Karen Ziegler

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Karen Ziegler Page 11

by Her Husband's Boss (epub)

  "Oh, Henry, darling, thank God you're here," Kathy's sobbing voice suddenly sounded, filling the room as the now fully-clothed girl rushed in from June's office, her pretty face streaked with tears as she rushed up to her husband and clung tenaciously to him. "I… I have to tell you something. I've done something… awful… but I did it for us. Oh God, I hope someday you'll be able to forgive me!" she babbled into his lean shoulder, her shame-torn body trembling uncontrollably with the delayed shock of what had happened to her in the bedroom next door.

  "You don't have to tell me anything, sweetheart," Henry informed her stiffly, disentangling himself from her as though she were something filthy. "I just saw what happened in there, and it was charming honey. I didn't know you were so talented that way."

  As she saw the cold distaste in her husband's unsmiling expression, Kathy instinctively moved away from him. At first, her guilt made her think that Henry had every right to think of her as contemptible and unclean, the same way she felt about herself at that moment. But gradually, as his words registered fully in her tortured mind, she looked up into his face again, her dark eyes sparking with slowly kindling anger.

  "Did you say that you saw those men rape me, Henry?" she asked with exacting slowness, as if wanting to be certain of every word. After what she had just experienced, she wanted to be absolutely certain of Henry's position. "You sat out here and watched?"

  "Was it rape, you little whore?" her husband sneered. "Tell me about your great-aunt who died, honey. You don't get paid for rape."

  Throughout the whole nightmarish week, Kathy had somehow clung to her sanity with the idea that everything she was doing would ultimately help her marriage but now even that slim hope seemed to be fading away. She felt herself losing her last grip on her emotions and through the stinging tears that brimmed out of her flashing brown eyes, she glared up at Henry and snapped out, "I didn't get paid for this one, darling. If it makes you feel any better, you can take my word for it, you just watched your wife being raped!"

  After that, Kathy let herself simply break down like a limp rag and cry openly. She had no more will to fight him as Henry led her grimly out of Max's office on their way down to the company parking lot. Neither of them spoke a word during the long drive home.


  Kathy Cummings' pixy-like face was alight with wonder as Max Alexander ushered her and Henry into his huge house the following Sunday night. Even though the address of the Alexander family mansion had suggested that it would be imposingly grandiose, the awe-struck young blonde had not expected the sprawling house to be quite so magnificently appointed and comfortable. Built in the old California-Spanish style of the mid-eighteenth century, the stark-white walls and red-tiled floors were the perfect setting for the gay, colorful modern furniture and paintings that Max preferred. The sleekly-dressed, obviously sophisticated people milling from room to room in the lavishly-adorned house seemed just as carefully chosen for decoration as the furniture. Kathy was still not certain just why she and Henry had to go to this cocktail party, especially after all they had been through with Max in the last traumatic week, but Henry had been adamant, ignoring her mild protestations about the propriety of the whole thing. From the way most of the men and women were already paired off, drinking and chatting amiably around the generously-stocked bar and buffet table, the young blonde sensed that all the guests knew each other very well and she felt uncomfortably awkward and out-of-place as she followed her husband meekly to the bar.

  Surrounded now by all these elegantly-attired strangers, Kathy wished fervently she could look to her sullen husband for companionship and support but since Friday afternoon, he had been as cold and distant as a stranger. Not that she had worried very much about his cruel, indifferent attitude toward the humiliation she had endured for the sake of their marriage; no, she had decided on the ride home from the Alexander Building that painful afternoon that he would have to learn to push aside his hurt pride or simply call off the marriage, no matter how much it would hurt them both. As a matter of fact, today she had almost reached the point where she was looking forward to the promising evening here at Max's, if only to have break from the stony, resentful silence that filled their modest home. Even though she was perfectly willing to take her share of the blame for what had happened she was growing weary of Henry's undoubting assumption that everything that ever had or would go wrong with their marriage was due to her innumerable shortcomings. In fact, even if he did finally recover from his anger and shock, she had a strange feeling that she would never be able to really forgive him for the way he had been treating her.

