The Jaguar's Mate ( Book 3)

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The Jaguar's Mate ( Book 3) Page 4

by April Zyon

  “I don’t understand how people could do things like that, or how their men could sit back and watch them do that. Seduction is sadly something I’ve never understood. Maybe that’s why I’m alone all the time.”

  “What they are doing is not seduction. I won’t say what it is, because I’m in mixed company and somehow my mother would find out. She always finds out.” He actually looked around like he thought his mother was going to crawl out from under the ottoman or something. After a minute he seemed to relax. “Besides which, you aren’t alone right now, are you? You have me.”

  Which had her smiling. “This is so strange, being able to have you here with me and having just met but feeling as if we have known each other our whole lives. How does that happen?” Her knees were knocking in fear and uncertainty because she didn’t know what happened next. “How does what we have right here in this moment feel as right as it does?”

  “No clue at all. But we’re here and that’s what matters. Now, how about I go grab my bag? Then we can lock down for the night, and you can show me where I’m staying.”

  “That sounds like a plan. I have a spare room. I’ll go and make sure the sheets and pillows are fresh for you. There is a shower and bathroom attached to the bedroom as well that you can use.” She turned to look at him and smiled. “Thank you. For staying. Even with the crazy that’s coming my way you are willing to stay, but if it gets too dangerous you need to leave, promise me?”

  Piran cocked an eyebrow, gave her a small smile, and headed for the door, whistling under his breath. He’d slipped out before she could process he hadn’t answered her.

  Quinn shook her head, then moved into the bedroom and quickly changed the sheets. The sheets were clean before, but she wanted to make sure he had the freshest and cleanest that she had. She could practically feel Piran entering the room behind her. “Hey, so here’s your room. The towels are in the bathroom, sheets are clean, and there should be a spare toothbrush and paste in the bathroom as well. Do you need anything else?”

  “That’s a loaded question. Not one I think I should answer on our first date. I do plan to be invited back again in the future.” She heard something hit the floor and, turning slightly, she saw the good-sized duffel. “You do know that you really don’t need to go to any trouble for me, right? I mean the fact you’re giving me a bed is way beyond what I’d expected, truthfully.”

  “Why wouldn’t I give you a bed?” she asked with a frown. “Piran, you are important to me, and you are here to keep me company and keep me safe. Why wouldn’t I do whatever I could in order to make you happy?” She moved in closer to him. Patting him on his chest, she added, “If you wake before I do, there’s coffee and food in the pantry. Have at it. Hopefully, I’ll wake before you do so I can make you breakfast.”

  “Don’t go to any trouble for me, Quinn.” He settled a hand on her hip, then slid it around to rest at the small of her back. Leaning down, he brushed a kiss to her lips. “Sleep well, sweetheart. If you need me just give a call. But I should warn you I sleep naked, so I might be a couple seconds slow trying to pull on my jeans. Sweet dreams.”

  She groaned. “Dear God. You had to put that image in my mind, didn’t you?” She bit her lower lip. “The things you do to me,” she whispered. “You say that to me and you make me want to call out to you in the middle of the night and that’s just not right for a first date.”

  He gave a shrug. “Can’t blame a guy for trying. Get to bed, Quinn. You’ve had a rough day, and you need to get some sleep. You’re barely staying upright as it is.” Piran gave her another gentle kiss before nudging her toward the door. “Go. And remember I’m only a few feet away if you need me for any reason. Any reason at all.” He threw in a wink at the end, sending her mind to all the reasons she could use to call out to him.

  She walked out of the room, casting him one last longing glance. Quinn was certain she heard him chuckling as she closed the door behind her. She leaned against his door and fanned herself. “Gracious, the things that man does to me.”

