10 Timeless Heroes; A Time Travel Romance Boxed Set

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  “What if you do come back, what happens to Conan then?”

  Fiona thought for a moment before replying. “Well, if I do come back, I thought we could share Conan, since we both love him so much. He will belong to both of us, and he needs a young friend to play with.”

  “We hope you do come back, don’t we, Conan.” he addressed the little dog.

  Feeling teary, Fiona leaned down and hugged the little boy. “Perhaps it would be best if I kept Conan with me tonight since it might be the last time. Tomorrow morning can be early enough for you to start caring for him.”

  Tears spilled down Tanith’s face and even Siran’s usual good cheer was missing.

  “I hope you find what you seek,” Tanith gulped. “But I would not be unhappy if you returned.” Siran nodded in agreement.

  “I know, but I have to at least try. Do you understand why?”

  “I would do the same,” Tanith acknowledged sadly. “I would not be happy so far away from my own family.”

  Time for a group hug, and everyone participated. Soon after, Tanith’s little family returned home. Xio Li, Mei Mei and the baby stopped by and spent a few moments alone with her.

  “What Mei Mei and Xio Li do after you gone?” Obviously, Xio Li and Mei Mei were concerned about their status with Kellach if she wasn’t in the picture.

  “Kellach has agreed to sponsor you. He will care for and protect you as long as you feel it necessary in return for your help with the garden and other chores. Mei Mei will help in cleaning the house and preparing food for Kellach.” It was a good bargain, especially for Xio Li and Mei Mei. As long as they needed his help, Kellach would not deny them. Of her patients, Fiona had no answer. Sadly, only Ceara had shown any real interest in helping and she was too young and inexperienced to take over. Fiona could only hope that Ceara would continue to learn, perhaps from the yellow healer, and in the future be able to resume her care.

  Fiona made a quick trip to Nuala and Baroc’s home and spent a few moments with Cyrnon. He was doing very well, the leg almost healed and the lump on his head practically nonexistent.

  “He is a surly patient. He would be up and running if I but let him,” Nuala fondly complained. “He does not know how to sit still for long periods.”

  Cyrnon was frustrated that he would be left behind again. That did not set well with him. “I should be one of the guards escorting you,” he complained. “Taking care of you is my duty.”

  “You aren’t ready yet for such a long trip and Kellach assures me it will be very fast and we will all suffer for it.”

  Cyrnon admitted this was so. “Winter soon approaches and you do not want to be caught away from the settlement when the snows fall.”

  “Will that happen soon?”

  “It is early yet, and Kellach would not agree to the trip if he felt concerned.”

  Cyrnan did not appear as if the weather were troubling so Fiona decided to ignore any unease she might have about that. She had enough to worry about as it was. Giving Cyrnon a kiss, which he returned with a little more fervor than she anticipated, she extricated herself and turned to leave. The old couple wished her well and promised to look out for the young man.

  Her personal life in order, all that was left was last minute preparations and then the journey. There was nothing else to do.

  A large crowd came out to speed them on their way. Kellach had not spoken a word to her all morning, and she wondered if he was regretting his promise. He left for a while and when he returned, he was joined by six of his men and their horses and gear, as well as a string of horses to be used as pack animals. Tanith’s nasty little animal did not appear to be part of the procession, for which Fiona was eternally grateful. Kellach led a pretty little brown mare over and helped her mount.

  “She is spirited but gentle,” he said. “I would not worry were Machar to ride her. Do you still wish to make this journey?”

  Fiona’s lips tightened to stem the trembling which suddenly appeared. “I do,” she whispered, “but in a perfect life, I would stay.”

  His eyes darkened and, without another word, he swung up upon his horse and cantered away, his men following. Fiona bestowed one last look at her friends, a sob threatening to erupt. It was a downcast group that watched as she fell in behind the men. Conan whined and barked and pulled at his leash so hard that Tanith had to restrain him. His beloved mistress was leaving and he desperately wanted to go with her.

