Her Two Alphas

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Her Two Alphas Page 8

by Scarlett Grove

  Before she could think, Elijah pulled out of her and Caleb pressed against her ass from behind. Her oiled entrance yielded to his insistent cock. The head slipped in and Lucy panted. Elijah hugged her close and kissed her.

  Caleb held her ass cheeks wide as he slid deeper into her tight passage. Lucy’s mind went blank. Pleasure, pain, desire, and fear all mingled into one consuming emotion. Caleb’s massive member slipped the rest of the way into her as Elijah flicked her clit with his fingers.

  Caleb groaned, “Your ass is so tight. Fuck. I want to come so hard inside you.” Caleb’s dirty talk drove her mad with lust. She moaned under Elijah’s gentle kisses as Caleb drove in and out of her behind.

  Caleb held her hips tight and bent over her back, sinking his teeth into her shoulder. He groaned. Elijah’s fingers pressed her clit, and Lucy came again, with Caleb’s cock deep in her ass. Caleb’s teeth drew hot blood, and she felt it drip down her back even as her pussy clenched and contracted.

  Caleb grunted and licked her wound as he pumped his shaft in quick bursts into Lucy. He shot his cum into her, filling her darkest desire with his seed. Lucy screamed and groaned as the last of his cum squirted into her.

  He pulled out, and Lucy collapsed against Elijah’s chest. Caleb sat beside them in the warm bubble bath, the mating done.

  Lucy didn’t know what she felt at that moment. She’d been taken by two werewolves. She wasn’t sure what was more mind-blowing, having sex like that with two men or the fact that they were paranormal creatures.

  Both were beyond anything she ever would have imagined. Their seed dripped from her, and they kissed her cheeks and nuzzled her gently in the warmth of the tub.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Tonight is the full moon,” Elijah said over lunch.

  “What does that mean?” Lucy asked, munching on her turkey sandwich.

  “It means you will have your first shift tonight,” Caleb answered. “After that, you can shift at will.”

  “I don’t think I’m ready. Is there any way we can put this off for another month?” she said, her mouth going dry.

  “No. It doesn’t work like that,” Elijah said. “When the moon rises, you will change, and we will take you on your first hunt.”

  Caleb and Elijah tried to keep Lucy calm, but she spent the rest of the day pacing around on the front porch anyway. As night fell, her heart leapt into her throat and pounded in her ears, leaving her fingers numb.

  Blue twilight turned into velvety darkness, and the stars came out above the farm, twinkling like a million candles above her head.

  Elijah brought her a cup of tea where she stood on the porch. The sweet herbal aroma tingled up her nose and soothed her senses.

  “Don’t worry so much, Lucy. Caleb and I will be there to help you. It will be strange the first time, but after that, it will be the most natural thing in the world.

  “Somehow, that doesn’t make me feel better. I’m terrified. Is it going to hurt?”

  “A little. But you’ll get used to it. It’s like the first time you made love. It hurt that once, but after that, it felt better. Right?”

  She giggled and put her teacup down on the porch railing. “What do I have to do?”

  Caleb pointed up at moon as it rose over the mountains. “I suggest you take off your clothes.”

  The brothers began to undress. Lucy was too afraid to even look at their beautiful bodies as they kicked off their boots and pulled down their jeans.

  She took a deep breath and began to take off her own clothing. Cool air pricked her skin, and she shivered in a slight breeze. Caleb and Elijah shifted before her on the porch. The sight of it still made her recoil. It all seemed so grotesque.

  The silver light of the moon rose higher in the sky, and her breathing began to come short and fast. Her blood burned through her veins, and she let out a long, high-pitched moan. Caleb and Elijah howled beside her. Then it happened.

  She screamed as her bones bent. Her back hunched, and she was forced down on her hands and knees. Fur grew from her bare skin, and long claws descended from her fingers. A snout elongated on her face. The pain that scored through her was unbearable. Her mind insisted she was about to die.

  All her senses were enhanced. The scents of the forest and farm exploded around her almost as if they’d become visible. Smells had shapes and colors and felt smooth or sharp.

  She shook her back, loosening her coat. In an instant, it was done. She’d become a massive gray wolf the size of a small car.

  Caleb and Elijah’s wolves sniffed around her, yipping gleefully as they panted and bared their teeth.

  She whimpered, still in shock, but Caleb nipped at her heels, encouraging her to follow them down the porch stairs and across the meadow toward the forest.

  The scents of the trees and soil and creek wove a tapestry of fragrances that provided her wolf with more information than the human inside her had ever even considered. The night forest was alive with beauty only the wolf could perceive.