  Chapter Six

  Quinn had set the alarm on her Fitbit to wake her early so that she could make Piran breakfast. She was awake and dancing around with her iPod in her ears while she made sausage and eggs for them. She moved to turn with her coffee cup in hand and nearly fell over when she saw Piran standing there in low sweats and nothing else. “Holy shit.” She gasped as she looked him over. He looked delicious. She saw the eight pack that he had, and while his chest was hairless he had a small vee of hair that led down to places that she wanted to see, wanted to lick. “Good morning?” she said with a gulp of air.

  “Are you ogling me, Quinn?” he asked. His voice was huskier and rougher than the night before. He even had sexy morning voice. Was there anything about this guy that wasn’t perfect? “Not that I mind but I usually prefer to have at least some caffeine in my system so I can enjoy it better.”

  “Yes, I’m totally ogling you.” She felt her panties go wet at the way his voice was all but caressing her. “Coffee is ready. There is cream in the fridge, sugar if you want it on the counter.” She moved to grab plates. “And you are just in time because food is just about ready.”

  “I drink it black,” he said with a crooked smile that did things to her. Moving to pick up the mug she’d left sitting there for him, he poured a cup and took a healthy sip. The groan he let out had her nearly collapsing to the floor in need.

  She shook her head. “You are doing this on purpose, aren’t you? You know just what cranks me up, don’t you?” It was almost like he did it just to see her reaction and she liked it, a lot. She liked everything that he did to her and that was very strange indeed.

  “Doing what on purpose?” Scratching his chest, Piran frowned as he wandered closer to her. “Use small words—I’m not my best before the first cup does its job. Tell me what has you practically vibrating in place and smelling like heaven this morning.” He leaned in and rubbed his nose to her neck before pressing a kiss to her racing pulse.

  “You.” Her hand moved to his chest, then down. “Seeing you shirtless like this. I can tell you use every muscle in your body when you work. The way you were just talking to me in that bedroom voice, and this.” Her fingers stroked that little trail of hair that had her biting her lips. “Makes me want to follow it with my tongue to see what’s waiting. I’ve never felt this for anyone, never. You terrify me because of just how you make me feel.”

  Piran instantly lifted his head to look down at her, his expression serious. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, Quinn. That was never my intention. I like you, a lot. But if I’m pushing you, you have to tell me. I don’t want you afraid of me or what you feel, especially when I’m around. Do you need me to back off?”

  “No,” she told him. “I don’t need you to back off. I like it. It scares me to death, but I like it. But the same goes for you. If I do anything that makes you uncomfortable at all, tell me? I keep touching you and saying the first thing that pops into my mind.”

  “I seriously doubt you could make me uncomfortable, but yes I will tell you. I like that you trust me enough to touch me and to be honest. It’s rare these days and it’s only one of the many things I adore about you, Quinn. I also think something is starting to burn.”

  “Oh shit,” she said, turning around to pull the sausage off the burner. “Sorry about that. It’s not too burnt, thankfully.” She looked at him, then the eggs. “What kind of eggs do you want? I can make just about anything you want.”

  “Scrambled is fine by me. I didn’t mean to distract you from what you were doing, sorry about that.” He stepped away and topped up his coffee before leaning a hip to the counter. “What’s your plan for today?” he asked.

  “Never be sorry for distracting me like that. I like it,” she told him happily. “I don’t really have any plans. Right now I just want to be able to have breakfast with you. Sit. I’ll bring the plates over when I’ve got them loaded.” She started to scramble the eg
gs for both of them. Once that was done she had their plates filled and took them to the table. “Sit and have breakfast with me.”

  Piran instead held out her chair for her and rolled his eyes when she shot him a look. “All my mother’s influence. Had I actually sat down I would have heard her nagging me to death in my head until I got back up again. It’s weird, I know.”

  She chuckled and nodded. “Okay. I’m good with that. Eat up.” She took the first bite, something in her telling her that he wouldn’t eat until she did. They were both eating when the doorbell rang. She stilled and looked at Piran. “Okay, so.” She rose and grabbed her gun from the drawer. “Stay here,” she told him and moved to the door, peering through the eyehole and frowning. “Shit,” she grumbled, then put the weapon back and opened the door. “Joe. You made good time.” She felt Piran at her back and turned. “Piran, this is Joseph Goodman, my handler. Joe, this is Piran.” Did she say she was dating him? What was Piran to her? How did she explain him?

