10 Timeless Heroes; A Time Travel Romance Boxed Set

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  He drew his long sword out and polished the edge. It was a wicked looking blade and she could only imagine the damage that could be done with it. The images it brought to mind made her slightly ill and very uneasy.

  Kellach grinned. “I do not go into battle lightly, and only when necessary.” He hesitated, his manner teasing. “And I never lose.”

  “Well, that’s certainly good to know. I’ll remember that the next time we’re attacked,” she said dryly. “I’ll just tell the bad men that they might as well give up, because Kellach never loses. That’ll scare ‘em.”

  Kellach’s grin turned into a wholehearted laugh. “Your wit is without compare. I must go now, though I would rather stay and converse with you.”

  As if he were her husband or a long time lover, Kellach leaned down and kissed her quickly and then exited before she had a chance to protest. Her lips tingled and a niggling feeling of regret gnawed at her. What would it be like to truly be his woman? Better he left before she found out! How silly that one little kiss could affect her so. Everything about the man affected her and she needed to leave soon or she would never be able to go. She decided to approach him about leaving again that evening. Maybe he could be induced to change his mind about letting her go or even taking her to where they found her. She wasn’t harboring much hope that he would agree, though.

  “Are you Kellach’s woman now?” Cyrnon asked, his face flushing beet red.

  Humiliating as it was to be asked such a question, she could blame no one but herself. It was embarrassing to be caught in the act, but it was also pretty humorous. She hadn’t acted with much consideration for the consequences this morning. “No more than I was before, thanks to you,” she grinned.

  His face fell. “I…I did not mean to…hamper Kellach’s progress,” he stuttered.

  “Kellach was doing fine! It was my progress that was hampered.”

  “Kellach will be angry once he’s had the time to think about it! Perhaps you should help me move back to my own bed!” His eyes reflected his distress. Kellach was not one he would care to upset.

  “Kellach isn’t going to get mad. He would have gotten mad this morning if he was going to. Anyway, if you’re feeling better later today, maybe we can move you tonight, but I’ll need Kellach’s help. You have to promise, though, to stay off that leg for a few days and get lots of rest.”

  “I promise, but how long do I have to stay thus?”

  “Until I tell you otherwise.”

  “I have things that need my attention. I am not so feeble that I need to lie abed while work needs done,” he protested.

  She was amazed and disturbed. So young to have so much responsibility! He should be playing video games and watching TV and doing all those fun things kids in her time did. But he was a product of his environment and the dictates of life started early—they usually ended early as well.

  The door opened and Tanith entered with Machar in tow. “I thought you could use a few moments to yourself. I’ll sit with Cyrnon for a while.” Conan and Machar ran towards each other enthusiastically and the chase was on. “Machar, take the dog outside and play where I can see you,” Machar eagerly grabbed Conan’s leash and out they went, Machar whooping noisily and Conan barking in chorus.

  Tanith’s pregnancy was progressing. Her waist had thickened and she was starting to show. Today, she looked drawn and tired, and her usually rosy complexion was pale and muddy. She sat down and breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Are you feeling ill today?” Fiona asked, concerned. “You looked sick.”

  “Just tired, I had a restless night and didn’t sleep well.”

  “Well, you don’t need to be over here. Why don’t you just go home and rest. I’ll watch Machar for a while.”

  “No, I’m all right. I need some things from the market and I was just hoping you would get them for me. I’m fine as long as I am sitting down. We will do well, won’t we Cyrnon?” she directed a look at the boy. He nodded. “We could play a game or I could tell you a story about our journey to the east.” Excitement sparkled in his eyes.

  “I don’t like leaving you when you aren’t feeling well,” Fiona objected. “You should be resting.”

  “I can rest here while I watch Cyrnon and he will take care of me, so it’s settled.” Tanith leaned back and put her feet up on the end of the bed. She appeared determined to follow through so Fiona decided to get the marketing done in a hurry and be home before too much time passed.

  “I’ll take Machar along with me so you don’t have to chase him as well!”

