Karen Ziegler

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by Her Husband's Boss (epub)

  Earlier that morning, Max had instructed his cooperative brunette mistress to operate the trick two-way mirror when things "got interesting", so that he could watch through from the other side of the glass next to his office desk. A visiting executive from a cutlery firm was breaking in Max's pretty new public relations assistant.

  The statuesque brown-haired June leaned even further back now in the overstuffed chair so that, on the other side of the mirror, Max would not be able to see the sullen displeased expression on her face as he gleefully observed the lewd sight of the naked young Kathy Cummings and the bald, over-weight businessman thrashing together lustfully on the well-placed bed. After another ample dose of the company president's potent absinthe, the young willowy-limbed blonde seemed to be fucking herself half crazy with Max's flabby business associate. June scowled at the transparent delight on the fat man's face, a man whom she had always entertained before today. It made her sick, she thought infuriatedly to herself, that this stupid little blonde cunt, a girl almost young enough to be her own daughter, could have simply strolled into Max's office one day and the next be sharing with her the private office and penthouse apartment after letting the boss fuck her only one time. The gorgeous brunette angrily imagined her wealthy fifty-three year-old lover sitting at his immense desk in the office on the other side of the wall. She could just see him as he gazed lost in concentration through the two-way mirror at Kathy Cummings' flawless, exquisitely symmetrical body, legs spread wide, writhing passionately under the paunchy, short cutlery executive. His heavy, log-sized cock was plainly visible driving deep into the soft hairlined folds of her ravenously working young cunt. June knew instinctively that Max was probably jerking-off, just as he said he often did as he watched her involved in some obscene act with one of his visiting business friends.

  She turned her head defiantly away from the coarse spectacle – one that she had been told by Max to "supervise" and battled with herself to control the jealousy and hurt that she felt damming up within her. Even though Max had fully assured her yesterday that her position with him was secure, she could not control the unsettling, nagging doubts about the stability of their relationship. Certain questions she could not answer were running rampant through her mind. Just what did this girl have that made her so incredibly attractive to him, she wondered anxiously. Or was it as he had said only last night, that he merely wanted to teach Kathy's "insolent punk husband" a lesson? June wanted to blindly believe that the answer to the last question was "yes"… After all, she convinced herself, Max had said that the sole reason he had not called Henry in for an "ass-chewing" right away – right after he had noticed the editor's omission of the photograph in the company magazine – was because he wanted to dream up a special revenge against the irresponsible younger man, one that would "hit the kid where he lives".

  "Wow, that sure is one fine piece of ass! I couldn't have gone any longer, not for all the money in the world, but the little lady doesn't look like she's complaining," a weakened male voice, wheezing with exhausted satiation, came to June's ears. Looking up with a little jump of startlement, the sinuous dark-haired woman saw that the tubby little businessman was addressing her as he pulled on his clothes, pausing momentarily to wipe the tiny beads of sweat glimmering on his forehead despite the air-conditioned coolness of the "guest" bedroom. Beyond him, June could see Kathy's supple, perfect body sprawled obscenely across the bed, legs still spread obscenely wide and a look of utter peace and contentment lighting her angelic facial features. The thin, blonde fringed furrow of her well-fucked young vagina was still spread and glistening from the fat man's ejaculation into and on it.

  "Well, I'm certainly glad you enjoyed yourself," June commented stiffly, smiling with wane graciousness. "Kathy seems absolutely ecstatic about you, but then, of course, I always wait very anxiously for your visits here, too."

  "Yeah, I have to admit it, I did a great job with that little girl," he puffed absently, as though he had not heard a word June had said. "Well, I guess you could say I was rarin' to go. Max certainly does know how to pick them, by God!"

  "Why, Mr. Bates, aren't you going back into his office?" June asked quickly, alarmed that something actually had gone wrong on the bed. God, Max would never forgive her if she had just sat there while the Cummings girl alienated one of their best customers with her girlish innocence about the facts of really satisfying sex.

