I Am a Dominant

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I Am a Dominant Page 12

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Thanks, James. With you behind me, with all of your sage business skill, maybe it’s worth a shot.”

  She stood up to clear the dishes, but I stopped her, placing my hand on her wrist.

  “From this moment on you call me, Sir, and you do exactly what I tell you, understand?”

  “Oh, yes, Sir,” she breathed, her eyes wide.

  “Take yourself into your bedroom, bend over the side of the bed, spread your legs, close your eyes and wait.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she nodded, and as I watched her hurry away I took my second deep breath of the evening; the show was about to begin.

  I wanted her anticipation to build, so I took my time and finished off the wine, then reached for my bag and ambled down the short hallway to her bedroom. Walking through the door I found her exactly as I had instructed, and placing my bag on her dresser I popped open the locks; bondage was not her favorite thing so that’s where I was going to start, and I pulled out my lengths of cotton rope.

  “Spread your legs wider,” I said sternly.

  She shuffled her feet apart, and with practiced ease I quickly secured her ankles to the feet of the bed.

  “Sir,” she whimpered.

  “What is it?”

  “I can’t move my legs, I mean, I can’t-”

  “That is the point,” I said sternly. “You need to understand I’m in charge. I intend to make that very clear.”

  The blindfold came next, then I handcuffed her hands behind her back.

  “Ooh, James, I feel so helpless.”

  “That’s exactly how you should feel, because you are, and now you will learn, Helen, that I am not your average Dominant.”

  “What do you mean?” she bleated.

  My next move was, I hoped, my way out.

  Her passion was being hand spanked, and on the one occasion I had slipped my fingers into her crack she had immediately recoiled.

  “I mean that my fantasy isn’t exactly a fantasy, it is something I make a habit of, something I require, and since you are now my submissive it’s high time I started your training. As I said in the kitchen, I’ve been far too lenient, that was obvious on Saturday.”

  “Training? What k-kind of training?” she stammered.

  “I was reminded of this at the club last night,” I said casually, ignoring her question as I fished around in my bag, purposely making a great deal of noise. “There was a lovely blonde there, she reminded me of you and I truly wished you’d been there.”


  “Because her Master was very strict, and it would have put you in the right frame of mind for your first lesson, but that’s all right, I’m sure I can get you there. Do you remember this?”

  I trailed the gummy whip across her bottom; the mark it had left, though fading, was still visible.

  “That horrible thing, no. Please, I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “If you’re difficult I’ll be forced to use it,” I warned.

  (I must make it clear here, that while I do push limits, I would never insist my submissive do anything that she found abhorrent. If she was frightened I would attempt to work her through it, but if I sensed her fear was truly genuine I wouldn’t press her.)

  “Whatever it is, I’ll do it,” she promised urgently.

  “I hope for your bottom’s sake that you will. I’m going to leave it here, in the center of your back so you won’t forget.”

  Placing the gummy whip just above her hands, I returned to my bag and withdrew a latex glove and a bottle of lube. I had several dildos if I needed them, but I suspected in just a minute or two the entire episode would be over.

  “Are you ready?” I asked sternly.

  “I guess so, I just don’t know what I’m supposed to be ready for,” she whimpered.

  “For my cock,” I announced.

  Quickly pulling one of her cheeks to the side I poured some lube inside her crack, and had just begun swirling the goo around her anus when she violently threw up her head.

  “STOP! STOP! STOP RIGHT NOW!” she screeched. “RED, RED, RED.”

  Relief flooded through my entire being. I pulled back, and screwing the cap on the bottle I returned it to my bag.

  “My goodness, Helen, what an uproar,” I declared feigning surprise.

  “Untie me, untie me this instant,” she wailed. “I mean it, James, untie me.”

  “Of course I will, you said red. Relax, deep breaths,” I murmured as I moved to undo the rope around her ankles.

  “My hands first,” she demanded, “my hands.”

  “I’m already down here,” I replied. “Just be patient.”

  “Fuck, I hate my wrists being shackled, I thought you knew that.”

  “No, I don’t recall you telling me that,” I said, my voice still calm and even.

  “But I kind of made it clear, didn’t I?”

  “Uh, not that I noticed,” I lied.

  The moment her ankles were freed she wriggled her body around and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Get these fucking cuffs off my wrists and this fucking thing off my eyes.”

  Her voice was growing louder, and worried about the neighbors I quickly pulled off the blindfold, then stood over her and crossed my arms.

  “Stop with the histrionics, Helen, for goodness sake. I’m not taking those cuffs off until you calm down.”

  “What the hell were you doing?” she hissed.

  “Which part?”

  “That…that…thing you did…with that cream, or gel, or whatever it was? You said you were going to prepare me for your cock. That’s disgusting. Un-cuff me then get the hell out of here. I never want to see you again.”

  “Whoa, anal sex is a common practice, I don’t-”

  “Common for who? It sure as hell isn’t common for me. I’m sorry, James, but this is over. I wish I’d known you were into…that, I would never have gone out with you.”

  “Ah, well, I am, very much so. Anal sex denotes ownership, and our relationship has reached-”

  “Stop saying that,” she spat. “Our relationship has just ended, now get these fucking cuffs off me.”

