Rough & Ruthless (Notorious Devils #4)

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Rough & Ruthless (Notorious Devils #4) Page 15

by Hayley Faiman

  I don’t let her say another word. I lift my head, my eyes connecting with her gorgeous blues, and I fuck her with all my strength. I move inside of her so that she’ll feel me for the two weeks that I’ll be gone.

  I slide one of my hands around the back of her head, twisting my fingers into her hair, gripping her tightly, and then I let go. Her pussy clamps down around me a few thrusts later, and as much as I want to keep going, I can’t. I come hard, filling her with my cum, knowing that the next time it will be with the added purpose of making a life.

  “This is seriously crazy. What you want, I don’t know if I can deliver that, Max,” she says.

  “Is this because you seriously don’t want them, or because you’re scared?” I ask, staying planted inside of her.

  “I’ve always told myself I didn’t want them,” she whispers as her eyes look to the side. Then she brings them back to me. “Because I’m scared.”

  “Nothin’ to be scared about, sweetness. I’m right here with you,” I say, lifting my hand and running my thumb across her soft lips.

  “My childhood was shit, Max,” she whispers.

  “Thinkin’ Snipers was shit too, Mary. He’s a great fuckin’ dad, to both his daughters,” I inform her.

  “Yeah, yeah,” she sighs. I grin before moving out of her tight body.

  “Two weeks, Mary. I won’t force you, but I’m pushin’ for what I want, and what I think you want too. You’re just too scared to admit it,” I say as I pull back the sheets. Climbing in bed, I drag her long body up next to mine.

  “Two weeks. Will you call me?” she asks, sounding so small. It fucking blows.

  She should be confident, completely confident, but between her childhood, Kyle, and shit I’ve pulled in our short time together, she’s absolutely not. I fuckin’ hate that.

  “Yeah, sweetness, I’ll call,” I murmur against the back of her neck as I place a kiss on her soft skin.

  I hold her close to me, knowing that this will be the last time I sleep next to her for a while. Not a long time in retrospect, but we’re new and I’ve already fucked up a few times with her. The last thing I want is for her to feel abandoned or lonely.

  I’ve turned into a sap in my old age, but I’m finding it hard to give a fuck. I want Mary, and I’ll do what she needs me to in order to keep her.

  My phone rings, waking me up, and I roll over to answer it sleepily. This isn’t the first time in the past five days that my phone has woken me up in the middle of the night. I happily take the call, every single time.

  It’s Max, calling me from the road, once he’s settled in for the night.

  “Hey,” I whisper groggily.

  “Mary, fuck, it’s good to hear your voice,” he murmurs. I hum my response and he just chuckles.

  “Less than ten days, sweetness,” he says softly.

  “I’m on countdown,” I laugh.

  “You been thinkin’ about what you’re gonna do?” he asks, just as he asks every night.


  He wants them, and I’m still scared.

  “I’ll have an answer when you get back,” I say. It’s the same thing I’ve said every night for the past five days.

  “All right, sweetness. I’m bunked down for the night, got a long day of driving again tomorrow,” he murmurs. I tell him to rest well before I end the call.

  I lie back against the pillow and close my eyes. I’m no closer to an answer about children than I was the second he brought it up. I’ve never allowed myself to want them, to dream of them, because to me, there was no way it was possible to have them.

  I’m so freaking scared, it’s ridiculous.

  I wish that I could call Bates and talk to him about it, about how he felt becoming a father. I can’t, though. He would flip his shit if he knew I was sleeping with Max, let alone that I am his branded Old Lady and thinking of starting a family with him.

  Bates never wanted me with a guy from the club. He always said I needed to be with a good man who would take care of me and treat me well. I thought that I had found that with Kyle, but no such luck. Then Max came along, and though he’s not perfect by any means, he makes me happier than I’ve ever been in my life.

  I lie in bed, my mind racing until the sun comes up. I’m still no closer to an answer.

  I spend the day and the rest of the week working and thinking about Max and about my decision. It’s a life altering choice, and I feel so conflicted.