  “Piran Raske,” he said, holding out a hand to Joe. After they shook he slipped his arm around her waist and drew her away from the open door. “You shouldn’t be exposing yourself for even a second,” he whispered in her ear. Giving her a squeeze, he let her lead the way into the living room while Joe gave them both calculating stares. He shot her a mildly disappointed look when she glanced his way.

  She took a seat with Piran at her side. “Piran is close to me. He’s staying with me right now.” She twined her fingers with Piran’s and looked at Joe. The man was unassuming. He was wearing a cheap suit, and his salt-and-pepper hair was slicked back, but even though he was aged he was still fit, which was a surprise. “So you haven’t caught him, have you? Before you ask, I’m not leaving here. I have found a home and people I care a great deal for.”

  “I gathered as much from the rumpled appearances at the door,” Joe said. While her cheeks blazed with heat, it was probably better to let him assume there was more going on than there currently was. “And no, we haven’t found him yet. We have the initial getaway vehicle, but it was wiped down. I have a team tearing it apart looking for even the smallest shred of something to go on. Normally I’d move you whether you wanted to or not, but we don’t know where the old bastard is. Until we have a better idea, or even a hint, it’s too risky. He’ll be watching for the bolt and then hit us in transit. I’ve pulled in several marshals, who will be taking rotating shifts keeping watch discreetly around the neighborhood. Go about your normal day as much as you can without exposing yourself to any risks, Quinn. We have new evidence that he may not actually have your WITSEC identity, just the town. If that’s the case, then it could well be what topples him.”

  “Thank you, Joe. This town is a fairly close community, and if anyone comes in that doesn’t belong we will know. You probably had to stop by and see the sheriff before you started toward the house, otherwise they would have stopped you, I’m sure.” As her fear rose, she noticed that she moved closer to Piran. Odd. Very odd.

  He hugged her close to his side, rubbing a hand up and down her hip. “Breathe, Quinn,” he said against her ear. “I’m right here. No one is going to get near you.”

  She saw that Joe was noting both their actions closely. “I did stop and talk to the sheriff. He’s updated me on all the measures the town has put into place to keep watch for anyone out of place. The fact he’s got the motels, hotel, and the B&B all showing no vacancy helps. The shopkeepers being on guard and aware is beneficial as well. With this many eyes all looking for a stranger there’s no way he’ll be able to sneak into town or send anyone to scout the area without them reporting it.”

  “They are good people here. I just need for you to find him before he comes here. It would devastate me if any of my new friends here were harmed in any way at all.” She worried for the people around her. She looked up at Piran and added, “The people closest to me being hurt.” She squeezed him tightly as she spoke.

  “Understandable,” Joe said. Pushing to his feet, he dug in a pocket and pulled out a cell phone. “This is a clean, never-before-used burner. I put in my number and the sheriff’s cell. Only use it in an absolute emergency to contact one of us. If we see this number come up on our phones, we’ll be moving before we even answer.” He looked like he wanted to say something else, but didn’t. Instead he headed for the door and left.

  “I don’t think he likes me,” Piran said with amusement coloring his voice.

  “It doesn’t matter if he likes you or not. I like you, and that’s really all that matters, right? The fact that I kinda like having you around me and no one else?” Quinn smiled up at Piran and closed her hand around his. “Besides, I can put your number in as well.” Because God only knew that she would want to have Piran around if life was going to shit around her. Then just as fast she frowned. No, she wouldn’t call him if she were in trouble, because she didn’t want Piran harmed.

  “You are thinking way too hard,” he muttered. Plucking the phone from her hands, he flipped it open and did something with it. “There, now you have my number in here and I have yours on my cell. I won’t be putting it under your name, though. I’ll have to think up a nickname that suits you. Maybe I’ll keep it simple and just put it under sexy.”

