Vampires (Death by Reaper MC, #2)

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Vampires (Death by Reaper MC, #2) Page 10

by Esther E. Schmidt

  That is until Nixie clears her throat. “Well, I must have the youngest, hottest grandpa I’ve ever seen.” She chuckles, making all of us laugh along with her.

  Chapter 13


  Tessera comes running into the room, causing all heads to turn her way, the other girls coming up behind her. I’m on my feet the next instant, making sure to close the distance with rapid speed.

  “What happened?” I question, my heart beating faster because of the way she stormed in here.

  “Vike is Tria’s mate so she’s kinda screwed,” Tessera states.

  Tria shoves Tessera’s shoulder. “Thanks a lot, sis,” she grumbles.

  “Are you sure he’s your mate?” I direct my question at Tria, because this could be a good thing, seeing he won’t do her any harm if this is true.

  Tria shrugs. “He might be. I had this feeling when he showed up outside but he really gets on my nerves. But if Grandpa says it’s so.” She shrugs again.

  Grandpa? “He was fucking here?” I growl at Tessera.

  “Yes, he was. Calm down, he didn’t mean any harm. We spoke and it was a good talk,” she fucking beams.

  I’m happy for her but dammit, underneath my own fucking roof, what the fuck would have happened if it wasn’t all a lovely family reunion?

  “We do have a slight, maybe bigger than slight problem, though.” Tessera winces. “Vike isn’t such a good guy and his twin is cursed and locked away in some dungeon and then there’s the Demon who cursed him who’s still out there.”

  “That totally makes sense.” Caius rolls his eyes. “Could you start over and add more details? Who is cursed and locked away? Wait...why the hell would you think Vike is a good guy? Did him being a Demon not indicate a big ol’ flashing sign stating the fucker is evil?”

  “Well, Azrael isn’t a real chatty person.” Tessera glares at Caius. “He said something about a legend unraveled that needs to be seen through, and he mentioned Tria is a part of this.”

  “Just great,” I mutter.

  Alastair steps toward Eliana, pulling her close to him. “I’ve heard about this legend. If it concerns the one about the’s close to an apocalyptic thing where a shift of power can result in a change that involves all of us. The Elite though, they aren’t to interfere. Something about making your own bed and sleeping in it; good versus evil, letting it play out.”

  “Fuck.” I rub my fingers against my temple.

  I hate the fact that all of this is tangled with my Old Lady. Yet with what Alastair just’s tied to all of us. “We need your grandfather back here to shed some more light on this.”

  “Yeah, that won’t happen, you know how they are.” Nixie stalks over to Caius. “Tria said something and Azrael close to hightailed out of there. They only show and talk to who they want or need to. For they are...Elite.”

  Thank the Witch to state this shit, and the fact she’s obsessed with Angels and Dragons.

  “What’s the plan here?” Alastair chimes in. “Bring the Demon back to discuss his beef with another Demon so our Old Ladies can breathe happily knowing their sister isn’t being thrown into a fight that might inflict an apocalypse?”

  “See?” Tessera snaps. “He knows how to summon things up perfectly. Gah, where were you when grandpa was around?”

  “Right here,” Alastair mutters.

  “For fuck’s sake.” I rub a hand over my face. “Do we have a way to contact Vike?”

  “Do we have to?” Tria groans. “I’m aware we need to do something but for real...he’s got a window on his damn chest to let others get a glimpse of shit. He showed me my sister in a freaking dungeon! I’m not exactly jumping to get hot and naked with this guy who some Elite implied is my damn mate.”

  “Grandpa said you’re part of this legend,” Tessera snaps at Tria. “Do I need to remind you about the fact he also mentioned Vike wasn’t the one who would evoke an apocalypse? We all have to jump into this thing that’s called living and there are a few things you can’t avoid. Like this mate thing, souls connected, it’s branded deep into your bones. You’ll know when you get close to him.”

  Tria snorts. “My hand drawing blood from his cheek was as close as I could get, didn’t spike my heartrate into a lovey-dovey beat, it fueled my anger instead, remember?”

