Phoenix Bar: A Steel Demons MC Novel

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Phoenix Bar: A Steel Demons MC Novel Page 10

by Annelise Reynolds

  I laid her on the bed and started to strip off her clothes. As I pulled off her jeans, I noticed that her thighs were sticky with our lust. I grinned at the sight. It gave me a sense of contentment and pride to see our cum on her skin. My dick grew behind my jeans. I couldn’t get enough of this woman. I quietly went to the bathroom and grabbed a wash cloth, as much as I loved seeing her thighs sticky with our juices, I knew it would itch as it dried. I made my way back to the room and washed her gently as she slept.

  “Brice,” she whispered. I looked up to see her eyes on me.

  “Shhhh. baby, go back to sleep. I’m just cleaning you up before I go.” I was going to leave with him at the house so she could know I trusted her, even if it killed me to do it.

  “Stay with me.” I wanted to so bad, but I wanted her to know I trusted her to be around Philip. I didn’t trust him, but her I trusted.

  “Not tonight, sweetheart. I’ll be back first thing in the morning, though, and tomorrow night I won’t let either of us leave this bed for long.” With that promise, I kissed her and left, knowing if I stayed any longer, I wouldn’t leave at all.

  On the way out the door, I looked at Philip, “Put some clothes on, you are in a house with two women that aren’t yours. Have some fucking respect.”

  “Fuck you, asshole,” was his only reply. I clenched my fist to keep from pounding his face like I wanted to. That would upset Abby and she had been upset enough today already.

  I went out to my truck, debating as to whether I should call Titan or not. He would go ballistic. Hell, I was barely keeping my shit together and out of the two of us, his temper is definitely worse. I decided against it. Holding myself back was enough, I couldn’t hold him back too. Hopefully he never found out, because if he did, my ass would be dead. Instead, I made a different call.

  “Yeah,” the voice on the other end of the phone was gruff and it sounded like a party was going on in the background. I heard a hiss followed by a giggle.

  “Legend, man I need a favor.”

  “Suck harder, baby,” he said to whichever girl was with him tonight. “What’s up, Grit”

  “I need you to get Hack to look into someone for me.”

  “Got a name?”

  “Yeah, Philip Worthington. I want to know everything from personal to business. Especially business.”

  “Got it, that’s not an uncommon name. So, where am I looking and what am I looking for?”

  With the few clues I had, I didn’t have much, but I figured finding out who he is might lead me to who she is and I could find out what the fuck is going on. “I’m not sure where he is from, but I’d say start with the east coast. Philly and New York. Go from there. As to what you are looking for, I have no clue. If you find anything connected to the name Abby or Abigail.”

  “Alright. I’ll have Hack look into it and give you a call.”

  “Thanks, brother, when you headed out here next?”

  “A couple months, I have a few jobs I’ve got to do first.”

  “Alright, later.”


  Hack is our computer guru in the club. You need information on someone, Hack can get it for you. I drove the rest of the way to the clubhouse to see if Titan and Gavel were there. Titan was there sitting at a table with Kitty in his lap. Shit and he sucker punched my ass for my stunt in Amarillo only for me to find a club girl in his lap. My anger which was already on a short leash was trying to break free. Fuck him, I’ll look after Ember, too.

  “Gavel here?” I asked ignoring the other women who were staring at me trying to catch my eye. Kitty was running her hands up and down Titan’s chest and her bare tits were in his face.

  “No, he left a while ago. Want a beer?”

  “Nope, I’m gone.” I turned to leave and then looked back over my shoulder. “Stay the fuck away from Ember. I will repay the sucker punch your ass threw at me.”

  “She isn’t mine brother, she doesn’t want me. Phoenix wanted you, and she was getting you. That’s where the difference is.”

  “Is that right?” I asked, looking straight at him.

  “Yeah man.”

