The Jaguar's Mate ( Book 3)

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The Jaguar's Mate ( Book 3) Page 14

by April Zyon

  Chapter Fifteen

  Stepping inside the house, Piran grabbed up the sweatpants. He pulled them on, then headed straight through to the living room. He eased down onto the sofa at Quinn’s side and pressed a kiss to her cheek. They’d been home for six days, with her gaining strength each day. She wasn’t quite back to her normal self, but she was a lot better than she had been. “Did you miss me?” he asked with a grin curving up his lips. He’d gone for a run with the pack as was tradition on the night of the full moon. Like most shifters, he could control his shifts, but the full moon still called to the animal within. It wasn’t required to run under the white light, but damn if it didn’t feel good.

  “You know that I missed you. Did you have fun?” she asked, and he smiled when she reached out for him and curled into his heat. He loved when she did that. It made him feel like he was Superman when she curled up against him. “How is the pack doing? Everyone okay?” she asked quietly while rubbing her cheek against his neck. He loved that, too.

  “Everyone is good. Mom wants to know when she can come by and meet you, officially. She’s interested in getting to know the woman who holds my heart. Apparently, she also has a list for you. Not entirely sure what might be on this list of hers but, given the evil look she had on her face, I’m quite frankly terrified.” Piran adored his mother and thought the world of the woman, but she was a jaguar momma. They tended to be either fully on board with their child’s mate or planning a homicide. There really wasn’t any in between.

  “Maybe she can come over tomorrow? I think that would be lovely. Maybe we will put a casserole on and have her over for dinner? How does that sound? As for the list, I’m terrified to see it. Really am.”

  “We’ll do up a roast in the slow cooker instead. With a couple vegetable sides and some gravy, we’ve got ourselves a meal. It’s either that or I stick it on the rotisserie over the barbecue. Only downside to that is the neighbors might come looking for invites, too.” Biggest problem living anywhere near other shifters, their sense of smell. He could see the look on her face, and it showed she was thinking of that meat.

  “We should do steaks tonight,” she said. “Instead of the fried chicken. I want steaks. Is that okay?”

  “Of course.” Giving her a kiss, he pushed to his feet. “Let me pull out some steaks. While I’m out there I’ll toss a couple potatoes in the oven, unless you want salad instead.” He had no problem with either option, but he was catering to her wants and needs while she was laid up and preferred to let her choose.

  “Nope, baked potato is the best thing to have. One with butter, sour cream, chives, cheese, and bacon. Lots of bacon. I’ll start the bacon while you do the grill thing, okay?” she said while easing up. She had a lot of her movement back, but there were times he saw the wince of pain on her face. It was usually when she was trying to get up out of the deep couch like she was doing now.

  “You’re going to do this even if I tell you that there’s no need, aren’t you?” At her pointed look, Piran rolled his eyes. Bloody stubborn woman. He moved to help her up to her feet and held on until she’d regained her balance. “Do not overdo it, or I will tie you to the bed for the next week. And not in that way, you dirty-minded little sex fiend.” Not that he could blame her. He was pretty wound up from the last nine days without the more intimate contact needed between mates. While they were making do, it wasn’t nearly enough.

  “I’m craving bacon, so yes, I want to do this.” She did, however, move in closer to him. She slid her hands up his chest and wrapped them around his neck. “I miss being naked with you.” She whispered the same thoughts he was having. “I miss you. So much. For now, we will be good and do as the doctors say, and we will then have a week straight where it’s just the two of us naked and holed up in this house. We will shoot anyone that comes near.”

  “Deal,” he said with a nod. He was completely down with that plan. Fuck, if anyone was stupid enough to encroach during that time, he’d tear them apart with his bare hands. Maybe he should post up some signs to be fair. It would be the right thing to do. Pressing a light kiss to her lips, he gently unwound her arms and turned her toward the kitchen. “Go forth and fry bacon.”

  “You go and do what you need to do outside and give your momma a call to set up a time to meet with her.”

