Cocky Bastard

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Cocky Bastard Page 18

by Penelope Ward

  Our eyes caught, and I watched as her pupils actually dilated. Fuck. She was getting turned on. I pressed my thumbs into the arch of one of her feet, and she closed her eyes and let out a small moan. “God, I love that sound.” I heard the thickness in my own voice. My cock was growing to match it.

  As I rubbed, I felt the tightness from her muscles flee. But it was replaced by a different type of tension. A raw sexual energy filled the air around us. She was relishing my touch, slowly giving into how it made her feel. My hands at her feet moved up to her calf. Her breathing became jagged with each knead. God, I missed the feel of her skin beneath my fingers. I wanted her body under mine so badly, it was almost painful to keep myself from pushing too fast. My hand slid up to the back of her knee, and I inched closer to her. Her body was so responsive to my touch.

  “Chance,” she moaned with her eyes shut.

  I leaned into her slowly. “Aub—”

  The sound of the doorbell was the equivalent to throwing a bucket of ice water over Aubrey. Her eyes flew open and bulged from her head, and her body became rigid. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who she thought was at the door.

  “What if it’s…Richard?”

  “So what? We didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “But…I didn’t tell him about us. You showed up the other night on my doorstep and said you were leaving town. I’m pretty sure that raised his suspicion enough. If he finds you here, he’ll think something is going on between us.”

  I was suddenly defensive. I stood. “There is something going on between us.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  The doorbell rang again. I wanted nothing more than to stomp to the front door, swing it open and tell Dick to take a hike. But Aubrey was looking panicked. I raked my fingers through my hair. “What do you want me to do? Slip out the back door?” I was being sarcastic. Although, the way she looked at me told me it was exactly what she wanted. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “I’m sorry. I really am. I…I…just can’t let him find you here.”

  We stared at each other for a long moment. Leaving like this felt monumental to me. Like I was the other guy. Not Dick. It hurt like hell, but I did what she wanted. Without another word, I left out the back door.

  I waited by the back window until I saw him inside, then walked around to the front. I couldn’t watch from the outside in again. It would kill me. And there was no way in hell I could stick around to possibly watch his car spend the night. So, I left. There might have been tire marks on the street outside of her house—but I left.

  Steamed, I got on the highway and headed back toward Hermosa Beach. It was either that or wallow in my own self-pity with Carla, and I didn’t trust myself to stick around at the moment. I made it about an hour before my gas light was flashing. Pulling into the combo rest stop-gas station, I parked and leaned my head on the steering wheel for a few minutes.

  What was I doing? Aubrey was happy. At least she was before I selfishly showed up back in her life. I wanted her to want me back so badly, I questioned if I was seeing something that was no longer there. The hour drive had me flip flopping back and forth between being certain she only needed time to learn to trust me again and being certain I was doing the wrong thing for sticking around.

  Just as I was about to get out of the car, the sky opened up. Rain started to teem, bouncing off the hot California blacktop making it steam like dry ice. It was eerie looking, really. Lonely, almost. Maybe it was a sign.

  I jogged into the rest stop. Unable to beat the raindrops, my clothes were drenched as I headed to the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face, looked in the mirror and tried to give myself a pep talk. I couldn’t even convince my own sorry ass that everything was going to turn out fine, yet I was trying to convince Aubrey. My phone buzzed in my pocket and, for a second, I let my hopes rise. It was a text from my carrier telling me I’d nearly reached the end of my data plan usage allotment. Now, there’s a damn sign. I was running out of time.

  Grumbling to myself, I walked out of the restroom and decided to grab a bite before filling the tank and getting back on the road. I laughed when I saw my choices: Starbucks or Popeyes Chicken. It was ironic, really. Perhaps, I’d stop in the small gift shop and look for an Obama bobblehead on my way out. I was internally berating myself for being such a pathetic fuckwad.