  I start doing research on pregnancy and childbirth, then I find a few forums where there are victims of child abuse that talk about having children.

  Some of the abuse survivors are like me, fearful of bringing a child into the world; fearful that they won’t know how to love it or take care of it. But then there are those who say that having children saved them, gave them a chance to fall in love and be loved.

  There is no clear answer, no one way to go in this. I have to decide for myself, and I hate that. I’ve only made two huge decisions in my life—one was moving to San Diego, and the other was calling Max and leaving Kyle. This is so much bigger than that. So much.

  By Monday, I’m tired of being alone, but I don’t want to just drive around the mountains, either. It’s as if my desires are being answered when my cellphone rings in my hand. It’s Bobbie, and I excitedly answer the call.

  “We’re getting together for lunch today, you’re joining,” she says in a way where it doesn’t really sound like I have an option.

  “Sure,” I nod.

  She tells me where to meet the group, the diner where Max and I got into a fight, and I don’t think I’ll ever forget how to get there. I slide out of bed and get dressed before I take Max’s keys. He left me his big, lifted truck, and this is the first time since he’s been gone that I’m taking it out.

  I’m not the best driver; no, that’s not true. I kick ass driving straight forward. It’s the backing up and parking that I’m terrible at, and I hope that I don’t wreck this big ass monster.

  When I pull up to the diner, I’m thankful that there is a parking spot right in front, and I don’t have to try to parallel park this beast. I hop out of the pick-up and make my way inside to see Colleen, Bobbie, Teeny, Genny and Ivy gathered at a large booth in the back.

  A smile tugs on my lips as I greet the women. Friends. I have them now, something I never thought that I would, but here they are—even if Genny can be a huge bitch.

  “We need the dirt,” Colleen announces as I start to sit.

  Genny’s hand snakes out and wraps around my thigh, halting me in my place. I look down to see her eyes narrowed in on my thigh tattoo. I didn’t think. I wore a pair of shorts today, because it’s a gorgeous day, and I know winter is just weeks away.

  “I think there’s more than a little dirt to talk about,” Genny says with a grin.

  “Holy shit, you’re branded,” Bobbie says with a giant smile on her face.

  “How did none of us know this?” Colleen asks.

  I finally sit down before I speak.

  “I don’t think anybody knows. It happened as a spur of the moment thing, and I don’t think he’s told anybody about it yet,” I shrug.

  “So you’re MadDog’s Old Lady, like officially?” Ivy asks with wide eyes.

  “Yeah,” I breathe.

  “Wow, well—wow,” Colleen says before biting her lip. “That makes this more difficult then.”

  I look to her with confusion and then I look at some of the other women. They’re looking at the table—all but Ivy, who appears to be as confused as I am.

  Then Genny and Colleen, who go from looking at each other, to staring at me simultaneously bite their lips, as though they’re on the verge of saying something, but are both afraid to actually say it.

  “Just tell me,” I whisper before closing my eyes in a long, slow, blink.

  “Kisha is pregnant. She claims it’s MadDog’s,” Teeny whispers.

  Ivy gasps, but I don’t. It doesn’t surprise me. Not in the slightest.
I called it before it happened. I just didn’t expect Max to be the first target in their ploy.

  That’s pretty ballsy, going after their president. I wonder if the blonde bitch realizes what she’s doing, truly what kind of hellfire this could bring down on them.

  “I can’t tell how you’re feeling about that,” Colleen says nervously.

  “Max swears they didn’t have sex. I’m supposed to believe my Old Man, right?” I ask, arching a brow.

  Genny snorts and Bobbie makes a face that looks like she’d say eeekkk if she spoke. Ivy’s brows furrow and she looks between all of us.

  “Those dicks of theirs aren’t trustworthy,” Genny snorts.

  “They are if you take care of them,” Colleen snaps.

  “Are you okay?” Teeny asks, ignoring the two catty twins.

  “Yeah,” I say with a nod.

  “Are you going to talk to MadDog tonight?” Ivy asks, still looking like a deer caught in headlights.