  "Hell no," the customer chuckled cheerily, "I'm just worn out, that's all. Jesus, I haven't had such a fresh young fuck in years!"

  "How… nice," June barely managed to say through her suddenly jealously contracting throat. Though she was dangerously far into her late thirties, the well-experienced brunette had never had the least fear of increasing age taking its toll on her well preserved looks. Not until now, that is. Rousing her curvaceous full-breasted body from the chair, she led the now completely dressed man to the back exit of the bedroom, forcing herself to feign politeness as she explained with a low, sultry smile, "I'd walk you out to the hallway, Mr. Bates, but as you may have noticed, I'm not properly dressed to be seen by the secretaries."

  "No, you're not," the barrel-bellied little man replied with a lewd little grin as he buttoned the front of his navy flannel suit jacket and ran his eyes up and down her nakedly curved form. Then, as if realizing for the first time that the more mature woman might have felt slighted by what he had said, he patted her buttocks with a patronizing gesture of assurance. "Don't worry, baby, I'll give it to you next time around."


  It was two days later and June still felt herself fighting the impulse to scream out loud, to shout out her jealous anger, or worse, to physically attack the sweet-faced blonde lying again in a half-doze of bliss on her, June Stillson's own work bed. But instead, she began slowly to dress for the meeting she had arranged with the little bitch's husband. Her naturally beautiful face was darkened by a bitter smile as she buttoned up the front of her dress and carefully adjusted her well-coifed hair and costly make-up. Actually, there was no need for her to be alluring and sexy for this pre-arranged meeting with Henry Cummings, she mused sarcastically; hell, especially not since she had told him that Max Alexander, the company president, himself, wanted his employee in for a private conference in his office. That good-looking college kid type would come without a moment's delay, just like any other sane employee at Alexander Steel! What Cummings would be a little surprised to find out, though, is that Max would not be there or even know about her, meeting with his magazine editor. If everything went according to the plan that she was now forming in her jealously scheming mind, she would have her own taste of grand revenge before the day was over.

  She chuckled to herself with sardonic satisfaction as she left her office and glided toward the elevator, thinking that there would be no one in Max's office but nice, unsuspecting Henry Cummings and the two-way mirror… except, of course for June herself. And she wanted to be damned sure that poor, hurt Henry would come running to her for comfort when he recognized the actual identity of the blonde girl being fucked half senseless by three men on the other side of the mirror. Hell, she mused as her grin widened, a girl had to protect her ego and her number one job against threats somehow.


  "Here, Henry, you sit down right here," June said with counterfeit sweetness as she seized the handsome magazine editor's arm and made certain that he was comfortably seated in one of the strategically placed chairs in Max's office that faced both his empty desk as well as the special mirror on the wall beside it.

  It was Friday afternoon, two days since Kathy Cummings had worked her first day in the "Public Relations" department for Alexander Steel, and it was also the day that Max always left work early to fly to his week-end desert home in Palm Springs to be there in time for dinner.

  "Mr. Alexander said that he'll be with you pretty soon. He'd like you to just wait here for him," June glibly lied.

  "Uh…?? Oh yeah, thanks, June," Henry said with a preoccupied
air. He was deeply lost in thought when the brunette tressed beauty slipped out of the room, back into her own office again, the door closing almost soundlessly shut behind her. This whole thing seemed very unusual and had him more than a little worried. The mysterious way that June Stillson, Max's very own personal assistant, had come down to see Henry yesterday with only the cryptic message that he should keep his Friday afternoon free had left him guessing for all this time about what was going on.

  Henry had no doubt that Max wanted to see him about the omission of the big man's picture in New World Steel but why would he send June down again today just to escort him up to the top floor, leading him into the boss' office through her own office, instead of through the reception room as usual? The young husband became even more apprehensive as he suddenly remembered that, curiously enough, the chief company executive never saw anyone on Friday afternoons. It just did not make sense, he decided worriedly, and with the anxiousness of a man awaiting the Last Judgment, he withdrew a budget report from his coat pocket and began to figure out what costs he would offer to cut back on when Max Alexander informed him that he was cutting down the magazine budget.