  “You are too cute,” she teased with a grin. “I think you’re pretty sexy, too.” She touched her fingers to his lips and stroked them over it. “You also have the softest lips possible.”

  “Not exactly what a man wants to hear but I suppose I can live with that.” He pulled her in closer, tightly wrapping both his arms around her. “I know he said for you to do your everyday activities, but the thought makes me twitchy.”

  “Oh no, it’s a good thing. A very good thing. Your lips, that is. And getting back to everyday stuff is not necessarily a bad thing. Not that I wouldn’t mind being cooped up with you.”

  “If I didn’t have to go to work I’d damn well barricade us in here for the long haul, but I have to get this headboard done or I’ll never meet the deadline. Do you want to come along?” He asked the last quietly.

  She pulled back and nodded. “I’d really like to go with you. If you don’t mind having me there while you’re working. Will you be working shirtless?” she asked and literally licked her lips.

  “Depends on the work and how hot I get. You can also take the time to see the piece you now own up close and personal. Who knows, I might even put you to work.” She’d felt him relax at her easy agreement to go with him. Now he was stroking her back in a soothing motion, but she wasn’t sure if it was for her or for him. “We should go finish breakfast, or at least get some more coffee, and then get ready to head in. I have no idea if my office manager is going to be there today. She’s not been well and I told her flat out to keep her germy self away until she wasn’t turning the office into a chemical warfare zone.”

  “Well, if she is sick I will take care of the front office for you.”

  “I’m not taking you in for you to work, Quinn. I just want you there. All I really have to do is put the phones to the answering service and they can just as easily tell people I’m working and the more human individual is out sick. Not hard at all. One button, even I can’t screw that up.”

  “So you say now.” She teased him and winked. “Okay, let’s finish breakfast and then get going. I want to be able to see that jag wood piece up close and stroke it. I want to know if it’s as sleek and perfect as it looks.”

  “Best you learn this now—I’m a perfectionist when it comes to my work. If I don’t feel it’s right, it never leaves the building until I make it right. Which seriously sucks when it comes to deadlines. I hate people that put pressure on me. But that’s all changing once I’m done with this headboard and do the last touches on a few other things and ship everything off. Then they can only purchase items I’ve already made and put up on the site. Custom orders will only be taken if I feel like it. I’ve had my fill of crazy people calling me sixty times a day for the entire time I’m working on
a piece and enough’s enough.”

  “Why would you do something like that? Close your business and only do works that you create and no longer take custom orders? Do people really give you that much issue? If they do, then you need someone to very firmly tell them to take their shit and hold it and let an artist work his magic.”

  “I’m not closing it. I’m limiting the number of custom jobs I take on. Mainly because people have unrealistic expectations when it comes to getting a piece done. No matter how many times I explain it they still want it instantly. Like I tell them, if you want it next day there are stores that have things you can pick out right then and there. And it will be exactly like your neighbor’s. If you want something that is unique, it takes time. But really I want the time to create a piece that interests me. One that has my creativity all hyped up. The last one I did was over three years ago and it was the jaguar you’re taking home. Since then I’ve been a slave to clients who like calling to complain I’m not going fast enough. At which point I usually remind them of what the contract we all signed said in big, bold lettering.”

  “Ah, that I understand. I say go for it. I think you’ll have a great time being able to create what you want and only what you want. If that jaguar is anything to go by, you are very creative and have a natural skill. I envy that. I wish I had that kind of skill.”

  Piran smirked slightly. “I’m absurdly expensive, but it comes with people wanting unique. Plus I can usually tell in that initial meeting how many times they’ll call, which increases the cost. If I have to soothe someone down because they are freaking out over dovetailed or notched connections, then they are damn well paying me for it. Not that I’m ever a hundred percent correct on the phone call count, but I can usually get close. Then there’s the sucking up factor, too. The more they suck up, the more I know they’re going to try to talk me into throwing in some extras at no charge.”


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