  A wisp of a smile touched Tanith’s lips. “He is a handful and I would be thankful for a few moments peace.”

  “It’s settled then! We’ll be back shortly.”


  Fiona stepped outside and called for Machar. She’d tried to tie a disgruntled Conan outside but relented when Machar promised to keep a watchful eye on him and not let him jump and bark at people. Mei Mei and the baby joined her and they walked swiftly along, hurrying to get the shopping done before the heat became too unbearable. The market was busy as it always was in the early hours and many of Fiona’s acquaintances were in attendance. Engai moved slowly ahead of them, checking each booth, and Ceara trailed behind. When Ceara spied them, she ran back quickly, and Engai followed.

  “We were hoping we would see you,” Ceara exclaimed. “I’ve been wondering how you were doing and how Cyrnon was feeling. I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

  “We are fine and Cyrnon is doing well,” Fiona replied. “But bored with having to stay in bed for awhile longer.”

  “I’m glad Cyrnon is feeling better, I’ll come over soon and keep him company. You know, I am going to marry Cyrnon when I grow up,” Ceara earnestly stated, her big eyes wide.

  “You are too young to be talking about marriage,” Engai scolded gently. “You are still a child.”

  “I will be a woman before long and then I will need a husband, and I have decided I want Cyrnon,” Ceara stated adamantly.

  Fiona silently laughed. “Does Cyrnan know this?”

  “Not yet, but someday soon. He needs to get better and grow some first.”

  Fiona agreed, not only get well, but grow a whole lot more. She didn’t think Cyrnon would take well to the idea of a wife so soon, but Ceara certainly seemed unwavering in her future plans. She had to control her facial expression so as not to offend the child by laughing out loud. She looked to Engai and was rewarded by an amused look from her as well. Engai’s eyes sparkled with good humor and the look she turned to her young daughter spoke loudly of her pride and love.

  Fiona scanned the milling crowd. “Where are the twins today?”

  “With Elochad. They’re checking the flocks, but should be back before the noon meal. We lost quite a few animals in the storm and Elochad thinks he knows where some might have ended up. We cannot afford to lose so many in such a short time.”

  By this time, a few of the other women had arrived and they all nodded in agreement. Sheep and cattle were their livelihoods and all depended on their animals for subsistence. Weaving was an art as well as a necessity and these women had been proficient at it from the time they were small. Several of the women had encouraged Fiona to learn, and had even gone so far as to help her get started, but so far her attempts had been poor at best, and working with the hand-held spindle had been a disaster, much to the amusement of all. She would just have to trade her doctoring skills for whatever cloth she would need when she needed it.

  Along with their flocks and herds, most of these women’s husbands were farmers as well. Dry farms dotted the outlying areas. Wheat and long flax as well as flax seed were staple crops. Flax seed was pressed for oil and the fiber woven into cloth. Wild bolls were gathered from the surrounding hills and a fine silky cotton resulted from the fibers. Colorful dyes were either washed on or stamped.

  Fiona glimpsed Voadicia across the crowd and moved out of the line of sight. She didn’t feel particularly in
terested in clashing with the bitch today and would rather just hide. Engai noticed her look and moved to place herself strategically so Voadicia would not be given the opportunity to see Fiona.

  Machar tugged at her arm. “Can I take Conan to the center of the square? There are too many people along here and he keeps getting tangled.” His huge brown eyes pleaded. “I won’t go very far and you will still be able to see me.”

  Conan had indeed become tangled, all around Machar, and he was still trying to run. He kept getting underfoot of the crowds gathered at the vendors and more than one shopper had roughly pushed him away. She should have listened to herself earlier and left the dog at home. He was still too young and untrained to be out in the public. The confusion was too much for him and his nervousness grew by the moment.

  “For a few minutes, but stay right where I can see you and don’t let Conan loose or I won’t let you take him next time.”

  Machar unwound Conan and they ran off to the center of the square. She yelled at him to stop when he had gone far enough and he and Conan began some game that only the young would recognize. They both appeared to be content with the setting and they were close enough so she could get there on short notice.

