Cocky Bastard

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Cocky Bastard Page 20

by Penelope Ward

  I spoke to Dick. “Aubrey calls me Harrison. She’s a stickler for proper names, isn’t she?”

  He ignored my comment. I got the feeling this tool ignored anyone who wasn’t wearing a suit. Instead he spoke to her. “I was just about to tell Harry that his services are no longer going to be needed. Seeing as we’ll be heading to Boston soon enough.”

  Aubrey spoke quietly. “That’s not decided yet.”

  “I told you. It’s just a formality. I’ve already spoken to the partners. They want you.” Dick put his hand on the small of Aubrey’s back. I was barely able to stop myself from physically removing it.

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Bateman.” He didn’t bother to look at me. “We better grab that file, sweetheart. Or we’ll be late for the deposition.”

  Aubrey nodded. She looked back over her shoulder twice before disappearing into the house. A few minutes later, they came out together again. Dick nodded at me, and Aubrey looked down as they passed. I had started to dig a hole to put flowers in when they went inside, but I’d forgotten to stop. I now had a waist deep crater. I couldn’t look over at the curb as they got into their cars. My restraint was hanging on by a thread.

  One car pulled away. Not hearing the second start, eventually I looked out to the street. Dick was gone, but Aubrey was still sitting in her car. Her head was leaning against the steering wheel. I walked over and got into the passenger seat.

  Neither of us said a word for a minute. “What am I supposed to do?” She eventually whispered.

  I blew out a heavy stream of air. “Do what’s in your heart, Aubrey. If that’s not being with me—it will suck—I’m not going to lie. But I want you to be happy. That’s how I’m sure I’m in love with you. If the choice is you being happy or me…there is no choice. You come first.”

  She shook her head. “I believe you, you know.”

  I took her hand from the steering wheel and lifted it to my lips, kissing the top. “You should. Because I mean it. There’s nothing I won’t do for you, Princess.”

  She smiled. It was a step in the right direction. She believed me.

  “I better go. We have a deposition in fifteen minutes across town, and I’ve been so preoccupied, I didn’t even realize that the file was at home.”

  I opened the car door. If we had more time, I would have preferred to leave things for today. But, thirteen days. I had to ask. “Come home with me this weekend?”


  “I know. But I don’t have the luxury of time anymore. You have a decision to make. And Dick gets you all the time. I want to take you home with me. Show you what our life can be like. No crazy road trips. No interruptions. Just me and you. Give me a fair shot if you’re making this choice.”

  “I told you. I can’t be with you like that. Richard is a good man. It wouldn’t be fair to cheat on him. Our kiss the other night was bad enough.”

  “Bad? I thought it was pretty fucking phenomenal.”

  “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

  “Fine. I won’t touch you. Sexually, I mean. I won’t.”

  She looked at me like she didn’t believe my intentions were genuine.

  “Trust me. You have my word. I will not lay a finger on you in a sexual way.” It looked like she was considering it. I probably should have just kept my mouth shut. But, I wouldn’t be me if I did. “And when you make a move on me, I’ll refute it.”

  Her eyebrows jumped. “When?”

  “That’s right. When.”

  “Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you, Cocky?”

  She had no idea how much hearing her call me Cocky, did for me. “I am. Sounds like the only one that can’t control themselves is you.”

  “I can absolutely control myself around you.”

  I leaned in. “Then come with me. Give me a weekend before you decide. Please.”

  She looked torn. “Let me think about it.”

  That was better than a no. “Alright.”

  “I really better go now.”

  I exited the car and stood next to it as she started the engine. Right before pulling away, she rolled down the window. “Nice name, by the way.” Then, she disappeared.

  It was the end of the second day since I’d spoken to Aubrey on her front lawn, and I still hadn’t heard from her. Eleven days. Time was ticking, and there wasn’t shit I could do about it.

  Except get drunk.

  It was a distinct possibility that I might have drank more sitting at that little bar across the street from the motel, than I had in the last five years of my life.

  “Carla Babes. Hit me up again.”