  A gleeful sense of freedom opened in her heart and exploded in her brain. She yelped at Caleb and Elijah as they ran beside her. As she found her legs and her strength, she burst into a fast gallop.

  Lucy’s feet flew over the soft ground, kicking up fallen leaves and needles. She burst across the creek, the smell of the water dripping down her throat, invigorating her senses.

  She found herself pulling ahead of Caleb and Elijah. Their voices tingled inside her mind, telling her she was strong. She growled happily as she drew even farther ahead of the brothers. I am strong. She could feel the power coursing through her veins. It was the most exhilarating sensation she’d ever experienced.

  The brothers yipped behind her and took off after the tangy smell of a deer. She followed, pacing her mates as they hunted their prey. It was just beyond a stand of alder. She could hear its heart beating, smell its musk and blood. The brothers circled around on either side, and Lucy softly padded toward the grazing animal. The wind was coming toward her. The deer had not caught her scent. The wind changed, and the animal bolted, but Lucy pounced in that instant. She lunged on the animal, biting deep into his neck. Blood lapped over her tongue as the deer’s life force dripped down her throat.

  Caleb and Elijah joined her in the clearing, sending her mental messages to praise her prowess. She grinned in the dark before biting deep into the raw flesh. They feasted until full. Lucy’s blood ran hot with the fever of the hunt. She was more alive than she’d ever been. Bursting into a run, she bound off into the night.

  A new scent wafted in front of her, making her stop in her tracks. Caleb and Elijah caught up, growling angrily. Her immature animal link told her there was danger close by—the coyotes that had attacked Caleb.

  Lucy yipped and bayed, circling around the brothers. Her wolf was cocky and confident in a way Lucy never had been as a human. She wanted to attack and avenge her mate.

  She could feel them calling the pack. Full of bloodlust and bravado, Lucy followed the scent of the coyotes without Caleb and Elijah’s consent. They growled at her to stop but followed her anyway.

  Before she could think to go back, the coyote pack burst through the forest and lunged toward them. A moment of fear cut through her heart but evaporated as soon as she felt the first nip from a coyote.

  As if moving in a dream, Lucy fought beside Caleb and Elijah. Three wolves were a match for six coyotes. Somehow Lucy knew she was stronger than an average wolf.

  She bit into the leader’s neck and felt bones crack between her teeth. Blood bit her tongue as the other coyotes bayed and ran away just as the rest of the wolf pack entered the wood.

  She let go of the coyote between her teeth, and it lay limp on the ground, not moving. Dead. She yipped and jumped back. She’d killed a shifter.

  Voices and impressions filtered through her growing animal link. The pack soothed her, reassured her that she’d done the right thing. As she trotted through the wolves, she could sense their admiration. She,
Lucy Zimmer, sexually harassed paralegal, had become an alpha wolf.

  Back at the farm, after washing and dressing, Caleb, Elijah, and Lucy sat around the comfortable living room eating hot fudge sundaes in their pajamas.

  Elijah had turned on an action movie on the big screen, and she sat snuggled up between Caleb and Elijah. “You were magnificent, Lucy. Truly magnificent,” Elijah said.

  “She is an alpha of the highest order. Such strength hasn’t been seen in Mystic Harbor for a generation.”

  “And to think she isn’t a natural-born wolf,” Elijah said, shaking his head.

  Lucy kissed them each on the cheek, her lips brushing over the scratchy stubble on their skin. She licked her lips and took another bite of ice cream.

  Nestled between her two alphas, with the power of her wolf singing in her blood, Lucy knew no man would ever take advantage of her again.


  Thank you for reading Her Two Alphas. Check out the rest of the Mystic Harbor series.

  Mystic Harbor

  Unbearably Stranded

  Her Two Alphas

  Cat Scratch Fever

  His Lion Blood

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  More books by Scarlett Grove

  Braving Darkness Series

  Marked By The Alpha Wolf (Book One) Braving Darkness 1 Available Now

  Marked By The Alpha Wolf (Book Two) Braving Darkness 2 Available Now

  Marked By The Alpha Wolf (Book Three) Braving Darkness 3 Available Now

  Touched By The Dragon Lord (Book One) Braving Darkness 4 Available Now

  Touched By The Dragon Lord (Book Two) Braving Darkness 5 Available Now

  Touched By The Dragon Lord (Book Three) Braving Darkness 6 Available Now

  Desired By The Archangel (Book One) Braving Darkness 7 Available Now

  Desired By The Archangel (Book Two) Braving Darkness 8 Coming Soon!




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