  “I know, little one,” Tanith murmured as she held him, “but she might return.”

  Once outside the settlement, Fiona relaxed and vowed to enjoy the ride. She made a quick scrutiny of the area and noted that the open spaces beyond the settlement were almost devoid of the encampments of the great caravans. As soon as the heat had cooled sufficiently to allow crossing the great desert, many of the caravans had departed.

  Now, only a few late travelers remained. A crisp wind blew from the north and the smells of autumn were in the air. Kellach moved the group along at a brisk pace and only stopped for short breaks to allow the horses to rest. Not being much of a horsewoman and having very little liking for horse riding anyway, Fiona lagged behind several times until Kellach finally took her reins and pulled her along behind him. Actually, she liked it better that way. She could just sit back and enjoy the ride, and let him worry about going the right direction, if having the insides of her thighs rubbed raw and burning came under the definition of “enjoy.”

  By late afternoon, she was pretty sure she would never walk again. How these guys managed to keep going and act as though nothing bothered them is beyond me! After she decided that they were never going to stop, Kellach called a halt. Everyone else dismounted and busied themselves setting up camp. Fiona sat where she was until Kellach walked back to her.

  “You can dismount now. We will spend the night here. My men would like a warm meal.” He waited for her next move.

  Fiona silently made an oath to save Kellach’s death for last—let him watch the others suffer before she did him in. Having no other recourse but to get off the horse, she calculated her chances of survival by just falling off, which seemed the easiest way right now. She tried unsticking her legs from the saddle—amazing how, in only one long day, her skin had grown attached. Kellach still stood there, making no attempt to help.

  Okay, this was going to hurt! But unless she wanted to spend the night atop this wretched animal, she’d better figure out a way to get off. After what seemed like an eternity, Kellach reached up and lifted her down—and down she went, in a huddle on the ground. Her legs had become lumps of jelly, the bones having miraculously dissolved. Perhaps this was a new entry for the annals of medicine! The short trips to the yellow people’s village were nothing compared to the agony she was suffering after one day of travel. Her butt felt as though it had totally flattened. Might be a good thing to remember later on in life when her butt wouldn’t fit through a door. She could ride horses for fun and entertainment. Interesting thought!

  While all these random thoughts skittered through her brain, Kellach stood there, watching and waiting. Well, guess I’d better crawl to the fire pit and get something started, after all, this was my idea! Nope, wasn’t going to happen! She was just going to lie there until weeds covered her body. A fitting end for a practitioner of natural medicine, although perhaps instead of weeds, medicinal herbs would be more appropriate.

  Kellach exhaled with a loud huff and hauled her to her feet, at least she thought it was to her feet. Other than the aching, burning thighs, feeling below her belt had vanished.

  “Mayhap rest would be a better choice for you.” He flung her over his shoulder and stomped to the fire.

  Durlach had chosen to accompany Kellach and he was busily tending the blaze. A grin lit his face when Kellach thumped Fiona down next to him. “I have some strong liniment in my pack and I would be agreeable to rubbing your thighs down,” he said archly.

  Kellach growled an oath. Fiona sighed. Though the offer was a very temp
ting one, she didn’t think Kellach would approve and she was in enough hot water with him anyway without adding to the problem. “It’s a wonderful idea, but I think no. Maybe I can borrow some of your liniment and rub it on by myself.”

  “Half the pleasure is in having someone else do the work for you,” Durlach continued, unaffected by Kellach’s scowls and rumblings. “I only wish to please you and I offer myself as your servant.”

  Fiona burst out laughing. The guy’s gall was impressive, but unless he was willing to deal with Kellach, being her “servant” was not going to be an issue. “No. I think I’d just better handle it myself, for both our own good.”

  Kellach relaxed and began preparing hot water. Durlach’s lips quirked in amusement and though he was not along as the cook, he accepted the duty willingly and soon had a meal prepared.