  “Don’t you think you’ve had enough, hot stuff?”

  My brain was still working. “Nope. Not even close.” I held up the glass and clanked the ice around.

  She took it, filled it with what I suspected from the color was pure club soda, and then proceeded to come around the other side of the bar and sit next to me. It was nearly closing time, and I had been sitting on that stool for close to six hours. We were the only two left in the bar.

  Carla waited until I looked her straight in the eyes before she spoke. “She’s an idiot. You’re a great guy. I don’t even have to know Dick in order to be certain she’s making a big mistake. And it’s not just because you’re hot as fuck and have a body I’m pretty sure matches that perfect face. It’s because you’re committed.”

  I scoffed. “I should be committed, alright.”

  “I mean it, Chance. If a guy put in half the effort you do, I’d be impressed. You’re willing to lay it all out there day after day, even knowing that she could very well stomp on your heart.”

  “Thanks, Carla Babes.”

  “No problem. But it’s the truth. Plus…I’ve watched a dozen women try to pick you up in this place, and you never once even gave it any real thought. Considering you haven’t been laid in over two years, that’s a feat unto itself.”

  “Eleven days. I suppose I might have to figure out how to get back in the saddle after all if things don’t pan out.”

  “I tell you what. Closing time in eleven days. Things don’t work out. You meet me right here. I’d be honored to help you out with that. No talking. No strings. We’ll just walk across to your room, and I’ll let you ride all your frustrations away, cowboy.”

  “You’d do that for me, Carla Babes?”

  “For you? I’ve thought about doing that to you, since the day you walked in the door.” She gave me a quick kiss on the lips and sent me packing.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The next morning, I overslept and had to rush to Starbucks. It was almost nine when I got there, and the line was longer than usual. I hadn’t yet checked my phone, so I powered it on as I waited for my turn to order. The damn thing started to buzz in my hand.

  I got excited when I saw a new text arrived.

  Aubrey: OK. Friday 6pm. I’m yours for the weekend.

  I let out a deep breath. It felt like I’d been holding it for days. Melanie called my name as I continued to stare down at my phone.

  “Two coffees?”

  I couldn’t stop smiling. “You bet.”

  “And what will Aubrey be having for breakfast this morning?”

  I leaned back and looked in the case. “I’ll take two of those chocolate chip muffins, an iced lemon pound cake, three of those salted caramel pecan squares, an oatmeal cookie and one of those fancy yogurt parfaits you have there.”

  Melanie looked at me like I was nuts. At that point, I pretty much had lost my mind, so she wasn’t too far off. “You want those all in a box? They’re all for Aubrey?”

  “Yep.” I paid and glanced at the time on my phone. She usually didn’t come by until half past nine. “Mel, hold my coffee. I’ll be right back. Okay?”

  I hauled ass to the florist I’d been eyeing a few doors down and came back with a gigantic bouquet; it was bordering on ridiculous. But I didn’t care. Aubrey was going to be mine for a weekend. This was cause for celebratio

  Melanie smiled at me so big, I could see her full mouth of teeth—top and bottom. “Can you give her these with breakfast today?”

  “Of course.”

  I parked my truck around the corner and stood in the doorway a few stores down from Starbucks. If I wasn’t on such a high, this new stalking technique might have felt a little creepy. Right at nine-thirty, Aubrey walked out of Starbucks with a box and the giant flowers. She was sporting the hugest smile.

  I stood there for another ten minutes. Eventually, another text came.

  Aubrey: Was I especially hungry this morning?

  Chance: Sorry. I got carried away. We’re celebrating.

  Aubrey: What are we celebrating?

  Chance: You. Coming home with me this weekend.

  My phone went quiet. A few minutes later, it buzzed again.

  Aubrey: I’m nervous. I’m not sure it’s a good idea.

  So am I, but I wasn’t about to admit that. The consequences of blowing this were too much to even consider.

  Chance: Trust me. Please.

  A few minutes later, a final text came in.