  Taking the steaks from the freezer, Piran set them on the counter to begin to defrost. “I’ll call her later. This is our time. Besides, I did see her not that long ago and she’ll still be out enjoying her run. While we jaguars have many talents, being able to answer and talk on a phone in that form isn’t one of them.” Since he couldn’t do anything until the steaks thawed enough to cook, he dug out the potatoes to prepare them for going into the oven.

  She laughed at that, then held her arm closer to her body. “That’s too funny. Well, I’m happy that she’s happy with the run. Is that the right way to say that?” God love her, she still had confusion at times because they still had her on the narcotic pain medication. She hoped when they went to the doctor next she could get off of them.

  “Yes.” Piran stepped in closer to her and slid his arm around her waist. Leaning in, he kissed her cheek. “Once you’re better you can come out with me and have a ride. Not at full speed but we’ll go for a jog so you can get an idea of what it feels like. I think you’ll enjoy it. There is also the added bonus that I’ll be naked when I shift back.”

  “Oh. Naked, you say?” He could see the heat in her eyes when she said that. “You have no idea how much I look forward to having you naked again. I also can’t wait to see what it will feel like riding on the back of my own private jaguar.”

  “It should be an interesting challenge. I’ve never had anyone ride me before.” He put a finger over her lips to stop the words he knew were coming. “On the back of my jaguar, I meant, you dirty-minded woman.”

  “Well, can you blame me? You are, well, you are you and I’m obviously seriously attracted to you. I can’t help but to think about having you naked with me.”

  Piran clicked his tongue at her and shook his head. “Fry up your bacon. I’m going to make some more of that juice you like, since it appears we’re nearly out. Don’t need you getting all bent when you realize there’s none in the fridge.”

  “You are such a good man and take such good care of me.” She lifted her face up to him and grinned, basically asking for a kiss. God, he adored that woman and how she would do these little things that just got his motor running.

  Giving her the kiss they both wanted, he had to tear himself away. The jaguar wasn’t as patient as he had been in the past. Her getting shot had set off some internal countdown for the beast who wanted to claim her properly already. Not that he was going to argue. Piran wanted his woman to wear his mark to keep other males from thinking they had a shot. At least that worked in the shifter world. In the human world, he’d have to be more traditional and find her the perfect ring that suited her and yet screamed his claim and promised pain to any who thought to test their bond. The thought was primitive and feral, but he didn’t give a shit. She was his fucking mate, damn it.

  She had been panting when they pulled apart. She licked her lips, which had him growling again. “Damn, I have no idea what was in that kiss, but I want more. I will always want more.” She moved from the stove and into his personal space, and that was all he needed to wrap his arms around her. Her little hand moving up his chest had his animal growling in need. “I want you. There, I said it. I need you, Piran. You being out and coming back like this has me all sorts of worked up, and I want to act on it. I don’t know if it’s the animalistic part of you being you or what but I feel it and I like it. A lot.”

  “We can’t, not until your doctor gives us the okay. You are human, little mate. I won’t risk your health long term with anything we might get up to. No matter how much my jaguar is currently bitching at me about that idea. When you’re cleared, then it’s hats off and everything else. I won’t be able to hold back then, s
o you’d better damn well be ready.”

  “When do I go back to the doctor?” He knew she was asking him because he was counting down the days as much as she was. “Maybe he’ll see me earlier, because I think I’m doing well.” She was moving her hand over his shoulder now. Fuck, that shouldn’t feel so damn good. “And I want it all. I don’t want you holding back on anything. Anything.” She enunciated that last word, and his cock went instantly hard because of how her lips moved.

  Piran blew out a slow breath while thinking up sports metaphors and analogies, anything to get his mind off his too-damn-sexy-for-his-sanity female. “Three days. Three extremely long days and two nights. Can’t forget those nights. Then we’ll know if you are stuck on light duty for another week or if he is going to set you free.” God help the doctor if he didn’t sign off on Quinn. Piran was one hundred percent sure he’d rip the man’s heart out through his chest if there was any type of delay.