  Tessera sighs. “Love, hate, fine line. Look, all I know is that in my human life I learned to follow my gut and the statement ‘everything happens for a reason’ has a ring of truth. I also believe what Grandpa said is crucial. It doesn’t mean I’m sharpening my knives and heading out for war to face an apocalypse, but it does mean I can’t ignore what’s going on. Think of the bigger picture. Our biological father made us powerful Paranormals to face something he wanted to go up against. I have this feeling there’s more to it than that, okay? It’s weird. It’s all weird.”

  Alastair hisses through his teeth. “Wait just one fucking moment here. You can’t believe Derek, former Prez of Heaven’s MC, was planning something with a lower Demon to face something together. That’s so farfetched.”

  “Hey,” Tessera snaps. “I watch movies, series, read books, and have a master’s degree in Greek Mythology. No. Nothing is farfetched when it comes to planning an apocalypse. It’s a power surge, plain and simple, and what happens when an MC Prez turns evil? Does he go to the good guy for help? It’s like one tiny push gets a ball rolling and you’ll never know what path it’ll take.”

  Fuck. Why didn’t anyone think of that fucking twist. “Alastair.”

  “I’m thinking,” Alastair growls.

  “Good, because I get the chills from this fucking plot twist. If this shit is true...” I press.

  “Then it’s been going on for decades and it’s not just their father who had a twisted mindset to go and take on something on his own,” Alastair finishes.

  “Fuck. Then his twisted mindset didn’t end when we killed their father. Maybe it wasn’t just him who thought up this fucked up plan to create powerful Paranormals,” I state.

  “Wait.” Everyone glances at Tessera. “Grandpa said there was something about a legend. Our father might have tipped it off, or maybe the Demon did with cursing Vike’s brother way before that time, or it could be all of it. In the end it doesn’t matter...we need to think about how to handle or act now.”

  “Could you maybe, please, stop calling that Angel grandpa and just call him by his name?” Nixie winces. “It’s seriously weird to use grandpa for a dude who looks like he walked out of a model magazine.”

  I skip over the comment and address Tessera. “Did Azrael mention an apocalypse? Exactly that word?”

  Tessera’s voice changes into the monotone voice of Azrael. “It is not him who will evoke an apocalypse.” Switching back to her normal Angelic voice she adds, “To me it sounds like Vike isn’t the one to blame, but that there will be one, because right after Azrael added the part about a legend unraveled and how it needs to be seen through. Oh, and that Tria and her sister are a part of this.”

  “Sisters,” Velma says, making everyone look at her. “What? Azrael said sisters. With the added S. As in plural. You guys were thinking about Tria’s problem and her twin, but he clearly said sisters.”

  “Motherfuckers. That’s why they didn’t stop Derek but let him run his course, don’t you see? The good guys waited for us to step in, and me...the Prez of a damn Hell Charter mating with a half blood that’s got a twist of heaven and Witch? My VP mating to a full blood heaven, and a Vamp linked with one that’s got a dash of Elite? Add the Demon mating a Phoenix-Fae Paranormal and you’ve got quite the arsenal to go against a Demon who wants to evoke a fucking apocalypse.”

  “You know...there was this series I used to watch with a guy chewing his cigar and when things fell into place he would say something about loving the way a plan comes together. But for real...this is just a little too much over the loony bin. You guys might see all the pieces of this damn puzzle come together as one b
ut I for one have no clue what the hell is going on.” Tessera rubs her eyes and releases a deep sigh.

  I reach out and pull her close. “It’s the bigger picture, Angel. There is no coincidence. Derek’s daughters were set on this world to save it and face the evil who wants to ruin it.”

  “Again, leave it to the men to sum things up perfectly,” she mutters against my chest, making me chuckle.

  “What do we do now?” I ask Alastair since he’s the one who has the higher rank between us.

  “Now we need a way to contact Vike and get him to meet us to make a plan together. Whether he wants to or not, it’s clear to me we’re his backup to face this Demon. That fucker needs to be stopped.”

  “I can think of a way to summon him here.” Nixie steps forward. “He left a trail with his bike when he hightailed out of here.”

