Alien Message: Alien Romance (Sensual Contact Series Book 1)

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Alien Message: Alien Romance (Sensual Contact Series Book 1) Page 2

by Amelia Wilson

  She pushed on his hips so he had to back up, and she stood up.

  “I’m going to the bedroom,” she said.

  “All right, let’s go,” Chad laughed, swinging his hips so his hard cock swayed back and forth.

  “I’m packing up some things, and I’m leaving. I’ll come back for the rest.”

  “What?” Chad asked, his brow arching. “What are you talking about?”

  “Thanks for making me come, one last time,” Becca said, still in she-alpha mode, and unsure of how long she would be able to keep it up. “But that was it. That’s all I wanted out of this relationship. You look good with me all over your face, but I don’t need you anymore. You were a really, crappy boyfriend Chad. I would say I hope you grow and learn from this, but I’m pretty sure you won’t.”

  With that, she turned and went into the bedroom, leaving Chad too flabbergasted to even follow her and put up a fight.

  Chapter Two

  From her apartment (well, really Chad’s apartment: he had been living there right out of college, a little help from his father, of course), Becca grabbed a cab with nothing but a duffel bag, bought when she went through a tennis phase, and before she had left the bag sitting at the back of her closet for a couple of years. In had gone some clothes for the next few days of her new job, her toothbrush and body wash, and that was that.

  Chad had been standing naked in the living room still, his cock limp and hanging downwards, a spot of precum shining on the tip. She hadn’t spared him or his dick a second glance, and she was gone.

  She took the cab out of the city, heading north for nearly an hour past the city limits, to a small town called Apple Hill. Her friend from college lived there, and Becca had called ahead, so Gia was waiting for her at the door when she arrived. She held her arms open and Becca stepped into them.

  “It’s about time,” Gia said, and Becca laughed, and then took a deep breath and cried. She wasn’t sorry to see Chad go, not really, she was sorry it had taken so long for her to get to that point. The women stayed up late, since it was Friday and neither had work until Monday morning. They talked; they cried together; they talked about how shitty guys were. Gia was single, and had been for nearly a year, a serious feat for her. She was beautiful, her mocha-colored skin soft and alluring, her legs long, her hips narrow. She had short, black hair and chocolate-colored eyes. She had a lot of guys after her, but she had sworn them off for six months, and then enjoyed that time so much that she’d sworn off them for longer.

  Gia had lived in the city up until a few months earlier, when she’d gotten a new job at her accounting firm which let her work from home more often than not, and she left the bustle behind. She had to drive down into the city a few times a month, but that didn’t bother her. Staying with Gia for a while would be good for Becca as well, and her new work was only twenty or so minutes north of Gia’s small home.

  Apple Hill was a tiny town built on the edge of farmland, rows of corn were growing, at the moment, and Becca had a great Saturday with her good friend. The girls hit the farmer’s market, and then took in a showing of an old film at a single screen theater which had been standing in the center of town since the twenties.

  Sunday was a lazy day, the girls making samosas for brunch but never getting around to cooking any food.

  Monday morning Becca was up early, hardly able to sleep the night before. She was too nervous, and too excited. She dressed in a skirt that fell to her knees, not too tight either, and a sensible pink blouse. Black pumps and black hose, and she was out of the door.

  “I promise I’ll look for my own place around here later tonight,” she said to Gia as both girls climbed into their cars, Gia’s was five years old, and Becca’s had been rented from a nearby agency, back towards the city, on Saturday.

  “Don’t rush, I’ve had a blast,” Gia said with a smile, and then she waved and shut her door. Becca let her pull out first and then followed, heading to her new job.

  The street where O’Connor Space Optics was located, wound through green fields, narrow and paved in black tar. Becca joined a line of cars heading towards the building, with none going the other way since the street dead ended into a large rectangular parking lot, with the massive white O’Connor building at the far end, and no houses or other buildings lying along the road.

  Near the parking lot, the narrow road opened up, splitting into two lanes, each with a small hut, where security employees in blue uniforms checked employee ID cards and lowered and lifted a barrier. It was all surprisingly low-tech to Becca, who figured at the very least the cards would be inserted into a box, but no, after five or so minutes of idling in a long line of cars she pulled up next to an older black man who smiled at her, even if he looked a little bored.

  “New blood,” he said, having spent the last eight years of his life watching the same cars and faces enter and exit the parking lot. It was exciting to see a new hire.

  Becca had a paper ID card which marked her as new, not yet having taken a picture and gotten a plastic laminated ID card. She handed it over, and the guard took it and looked it over.

  “Looks good to me,” the man said, smiling as he gave the card back. “You enjoy your first day, you hear?”

  “Yes sir,” Becca said with a grin. It was exciting to be here! She had wanted to work at O’Connor since she had fallen in love with the stars as a young girl. She quickly put the ID card away and then pulled on into the parking lot.

  It was already packed, and so large that when Becca pulled into a spot near the rear, there was a shuttle waiting, that she hurried to catch up to, and which saved her a long walk to the building.