  Anxious to get the hell out of there, I ordered some chicken and reached into my pocket for my billfold to pay. Something tumbled from my pocket and clanked loudly on the floor. It was the key Aubrey had given me. I picked it up and closed it into the palm of my hand as I paid for my meal.

  It hit me then. Here I was looking for a stupid sign, when all along I’d had the key. Dick rang the bell. They’d been together seven months, and she hadn’t given the princess fucker a key. I’m not the other guy. She just hadn’t admitted it to herself yet. Now that was something I could give her a hand in doing.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Adele was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed. “So, you’re going back tonight?”

  I nodded. “I don’t have time to waste. Every second that I’m here, he’s getting more of an upper hand. I just came back to throw my bike into the back of my truck.” I wriggled my forehead. “She wants me to take her for a ride.”

  “That’s great and all. I just hope she’s not taking you for a ride.”

  “That’s kind of what I’ve been angling for, Sis.”

  “You know what I mean! Stringing you along. The fact that she has a boyfriend who seems like a good guy makes this complicated. She’s not going to want to hurt him.”

  “I’m aware this isn’t ideal. But here is the key to what I needed to know.” I stuck my hand in my back pocket, pulling out Aubrey’s house key. “Right here.”

  “That’s a literal key.”

  “Exactly.” I winked. “He doesn’t have one. She gave one to me. Granted, it was to be able to use the toilet at my leisure while I’m doing her lawn. But what does the fact that he doesn’t have one say?”

  “That he’s not cutting her grass.” She laughed. “Believe me, I want to think that you’re going to get the girl in the end, but the alternative makes me nervous. That’s all. What happens then?”

  “Then, your dear old brokenhearted brother camps out on his couch eating a shitload of Tim Tams all day in his pajamas.”

  She threw a pillow at me. “That’s what scares me.”

  “You’re worried about me.” I threw the pillow back. “That’s cute but unnecessary.”

  “I really hope you’re right.”

  Back in Temecula, with my bike gassed up, I was anxious to see her. It was Friday afternoon, so she was still in work. Unable to contain my excitement, I sent her a text.

  Chance: In the mood to straddle me?

  Aubrey: Excuse me?

  Chance: Get your mind out of the gutter, dirty girl. I brought the Harley back from Hermosa Beach. Care to live out your little biker fantasy with me?

  Aubrey: You want to take me out?

  Chance: Among other things, yes.

  Aubrey: When?

  Chance: This weekend sometime if you’re free. I was thinking we could take a little road trip.

  Aubrey: The last time I did that with you, it got me into trouble.

  Chance: Come on, Princess. I’ll let you call me Charlie Hummer.

  Aubrey: Hunnam. LOL. Charlie Hunnam!

  Chance: I like Hummer better.

  Aubrey: I’m sure you do, pervert.

  Chance: Who’s the pervert? I was talking about the vehicle. What were you talking about? Better yet…can you demonstrate?

  Aubrey: You’re unbelievable.

  Chance: Are you smiling?

  Aubrey: Maybe.

  Chance: Good. So, what do you say?

  Aubrey: I can’t do it tomorrow. What about Sunday?

  Not wanting to wait an entire day to spend time with her, disappointment set in.

  Chance: I ha
ppen to be available Sunday.

  Aubrey: Do I need to bring anything?

  Chance: I’ve got it taken care of.

  Aubrey: That scares me.

  Chance: LOL. It should.

  Aubrey: See you Sunday then.

  Chance: What time shall I pick you up?

  Aubrey: Noon?

  Chance: Sounds good.

  She didn’t respond. I couldn’t help sending one last text.

  Chance: I can’t wait.

  I spent the rest of Friday afternoon and evening preparing for our Sunday trip. First order of business: buying Aubrey a helmet. At the store, I nearly died in laughter when I spotted one that was supposed to look like the green skin of a watermelon. It had a triangle sliced into it that made it appear like a chunk was cut off. I figured she’d kill me if I made her wear that. I settled on a different one that was perfect for her.