  Kathy lay naked on the enormous bed in the next room, draining off the last of the third glass of the licorice-flavored liquid that June had earlier urged her to drink, little realizing what was lying in store for her. After what had happened two days ago with that disgusting little man from the silverware company, or whatever it was, the pretty blonde wife had been almost certain that Max's "special drink" contained some aphrodisiac qualities, or she would never have had that overwhelming orgasm that she had experienced with the fat, loathsome businessman. As horrified and ashamed as she had felt, it had taken all of her willpower not to actually thank Max when he had awakened her several hours later and announced that she would be free until the next week. It had been such a relief to simply stay at home, delighting in the honest housework that had irritated her so much a few days… a relief, that is, until June had telephoned early this morning with the message that Kathy would have to come to the office this afternoon.

  The beautiful young housewife had felt full of dread and self-pity when June had called right after Henry had left for work. Her sense of misgiving had increased even more when she had arrived at the receptionist's desk a while ago and been hustled off immediately by June to the bedroom, without even seeing Max as she had before. Somehow, the fact that she had not seen the middle-aged executive made Kathy fear that June might be acting on her own authority, perhaps in retaliation for the jealousy that the older woman had obviously felt when she discovered Max with her on the couch in the executive's office. Still, she did not dare defy June's stern commands to undress herself and lie down in the bed, and she had been grateful when she had accepted the several drinks offered to her, hoping that they would somehow calm her nerves.

  "Christ, it's about time we got a look at this little blonde you've been telling us about, June baby," a deep masculine voice sounded impatiently as the bedroom door clicked open. "If she's just half as good as this wild pad of yours, it'll be better than anything I've had since you left the Flaming Cockadoo Club."

  "Hell, yeah! The place just ain't the same without you, baby," two other male voices chimed in, causing Kathy's head to jerk sharply around on the pillow to see the men who were entering the lavish bedroom. Her face gaped open in astonishment as she saw June leading in three completely naked men. By the looks of their bristly unshaven faces, the frightened young girl knew immediately that these three were not business friends of Max and she trembled as she noticed their devouring eyes flicker in open appreciation of the delicious feast of her naked body spread out on the bed before them.

  "Kathy, my dear, today I've brought some of my friends to be entertained," June's saccharin-sweet voice murmured as, still completely dressed herself, she led the unsavory-looking trio up to the over-sized bed. "I want you to be as nice to them as you were to Max's friend the other day. Do anything they want, do you understand?"

  "But… but I work for Max," Kathy protested feebly, her big beautiful eyes wide with real fear now.

  "That's only when he's here to protect you, kid," June rejoined smoothly. "And by the way, this room has been completely sound-proofed, so feel free to struggle and make as much noise as you like. You certainly won't bother anybody."

  The stunning older woman cast one last cruelly triumphant smile toward the cowering naked girl and then moved gracefully out of the room, closing and noisily locking the door behind her.

  Kathy's terrified eyes flew back immediately to the little group next to the bed and as she saw a skinny, hawk-faced man with grey hair separate himself from his companions, moving determinedly toward her, the panicky realization of her dangerous position made her throw one long tapered leg over the edge of the mattress in an effort to escape. She was just on the verge of leaping from the bed when the bony, approximately fifty year-old man reached out with one oily hand and brushed his fingertips lightly over the cringing tips of her full white breasts. She recoiled back against the pillows as an indescribably electrifying shock raced through her voluptuous body, lighting tiny fires on her aphrodisiac heated nerve-ends until she relaxed involuntarily back on the mammoth mattress, helpless against the little pin-pricks of pleasurable sensation tingled over her creamy naked flesh. "Wow, I don't know what June used to get this chick all heated up like this, but I sure could use some for my old lady," a stumpy-bodied but powerfully-built blonde man chuckled coarsely from the side of the bed.