  Something radical had happened to their relationship Friday afternoon in the company president's office and nothing would ever be the same again. It was just that Kathy had stopped looking to her self-righteous young husband for the kindness and understanding she had always assumed were basic elements in marriage. She was ready now to admit the cold truth that she had actually enjoyed having sex with Max, with his pudgy little business associate, and yes, even with those three sadistic friends of June Stillson! One terrifying week of blackmail and illicit sex had changed her into something else than a simple innocent wife, someone wild and free, almost strange. For the first time, she understood that sex was not just a part of love, but a rewarding thing all by itself. Yet, how would she ever share this newfound knowledge with her sulking resentful husband?

  The worst part of it, the thing she could not quite admit, not even to herself, was that she was not sure she would be satisfied with any one man again. She had experienced as much, and more sheer sexual fulfillment in the arms of complete strangers than she had ever felt with the husband she did truly love.

  "I'm Will Corbin. Welcome to the club," a friendly masculine voice suddenly invaded her thoughts.

  Kathy looked up in surprise and saw an extraordinarily good-looking man standing next to her. "Thank you," she smiled sweetly, then asked in puzzlement, "What club?"

  "Oh, that's what we old-timers call the swap group," he explained genially. "You too should be an old-timer by the time you go home tonight," he laughed and amended, "after the initiation ceremony I hear old Max has cooked up for you."

  "Oh, yes, of course," the baffled blonde managed to reply as her mind worked frantically in an effort to understand what the stranger really meant. Did Henry know, she wondered, or were they both just dupes again in another one of Max's sadistic sex games.

  Quickly collecting her wits, she fluttered her eyelashes up at the man and murmured, "I certainly hope I'll see you later, but now I have to go find my husband. I think he has my cigarettes."

  Before the attractive well-dressed man had time to offer her one from his pack, Kathy moved quickly away, then scanned the room frantically for some sign of Henry. To her relief, she spotted him almost at once, talking to a sparkling covey of expensively-attired women in a far corner of the room. Moving closer, she signaled him to come away for a moment and, after throwing her a look of utter disgust, he finally disengaged himself from the group and walked reluctantly over to where she stood waiting by the bar.

  "Well, what does my darling little wife want?" he inquired with the same sneering courtesy he had used with her for the last two days.

  Kathy chose her words carefully, determined to find out exactly how much Henry knew about what was planned for that evening. Assuming the most sweet and docile expression she knew how, the fresh-faced young wife humbly murmured, "Darling, I know that you'd just like to be rid of me for an evening – and believe me, I understand, I really do. I was thinking that you'd probably have a lot more fun if I just made an excuse and went on home. I'll take a cab."

  Henry stared down at her in astonishment, his sullen anger of the past few days almost melting at his lovely wife's sudden change of attitude. For just a moment, he was tempted to put his arms around her lovingly and say they would now go home. Actually, he was also a little intimidated by the size of the party Max had arranged for Kathy's "lesson". But
then, just as quickly, his keen smoldering resentment returned, much too deep and painful to be assuaged by any momentary sweetness on the part of this treacherous little slut of a wife. His memory of her naked body writhing shamelessly between those two strangers' hard pistoning cocks was still too clear in his mind to be erased by anything rational she might say now. He wanted the vengeance that Max had promised him and she wasn't going to cheat him out of it.

  "No! Stay here, Kathy," he said with more vehemence than he had intended. Instantly softening his tone, he went on: "There are important people here tonight who might help advance my career. I don't want to edit New World Steel for the rest of my life, you know. Now, dammit, get out there and circulate, unless you really want to be a stone around my neck."

  Without even replying, Kathy pivoted away from him and walked casually off, only her narrowing eyes showing her true feelings. His biting words had not actually affected her and she had heard only what she had been listening for in his words. There was no doubt in her mind now that Henry was in on the planned "initiation" and she had every intention of giving her husband exactly what he wanted… in spades. If Max and Henry had dreamt up any way to further humiliate and hurt her, more than they had already, they had a lot more imagination and gall than she gave them credit for.

  "Excuse me, but your name is Kathy Cummings, isn't it?"

  The distractingly beautiful girl recognized the male voice this time and smiled buoyantly up at Will Corbin, the handsome man who had tipped her off a few minutes earlier to what must be her own husband's spiteful scheme, "Yes, I certainly am," she said sunnily, wrinkling her nose cutely as she beamed warmly at him.

  "How nice to find a friend among all these strangers."

  "Well, I don't know how to say this, but I just found out that you're not supposed to know about what's happening tonight," he said with a little shrugging grimace. "Do you think you could manage to act surprised when whatever happens, happens? I'd hate to ruin everyone's fun for the evening."