  “This might be a stupid question and all, but why doesn’t an army of those Elite join in and swoop away this so-called Demon who will cause the apocalypse? Isn’t it the easiest way to get rid of the number one problem?” Tessera questions.

  Alastair sighs. “It’s the human upbringing that raises your question. Paranormals balance out the humans. Living beside one another simultaneously. I’m not saying it’s the humans who cause Paranormals to slip off track but when a human turns into...say...a serial killer? This releases a wave, like a disease that spreads. Heaven Charter and Hell Charter are unaffected by this because those are the ones who reap souls. They clean up the mess so to say. Vampire Charter, Demon Charter, and so on, are in charge of cleaning up the mess of one of their own. So, if a Vamp gets tainted and goes on a killer spree, it’s Jagger here who will take care of it if it’s in his state. Now if it’s a Demon who goes nuts, it’s the Prez of the Demon Charter who needs to take action. If that doesn’t work...that’s where I come in, the Hellhounds Charter. Seeing the Demon Charter became outlaws, we had the order to retreat and let them clean up their own mess. Except now that Demon mess has spread too far and we need to step in.”

  Tessera scrunches her eyebrows. “Let me get this guys are the last line of defense...not the Elite?”

  “They sometimes set foot on earth when a human is in dire need. This is very rare. But with something like this? When it’s really time for the Elite to step would mean hitting the reset button for planet Earth,” Alastair says with a grim voice, silencing everyone inside the room.

  Chapter 14


  All of us are in a grim mood and standing in front of the clubhouse. Nixie is crouched down near the tire tracks. She’s sprinkled something over it that she threw together with different herbs and made a potion out of it. Really, I have no clue but she’s touching the gravel and there’s like this tiny tremble even I can feel underneath my feet.

  “There, he should be here soon,” Nixie states and wipes her hand on her long black dress.

  Jagger points at Tria who walks out of the clubhouse. “I told you to stay inside. The protection spell still works and we don’t want Vike to get distracted with you here. Besides, we might need you to get him to listen.”

  “Great, now I’m the leverage,” Tria mutters.

  Right when she wants to turn and stroll back inside the clubhouse, there’s a flash of fire before a huge beast appears behind Tria, snatching her leg with his claw and holding her upside-down the next instant. More flashes of fire appear left and right as guys surround them, dressed in black leather.

  “We’ve been waiting for this one. Thank you for strolling out, makes it easier to snatch you up, Viking’s whore.” The beast sneers. “You’re the one he wants, or so my little helper told me when he followed Vike here.”

  Anger courses through me. The need to help my sister is strong. I can feel my wings sprout from my back but I’m being pulled against a hard chest, blocking me from spreading my wings.

  “Don’t fucking do it,” Jagger growls into my ear. “If a Demon can’t take out this Demon on its own, I’m not fucking risking you to go all vigilante on me.”

  There’s a black flash with a sound of thunder. Vike is standing there with five other men behind him. Vike steps forward, his gaze directed at Tria before it slowly trails up toward the beast with the double set of horns on his head who is still holding her upside-down.

  “Vapula.” Vike chuckles. “Didn’t your mama tell you how to properly hold a woman?”

  Tria growls and is turning red, scales already appearing on her skin.

  “Now, now, little firefly. I blink and you’re mad, mind if we switch?” Vike says and winks.

  Tria’s standing next to me the next instant. Dammit, that was smart of Vike to tell her to blink. Vapula roars and stomps a foot shaking the earth with a crack of thunder. He starts to rub his hands together, creating a ball of flames.

  Nixie grabs Tria’s hand and this makes me automatically reach out for Tria’s other hand. Jagger’s still got a grip on me.

  “Step away, Jagger,” Nixie whispers and nods toward Eliana and Velma to connect hands.

  Valpula throws a fireball toward us but before anyone of us can act, Vike is standing in front of us. The fireball seems to shatter into a shield of blue, protecting us from impact.

  “Fight me, motherfucker. Leave them out of this,” Vike growls.

  The men behind Valpula are crawling all over the place and Vike’s men spread in an effort to go after them resulting in bloodshed. It pains me to see this but none of us are doing anything.