  “God help him if he doesn’t sign off on me, because I’m pretty sure that I will toss a hissy fit there in his office.” He had to grin. She was thinking a lot like him, only less bloody. “Because I need my mate, and another week isn’t gonna cut it or I’m gonna cut him, I think. I might just go stabby on him if he doesn’t release me.” And there it was. Just another reminder of why he loved her. She was as bloodthirsty as he was.

  “I don’t think that stabby is a real term,” he commented happily. “You are too adorable when you get all vicious. Like a dainty little kitten with her fur all ruffled.”

  “Only your little kitten.” She all but purred against his chest. It was almost as if she were becoming part cat like he was. She was truly his other half. Period.

  Nuzzling at her hair, he breathed in the scent that was uniquely hers. Piran closed his eyes and enjoyed having her pressed close. He’d prefer if they were both naked, in their bed, with zero chance of anyone interrupting them, but he’d have to make do at least a little longer. “Deal with your bacon, sweetheart. I need to make your juice and see about getting the steaks thawed so we’re eating before midnight.”

  “Sounds good.” She nuzzled against his neck once more, then pulled back from him.

  Smiling, he let his hands slide away from her body when all he really wanted to do was throw her over his shoulder and beat feet for the bedroom. But he was going to continue to be a good mate by not doing that and allowing her to heal for the time set out by the professional. Didn’t make it any easier that a doctor had set the time limit, especially with it finally drawing to a close.

  He could hear her in the kitchen mumbling to herself and knew she was as frustrated as he was about the time limit the doctor put on them. “Oh, do you need for me to start to season or marinate the meat for tonight?”

  “Still frozen, babe, can’t do much right now except use them as hockey pucks,” he called to her. “We’re going to have to go into town tomorrow. This is the last mix for your juice I have. And we’re getting low on a few other things, too. We should probably make a list since there’s no way I’ll remember it all come morning.” Not with his brain being fried out from the sexual need he was feeling constantly. It was really hard to remember anything when all the blood that should be powering his brain kept being sucked away to other parts.

  “Will it be okay if I come with you, or should I stay here with someone from your pack?” He could understand the horror and it pissed him off that she still had fear. “I would feel safer with you than anyone else, Piran, please?” she asked him quietly while she turned her bacon again.

  Setting the mix down, he moved to her and slid his arms around her from behind. “Shh, you’re safe now and for all time. I want you to come with me, in so many ways, but we’ll settle with going to the store for the time being.” Jesus, practically everything that popped into his head or out of his mouth had a double meaning. He really needed his mate, and soon.

  “God, I need you like crazy. Okay, we’ll finish making our meal, make our list, and then we are going to do what we need to on getting groceries and some other little things. Need to go and get some fun stuff, too, because we are damn good and well going to come together in two nights. Period.”

  “Three, technically,” he muttered. When she shot him a glare, he shrugged. “Just trying to clarify the situation. There’s no need to point your death ray vision at me. I happen to be on your side with this. We’ll get through this.”

  “One day at a time,” she agreed with a nod. “Because that’s the only way we’ll be able to get through these next three days.” He could hear her gritting her teeth and had to turn away because he felt the same way she did.

  Three days had never felt like an impossible accomplishment to get through before. Now he knew differently. It was going to be pure, unadulterated hell.

  Chapter Sixteen

  She had never believed for a moment that three days that turned into nine could be so horrendous. Quinn hadn’t healed as well as the doctors had liked, so they’d insisted that she remain in the hospital another forty-eight hours.

  Finally, however, she had been released from the confines of hell. Now she was home with her mate, where she belonged. Today was the day. Today, Quinn was going to get to have her final mating with Piran. He had finally left her alone—she’d been surprised by that, actually—and here she was able to take a nice long hot bath and get herself ready for their mating. It was finally going to happen.