  “Yeah,” I nod. “I mean, no. I’m going to talk to him, but not about this,” I murmur.

  “Why not?” Genny barks.

  “He’ll be home in a few days. I’ll talk to him in person,” I shrug.

  I change the subject and refuse to talk about it for another minute longer. After a few wary glances from every single one of the women, aside from Genny, the subject officially changes and I’m no longer the center of attention, thankfully.

  I can’t help my mind from wandering, though. I want to believe that Max didn’t sleep with Kisha. In fact, I did believe it. However, now, with this new information, I’m not sure that I do.

  I hate the doubt that’s swimming around inside of me. I hate that I’m not confident enough in my relationship with Max to know, without a doubt, that he told me the truth when he was adamant about not being with her.

  How can I bring a child into our relationship with this new information? How can I accept his proposal when I don’t know for sure if he’s been as faithful as he says he has? At the end of the day, it comes down to trust, and right now—I simply don’t fully trust him, and I hate that.

  “That was weird,” I mumble as I walk over to my shitty motel bed.

  “What’s that?” West asks.

  I asked West, Roach and another one of my best guys to join me on this first run. This will be the last one I go on, unless there’s an emergency and I’m needed. I just have to make sure everything is legit and on the up-and-up this first go around. So far, the Russian’s have yet to let me down, but you never can tell.

  “What’s that?” West asks again, not looking up from his phone. He’s probably texting his woman.

  “Called Mary-Anne and she was all pissy with me,” I say, rubbing my chin.

  “Maybe she’s on the rag,” West says with a shrug.

  “Yeah, maybe,” I agree absentmindedly.

  Mary didn’t sound right. Her voice was tight and strained. There is definitely something happening with her. In a few days, I’ll get it out of her, even if I have to lock her up in our room and fuck it out of her—I will find out what’s happening.

  “I think I might know,” West announces a few minutes later.

  I look at him in question, and he shakes his head once before he speaks.

  “You’re not gonna like it,” he mutters.

  “Think I’m old enough to take it,” I chuckle.

  “Kisha says she’s knocked up with your kid. Ivy said that the Old Ladies met with Mary-Anne today and told her,” West announces.

  I freeze on the bed, my entire body going rock solid still. A million thoughts zoom through my head, but only one thing is perfectly clear. I need to get to Mary.

  I need to tell her the truth, and I need to apologize to her. She was right all along. These bitches were plotting, and it seems that the blonde bitch, Platinum, is the little ringleader.

  “We leave now,” I grunt. “Call the men.”

  I walk outside, my small bag in hand, and I go over to the truck, throwing my shit in the back. I’m glad that we’ve already dropped off our load and we’re headed back. Two weeks was probably too much time, but I wanted to make sure that not only were we not pressed for time, but also that we were able to change routes if we needed to. Now, though, we’re driving the next ten hours straight through.

  This shit needs to be handled, and it needs to be handled immediately.

  The truck pulls into the clubhouse parking lot, and I jump out of the passenger seat. I’m thankful that I didn’t take my bike and that I wasn’t driving, because I’m so fucking amped up that I would probably get us pulled over or in an accident. Tinker sat next to me the whole time, driving my amped up ass and getting information from all the men.

  Apparently, Kisha has informed everybody that she’s pregnant and I’m the father. Good to know. Guess she won’t have a problem pissing on the test I just bought, either.

  Platinum has a whole other thing coming her way. In fact, I’m going to make what happens to her a learning lesson for the rest of these cum dumpsters.

  “Gather the whores and take them to the warehouse,” I growl as soon as I walk inside of the clubhouse.

  Kisha has the good sense to look fucking terrified and sick all at the same time. Platinum, however, looks smug. She really shouldn’t. Her blonde hair is teased out and looks like shit, along with her caked on makeup. What should be a pretty girl is not only marred by her insecurities, but also her disgusting personality.

  I watch as my men drag the whores off one-by-one, and then I turn to the ones in the room, my brothers, the men who I am supposed to lead, and I tell them the truth.