  "Shit, who cares?" the pimply-faced, redheaded boy beside him barked impatiently. "If Lenny don't fuck her right away I sure as hell will!"

  "Just hold up there, stud," the older wiry man named Lenny said threateningly as the ruddy-faced adolescent moved forward as if to bulldoze past him to get to Kathy. "Age before beauty, you know, and besides? You're only here because June didn't believe the stories she's heard about your big cock. Now, the senior Flaming Cockadoo Club people get first dibs, you hear?"

  Kathy barely heard the boy's mumbling, abashed reply. She was too involved in trying to comprehend the insane sensations that were now shooting out of control through her tortured nerves. God, not even that first day with Max had started out quite like this – but then suddenly she realized what was happening to her. The drink! She had drunk too much, she knew now, but there was nothing she could do about it as the skinny man again leaned licentiously over the side of the bed and began running his hands over the smooth white curves of her defenseless body. Every inch of her smooth young skin seemed to be throbbing with mind-boggling surges of fiery need and her buttocks began to grind desperately down into the sheets to quench a searing passion that was licking hungrily at her trembling loins.

  "Ooooohh," she breathed tremulously as Lenny's dirty, uncut fingernails teasingly traveled up the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs, digging down between them to boldly touch the rising pink bud of her pulsating clitoris. The sweet burning itch of lust rippled out from the tiny nub, snaking over her now-quivering belly and out into the pinkly throbbing tips of her nipples at the ends of her breasts. An itch that overcame the humiliation and fear of having two strange hands roaming over her nakedness.

  The skinny man's tongue licked nervously over his twitching mouth as small beads of sweat began to form on his upper lip. Most women had always shunned him because of his bony body and frightening face, but this one was acting like she had not had a man in years. She was a beautiful, enticing young blonde and he couldn't understand why she was already going so wild under the stroking of his fingers, but he hardly cared. If he stopped to figure it out, she might change her mind…

  Clambering up onto the mattress, he pushed her gorgeous unresisting thighs wide apart with the palms of his hands and lunged eagerly between their lush white fullness. Kathy was horrified at the joy she felt as the bed squeaked faintly under the added weight of his body, but she could no longer control the workings of her body and min
d. The young blonde's delicious cunt felt like a great burning emptiness that had to be filled before she went insane. Without further thought, she reached down between her body and the hovering stranger's to guide the thick blood-filled head of his thick, stump-like prick up to the lips of her moistly waiting cunt. Her columnar legs kicked out uncontrollably and her heels curled around his broad hips fiercely as she jerked her starving torso upward, wildly pulling him down to her writhing body. The flaring bulbous cock-head lodged securely between the moist warm lips of her pussy and then a deep groan of wild frustration tumbled from her lips as the lewdly grinning man levered up on his arms with teasing slowness and painstakingly adjusted the angle of his body. Just when it seemed as though she would go mad from the momentary wait, he crashed his loins down between her open thighs, ramming the hard fleshy cock as deep as it would go into her greedily clasping young vagina. His hairy balls slapped heavily against her upthrust buttocks and his sinewy sweating stomach thudded hard against the yielding softness of her nakedly quivering belly.

  Still not satisfied, Kathy strained up against him, wrapping her slender fingers around his pillowy ass-cheeks in an effort to pull him deeper into her insanely demanding cuntal passage.

  "Deeper! For God's sake, fuck deeper!" she wailed in desperation.

  Above her, the thin, grey-haired man puffed and grunted as he grasped her soft rounded hips and drove his rock-hard prick in to the hilt, but it was not enough to fill her almost inhuman need. She groaned in disappointment, splaying her legs further out over the sides of the bed to give him greater access but all her efforts were futile. It was too short.


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