  Xio Li and Mei Mei wandered over to one of the tattoo artists’ booths and were talking animatedly with a heavily tattooed young Asian man. From the looks on their faces and their conversation, he was familiar to them and they seemed pleased to see him. He directed a lot of attention to Mei Mei and she reciprocated in kind, with sideways looks and little smiles. She was flirting with him, and he was enjoying it. He was attractive in an Asian-biker sort of way and might just be a good match for Mei Mei. The young mother would need a husband some day and it was something she would have to look into. Tattoo artists were respected members of the society and were constantly busy along with other artisans, who abounded here. He would provide well for Mei Mei, given the rousing business at this site. Along with the tattoo artists, potters, weavers, and jewelers lined the market along with the food and other vendors.

  A brutal-looking Caucasian male dressed in the clothing of Voadicia’s guards stepped out of the crowd and focused on Mei Mei. When he moved towards the girl, Fiona’s alarm went off. She didn’t like the way he was acting or the looks he was directing at Mei Mei and the baby. Mei Mei turned and, as she did so, her attention was drawn to him. A spasm of fear crossed her face. She cuddled the baby protectively to her chest. The brute made a grab for Mei Mei’s arm. She cringed and jerked away and ran behind Xio Li. The older girl stood her ground, but he roughly pushed her out of the way.

  “Where have you been, you little slut?” he ground out, his already homely face made uglier by the foul expression he wore. Mei Mei dipped her head, refusing to look at him, and began weeping.

  “I said, where have you been? I’ve been searching for you for weeks but no one seemed to know where you’d gone.” He stepped menacingly closer.

  “Leave her alone She not belong to you,” Xio Li stepped in. He raised his arm and slapped her so hard, she fell to the ground. Quick as lightening, the Asian man drew a knife and faced the attacker. Fiona’s heart stopped, the lout was a good head taller than the little Asian man and outweighed him by at least seventy-five pounds. The wiry build of the small Asian man was no match for the brute strength of the larger man.

  Wily and cunning, the small man circled, his knife hand weaving and moving like a snake. Mei Mei and the baby were too close for comfort and Fiona raced over to pull them to safety. Like a mongoose attacking a cobra, the small man danced and wove, waiting for the right moment to strike. The big man roared and, like an enraged bull, charged. The smaller man lashed out with the knife, slicing a large gash across the brute’s arm. The bigger man charged again and received another slash for his efforts, this time across his cheek. A crowd formed around them, drawn by the promise of blood. Cohorts of the bully were egging him on and tossing derogatory remarks at the smaller man. As yet, he was able to keep out of the larger man’s grasp but it was growing harder as the crowd pressed closer.

  “Somebody needs to stop this before someone gets really hurt!” Fiona’s gaze flipped around the crowd, hoping to find a familiar face, one with enough influence to make a difference. “Stop this,” she pleaded, “somebody do something!”

  Engai stepped in beside her, holding her close, while Ceara cowered behind. The fight was growing more vicious by the second and the larger man fought with deadly intent.

  He landed a vicious blow, knocking the Asian man backwards. The smaller man crashed to the ground, but rolled with the impact, dancing to his feet and faced the larger man once more, blood dripping from a cut to his lip. He was tiring and the bully, sensing victory, moved in again. This time the smaller man was not so lucky. Several bystanders grabbed him from behind, knocking his knife away, and preventing him from defending himself. Defiance lit the smaller man’s face as the brute grabbed him by the throat and began squeezing.

  Fiona screamed and buried her face in her hands. None of the men in the crowd were attempting to do anything to stop this! If anything, they were encouraging the bloodshed. She didn’t want to see this, could not bear to watch a life end this way.

  The crowd was screaming, frenzied by the promise of death. Seconds ticked by and still she would not watch. The brute roared in pain and Fiona looked up in time to see him let go of the other and reach for his chest. A knife was buried to the hilt and blood gushed from the wound—deep red arterial blood! He looked down at the knife and then at the smaller man, disbelief written on his features. His knees slowly gave way and he sank to the ground, dead before he even landed. Stunned, the crowd was silenced.