  From across the fire, Kellach surreptitiously watched Fiona. It was obvious she was totally exhausted and sore from the day’s ride. In truth, he had pushed them harder than was warranted. In part, because of the need to finish the journey before the winter storms came, but mostly because he hoped she would falter under the rigors of the trip and forego traveling any further. Such was not the case. No words of complaint passed her lips, but her expression said enough. Whatever pains she was experiencing now would be doubled after tomorrow’s ride. She was helping Durlach the best she was able, but her movements were stiff and she winced in pain on more than one occasion. Something would have to be done or she would never be able to endure the journey and then she would not forgive him for her failure. No matter what, he would be in the wrong.

  Later that evening, some feeling had returned to Fiona’s legs. Whether that was a good thing was still out for vote by the committee. She halfway considered taking Durlach up on his offer, but knew better than to push Kellach any farther than she already had. She helped Durlach as much as she could, but her top speed was only a wide-legged hobble. No wonder cowboys were so bowlegged! God, what if her legs stayed this way! She wouldn’t even have to spread her legs to mount. She’d just stand there and wait for the horse to run through.

  Consideration had not been taken for her privacy issues and needing desperately to find a big bush, she moved away from the fire, her back and legs protesting at every step.

  Kellach moved quickly from the fire and confronted her. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “If it’s any of your concern, I need to have some privacy,” embarrassed that she even had to mention it.

  “I will come with you.”

  “I don’t think so. This isn’t a group participation activity.”

  “It would be too dangerous for you to venture out alone.”

  “I won’t go very far, just far enough so I have a little privacy. Or would you rather I just squatted down here and provided entertainment for the masses?”

  Kellach’s lips tightened, but his eyes were sparkling. “I will come with you and scout the area and then I will stay near in case you have need of me.”

  “Surprise! I have been doing this by myself for a very long time. I don’t think I will need you, but if you’re determined to accompany me, I guess it’s what we’ll do.” Exasperated, she marched ahead, her march somewhat hindered by the stiffness in her legs.

  Returning to the fire, Kellach directed her to the tent he had erected earlier, the only tent in the whole camp. It was more like a piece of heavy cloth or felt on sticks, but better than being out in the open. A bed of skins covered by blankets provided a comfortable if lumpy bed and was probably more than the men would have. Her few personal items were already inside and a bowl of water had been provided for her use.

  Someone had thoughtfully left a clay pot full of some greasy stuff smelling of wild yam and ginger, both long known for their properties in treating arthritis and other bodily aches and pains. Whoever it was, she appreciated their gift. Groaning, she managed to remove her boots and then her outerwear. She had “borrowed” a pair of pants from Cyrnon, since he was the only male she knew anywhere near her size. Over those, she had worn a leather skirt and a cotton tunic, covered by a warmer wool one and then a heavier drape for added warmth. When she had removed all but the cotton under-tunic, she began to rub the wild yam concoction into the insides of her thighs. The balm stung at first but the longer it was on, the more it soothed. The tent flap was drawn back and Kellach entered.

  Startled, she hastily pulled the tunic down and glared at him. “You could at least ask before you enter.”

  Kellach took the pot of liniment from her hands, motioning for her to roll over. “Some things are better done by another.” For the first time that day, he smiled at her and, astonishingly, she felt better already. It was ridiculous how much he affected her. Just looking at him caused her stomach to clench and her senses to heighten.

  “I can do it myself,” she said, reaching to take the pot back.

  “You won’t relax unless you let me do it.” His eyes glittered suspiciously. “Or would you rather I call Durlach.”

  The thought of a massage was too wonderful to reject and, knowing it was completely a wrong move, she flopped over onto her stomach, stretched out, and prepared to enjoy. Besides, having Kellach so near was too good to miss.

  Kellach started with her feet and slowly worked his way up her calves, kneading and manipulating each muscle until it relaxed under his ministrations. The only illumination in the tent came from the fire outside and he worked almost exclusively by touch. By the time he reached her thighs, he was finding it hard to concentrate on what he was doing. Her skin felt like silk and she was responding to his touch with groans and little sighs of contentment. He pushed her tunic higher, causing her to jerk. She turned and glared at him over her shoulder.