  “Ok, then I’ll give the shirtless guy in the pajama bottoms at their house the go ahead with Ember. It will definitely be a load off my mind if he’s with her. I’ll know he’s not pursuing Phoenix. Glad you cleared that up.” I didn’t even get through all of what I was saying before Titan’s chair was shoved back and Kitty was clamoring to her feet from the floor.

  “Speak now.” Titan growled.

  “Brother, she means nothing to you, so I don’t know what your all-“

  “Don’t fuck with me, Grit.”

  “A friend of Phoenix’s is staying there. He was downstairs with Ember in nothing but pajama bottoms. I couldn’t tell you what she was wearing. She was on the couch and all I could see was her head.” I didn’t think anything was going on, but Titan deserved to be messed with after making his intentions to Ember known and coming to the club for easy pussy.

  “Son of a bitch, if he touches her, he’s dead.” Titan said as he walked for the front door.

  I hadn’t planned on telling him, but shit, he needed a kick in the ass since Kitty was on his lap. Nothing lights a fire under a guys’ ass in the pursuit of a woman like a little competition. He wants her and the glances I’ve seen her sneak at him says she wants him too.

  Chapter 13


  I woke up early like most mornings and I remembered what happened yesterday. I had sex with Brice twice. The second time was even better than the first when the links of the fence bit into my ass. It sent shockwaves through me as he pounded into me. My body was responding to the delicious memory of him. I felt my nipples growing tight and my pussy growing damp. He was becoming an addiction, because I doubt that I could ever get enough of him.

  Vaguely, I remembered asking him to stay with me, but I don’t remember his answer. Obviously it was negative because I was in bed, waking up alone. I stretched in bed and groaned at the delicious ache between my legs. “Good morning.” My eyes sprang open and I grasped the sheet and hugging it to my chest.

  “Dammit, Brice, you scared the shit out of me.” I relaxed my arm and let the sheet fall, exposing my breasts. “Good morning. What time is it?”

  He had been leaning against the wall. His jeans low on his hips and his black shirt stretched across the muscled wall of his chest. I raked my eyes over him, starting at the top of his head and moving down to his scuffed and bulky biker boots. I licked my suddenly dry lips, my nipples puckered as my desire for him increased. It should really be a crime for a man to look so damn good. “Damn darlin’,” he said gruffly and started walking toward me, “your eyes glow when you get turned on.”

  I smiled at him as he sat on the bed beside me, hip to hip. He leaned over where his body bridged my legs. His hand came up to cup my cheek. “Brice,” I sighed.

  “I’m not going to make love to you right now.” He said softly, and I groaned because that is exactly what I wanted him to do. He softly kissed my lips, it was so gentle it took me by surprise. I was used to him being more aggressive and rougher. This softer side was just as dangerous as the other side of him. He was just intoxicating all around. “You ready to get going?”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Well, first you need to get in the shower and then you need to get ready for the opening of the restaurant. It opens at eleven and it’s already after 7. I figured you would want to get up and get there to help Ember.”

  “You’re right.” I grinned at him. I leaned forward, “but, there is time for a kiss before I go to take a shower.” I touched my lips to his, sliding my tongue over his bottom lip.

  “Abby, if you do that, I’m not going to be able to control myself.”

  I leaned against him. Breathing in his masculine scent. He smelled like leather and soap and fresh air. I loved it. “I know.” I kissed his cheek and hugged him. “Let me up, I’ve got to get going.” He kisse
d me one last time then stood up.

  “I’ve got breakfast downstairs when you’re ready.” He turned and walked out the door. Such a tease. Get me ready to fuck and walk away. He probably did it on purpose, but he didn’t yet know what I was wearing tonight or what I had in store for karaoke. This was so going to be fun tonight.