  "Don't worry about a thing," Kathy said conspiratorially, winking as she hooked her hand around his arm. "As a matter of fact, I have a bit more experience in this sort of thing than the people here think."

  A few minutes later, as the guests began to drift out onto the huge patio that constituted the heart of Max's house, the voluptuous girl was not in the least surprised when two men approached her and quickly began to lead her to the far end of the immense grassy enclosure beyond the myriad of cushions spread on the ground for a purpose that was now readily apparent to her. Laughing and conversing gaily with her companions, she gave the appearance of not noticing as they guided her up to a tiny raised platform built up against the wall of the house. Willingly stepping behind the blue velvet curtain that shielded most of the stage-like balcony from the view of the many people in the large patio, she teasingly rubbed her body against the two men and did not object as they eagerly began to disrobe her. They were obviously relieved at her lack of resistance as well as damned excited by her passionate wrigglings as they teased and stroked her body, moving her steadily backwards toward a velvet-covered bed placed in the center of the platform.

  It was all pretty much as she had anticipated, after her talk with Henry, and she smiled with irony to herself as she heard the excited conversation beyond the stage curtain fade into stillness and Max's voice boom out broadly to fill the night air: "Friends, we have a nice little surprise in our entertainment schedule tonight and, as I'm sure the word has already gotten around, I won't elaborate. Let's bring on our old friend, Caesar, okay…"

  Seated on the ground below the platform, Henry smiled with vindictive glee as he saw one of Max's obedient servants come out of the house with a huge, black German Shepherd dog straining at the end of a short leash. If anything would ever teach Kathy a lesson, by God, this was it, he thought bitterly, and he could hardly wait to see the cheating little bitch's face when she first realized what was going to happen to her. He didn't even mind now, now that the whole thing was going to take place in front of Max Alexander's little orgy club, even though he had to admit that the idea had disturbed him a little at first when one of the women he had met earlier that evening had casually divulged the actual function of the group. Hell, he thought, doing it in public would embarrass Kathy even more completely, and besides, eyeing the two gorgeous women who had apparently attached themselves to him for the duration of the show, it was the perfect opportunity for him to get a little "strange stuff" on the side, just as his wife had been doing lately behind his back.

  The curtain on the stage was drawn slowly open and the audience gasped in approval as they saw the naked young Kathy seated on the stage bed, her large eyes already glassed over with anticipatory passion as two naked men brazenly ran their hands expertly over the most sensitive secret parts of her body. Henry saw the ferocious-looking dog jump up on the platform, his deep warning growls scaring the two naked stage assistants off the platform before he lumbered closer to the bed to press her knees apart with his nose and sniff automatically at the thin hair-covered slit between Kathy's slightly open thighs. As quickly as the men's hands left her body, the shapely young woman had become aware of the awesome, monstrous animal near her and smiling shallowly with the first traces of fear as she reached down to pat its great head, she made the beginning of a movement to close her legs and ease them cautiously away from the huge beast. Suddenly her eyes jerked wide open in real terror as the giant German Shepherd growled even more menacingly, causing her to freeze in the position in which the men had left her, leaning back on the velvet coverlet, her soft white thighs still spread wide apart. It was impossible for her to move without bringing another vicious snarl from the dog, Caesar.

  "Mmmmm, he really likes her cunt," a voice rose loudly from the audience, followed by a flurry of ribald laughter and sporadic applause. Even in his determination to have his vengeance, Henry could not help but shiver slightly when the huge black-furred animal moved a step closer to his defenseless young wife on the lighted stage before him. His first natural impulse was to leap up and go to her rescue as he had planned to do eventually, but for some strange reason – one he could not understand – he decided to wait. The very helplessness of his beautiful innocent-looking Kathy leaning back on the bed in front of all these people, shaking with fear before the snarling dog, was sadistically fascinating to him. He could not even turn away his solidly-riveted eyes from the sight. The lewd thought of the giant German Shepherd raping his naked and defenseless wife, right in front of him and all these other people sent shivers of wicked excitement tingling through him. And besides, the little whore deserved anything that might happen to her now, he excitedly rationalized as he reached out to squeeze the expensively-clad shape of one of the women beside him.