  I took my time unlocking her wrists, purposely continuing her discomfort, then made sure she had a good look at the gummy whip as I returned it to my bag.

  “In the future when you meet a man I suggest you make sure anal sex is discussed,” I said, deliberately using the words she hated so much. “It will save you both time and-”

  “Oh, don’t worry, I will,” she interrupted. “I still can’t believe you were going to do that?”

  “I can’t believe you’ve never faced it before. You’re a submissive, you attend the club.”

  “There was one other time, and it really pissed me off,” she glowered. “Just because I’m a sub doesn’t make me…oh, never mind. Just leave. Now.”

  I moved out of her bedroom, grabbed my coat from the hat stand at the door, and didn’t even feel the cold as I hurried down the street to my car, and forgive me if this sounds too dramatic, to my freedom.

  The niggling doubt had made itself known from the very beginning, and I was reminded how I’d felt it all those years before with Mirren. I had ignored my instinct then too, but with Mirren I had an excuse; my youthful ignorance. What was my excuse for this near disaster? Ego? Thinking with my penis?

  There are submissives who like to top from the bottom, and those have been easy for me to spot, but Helen was something else entirely, and I’m happy to say I’ve not seen or heard from her since. I escaped relatively unscathed, and I feel chagrined that she was able to pull me into her web so easily. It was another lesson; sub’s aren’t the only ones who have things to learn.


  A Girl Called Destiny

  As I’m sure you have gathered, the club plays an important part in my Dominant life. I don’t attend every weekend but I’ve been a member for years, and am there often enough that I’m on a first name basis with the staff and the management.

>   On Tuesdays and Wednesday nights, as I mentioned earlier, the club has special events, usually demonstrations or classes, and much to my surprise Charles asked me if I would be willing to address a gathering of beginners.

  I was deeply complimented and immediately accepted, but at the time I wasn’t involved with anyone, so Charles asked me if I would consider having Destiny, one of the club’s part-time waitresses and a sub, to be my partner for the evening’s lesson.

  My response was a huge grin and an eager acceptance.

  Destiny, where do I begin?

  Destiny was probably in her early twenties at the time, and she had a perpetually pouty look, but she wasn’t pouting. It was the shape of her very full lips, her super cute nose, and big brown eyes. She was smart and funny, deeply submissive, but with a cheeky side that was always getting her in trouble.

  One of my favorite Destiny moments was a conversation I overhead one night at the club. She was arguing with her Dominant who was threatening her with the cane.

  “A man who has to use a cane is like a man who swears too much,” she’d declared.

  “What are you talking about?” her Dom had demanded.

  “A man who swears too much shows he has no imagination, and it’s the same thing with man who uses the cane, no imagination. Can’t you think of something else to threaten me with, something a bit more creative?”

  I’m not a big fan of the cane either, and I thought the parallel was brilliant

  I’d often wished Destiny was older, or I was younger, because I adored her, and would have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her better. Along with her overall cuteness, she had two qualities that I found utterly endearing. The first was her genuine warmth; I imagine as a child she would have brought home every stray dog and cat she found. The second was her affectionate nature, and being somewhat diminutive I could picture her curling up into my lap and purring like a kitten.

  On the afternoon of the night in question I met up with her in the playroom. It was where the class would be held, and I needed to give her some basic guidelines and an overall picture of what we’d be doing. The group was limited to twenty people, and the tables and chairs had been brought in from the lounge and placed in a half-circle around the floor.

  Not surprisingly Destiny bounced in late, bubbling apologies and out of breath. Charles had warned me that she wasn’t great about being on time, and suggested I make it clear right off the bat that being tardy for the night’s class wouldn’t be acceptable.

  Staring at my watch and shooting her my best stern look, I listened to her excuses then shook my head.

  “Destiny, I’m sorry, I don’t tolerate tardiness,” I said solemnly. “I don’t have the time to stand around waiting, and I certainly don’t want the class held up. I think perhaps I should find someone else.”

  “What? No, please don’t,” she protested. “I’m really sorry. What can I do?”

  “You have a reputation for being late all the time, so how can I rely on you? Charles did warn me. I should have listened.”

  “James, please, I really want to do this, I even bought a special outfit. I brought it with me to show you,” she declared, and rummaging through her large, black tote bag she pulled out some kind of black skirt thing made of netting, and a shiny purple corset-like top. “See? Just for tonight. Please don’t replace me.”

  I had no intention of letting her go, but I had to make sure she’d be on time, and I wasn’t convinced a quick spanking would do the trick, but as she waved the interesting outfit in front of me I had an idea.

  “Do you have your makeup in that bag?”

  “Yes, why?” she frowned.

  “I think you should come back to my place. You can shower and change there, and then I’ll know you’ll be on time because you’ll be coming back here with me.”

  “Oh, James, that would be awesome,” she sparkled. “Yes, thank you.”

  I was surprised at how thrilled she was, but I assumed it was simply because it took all the pressure off her, and she wouldn’t have to worry about scurrying around to get back to the club on time.