  Aubrey: OK

  I arrived at her place Friday at six, ready for our weekend. I knocked, and she came to the door looking almost exactly like a recurring fantasy I’d had of her over the last two years. She was wearing a tight white tank top, tiny white shorts and had on a pair of silver sandals. It was a particularly humid day, and her hair was down and wilder than usual. Trust me? That was the promise I’d made to her. Fuuuck.

  “What’s wrong?” She noticed the worry on my face. “Are we taking the motorcycle after all? Do I need to change?”

  “No. Yes. No.”

  Her brows drew down, so I explained. “No. We’re not taking the motorcycle. Yes, you need to change.”

  She looked down at her outfit. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

  “Absolutely nothing. It’s perfect.”


  I raked my fingers through my hair. “Except that I had this recurring fantasy of you wearing all white.”

  She smiled. “That’s sweet. Like I was an angel?”

  My mouth spread into a wicked grin. “Not exactly.”

  Her cheeks blushed. “Oh.”

  I chuckled. “You don’t have to change. But you should know, if I’m quiet on the ride to my place, it’s because I’m replaying that fantasy over and over in my mind.” I winked.

  There was a red suitcase next to the door, so I grabbed it.

  “I just need to get my purse.”

  Mutton was rubbing at my leg, wanting attention. “And Mutton’s leash. I don’t have a big yard like you. We’ll have to walk him.”

  Aubrey turned around. “You want to bring Pixy?”

  “Of course. We’re a family.”

  It was like the damn goat understood what we were talking about. He nuzzled into my hands and let out a soft “Baaaa.”

  “That’s right, buddy. It’s just going to be me and you and Mommy.” I scratched the top of his head. “You like that, don’t you.”

  “All set.” Aubrey returned with her purse and the leash. “I just need to stop at Philomena’s and tell her she doesn’t need to take care of Pixy.”


  “My neighbor. She takes care of Pixy when I work late sometimes. When I went over to ask her to take care of him yesterday, she raved about my gardens. She said she would love to steal you from me. Then she went on a tirade about the mailman delivering her four Magic Bullets that she didn’t order and insisted I take one home with me.” Aubrey pointed to an unopened box on the counter. “She’s a bit on the odd side but very nice.”

  “Magic Bullet? Is that like your magic wand? You still playing with that?”

  “No! It’s a blender…for smoothies.”

  It was normally a two-hour drive from Temecula to Hermosa Beach, but the rush hour traffic made it almost double that. I didn’t give a shit, though. The sun was shining, I was free, and my girl was coming to my place for the weekend. Since I couldn’t do what I really wanted to do with her, I decided to show Aubrey what a normal weekend with us together would be like. We both knew we had chemistry, but something told me one of the things holding her back, aside from trust, was she wasn’t convinced we had more than chemistry.

  Adele was still at my place when we arrived. She pretended to have been running late, but I knew she really wanted to meet Aubrey.

  “Sorry. I was hoping to be at Harry’s by the time you got home. I was just cleaning up a bit.”

  Aubrey looked at me in disbelief. “Harry?”

  “I shit you not. First day out, I come home and find some bloke in his boxers ironing at my kitchen counter. He tells me his name is Harry.”

  Aubrey and I both laughed. Adele didn’t get the joke, but was smiling from ear to ear anyway. My sister extended her hand. “I’m so glad to meet you, Aubrey. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  Aubrey and Adele stared at each other for a long moment. I had no idea what was going on, but something strange seemed to be taking place. Then the two practically collided, wrapping each other in their arms for a hug. It was like they were long lost best friends. They didn’t let go for the longest time.

  Watching it, I became a bit choked up. Both women had tears in their eyes when they separated. I heard my sister whisper, “We both lost a lot. I’m finding my way back. I hope you do, too.”

  I cleared my throat and hugged my sister goodbye a few minutes later. She was carrying an overnight bag to spend the weekend at Harry’s. “I stocked the cabinets with your essentials.”

  “Snags, Tim Tams and Pixy sticks?”

  “Of course. And I got this guy here some treats, too.” She gave Pixy a good rub before leaving.