  “Mary-Anne is my Old Lady,” I announce. I’m not surprised to see several looking shocked at me. “She overheard Platinum saying some shit in the bathroom, about wanting to trick us into knocking the whores up so we’d take care of them forever. I fucked up. I didn’t do anything with the information, and it seems Kisha is playing the first game. I’m having each girl take a pregnancy test, and then I’m going to teach some fucking lessons.”

  I don’t bother listening to the men. I’m here to do one thing and one thing only, mete out some fucking justice. I’m going to teach these fucking women just what happens when you try to fuck with a brother, let alone the president. They’ve got some serious fucking balls.

  Maybe they think I’ve gone soft in my old age, and perhaps I have, but I haven’t needed to be the harsh man I once was. I’ve proved myself over the years, and there hasn’t been a need to be as ruthless as I used to be.

  Looks like that time is over.

  Looks as though I’ll have to show myself once again; show the kind of man I can be if you try and fuck with my family, my brothers, and the Old Ladies of this crew.

  Grease is the only man standing next to the only door in the whole warehouse. We have a rolling door, but it’s on a remote, and no way could these bitches get it up. I lock the door behind me as I walk inside of the building. A couple of the girls look scared, terrified, but I can’t seem to care. They didn’t give a fuck when they devised this plan to trap my men, so I don’t give a fuck now.

  I throw the plastic bag that dangles from my fingers onto the floor in front of them. All of their eyes follow it.

  “Take the tests,” I bark.

  Platinum bends down and picks up the bag, looking inside and then peering up at me with a defiant smirk. It isn’t cute, and it sure as fuck isn’t sexy.

  “Where are we supposed to take these at?” she asks, arching a brow.

  “Drop trou, bitches,” I grunt.

  A couple of the girls gasp in surprise, but Platinum holds my gaze, hers a little too calculating for a dead woman walking.

  “I don’t think so,” she smirks.

  I take the few steps to close our distance before pulling my gun out from the back of my pants. I press it against the middle of her forehead before I lean in.

  “Piss on the tests,” I growl.

  Her eyes widen and she can’t control the way he
r body starts to tremble in fear. Good. She should be fucking scared; I’m done with her shit. It’s time to start teaching some lessons here.

  The other girls quickly grab the boxes and start ripping them open, all but Platinum and Kisha. I keep my gun pressed flesh against Platinum’s skull before I tip my head to the side.

  “Take the test, Kisha,” I say.

  “I, I don’t need to,” she whispers.

  “Yeah, I think you fuckin’ do,” I bark.

  “I’m not pregnant. It was all Platinum. She made us do it. We didn’t even have sex that night,” she begins to sob.

  “Take the test,” I rumble. “You too,” I murmur, turning back to Platinum.

  “You’re not going to kill me, you wouldn’t dare hurt a woman,” she snorts.

  “I don’t see a woman anywhere; do you Grease?” I ask loudly.

  “Nope,” he grunts.

  “What am I if I’m not a woman? You and your men have used one part of me or another, fucked my mouth, my pussy or my ass. And you’ve all fucking loved it,” she purrs.

  “You’re not a woman. You’re a cum bucket. Something the men around here drop their load into when they need to get off. I wouldn’t think too highly of yourself. Any willing pussy, ass, or mouth will do; you’re fucking replaceable. Now, piss on the fucking stick.”

  “No way in hell, you asshole,” she screams. I pull the trigger.

  I watch as her brains explode from the back of her head, the girls around her getting splattered with the pink, gooey mass, and bits of skull, and ratty assed hair. Then I turn to them once Platinum’s body has fallen to my feet.

  “Anybody else want to refuse to take the test?” I ask, arching a brow.

  They all shake their heads, and within five minutes, they’re holding their tests in their shaking hands. I call them over one by one and look at the tests, all are negative. I send them over to Grease, who is waiting at the door.

  I watch Kisha as she slowly approaches me. I hold my breath, because I did fuck her, a few months ago. I sank my cock into this disgusting cunt, and condoms aren’t fool proof. I’m man enough and smart enough to know that.


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