  She looked to the door again and smiled. He was close. She could practically feel it. He’d gone out for a run because he had been suppressing his cat, and she knew that he needed to let it out.

  Quinn had taken a bath, shaved her legs, and made sure that she was completely bare in all ways. Once that was done she put on the white baby doll lingerie, then lit candles, unscented of course, all around the room and turned off the lights. She hoped her cat was wise enough to follow the directions that had been left on the sliding glass door. The note simply said, follow your nose to your mate.

  Now she lay in the middle of their large bed and waited for him. She smiled and felt her anticipation rising when she heard the sliding glass door open, then his growl. God, she loved that growl. She listened as he padded up the stairs toward her.

  The doorknob began to turn, and she watched it open. Slowly, so damn slow. Then she could finally see him. He stepped into the room and eased the door shut behind him. Piran was still completely naked, not having bothered to pull on his customary sweatpants after a run in his jaguar form. The snick from the door lock made her jump and brought her attention up to find Piran watching her with blatant hunger, the jaguar flashing in his eyes as he began to prowl toward the bed.

  “I have been waiting here for you for a half hour. I’m all bathed and shaved. I’m all nice and naked down there just like you like me, mate.” She shivered. She loved that idea, that he would be her mate. That he would all but own part of her soul just as she would his. “You had better be ready to claim me, my beloved jaguar, or I think I will likely scream.”

  Piran still didn’t speak, but the look he gave her spoke volumes. In a quick move he leapt onto the bed to crouch over her. Lowering his head, he rubbed his nose along hers slowly and she could hear the low rumble, the jaguar’s version of a purr. Quinn also noticed the tension easing from him now that they were touching, even if it was only their noses. Not that it stayed that way for long. Soon enough he was moving to stretch out over her, pressing his flesh to hers in the most delicious ways.

  “I missed you, too.” She moved her hands over his sweaty back, then nibbled at his neck. “I love you, Piran. However, if you promise to come home to me horny after every single run, I would like it if you did it nightly.” Her hands moved between them, and she wrapped her fingers around his heavy and hard cock.

  “I am always horny for you,” he said. His voice was more growl than anything else. He moved a hand to cup and squeeze her breast, his fingers finding her nipple to twist and tug it. “So that’s a promise I can damn well keep
. I also promise to claim you good, deep, and hard. It will be forever, Quinn. Are you ready for that?”

  “I am more than ready, Piran. I’ve been waiting for you all my life.” She ran her hands over his cheeks. “I love you.” She pulled him closer to her. “Now, make love with me and make me yours. Forever is not going to be nearly long enough, mate of mine.” She lifted a leg and rubbed it against his naked thigh. She wanted him closer, needed to have him closer, because nothing else would ever be enough. “Do you like the nightie I picked out especially for you to rip off of me?” It was all white lace, with little red bows between her breasts.

  “It is extremely pretty. Such a shame to waste it, too,” he murmured. He threw her a look, showing her the jaguar was there with them. He held up a finger and she watched the nail lengthen, then curl into a claw. Gently, he ran the back along her cheek and down her neck, then turned it to slide under the lace. She could feel each bow snap when the claw cut through it. When he’d cut through them all, he cupped her neck and lifted up enough to pull it off, tossing it to the side.

  “I bought several in different colors,” she told him and relaxed there against the pillows. “I know that I’m supposed to be on my knees before you, but I want to first have you kiss me, touch me, feel me,” she whispered, leaning up to kiss him. “I want to be all you need, both your human side and your jaguar side. Give me all that you have to give me. I want every single part of you, Piran.”

  Instantly he cupped her face, his thumb stroking over her skin. “You are everything I could ever want and more. You are amazing and all mine.” Lowering his head, he gave her a kiss that started gentle before turning hungry and maybe a little crazed. They’d both been super good the last few weeks, taking care not to get themselves too hot and bothered. Now it seemed to be, well, exploding free was the best she could come up with.


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