  After taking a shower and shaving my legs, I got dressed in a pair of tight black jeans and a pair of black boots with silver studs on them. We had bought the rights to Ink’s artwork and we put it on T-shirts for the staff with Phoenix Bar or Phoenix Grill written in white block letters across the chest. I also came up with the idea of a black tank top where the phoenix was on the back near the top and the fiery wings were the straps going over the shoulders. The restaurant staff had to wear the T-shirts, but the bar staff could wear either. Everybody was to wear black pants or a skirt, just as long as everything was covered. I packed my skirt for the night in my backpack along with an extra shirt. I did my makeup lightly and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. My silver hoop earrings were the last thing I added.

  Brice’s face when I walked down stairs in my tight ass jeans was priceless. I couldn’t wait to see what he thought of my skirt tonight if this left him with a look of complete lust.

  He had made breakfast: eggs, bacon, and bagels. The bacon was burned, but he tried, so I ate the charred strips and washed it down with the orange juice on the table. “Thanks for breakfast.” I told him. It was sweet. I’ve never really had a man make me breakfast so I was not going to complain about any part of it.

  “You’re welcome. You look good. Those jeans are incredible on you. I can’t wait to see them from the backside.” He smiled at me. I stood up and turned around, giving him a view of my ass in my jeans. I knew it looked good. These jeans cupped my ass perfectly, which is why I bought them to begin with. His hand slapped my ass and I squealed and turned around to look at him in mock affront. “Sorry, honey, it was too damn tempting.”

  “Just you wait.” I said it like a threat, but it was more a promise for later.

  “For what?” He asked with a raised brow.

  “I guess you will have to wait and see.” I sat back down and started eating my eggs and bagel.

  “What’s in the backpack?”

  “Extra clothes. I’m going to be up there until at least 2 in the morning, so I might need to change at some point.” It was the truth. I didn’t tell him that I had every intention of changing when I switched from working in the restaurant to the bar. “Hey, I had an idea. I’m thinking that every night the last shot of the night is on the house. Anybody who is in the bar at 1:45 in the morning gets a free shot. What do you think?”

  “Is there a reason why you want to do this? I mean by that time, most people in the bar would be drunk and more than willing to pay for their drinks.”

  “Yeah, I have my reasons.”

  He looked at me expectantly, but pretended not to notice. “Why?”

  I winked at him. “I guess you will have to wait and see.”

  “You are up to something, darlin’, and whatever it is, you don’t want to tell me. I’m telling you right now. If need be, I will spank your pretty little ass if whatever you are planning calls for it.” Oh, I am counting on it. I thought to myself. He acts like that would really discourage me at this point. I’m going to have fun at the opening of my business and drive him insane in the process. I’m definitely ok with an ass spanking as long as hot sex follows it.

  Fuck, wet panties again. Maybe I should go pack a few more pair in my bag because that will get itchy after a while. I started laughing at my thoughts and how ridiculous my attraction to him was. I can’t stay in panties long. “Fuck, darlin’, should I just spank your ass now?”

  “Probably, but there’s no time for that. I need to go grab some more panties and change the ones I have on because these are already a lost cause.”

  “I did not need to hear that.” I jumped at the sound of Philip’s voice. He was standing behind me in jeans and a green T-shirt. It brought out the green in his eyes. He really was a good looking guy.

  “Sorry.” My face was flaming red. Brice just had a grin on his face. I rolled my eyes. “Give me a minute and we will head over there. Ember’s already gone?”

  “Yeah, Titan went with her. They were going to stop at his place to get him some clothes before heading up there.”

  “Titan was here last night?” I looked at Brice, not believing what he was implying.

  “Yeah.” He looked uncomfortable, but I couldn’t understand why.

  “Why was he here Brice?”

  He sighed and looked over at Philip, “Give us a minute would you?”

  “Yeah,” he said, leaving us alone in the kitchen.

  “Come here, sweetheart.” He pushed back from the table. When I approached him, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his lap. “Titan wants Ember, I may have mentioned that there was a half dressed man at your house to get his ass in gear.”

  I smiled. “You are devious.”

  “Yes and it served another purpose, too.” He hesitated.

  “What?” I didn’t like the hesitation on his face.