  Most aerospace companies were not as large as the facility where Becca had managed to land a job. O’Connor was really the top name in the field, like Microsoft or Apple with consumer electronics, or Ford or Chevy with American cars: except there was no or in-between O’Connor and another company. There was just O’Connor. Given its size, and the fact that over one thousand people worked at the central location in New York State, it was a prestigious job. Nearly everyone in Becca’s field applied to work there, and as such most people would never get to.

  But, she had made it. She had to clamp down on her emotions lest she get teary-eyed as she stepped off of the shuttle, by the main entrance. The building loomed high overhead, built of white stone and stretching up five stories, though it was lower near the back, with a massive dome that housed the strongest telescope in the United States.

  Inside the front entrance was a large lobby, the floor marble, with a security desk in one corner and an information desk in the center of the room, where no less than five people sat, waiting to direct visitors to where they needed to go. A lot of nearby schools took trips to the building, and as such there was a smaller desk next to the door, where a couple of tour guides sat, chatting as they waited for whatever lucky kids were on a field trip that Monday.

  Becca knew where to go, even though the massive building threatened to overwhelm her. She had interviewed at a smaller office in the city, made for such things she supposed, so people wouldn’t have to make the trip out to the country. But she had looked up the building online, learning everything she could about it, and even finding a map of sorts, which had let her pinpoint exactly where she needed to go. She hurried on, taking an elevator to the third floor, and then sped-walked her way down two halls, on high heels, until she stopped outside a door with a small sign next to it that read ‘Audible Discoveries’. Becca took a deep breath and pushed the door open, stepping into her new world.

  The office beyond the door was spacious and open. A receptionist sat at a desk, just inside the door, and then other desks were beyond her, with no cubicles separating them. In the far corner was an office, the walls made of frosted-glass, the door open. The manager’s office.

  “You must be Becca Harris,” the forty-something receptionist said as the younger woman approached her desk.

  “I am,” she replied.

��All right,” the older woman said, handing over a manila folder. “Take this to floor two, room two-eleven. Do what they tell you, and then come back here.”

  Becca tried to hide any disappointment, she felt, from appearing on her face. She wanted to get to work! She wanted to meet everyone; she wanted to meet her new boss. She had only met the people in the city, who were in charge of hiring, and she was eager to get started.

  She smiled at the receptionist and took the manila envelope, hurrying back to the elevator and heading to the second floor. She found the room she had been directed towards and pushed the door open. If her office was calm and clean and inviting, the office she stepped into now was the opposite in every way. There were cubicles, first off, and there were people rushing this way and that. Another reception area housed another receptionist, though this one seemed much more frazzled than the last.

  “New hire?” she asked.

  “Yes,” Becca said.

  “Sit there,” the receptionist said, pointing to an area over to the right, and Becca turned to see that there was a couch and two chairs, but there was someone taking up every spot. She imagined they were other new hires, and she wondered how the security guard at the parking lot could keep track of everyone. Was it like this every day here? It was so hard to get a job with the company, and yet it appeared as though Becca was one of six for the day. She stood for a moment, waiting and trying not to bring attention to herself, until the receptionist called a name and one of the other new hires got up from the couch, leaving the seat open for Becca.

  She smiled at the girl next to her, who smiled in return, but the girl looked terrified and didn’t seem up for conversation, so Becca stayed quiet and looked around the office.

  She was the last one in the waiting room, and when it was her turn the receptionist just pointed to her and then crooked her finger inward: the universal sign for ‘come here’. Becca stood and carried the manila folder to the desk. The receptionist held her hand out for it and then opened it and pulled the papers.

  “You didn’t fill anything out,” she said, looking up to Becca as if she was mentally handicapped. Becca felt warmth in her cheeks.

  “Oh, I didn’t know,” she said. Had anyone else been filling things out? She hadn’t noticed when she was sitting there. She was too enamored with the hustle and bustle of the office she where found herself.

  “Go. Sit. Fill.”

  “Right,” Becca said taking a pen from a cup full of them on the high desk and then returning to sit on the couch. She pulled the papers from the folder and began. It was a small questionnaire, meant for HR, all about her address, which was difficult since she really didn’t have one right then. She put Gia’s address and vowed to remember to change it as soon as she could. She didn’t want anything her work might send her to go all the way out to the city, where she wasn’t planning to go anytime soon. She filled out a paper for direct deposit, and she filled out her emergency contact information. She filled out all of the boring paperwork, and then took it back up to the desk.

  “Done?” the woman behind the desk asked her, and Becca nodded, handing the papers over. The woman took them and motioned behind her.

  “Head over there for your picture,” she said, and Becca saw a small station with a camera on a tripod, facing a chair that sat in front of a white background. A man was waiting by the camera, and he told Becca to sit, and then, before she was even prepared, he snapped the picture.

  “You can head on back to work,” he told the new girl. “Someone will be by with your ID before the end of the day.”

  “Thanks,” Becca said, hoping she wasn’t blinking or something in her picture, and she hurried out of the office and back to the elevator. When she stepped into the office where she would be working, once more, she felt relieved. Here it was; finally - her dream job, with nothing else keeping her from it.

