Hot Toddy #3 Tales of the Quiet Kitty: Holiday Dreams

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Hot Toddy #3 Tales of the Quiet Kitty: Holiday Dreams Page 3

by Camille Anthony

  “By the powers that be… Bevel-leveB, it’s Letshya!”


  My mate! Bevel started toward the tall stately woman, his steps faltering and uncertain. leveB led the way, a divining rod held stiffly in her direction, its urgent need to reach its mate an aching throb in the forefront of Willa’s mind.

  “How can this be?” The disbelief in Brant’s voice held a wealth of pain. “How can you be here, now?”

  The woman never took her eyes off her approaching mate, but she tilted her head toward Brant, her thick brown hair swaying with her movement. “It is the season of miracles, of Yule. I was drawn here by your love -- yours and Bevel-leveB’s.”

  Bevel reached her by the time she finished speaking. With an anguished sob of joy, he wrapped his arms about her, holding on with all his might.

  Tears flooded Brant’s eyes and he swayed forward, as if he would join the reunited lovers. At the last moment he drew back, shook his head.

  Willa slid a hand down his shoulder, a gesture of comfort. “What’s wrong? I thought you would greet your sister.”

  He answered her with another shake of his head, followed by the convulsive movement of his throat as he swallowed thickly. “They deserve this time together. She’s my sister and I love her dearly, but they are mates. That’s a much deeper connection… and they’ve been apart for so long --”

  “Come, then and let me show you my world?” She held out her hand offering companionship.

  With one last glance backward, Brant nodded and tucked her hand in his larger one. He met her eyes, his own still swimming with unshed tears. “I need this time alone to talk to you, anyway. Remember when you asked me why I bit you? I told you I would tell you when I knew the answer. I know it now.”

  “Wait.” Willa placed her fingers across Brant’s lips, stopping his confession. Her heart swelled with a resurgence of the loving emotion she’d felt earlier. Pulse pounding with anticipation, she whispered, “I want to hear what you have to say but please wait until we get to my special place.”

  Brant gripped her hand tight, his voice sounding thick and tear-clogged. “Okay. Let’s tell Bevel where we are going then you can lead the way.”

  They turned toward the other couple and froze.

  Bevel and Letshya lay in the clump of soft purple shrosa, limbs entangled and mouths busy on each other’s genitals. Tears still leaking from his sightless eyes, Bevel’s long, tensile fingers held her wide as he dipped repeatedly into Letshya’s flushed pussy. A broken, needy hum reached them where they stood.

  Willa tightened her hand on Brant’s, wordlessly instructing him not to interrupt. “They will be all right. Nothing can harm them here.”

  He nodded, a small smile widening his mouth. Lips moving almost imperceptibly, he mouthed, “We won’t go far.”

  Go! Leave us! leveB, with more than half his full length buried down his mate’s throat, wriggled his balls and tentacles in acknowledgement of them, but didn’t cease his decobra-like strikes in and out of his woman’s mouth.

  Willa couldn’t believe what she’d just witnessed. “He heard you from this distance? I barely heard you standing right next to you!”

  “leveB is telepathic. I suspected the possibility before, but now I am sure.”

  “Why haven’t I heard him before now?”

  Brant tapped her nose playfully. “You’ve never heard him because you are not telepathic, my little Sprite.” He lifted his head and scanned the area. “Where is this special place of yours?”

  “Come. It is not something I can describe. It must be experienced…”

  “What is this?” Brant bent his neck back and stared up and up, trying to see the top of the massive growth. He’d never seen anything so huge, so alive.

  Willa tugged Brant closer to a low-hanging branch. “It is… sustenance is the only word that most explains the meaning. Just place your hand here, like this -- on this lower limb and wait…”

  She demonstrated, almost shimmering with excitement. He followed suit, marveling at how radiant she appeared in her natural setting, all her exotic features melding into his idea of perfection. For the first time in his life, Brant thanked the powers for his cross-species mating ability.

