so that he could explore her beautiful body.

  “Do you enjoy giving dinners?” he asked.

  “I do. I love to cook and to bake.”

  “We love it that she feeds us,” Marshall said, taking five large slices of the lamb. “My mouth is watering.”

  Camden filled his plate, and took a bite of one of the crispy roast potatoes. The gravy was flavorful with a hint of garlic, and when he took a bite of lamb, his mouth watered for more. “Oh my,” he said.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  “Perfect. They weren’t kidding about you being a damn fine cook. This is the best food … ever.”

  Her cheeks went a beautiful shade of red, and he found that utterly charming. Alyssa was beautiful. There was no other word to describe her.

  “So, everyone tells me that you’re a builder,” Alyssa said.

  “I am. I also design, create, and make items. Like the coffee table. I made that.”

  “You’re a very talented guy.” Her smile was breathtaking

  “Thank you.”

  “And thank you so much for doing what you do. I love the table.”

  He nodded. “I’m pleased you like it.”

  “So you do pieces to order? Furniture and stuff?” she asked.

  “Yes, I do.” Camden took another bite of lamb, and moaned. “I can’t believe I’ve never been here before. Your food is wonderful.”

  “I loved cooking with my mom. She taught me all the basics, and what I love is doing everything myself.”

  Their friends talked amongst themselves, but he knew they were all listening. “I hope you didn’t mind me coming along.”

  “Not at all. I alwa
ys make enough that I tend to send them home with extras. I just can’t resist at times.” She shrugged. “I’m really pleased you finally decided to come.” She licked her lips, and he watched as she wrapped a slice of lamb around a potato, and took a bite. There was something hot about watching a woman enjoying her food.

  “Do you think you could help me out with something?” she asked just as he finished up the last of his potato.


  They made their excuses, and Alyssa took him into her kitchen, which was beautiful.

  “It’s just here,” she said, pointing to her window, and he looked to see several of her kitchen tiles had come away. “I don’t know who to contact, and it’s probably something you don’t deal with.”

  “I can come and fix these tiles for you. It looks like the grout hasn’t been applied properly. It’s an easy fix, and I’d be glad to do it.” He turned toward her, and smiled. “You know, they want us to date.”

  She locked her fingers together in front of her, and the angle of her arms pressed her tits together.

  “I know. They want to set us up.”

  “You don’t want to date?” he asked.

  “I’ve not really given it much thought. What about you?”

  “I wasn’t interested, but now I want to take you out,” he said.

  “You would?”

  “Yes, I really would like that.”

  “Oh, I didn’t expect that.”

  He stared at her, confused. “Why not?”

  “I don’t know. It’s just … I love and like what I like, and I know not a lot of people like that.”

  Camden held his hand up stopping her. “I don’t know what asshole has hurt you, and I don’t want to know. I’d like the opportunity to take you on a date. Would you do me the honor of going out with me?”

  She stared at him, and it was a little unnerving not having her jumping for joy at the prospect of going on a date.

  “Sure, I’d like to.”

  He folded his arms, and smiled. “Why do I feel that you’re not entirely sure about that?”


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