  Taking one step forward, I hear Nixie’s voice again. “Don’t break our chain, Tessera, you might think we’re just standing here but take a breath and concentrate. Feel it building. Your sisters are channeling their power but you have to let go of your fear.”

  Let go of my freaking fear? There’s a large pitch black beast over there with gaping holes in his body where bone is peeking through as black slimy goo is seeping out. Not to mention the two sets of massive curled horns and the fireballs he produces.

  Okay, Vike has some kind of shield that manages to bounce those off but how long is that going to continue? Shit. Focus. Breathe. Let go of that freaking...oh fuck is that a head in front of my feet? Yikes. Vike grunts due to an impact from one very big-ass fireball. Are they getting larger? Yes, they freaking are, dammit.

  Tria squeezes my fingers through the point of pain, adding on a hiss, “Focus, dammit, or I’ll eat off your nose.”

  “Eat my nose?” I shake my head from this insanity, needing to close my eyes to block everything out. But mostly? That beast needs to be thrown back into the hole he crawled out of, taking his guys along with him. Now, dammit, I need things to be quiet so I can focus.

  The next instant everything is dead silent. No growling, grunting, squirting of blood, or crackling fireballs. Nothing. Just utter silence. I open my eyes and see Vike standing in front of us looking around like everyone else is doing because they’re gone. The beast and his guys disappeared altogether.

  Nixie rushes toward me, clapping her hands. “You did it, you did it. Ha! Elite can’t butt into shit but we have our own damn beauty to help us out. You just need to learn how to channel it.”

  “Have my sister threaten to eat my nose, that’ll do the trick,” I mutter.

  Tria grins. “You’re welcome.”

  “Where did he go, and why the fuck did you do that? I finally had him, goddamnit. Do you know how long I’ve searched for that fucker? How damn rare it is for him to show his mutated ass? A fucking decade, that’s how long. Now how the hell am I supposed to wait another decade to take him out? I need to end this before he finishes the venom he used to curse my brother with so he can infect every fucking human and Paranormal on this goddamned earth. Yeah, brilliant, go cheer for that fucking Elite freak. Fuck!” Vike seethes.

  “Hey,” Tria snaps and jabs a finger against Vike’s chest. It makes me wince because Vike is like double Tria’s size.

  “That’s my sister you’re talking to,” Tria reprimands. “I know you pro
tected us mere seconds ago, but how were we supposed to know all of what you just said? We summoned you here to talk about it but then that Demon popped up and all hell broke loose.”

  “It’s not their fight, it’s ours,” Vike shoots back, wrapping his fingers around Tria’s wrist.

  I hear Jagger and Alastair curse behind me. I glance back for just one freaking instant to see why but when I look back at Tria, I know why...there’s only a cloud of black left that’s slowly disappearing.

  “Nooooooo,” I scream, hearing my sisters yell out with me.

  “I should have fucking known he would take her and not work together,” Jagger growls. “How the hell are we going to get her back?”

  “Can you concentrate and...I don’t know, drag her back like how you managed to make Valpula disappear?” Alastair questions.

  “It doesn’t work that way,” Nixie answers for me. “She has the ability to do that with items only. We managed to channel our powers to blast him away, it was mainly Eliana, Tria, and Tessera with me boosting the Witch side. It’s to ward and protect. Maybe Tria will be here soon, she’ll blink and be here. That’s logical, right?”

  “Not if he binds her. He’s already got her sister, we all know he was coming for Tria the first time...he heard what she really is and that gave him time to prepare, no...I’m one hundred percent sure he would take steps to prevent her from blinking. He even made her do it to escape Valpula. That fucker is selfish, like all fucking Demons are. And let’s not forget we ticked him off with sending Valpula away, he doesn’t want to accept our fucking help.” Jagger shakes his head. “This is bad.”

  This can’t be happening. “I’ll get Azrael here. He will be able to help, he just has to. Maybe he can get Tria away from Vike.”

  “You can’t.” Eliana sighs. “You heard him, Tessera. He said so a few times. Tria is part of the legend. But most of all? He gave his word to Vike not to interfere between Tria and him. It was what Azrael got in return for them to leave you alone.”


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