  Determined never to love or open himself up to the pain of losing another person dear to him, he’d tried to resist her allure. Every day, he saw the pain his normally happy-go-lucky navigator tried to hide. His own heart echoed that sadness, reminded him how losing a loved one hurt.

  Despite the arguments against falling in love, he couldn’t resist Willa’s innocent magnetism. She was all he’d ever want -- smart, loving, and adventurous, sweet, loyal and devious. Best, her sexual needs were such he had no fear of overwhelming her with his own extreme passions. And she liked his Tygyr…

  “Nothing’s happening. What are we waiting for?”

  Her giggle lightened his heart and raised his spirits. “You’ll see. Just hold on a second longer…”

  “I’d rather hold you than some odd colored plant.”

  He heard her mutter what might have been, “That’s what you think!” when a flash of heat engulfed the hand in contact with the alien plant.


  “Be calm, Brant. Let the power flow through you. Relax and it won’t hurt at all!”

  Eyes clenched against the flow of stinging energy, he felt his waist encircled by Willa’s small hands and tried to unlock his spasming muscles as she’d suggested.

  Between one second and the next, the power changed, accepted him. The stinging turned to caressing and suddenly the plant swallowed them both up.

  Chapter Seven

  The colors were dizzying, the sensations mind-blowing, intense and wildly pleasurable. The vibrant, cocooned space glowed with power and warmth. Floating on surging waves of emotional highs, Brant sighed and sagged against Willa, his body hardening with desire and fluid with satiation, all at once.

  A contented purr rumbled his chest, vibrated his entire body. She stated she knew nothing about Yule, yet this was it -- Rebirth… Renewal… Life and Light.

  “Willa!” Words escaped him. Phrases deserted him.

  She seemed to understand for she wrapped her arms about him, snuggling close to his back. One hand coasted down and gripped his jutting cock. The other palmed his tight sac. “In here, we can become truly one. If you want that…”

  Tears flooded his eyes. “I do, Willa. More than I can tell you.”

  Her lips brushed his shoulders, stroked calm and acceptance into his flesh. “Show me. Take me, Brant. Fuck me like you love me, like you mean it.”

  “Like I’ll never let you go,” he added, shifting and turning so he could settle her in his lap. His hardness butted against her soft nest fronds. Tilting his hips, he nudged the short feathers aside, exposing her fuchsia labia and deep purple opening. “You smell delicious. I bet you’ll taste like soft, sweet, sticky Yule candy on my tongue.”

  Willa shuddered. “Just thinking about your rough Tygyr’s tongue on me, scraping my clit…” She shuddered again. Moisture slid out of her pussy to glisten in her dampening tuft. “Hurry! Taste me.” She bit her lip and angled her neck, offering her soft skin to his sharp teeth. “Bite me like you did before.”

  A growl of need escaped him as he gazed down at her, eyes flashing over the treasure spread before him. He opened his thighs, widening her legs for a better view of her sex. Driven by fascination, he slowly reached out and palmed her mound, curling one broad finger into her small, tight entry.

  Her muscles clamped down on his finger. The heat and tightness felt incredible and he added another digit, forcing her flesh to accept his intrusion. The small panting sighs and the way her muscles rippled and quivered told him she enjoyed his slight roughness.


  “Mhmm-hhmm, so good!”

  “Come up on your knees so I can get my fingers deeper. Move your hips for me, baby… I want to feel your tail feathers brushing my cock and balls.�

  The first brush tickled, made him shift beneath her and accidentally drive his fingers too deep. Her hips bucked forward, avid for a repeat of the painful pleasure. “Again, Brant! Harder!”

  Brant brushed her mouth with his, gave her a hint of teeth. “I love your greed for me. I’m just as greedy. Lean back and grip my ankles. I want your breasts.”

  Willa stretched back, body bowed into a perfect arch. Pert breasts lifted high, sharp little nipples presented for his taking.

  “Yeah,” Brant purred, bending to accept her offering, “like that.” His mouth closed over the first tip, sucked up the tender morsel, pulled on it hard, straining the stiff flesh between his incisors, threatening pain, promising pleasure.