  “I think that’s about high enough,” she muttered, her face flushing to the point he could see it even in the darkened confines of the tent.

  “If you want to hurt worse tomorrow than you do today, I will stop, but the pain will not get better.” He continued to massage his way slowly higher, a sheen of perspiration forming on his upper lip. Heat inside the tent had built with each passing moment and he was not immune to its seductive warmth. Taking some small advantage, he leisurely rubbed down the insides of her thighs, his fingers slipping cunningly into her folds at opportune moments. Each time, she would roll her hips, attempting to adjust, until, finally, she flipped completely over, forcing his hands away.

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you’re enjoying this way too much,” she said, her voice low and husky with desire. Her eyes were darkened pools in the dimly lit interior and he ached to lie beside her.

  “Would you have me stop?” He waited expectantly.

  She lay there, leaning on her elbows, her legs slightly spread. “My heart does not,” she whispered, “but my head says that it will only make parting harder if I find the door home.”

  His tightly-held anger erupted. “Door! What do you mean by door? There is no door there, unless your people live like animals who burrow beneath the ground!”

  “That’s not what I meant. I only meant that perhaps I can find something that would point the way home.”

  “There is nothing there, but you will see that soon enough. I would not have lied to you!”

  “I didn’t think you would, but until I see for myself, I can’t let it go.” Her face pleaded for him to understand.

  Reluctantly, he acquiesced, his anger deflated by her calm. “I will take you as I said I would, and I will not force myself upon you again.” He made to leave.

  Shocked by his palpable misunderstanding, Fiona moved to kneel in front of him, “Don’t ever feel that way! Don’t ever think you forced yourself on me. There was never any force!” Hesitantly, she reached out and gently caressed his face, her hands soothing him with their touch.

  Face to face, they regarded each other—her face soft and beguiling, his closed and hard, his eyes bleak. Somewhere deep inside, Fiona’s resolve melted, and pure unadulterated lu
st bloomed in the aftermath. “Stay with me,” she whispered. “Let us have this one night together.”

  “Do not ask me unless you truly mean what you say,” he growled. “I will not stop again.”

  And neither would she! Gone was the trembling girl who feared giving herself wholly to any man. What was left was a woman who wanted and needed this man, unconditionally, if only for one night. She reached behind Kellach and dropped the open tent flap, surrounding them in complete darkness, her body pressed temptingly against him. Inhaling deeply, he waited for her to proceed further, unwilling to chance breaking the moment by making any unwelcome advances.

  Fiona dreamily ran her hands lightly down Kellach’s chest, reveling in the hard muscles and breadth of his shoulders. His scent once again assailed her, the man oozed pheromones from every pore and she was not unaffected by his blatant maleness. Taking her time, wanting each moment to last, she stroked each contour, familiarizing herself with every nuance of his form.

  Kellach remained still, allowing her to explore as she wished. Finally, when he knew he would be unable to endure any further, she pulled down his head and opened her lips to him. A raging hunger engulfed him and he plundered her mouth with his own. Tonight he would not be denied. This night belonged to them, whatever happened tomorrow. He felt as though he were drowning, and only she had the power to save him. Gone was the offending tunic, her bare skin was the softest he had ever touched.

  Fiona’s mind whirled, sensation after sensation pulsated and only Kellach existed for her at that moment. An ache grew in her breast and spread down to her secret place, thrumming to the rhythm that was Kellach. He pressed fully against her, his manhood erect and ready. The barest moment of alarm cautioned her by the mere size of him, but only for a moment, as she arched her body, begging for his touch. His mouth was everywhere, licking and teasing, until she thought she would die from wanting him. A hand caressed her inner thigh, and she bucked in response when he slid two fingers in, testing her readiness all the while rubbing circles with his thumb, increasing her tension.


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