  Not used to riding with anyone, I also adjusted the rear suspension on the bike in preparation for my passenger.

  Back at the motel, I went online in search of a route that we could take and a good place where we could stop. I found a town called Julian that was about seventy-six miles away. That would mean about a two-hour ride. It was a mountainous area about an hour east of San Diego and apparently known for its apple pies. Apple pie for my apple-bottom girl. Julian it was.

  I kept fantasizing about finding a bed and breakfast there where we could stay the night but knew that she would never go for that. So, our destination had to be easily doable in a round trip, getting us back to Temecula at a decent hour.

  Sunday finally rolled around. I made sure I pulled out all the stops in looking every bit like Aubrey’s biker boy fantasy. Wearing a distressed brown leather jacket, blue jeans and my shiny black helmet, I was ready to claim the only woman I ever wanted on the back of my ride. Charlie Hummer better watch out.

  Rather than go to her door, I revved the engine of the bike right in front of her house, prompting her to come outside. The entire neighborhood was now aware of my arrival.

  Aubrey came out, and it warmed my heart to see her smiling. She was wearing a short, tight black leather jacket that hugged her tits. Fuck me. Her hair was down, and she wore high black leather boots over her jeans.

  As I held out her helmet, my mouth spread into a huge smile. “God, you look fucking hot.”

  She covered her mouth in laughter when she looked down at the pink helmet I’d picked out that had the words Biker Princess etched onto the side. “Biker Princess? Did you have this made?”

  “No. They had it at the bike shop. How perfect is that? It was fate.”

  “What would really be perfect is if yours said Cocky Bastard.” She winked. I was thrilled to see that the version of her that showed up today was feisty Aubrey. My dick was even more thrilled.

  “Ready to roll, Princess?”

  “Honestly, I’m a little scared. I’ve never been on one of these in my life.”

  “You know the feeling you have when you’re riding in a convertible?”


  “Well, times that by ten. That’s what it’s gonna be like. Fucking awesome, Aubrey.”

  She still looked nervous.

  “Are you nervous, baby?”

  “I can’t help it.”

  “Don’t be scared. Just don’t let go of me. That’s the main thing you have to remember.”

  Please don’t ever let go of me.

  “Believe me. I won’t,” she said.

  “Is that a promise?”

  She blushed knowing what I was really getting at and ignored the question.

  “This is my first time too, you know,” I said.

  “What do you mean? You’ve been on a motorcycle plenty of times.”

  “Yes, but you’re the first woman that’s ever ridden behind me.”


  “Really.” I put the helmet over her head. “Here, let me help you.” Adjusting the strap, I looked into her beautiful eyes, and said, “Now, I’m gonna teach you some things before we leave. I read up on some safety stuff.”

  “Alright.” She looked adorable with that huge pink helmet on her head.

  I sat on the bike. “Hop on behind me.”

  She did as I said.

  “Wrap your arms around my waist.”

  I stilled for a moment at the feel of them wrapped around me tightly. “See what you’re doing now? Just keep doing it. Hold onto me as tightly you can.”


  I looked behind her. “Now this is very important. When I turn a corner, just relax your body. Don’t lean against the turn. That’s going to be your impulse, but don’t do it. Alright?”


  “The other thing is, it’s going to be hard for us to hear each other unless we really yell. So, if you don’t want to scream and for any reason, you need me to stop, just tap me on the shoulder. But that’s the only time you’re allowed to let go.”

  My rules regarding holding on for dear life were a bit of an exaggeration. But I was going to milk the experience of being close to her for all it was worth.

  “Let’s get going. Ready?”

  She shrugged. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  I cranked the engine, and we took off down some side roads before entering the highway. Aubrey never did let go. Not once. I never imagined how good it would feel to have someone behind me. Well, I suppose it was because it was her behind me. I’d forgotten how much I missed riding too, that feeling of shifting through the gears, the wind hitting my face and the sensory overload. It was the next best thing to sex—a feeling of absolute power. Having to focus intently on the road and everything around me brought about a strange sense of calm.