  “Hey there,” the older woman said, when she saw Becca once more. “All set?”

  “Yeah,” Becca said, stopping at the desk. The older woman held her hand out. “I’m Mary by the way. I think you’re going to like it here.”

  Becca shook her hand and smiled, unable to keep it from her lips. “I think so too.”

  “Why don’t you head back to that office there,” Mary said, turning to point to the office with the frosted glass walls. “I’m sure Mr. Roberts would like to meet with you, and he can point you in the right direction.”

  “Is he the boss?” Becca asked, and Mary laughed and nodded.

  “He sure is. Have a good first day.”

  “Thanks,” Becca said, and she made her way to the office. She could see that someone was inside, sitting at the desk, but the white frosted glass concealed specifics, leaving the desk, the chairs, and the person nothing more than a dark shadow. It wasn’t until Becca found herself standing in the open doorway that she could see Mr. Roberts clearly, and she got quite a start. He looked young; almost as young as her; and he was one of the most handsome men she had ever seen. His hair was blonde and very short, almost like something you would see on a soldier. He was broad of shoulder, his muscular arms clearly toned even beneath his crisp white suit shirt. The suit jacket hung on the back of his chair. His eyes were icy-blue and they turned to her when he heard her heels clacking on the floor.

  “Hi,” he said with a smile. “You must be Becca. I’m Tom.”

  “The receptionist called you Mr. Roberts,” Becca said.

  The man laughed. “She’s old school like that. Everyone else calls me Tom. And I hope you don’t mind if I call you Becca.”

  “Not at all,” Becca said, striding fully into the room while her boss stood and extended his hand. They shook; his grip firm and strong and Becca thought that there might be a chance she was in trouble. Her boss was hot!

  Chapter Three

  Becca’s first month at her job was easy-going. Things at home were good too, with Gia enjoying having her around so much she offered to let her move in full time, with Becca paying half of the mortgage of course. Becca quickly took her old friend up on the offer. The two girls re-bonded quickly, and life at home was a blast.

  Work was just as much fun, with Becca making a good group of friends, and finding herself more and more attracted to her boss. In fact, one Friday morning, thirty-three days after she had first started, he asked her if she would work late with him, that night, and she had immediately jumped at the offer.

  In her head, of course, she thought that maybe Tom had some sort of motive in mind when asking her to stay behind with him. He wanted to get her alone ... he wanted to ... well, Becca’s brain took her into plenty of scenarios for the rest of the day about just what he maybe wanted to do. She could hardly wait for the day to end, and then it was five, and some people filed out, with more heading home over the next hour. At six-fifteen it was just Becca and her boss, and they met up in his office. He had a laptop open in front of him, and he looked to her when she entered. Becca was wearing a skirt with a hem which ended an inch above her knee, and dark pantyhose. Her blouse was flirty, open at the neck a bit, showing the tops of her rounded cleavage. She had picked well for a long night with the man she so desperately wanted to climb atop, right there at his desk, without even knowing that perhaps she was going to get the chance. She even had somewhat sexy underwear on, lacy and black. Everything was working out great.

  “Hey, I thought we could order some food, do you like Chinese?”

  “I love it,” Becca said, sitting across from her boss and folding one long leg over the other slowly, biting the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling as she noticed his gaze go to her legs. Over the course of the month or so she had been at the office, she had learned that Tom was recently divorced, having split up with his wife late the previous year. Having just got out of her long relationship with Chad, the two had bonded over their shared experiences.

  Becca let Tom handle the ordering, after telling him that whatever he got would be fine, and she waited silently while he called, watching
him and trying to look as sexy as possible.

  When he hung up he smiled and looked across to her. “First of all, I just wanted to say that you’ve done awesome, since you started. I wanted to ask you here tonight because there’s something that I thought you should see. Hear rather. I wanted to pick your brains on it a bit. You’re honestly one of the smartest people that have ever come through those doors.”

  Becca couldn’t help but smile. He was heaping the praise on, and she had to admit that it seemed like he might make a move.

  “Come with me, I can’t hold it in anymore,” Tom said, motioning for her to follow him. She did so, and he led her through the office and towards the back. He opened a door there that she had been through many times since starting work. It led to a wide open room filled with humming machinery. It was one of the most powerful microphones in the world, and it was aimed towards space.

  “So, there’s only a few of us, in the company, who know about this,” Tom said. “It’s big; maybe too big, so we’ve decided to keep it quiet. My boss is finally letting me tell a few people in the office, and I thought I’d come to you first. You’re smart and you haven’t been with us for long. We’ve had some things like this before, which have ended up being nothing, so I didn’t want someone who’s been around for that in on this, not right now. I need fresh eyes. Well, ears.”

  Becca could tell that whatever was about to happen it sure wasn’t going to be wild office sex. She found herself feeling only slightly disappointed. Whatever Tom wanted to share with her had her attention. He had hyped it up pretty-damned well, and she was hanging on his every word.


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