  “I trust you, Abs, I don’t, however, trust him.” He nodded toward the living room. “Because I don’t know him. Your safety means everything to me.”

  I looked at him. Irritated, but I couldn’t fault him either. I had done research on Philip before ever calling him for our meeting. I had also been talking to him since our first meeting on the phone. He was a friend, but Brice had no way of knowing that. “I understand,” I said. He looked surprised at my words. I leaned forward and nipped his bottom lip with my teeth and then ran my tongue over where I bit him. “I like that you are looking to protect me. Just make sure you do it without the raging jealousy.”

  “Got it, no raging jealousy.” I moved to get up, but he pulled me back for a deeper kiss. “Shit, Abby, I just want to take you back upstairs and fuck you.” He raised his hips letting me feel the evidence of his desire.

  “Later, we have to get going.” I hopped off his lap, grabbed my backpack, and headed back upstairs for more panties.


  We arrived at the restaurant at ten. There was an hour before it would open and Mac was already in the kitchen getting things ready. It looked fabulous. The walls were all white except for the black one that had a replicated phoenix like the bar. I had asked Ink to come in to do it just to tie the two sides of the business together. The black and white matted photos of motorcycles and cars hung throughout the restaurant, giving it an old time classic feel to the room. With everything all put together, I wondered not for the first time, if we designed the bar and grill with our new friends, the Steel Demons in mind.

  I walked through the dining room and headed to the kitchen. I heard talking in the kitchen, so I headed that way figuring Mac was in there with a member of the staff she had hired. It was Titan, though, and he looked angry at her. “Hey guys,” I said. The tension in the kitchen was palpable. “Titan,” I walked over and gave him a hug, “How are you?”

  “I’m good, sweetheart.” He kissed me on the head. I was looking at Mac and I saw a flash of jealousy in her eyes. Brice was right. Titan wanted Mac and it appeared that my best friend wanted him as well. “Where’s Grit?”

  “Right here, get your own woman,” he said, pulling me gently from Titan’s arms and into his own. “Ember, how ya doing, baby girl”

  I watched the tension drain from her eyes when Brice spoke to her. “I’m good, Grit. Just trying to get a head start on cooking. The rest of the cook staff should be here any minute and I just wanted to enjoy the calm before the storm.”

  “Hey,” I said, drawing everyone’s attention toward me, “come with me.” I walked into the bar through the kitchen and checked out the finished product. It was awesome. We had decided to keep the chrome and black theme going in here. Everything from the stools, to the table and chairs, and even the pool tables were bla
ck and chrome. There was the dance floor complete with a pole as I had asked for. The art work was of the same theme in here that it was in the restaurant.

  I went to the sound system and connected my phone to the system and searched for the song I wanted. When I found ‘Here’s to Us’ by Halestorm, I hit play then headed to the bar to pour us all shots of whiskey. Ember grinned widely at me when she heard the song come on. It was one that we dubbed our theme song long ago and we decided we were going to sing it tonight at karaoke before closing. I was going to buy a round of shots for the house and we were going to sing and toast to this song.

  I stood beside Mac and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. She wrapped hers around my waist. We raised our glasses and sang along to the chorus, our favorite part because it involved telling the world to go fuck themselves.

  We clinked shot glasses together, “here’s to us,” we said and downed the amber colored liquor. It burned going down. The warmth spread through my belly. “Is it bad that it’s only ten something in the morning and we are doing a shot?” I asked.

  Brice put his arm around me. “No, it’s a special occasion. Where did your other friend go to by the way?”

  “He told me he had to go see your dad.”

  “Ok,” he said suspiciously, “I love the song by the way.”

  “Yeah, it’s been our theme song for a while.” I grinned at Ember. She was busy studying the bar, avoiding talking to Titan and he was busy looking at her.

  “I’ve got to get back in the kitchen.” She hugged me tight and headed back through the doors.

  “Well, I guess we now wait for the staff and for the customers.”

  Chapter 14


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