  “There is one thing though,” I added as I thought about the evening ahead. “You do need to be punished for keeping me waiting, so rather than spank you at my house, I’ll spank you in front of the class tonight. It will be an excellent way to start things off.”

  That gorgeous red blush moved up her neck and across her face, and I knew her butterflies had just burst to life.

  “Yes, James, whatever you think.”

  She looked so serious and sweet I wanted to engulf her in my arms, but with great effort I resisted the temptation.

  “I’ll have a display of toys and paddles, so I’ll need a table and chair of my own here. Would you please find Max and ask him to have one brought in?”

  “Yes, James, right away.”

  I watched her hurry away and couldn’t help but smile. She was a little package of adorable, and I knew she’d win the hearts of everyone in attendance. Moments later one of the club’s janitorial staff walked in carrying a table, with Destiny behind him struggling to carry a chair. I hurried over and took it from her, and after showing the worker where I wanted the table placed, I took Destiny’s hand and led her across to one of the booths.

  “Thank you for bringing in that chair, but I didn’t mean for you to have to do that,” I said sitting her down and settling in opposite her.

  “It’s no problem,” she smiled, “honestly.”

  “I’m old-fashioned, Destiny, and I don’t like to see women doing grunt work like that. I know you can, but I don’t like to see it.”

  “Okay,” she smiled. “To be honest it wasn’t easy.”

  “I know, and that’s the point, but I do appreciate the effort. Now, moving along, do you know the basic submissive positions?”

  “You mean like, if you call out one, I kneel and put my hands behind my neck? Like that?”

  “Yes, like that, but I prefer your hands behind your back. When we get back to my place I’ll go through them with you. I only use them when my submissive needs reminding of her place, but it will make for an interesting demonstration.”

  She nodded, but there was a wistful look in her eye, and I had the feeling she wanted to ask me something but was too shy.

  “What is it?” I pressed.

  “James,” she whispered, “is there any chance…I’ve often wondered…would you ever…uh…want to go out with me?”

  My heart melted. She was so sweet, and so sincere, and those big brown eyes were pleading up at me like Bambi.

  “Destiny,” I said softly, “you’re too young for me, or I’m too old for you, whichever it is, that’s the only reason I’ve never pursued you. Otherwise, believe me, I’d be knocking on your door.”

  “But I don’t care that you’re older, I swear. I really like you, I’ve always really liked you.”

  “It’s mutual,” I replied, “and I mean that, but it’s impossible.”

  “But why?”

  I felt so bad for her, and at that moment I felt bad for me too. How could I explain that certain people in my professional life, very conservative, powerful people, might judge such a union harshly, possibly cause them to question my judgement? For others, having a twenty-something, perky girl on my arm, would, for lack of a better word, be deemed unseemly.

  Even if I could pull it off she’d feel like the proverbial fish out of water, in over her head and out of place. The entire scenario flashed before my eyes as I gazed across the table at her, and with a heavy heart I shook my head.

  “My life outside of this place simply wouldn’t accommodate us.”

  “What does that mean?” she frowned.

  “It means that I’m too old for you, that a relationship between us would probably end with two broken hearts, not to mention collateral damage for my business, and I’m not going to do that to you, or to me. I just can’t see how it would work, but I can promise you one thing, Destiny.”

p; “You can? What?”

  “As of this moment I’m going to watch out for you. I want you to call me if you’re ever in trouble, if you ever need to talk to someone. Maybe, when I’m no longer at the mercy of others, when I’ve become successful enough not to care, if I’m available and you are too, then maybe…”

  “I’ll wait,” she exclaimed. “I will, I’ll wait.”

  “No, you won’t,” I said sternly. “You’ll be married with children by then, and hopefully to man who will put you across his knee on a regular basis.”

  “But, James, I want that man to be you,” she whimpered.

  “This conversation is over, but we’re friends now, real friends, and I’ll be in your corner.”

  “Wow, that’s amazing,” she said, her big eyes brimming with tears. “I’m happy and sad all at the same time.”

  “I know what you mean,” I muttered. “Lets go, we can talk about everything else later, over dinner.”

  “Dinner? What are we having?”

  “Whatever you want. I’ll have it delivered.”

  “Cool. Chinese, no, Thai, no-”

  “Stop right there, you’ve got at least two hours to think about it.”

  “Oh, right, sorry. I get a bit carried away sometimes.”

  “I know, Destiny, it’s one of the things that makes you so wonderfully spankable.”


  “Yes, really, now let’s get out of here.”

  As we made our way through the club and out to my car, though my heart was feeling a bit heavy, I did feel a sense of relief and satisfaction. I had watched Destiny flit around the club for some time and had always had an inkling for her. Now I’d be in her life, and make sure if she ever got into trouble I’d be there to help her.


  Let The Lessons Begin

  The class began at 8 p.m. Destiny and I were watching from the lounge as the group settled into their chairs, and she was clinging to my arm.

  “I’m so nervous,” she whispered.

  “Good, nerves can help.”

  “How? It sure doesn’t feel like that.”

  “Your nerves will help you sparkle in front of them. Don’t worry, you’ll be star. They’ll fall in love with you.”


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