  As much fun as it was, I was all too aware of how careful I needed to be with Aubrey’s life in my hands. Being on a bike makes you overly conscious of your own mortality, particularly when you’re on the freeway. Our route alternated between the highway and open country roads that were surrounded by mountains. Even though the scenery was breathtaking, I missed her beautiful face. I couldn’t wait to see her all wind-burned with her hair messed up.

  One of the most fun parts of the ride for me was trying to communicate with Aubrey. She couldn’t really hear what I was saying. So, I’d shout things for the fuck of it that I wished I could say to her.

  We were riding along, almost at our destination when I shouted, “I can’t wait till you sit on my face.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I said, I can’t wait to show you this place.”

  Another time it was, “I think we should get married for real.”


  “Whatever happened to Captain and Tennille?”

  When we arrived in Julian, Aubrey looked exactly as I expected she would. Her face was red from the wind, her hair wild. It took everything in me not to smash my lips into hers.

  Shaking out her hair, she asked, “What are we doing first?”

  I was so fixated on her, the question hadn’t immediately registered. “Huh?”

  She repeated, “Where are we going?”

  “I heard this place is known for their apple pie. Why don’t we go find some?”

  Aubrey chuckled. “We travelled nearly two hours by motorcycle for apple pie?”

  “Pretty much, yes.”

  “Only you would do that. That’s one of the things I like most about you. Everything can somehow seem like an adventure. Even just getting apple pie.”

  “Is that a compliment?”

  “It is.” She flashed the sweetest smile. “And I would love nothing more than to have apple pie with you.”

  Something had definitely softened her. Maybe it was the ride. That whole experience is very intimate, especially for the passenger, given that you’re putting your life in someone else’s hands. I guess I impressed her.

  Score one, Bateman.


  We walked to the Julian Café where they boasted the best apple pie i
n the entire town. The two of us sat in a cozy corner table up against a brick wall. They served us generous slices of warm apples baked with cinnamon into a buttery crust with dollops of vanilla ice cream on top. They weren’t kidding; it was the best I’d ever tasted. At least this day would include something orgasmic.

  Our conversation started out easy enough. We talked more about the shelter, her plans to convert her guest bedroom into an office, a new type of yoga she was trying. I hoped to God I’d get to reap the benefits of that someday. I told her about my brief visit back to Hermosa Beach and my plans to put a small shed on her property to store my garden equipment. Then, I sort of went and ruined the mood.

  “So, where does Dick…uh…Richard think you are today?”

  “Meeting a friend.”

  I let out a sarcastic laugh. “Okay. Stretching the truth just a bit.”

  “Why is that so funny? Aren’t we supposedly trying to be friends? That was your idea.”

  “I use the term friend very loosely. Sort of like—oh, I don’t know—girlfriend.”

  “I’m not your girlfriend.”

  “No, you’re my fucking wife.”


  “Relax. I’m kidding.” Not really. “Look, my point is, you can convince yourself that this is innocent for now, but I doubt Dick would want you spending time with a supposed friend whose ultimate goal is to steal you from him. Said friend also happens to have a key to your place when he doesn’t. Don’t think I didn’t catch that. Make no mistake about it, Aubrey. Stealing you away from him is my ulterior motive in case I hadn’t made that crystal clear. I’m your friend for now, but that’s not enough for me. Never will be. I want you beneath me every night and across from me every morning at the breakfast table. Fuck that, I want you for breakfast. I won’t be satisfied until I own all of you.” Pissed at myself for losing my composure on what was supposed to be a peaceful trip for pie, I pulled at my hair and looked down at my empty plate. My voice lowered. “I’m sorry. I just can’t fucking pretend.”

  Taken aback, she was quiet but nodded in understanding. “It’s okay.”

  After my awkward outburst, we needed a change of scenery. I got up out of my seat. “You want to take a walk around, see the sights, before we head back on the road?”


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