  Her sharp cries music to his ears, he moved to the next nipple, gave it the same treatment. All the while, his fingers surged in and out of her hot nest, thumb riding her clit, stroking, stroking, stroking…

  She shuddered around his fingers, clamped down hard enough to restrict his movement in her. Her response sent desire raging under his skin. A wave of pure lust scalded his nerves. His pulse stuttered and skipped, pounded for love of this petite being that held his heart in her tiny hands.

  He pulled his hand away and cupped her cheeks, turning her face up to his. “I want total joining with you. The last time I mated you as a Tygyr was an accident. This time, I want your permission to mount you in my true form.”

  Willa smiled up at him, her eyes soft with acceptance. “There is no need to change. In this place, we can only be our true selves. Look down.”

  Brant followed her gaze and saw his cock jutting between them, covered with lethal looking, fully distended hooked barbs. Beneath the bottom edge of his cock, a wickedly curved hook of hard flesh -- designed to enter the womb of his mate and latch on, assuring the opening couldn’t close against the outpouring of his seed -- protruded beyond his leaking head. He lifted his eyes and locked gazes. “Sit on me, ride me. Decide how much to take, how deep.”

  A grin split her pretty mouth, a flash of white teeth peeked at him as she rose up and rocked forward, seating his cock at the entrance of her wet cleft. “That’s easy! I want all of you, strong and hard and fast.” With an excited, happy grunt, she dropped down on his rearing cock, taking him as deep as he would go.

  A roar split the air as Brant’s arms swept around her, his head nestled in the bend of her neck as she rode him furiously. Beneath his cheek, her skin felt warm and soft, smelled like home… rich and fragrant -- precious. He fought to hold back, to hold on to his eroding control, willing her to take him at her own pace, wanting her pleasure above his own.

  Her hands ghosted over his face, plucking his emotions through his skin. “Let go… become one with me,” she urged, reaching to take his lips.

  Encouraged by her words, surrounded by her heat, her smell and her taste, he closed his eyes and sank beneath the whirling landscape of his thoughts. Met her in the depths of their shared passion and suddenly, he felt his/her nest stretched tight by his/her cock. He/she rode the knife’s edge of pain and pleasure as the barbs caught in sensitive flesh to be ripped free as he/she drew out only to surge back in, repeating the movements, increasing the ecstasy, feeling what she felt, knowing what she knew… even as he was known.

  Together, joined in body and mind, they fell into the heat of a sun gone nova.

  Sorry, folks, I’d hoped to make this last longer for you but I’m all played out…

  Chapter Eight

  The bulb of the shrosa plant -- its nodes flushed a bright wash of multihued purples and indigoes -- opened and gently dumped them out. In an equal exchange, it had fed off their orgasms while sustaining their life force in its oxygen-rich interior.

  Brant stood and shook himself, looked over at Willa in wondering disbelief. What a ride!

  She stood and shimmied, unfurled and flapped her wings to remove the dusting of pollen gathered while in the heart of the flower. “It was, at that.”

  He gasped. “You heard me!”

  She froze, cocked her head. “Well, yeah. We are one now.” You can hear me too, can’t you?

  We’re not telepathic! How is this happening?

  Willa laughed. “We weren’t telepathic -- might still not be with others, but between us, there are no longer any barriers.”

  “This is… a little disconcerting.”

  “Tell me about it,” she replied, coming over to take his hand.

  An electric shock traveled up his arm and settled in the region of his heart. His grip tightened. “I figure we’ll get used to it.”

  He caught the sideways glance Willa slid his way. “You think?”

  Brant sighed. “A Sh’Bahkyr can hope!”

  “Brant! Willa!”

  “Bevel -- we’re over here!” Brant tugged on Willa’s hand, dragging her as he took off at a ground-eating sprint. Willa’s feet left the earth as she spread her wings, letting them support her as she trailed slightly above and behind him. Fear for his brother-in-law lending speed to his feet, he wondered how he could have forgotten all about Bev?