  His thoughts were quickly jerked back to the scene from which his eyes had not yet wavered. The monstrous dog had lowered his head to his terrified wife's soft, hair-covered loins and began to sniff in earnest interest. His brushy tail wagged in evidence of his excitement as though he had finally found the best mating partner of his canine life. Despite her firm resolution to "show" her husband, Kathy moaned in fright as Caesar's cold nose suddenly made shocking contact with her tiny bud-like clitoris. She tensed as his saliva dripping tongue snaked out and licked wetly up and down the thinly fringed crevice between her thighs, the tip burrowing slightly into the wetness of her vaginal slit. For a moment, she tried to squirm away but Caesar raised his head and growled again, then began to greedily lap at the narrow pinkness of the delectable fleshy feast. He ran his tongue hotly up the full length of it, from the tightly-closed anal opening up over the fluted pink ridges of her pussy until it grazed the tiny nub of her clitoris at the top of her pubic mound. His great tongue spread through the silky softness of the hair-covered swelling like a knife through soft butter. It flicked relentlessly between the young silken haired girl's widespread legs, pausing sometimes to curl its way deep inside her. She winced automatically, squirming under t
he hot wet onslaught of the fleshy member lapping and goring her cunt.

  Holy Jesus, the wanton cheating bitch was actually moaning as though she liked it! At first, Henry thought his ears were betraying him but gradually he realized that the frightened sounds of before were slowly changing to soft subservient mewls of pleasure, almost inaudible above the gentle rustle of clothes being discarded throughout the audience. Not wanting to seem square to the swinging group around him, the handsome young husband began to fumble with the buttons of his shirt, but still he could not take his eyes from the unbelievable sight on the stage before him. He shuddered with forbidden excitement as he saw more and more of a change coming over his wife and the rest of the audience as he watched breathlessly. Kathy was apparently oblivious to the dozens of people watching her lewd sexual display. She was totally immersed in her own pleasure, her voluptuously naked body writhing as the saliva thickened animal tongue licked slitheringly and hotly between her helplessly trembling legs. He saw her raise her hands to hold them aloft for a moment, as though in indecision, and then drop them back down again to the sexually excited beast's head.

  Closing her eyes to the brilliant lights that flooded the platform, she grasped the dog's ears and with a deep animal sound of her own, bent her smooth white legs, lifting them upward until her feet were resting on the velvet coverlet and the softly curved moons of her cream-white buttocks were hanging out slightly over the edge of the bed. She pulled his pointed nose forward into her hungrily moistened pussy. His long pink tongue thrust up the moist passageway like an attacking lizard, ravishing her now nakedly grinding loins without mercy. Whines and wild incoherent groans streamed from her lips, pleading and encouraging the dumb animal who was salivating so freely between her writhing white buttocks. The aroused dog worked like the savage creature he was, driven by the rutting lust of the wild in him. Below, Kathy's husband watched his wife's milky-white flesh quiver as the lust-maddened animal lapped wildly at the teasingly open slit. This perverted stimulation was driving her insane and she squirmed forward so that the snake-like thickness of his tongue could give her greater and greater pleasure. She was willingly now rotating her naked white buttocks up against the animal's hotly burrowing snout, seeming to drown in the weirdness of the obscene unnatural act. The slavering dog lifted his head from her moist cuntal opening then, the impassioned young wife cried out in disappointment. My God, she was actually pleading out for more of the horrible, debasing excitement as though the very last of her natural resistance had vanished under the tortured licking of the huge German Shepherd's tongue. She was enslaved by the huge animal panting over her, her helplessly quivering body spread-eagled under him as he reared up between her open thighs to place his forepaws on the softness of her breasts, his weight forcing her torso down to the mattress. Henry thought he would pass out from sheer shock as he saw his lust-crazed young wife reach forward under the dog with one hand to touch the thinly covered sheath that enclosed his hidden penis. His heart beat crazily as he watched her take hold of the soft skinned sheath and begin to milk it, first gently and then with increasing urgency. She seemed to flinch in fear when Caesar began to respond, his natural desire flaming up and jerking his muscles to greater life. Seemingly unaware of the many impassioned eyes trained on her perfect body, she labored steadily, carefully, gasping for breath as she squirmed back against the velvet bedcover, pushing the wet swollen lips of her cunt down hard in a useless attempt to soothe the tingling excitement growing more and more excruciating down in her defenselessly exposed loins.


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