  “Murderer, he’s a murderer!” A man yelled. As one, the mob turned on the Asian male. He was gone, having disappeared in the wink of an eye, escaping while their attention centered on the dead man.

  Hysterical tears ran down Fiona’s face. She’d never witnessed a violent death before, only those poor souls at the hospital who sank quietly away. Her vision swam and she thought she would faint. Engai gripped her tighter and moved her away from the carnage.

  “Machar! Where is Machar?” She had forgotten him in the wake of the fight and she frantically ran around searching for him.

  “Here! I’m here!” he cried, dragging Conan along behind him. “Did you see the fight, and all that blood, it was really scary!” His little face was pale and tremors shook his chin.

  Fiona hugged him to her. Such a terrible thing for a small child to see. Ceara was crying, held tightly in her mother’s arms. What had started as an enjoyable outing had become a nightmare.

  Fiona reached for Mei Mei. “Who was that man—tell me, who was he?”

  “He baby’s father, very mean man, hurt Mei Mei all the time.” Tears glistened on Mei’s Mei’s cheeks. “I glad he dead.”

  “Who was the other man, the one who defended you?”

  “That Chen. He good man, very smart, own business and work hard. He not care that Mei Mei have baby. He nice to Mei Mei all time. I afraid for Chen.”

  “I hope he got away from those men, but where will he go?”

  “He have lot a friends, they hide him. He like Xio Li and Mei Mei—mother from village and father like you. Grow up in streets like Xio Li and Mei Mei.”

  Several of their women acquaintances from the marketplace had gathered. Shocked by the violence they had just witnessed, they were milling aimlessly. Their eyes darted nervously, worried that perhaps they might be the next target of Voadicia’s minions.

  “This is not the first such incident. I have heard of others,” a young mother said in a hushed whisper. “My own father saw one of Voadicia’s guards beating a prostitute down by the river.” Several others also voiced comments about similar episodes, and were outraged by the hostile and criminal attitudes exhibited by Voadicia’s protectors.

  “Alstrom turns a blind eye to her corruption and her guards act as though nothing can touch them!” Another woman added.
br />   They watched as the guards hauled the body away. A large pool of blood seeped into the ground where the man had fallen. Fiona turned her back, sickened by the gore. She hastily collected her little entourage and hurried off, wanting to be away from this place as soon as possible.

  It was a very subdued group who made their way home, even Machar’s usual childish jubilance was restrained. Tanith met them at the door. One look at their faces alerted her to the fact that something was terribly wrong. Fiona brushed by her, unwilling to discuss it at the moment.

  Tanith stepped out and quietly questioned Xio Li, “What has happened, what has you so upset?”

  “Bad man attack Mei Mei and Chen kill him!” Xio Li sobbed.

  “Chen? Who is Chen?”

  “Chen tattoo man down in marketplace. He long time friend and try to protect Mei Mei.” Mei Mei jumped into the conversation. “He kill bad man in fight. Mei Mei glad. Chen run away, don’t know where he go.” Her face was downcast and tears rolled down her cheeks. Xio Li hugged her, smoothing her long dark hair.

  “I saw it, Mama!” Machar exclaimed. “He stabbed him with a knife and there was blood everywhere.” His eyes were big and she could see that he was very frightened but trying hard to be brave. She clasped him tightly to her. “Who was the bad man?”

  “He one of Voadicia’s guards, plenty mean—baby’s father,” Mei Mei woefully admitted. “Guards will kill Chen!”

  “The Council will decide if he should be punished.”

  “Council never see him. They kill him before that,” Xio Li snapped.

  Secretly, Tanith agreed. Voadicia was maneuvering to take control and the death of one of her guards would be viewed as an attack on her. She would not take the news lightly.

  “Perhaps if he turned himself in, he could get a fair hearing before the Council,” she said quietly, even though she knew that wouldn’t happen. He would never make it to the hearing. Voadicia would see to that. His life would be forfeit if he were caught.


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