  They found the Jenari standing alone where they’d left him, cock and tongue dangling in lifeless dejection.

  Alarmed at his sister’s absence, Brant spun in a circle, looking for her, a sense of dread tightening his muscles, squeezing his heart. “Bevel-leveB, where’s Letshya?”

  “Sshe iss gone.”

  Willa touched his shoulder. “I am sorry to hear that, Bevel. I wanted a chance to talk with her. She is a beautiful woman.”

  Both men exchanged amused glances before chuckling at her.

  “What’s so funny?” Head snapping left and right, she glared at the two men.

  Brant answered her question. “It’s only, Letshya looks nothing like she appeared. You were seeing her ‘true’ self, as you explained to me.”

  Willa’s brow furrowed. “Okay, I can understand that, but where did she go?”

  “Sshe jusst faded away.”

  “Faded away? You mean…”

  “She was only part of the dream,” Willa broke in. “Taelen must be tiring.”

  “Or running out of krasn,” Brant added bitterly. He had forgotten this entire series of events was part of a dream sequence somehow engineered by the Landresi prince.

  “He hass ussed uss!” Bevel cried, anger at his renewed loss plain on his grey face. “We were puppetss danssing about for hiss ssalaciouss pleassure!”

  “Perhaps,” Willa conceded, looking pensive, “yet I think not. I believe this was Taelen’s way of saying… sorry.”

  “Please!” Brant snorted. “I don’t buy that for a second.”

  “Think about it,” Willa insisted. “It may have been for a short while, but we all got what we wanted. Bevel-leveB, you spent time with your lost mate. Brant, you and I experienced closeness only possible on my home planet and I…” She glanced about her, tears springing to her eyes.

  More and more of the landscape disappeared, faded into the familiar boundaries of the cavernous docking bay. “For a short time, I was home.”

  Brant put his arms about her and led her toward their cabin. “There’s only one thing wrong with your scenario, babe. Bevel had another wish, one that wasn’t granted.”

  She twisted around to face the plodding Jenari. “Really, Bevel? What was your wish?”

  Brant leaned over and whispered in her ear.

  A smile blossomed on her face, lit her eyes. “Well, Taelen’s gift dream has ended, but who says I can’t offer a Yule gift of my own?”

  With a flirty flash of her naked bottom, Willa sprinted down the corridor. “Last one to the cabin gets the tail feathers, not the nest!”

  The sound of laughter and heavy male feet pounding the deck echoed through the ship.

  On the bridge, Taelen tiredly wiped his brow after giving a cursory check to the unmanned consoles. All lights were green. With a grunt of effort, he rose from the command chair and lifted his drinking glass in a toast. “Here’s to you, Bran
t, Willa, Bevel and leveB. May all your dreams come true!”

  Exhausted, he made his solitary way to his cabin. If the krasn proved kind, he’d have a dream or two of his own…

  The End… For Now.

  Stay tuned for the next episode of Tales of the Quiet Kitty

  Tales of the Quiet Kitty 3: Naked Secrets

  Nya is a Sprite stripped of everything -- power, passion and plumes. All she has left is her secret knowledge of the whereabouts of the planet Sparkle, and she is prepared to take that secret to her grave.

  When a daring rescue removes her from the clutches of the Corporation, Nya and her jailor find themselves among people who have an agenda of their own. Can she trust Willa, a Sprite like herself?

  What of Taelen’s plans? The Landresi prince’s need may be her salvation… if she isn’t killed by the Quiet Kitty’s own crew once they learn her companion’s identity.

  Camille Anthony

  A California native, Camille Anthony now lives in the beautifully wild Low Country of South Carolina. A fertile imagination and a love of Sci-Fi/Fantasy Romance fuel her writing, which she has been doing since grade school. Her favorite stories are those of strong, honorable people -- whatever the race or planet of origin -- who are driven by love and lust to find and hold that one special someone.

  Camille likes her heroines feisty, her heroes dominant and her passion red hot!

  She loves to hear from her readers. You can email her at [email protected]. Your comments and suggestions are appreciated.




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