  When it was just the two of us, I gave Aubrey a tour. My place was an old converted warehouse. It had high ceilings and a wide open floor plan. There were three bedrooms, but I’d converted one into an art studio. My sister was using the other one since she came to stay with me. When I told her Aubrey would be staying in the guest room, she sounded like she didn’t believe me but prepped it for a guest nonetheless.

  I stopped at my bedroom first. “This is our bedroom.”


  “I know. Not tonight. But if we decide to live down here near the beach, this will be our room.” The fucked up thing was, I already thought of it as our bedroom.

  “It’s very nice. Is that a Klimt painting?”

  I smiled. Love my dirty girl. “It is. It’s the Three Ages of Women. See, we have a lot in common. We both like women’s breasts in paintings. Although when we’re in here, I won’t notice anything but those babies.” My eyes pointed to her great rack.

  “You’re a perv.”

  “And you love it.”

  I gave her the rest of the tour, regretfully dropping her bag in the guest room. The last room on the tour was my art studio. I hadn’t made anything in a long, long time. There were canvas drop cloths covering most projects I was working on before my life became a clusterfuck. I flicked on the light and meant to pass the room right by, but Aubrey wandered inside.

  “Did you make that?” She pointed to a large motorcycle made of recycled parts. It had been in a few art shows, but now there was an inch of dust covering it.

  “I did.”

  “Wow. It’s…incredible.” She walked around, inspecting it carefully. “Everything on here is junk?”

  “I don’t use any purchased materials. Only recycled objects that I find.”

  “You’re really good. I’m not sure what I expected. But this seems to tell a story.” I smiled. Of course, she totally got it. I always felt every individual piece that I collected could tell a different tale. The way they all blended together was sort of like reading a book to me. I walked around to the other side of the bike and pointed to a few different things, telling her where each piece had come from.

  If it were possible, I fell just a litt
le more for her right then.

  That night, we ordered in Chinese food and ate straight from the cartons. Aubrey fell asleep with her head on my lap as we watched a movie. Keeping to my word, I covered her with a blanket and went to my own bed to sleep.

  The next morning, she was still sleeping when I slipped out to take Pixy for a walk. But she was awake when I walked in carrying two coffees and an assortment of overpriced crap from Starbucks.


  She sat up on the couch and stretched her arms over her head. Her shirt pulled up, exposing her beautiful soft skin. I wanted to fucking bite it. I had to turn the other way.

  “You get some strange ass looks when you walk a goat.”

  Aubrey chuckled. “Yeah. I know.” She came into the kitchen and sat on a stool on the other side of the island.

  “Let me ask you something. This promise I stupidly made. It only includes touching. I can say whatever I want, right?”

  She sipped her coffee. “I’m afraid to say yes. But…yes. I suppose words aren’t off limits.”

  “Good. Because I gotta tell you. Your tits saluting me are better than seeing the sunrise in the morning.”

  She shook her head. “You have a wicked tongue, Mr. Bateman.”

  “Oh, if only I could show you, Mrs. Bloom Bateman.”

  “Mrs. Bloom Bateman, huh?”

  “Well, you are my wife. I figured you’d want to keep your name, too. Seeing as how you’re a working woman and all.”

  “You make me sound like a hooker.”

  “Prostitute…lawyer.” I grinned. “Same thing.”

  “Very nice. And to think…I was going to give up the Bloom name and take my husband’s. Now I’m not so sure.”

  “Oh yeah? I would have taken you for a hyphenator.”

  She slid the bag on the counter over to her and dug inside. “Nah. Not me. I’m old school. I plan to give everything to my husband.”

  “I’m glad to hear that Mrs. Bateman. Because I plan to take everything. On a daily basis.”

  I wanted to show her the area. Now that her firm was closing up, maybe we would live in Hermosa Beach. Being near the water was important to me. Although, I’d live in the desert if it meant getting to be with Aubrey. After lunch, we walked down to the boardwalk. It was a gorgeous day, and she didn’t pull away when I took her hand in mine.


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