10 Timeless Heroes; A Time Travel Romance Boxed Set

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  Heat skittered down his spine to settle in his groin. He was so hard he was ready to explode like a pin-popped grenade.


  Mitch cupped both breasts, skimming the puckering buds with his thumbs while he dipped his head and ran his tongue across one nipple then the other. Samantha grasped his head and arched into him, whispering his name.

  That was nearly his undoing. He released her to make quick work of the rest of his clothes, while she did the same. When she fingered the black lacey triangle on her hips, he grabbed her hand.

  “Let me.”

  She nodded and stood trembling while he knelt in front of her and kissed a path up her inner thigh then down the other. Damn, she tasted sweet. So damn sweet. He brushed her soft skin with his lips until he met the wet lace covering her smooth flesh.


  Cripes, he wanted to taste her. All of her.

  “Mitch.” Her breathy pant turned into two as he held her sweet ass and covered her creamy silk with his mouth.

  Shaky fingers thrust into his hair and held tight as she pressed closer. His erection pulsed. She was hot, wet, ready for him, and he was beyond ready for her.

  Grasping the lace in his teeth, he tugged the material down to her thighs where his hands caressed and glided them all the way to the floor. What had she called them? Thongs? He loved thongs.

  Samantha stepped out then sank to her knees, meeting his bared body in front of the fire. “My turn.”

  She pushed him onto his back, and before he could blink, her warm, wet, wicked mouth consumed his throbbing erection.

  Fuck. Mitch sucked in a breath and closed his eyes, body tense, every muscle straining. He wanted the spine melting sensation to go on forever and yet, if she didn’t stop soon…

  “Samantha.” Opening his eyes, he reached for her, drawing her on top of him. Silky, supple flesh pressed against him. His lips found hers and plundered deep.

  Again and again, he tasted, drove, and retreated, delighting in her soft throaty, purrs. God, she was incredible. He had to have her. Be in her. Brand Samantha as his own.

  Rolling over, he zeroed in on his peaked target. “You’re so beautiful, Samantha.” Dipping down, he gently brushed his jaw across her softness, taking her puckered nipple into his mouth. She writhed and moaned until her hands fisted his hair and drew his mouth back to hers.

  The other heart-stopping kisses fell short to this soaring-without-a-parachute embrace. He squeezed her rounded cheeks and grunted as she spread her legs. His erection thudded between her soft thighs.

  Have mercy…she rocked her hips.

  He broke the kiss and sucked in air. “Wait. Condom,” he managed to say, easing off her to reach for his pants.

  A soft chuckle left her throat.

  Not the most flattering sound given the heat of the moment. His hand stilled on the government issued prophylactic and he glanced at her face. “What’s so funny?”

  “Your condom is over sixty-eight years old.” Her grin broadened. “I hope it doesn’t bust.”

  He smiled. “It won’t, but I will if we don’t hurry.”

  “Wait,” she said. “Maybe we better use a fresh one.”

  Before he could respond, she shot to her feet and disappeared into his room, stretching his control to the very limit. Cripes. He closed his eyes and drew in several deep breaths, talking himself back from the edge. Damn, she had one hell of a sweet ass.

  “Here we go.”

  He opened his eyes to the sound of her ripping the packet and watched as she dropped down next to him, her breasts enticing him with a gorgeous bounce.

  “Allow me.” Warm fingers gripped his erection and worked the condom over the tip before rolling agonizingly slow down his length. “Semper Fi.” She smiled wickedly, nearly tossing him over that ever-present edge.

  Mitch gently removed her hands, sliding them around his waist as he twisted them until her back was on the floor, and then he met her lips. Hot and desperate and rough, they kissed hard and deep, tongues wild and erotic.

  Damn. It doesn’t get any better than this

  He was wrong.

  Sam spread her legs and whimpered deep in her throat, arching as if she needed every inch of them to touch. He trailed a hand down her breast, brushing her nipple on his way to her rocking apex.

  Warm. Blessedly wet.

  He pressed his fingertips against her and she mewed, her tongue delving wildly in his mouth. Mitch sunk his finger inside her and a deep, sexy sound ripped from her throat.

  “I need you, in…now.” She pushed his hand aside, grabbed his erection and guided his tip into her hot, wet, folds. “Yes. More.”

  Clenching his jaw, he fought the climax pressing for release. “Damn, Samantha. You feel so good.”

  He eased in further, her body conforming around him, squeezing tight until he thought he’d die. No woman ever felt this good. Ever drove him insane with need. Ever spurred such engulfing flames.

  Gazes locked, he began to rock, slow at first, heat building at his spine, spreading through his groin as her hips met him thrust for thrust. Glorious breasts bounced to the erotic rhythm, while firelight glistened off the sheen of heat engulfing both their bodies. Increasing the beat, he watched pleasure hood her eyes and arch her chin.

  “Now.” She grabbed his hips and bucked wildly, her ragged breaths echoing his own.

  Happy to oblige, he thrust hard and wild, pulling nearly all the way out before plunging deep inside. Each time she clutched at him and called his name until he finally captured her hitched breath with his mouth, and connected in the fiercest of kisses. Samantha was his, had always been his. Mitch shut down his brain and gave into the yearnings funneling between them.

  Wild. Freefalling. They gasped for breath, kissing and touching, in a whirlwind of sensations as they redlined for their targeted release.

  Only when she cried out and her body contracted around him, did he let go of his control, spiraling into the beckoning horizon. Release rocked in shockwaves up and down his spine, ripping a deep groan from within, echoing with her breathy panting into the silent cabin.


  Capturing her lips, he kissed her through the aftermath of the most amazing sex he’d ever had while they taxied down from the high. He placed kisses along her jaw until his breathing returned to normal. Fully spent, he pulled out, rolled onto his back, and drew her close, softly brushing her head with his lips.

  “That was incredible, Samantha.”

  “Mmm. Yes, you are.” She sighed into his chest, snuggling closer. “I sure hope there’s more where that came from.”

  Smiling, he tightened his hold, and kissed the top of her head again. “Oh yeah. Plenty. You didn’t want to sleep tonight, did you?”

  She chuckled and lifted up to meet his gaze. “No, Captain. Sleep is way down on my list of things to do with you.”

  His groin stiffened at her enticing words. “Well, that’s good to hear, considering…” He tipped sideways, spilling her onto her back, her naked splendor igniting a slow burn.

  “Considering what?” She smiled up at him, her mischievous fingers blazing a trail down to his tightening groin.

  “Considering your friend was kind enough to send a whole box of condoms.” He dipped down to suck in one of her nipples and didn’t release her until she cried out his name. “What do you say we head into the shower? I’m ready for a second deployment.”

  A wicked gleam entered her gaze. “Oorah.”



  For the next sixteen hours, Sam experienced pure heaven. Shower. Sex. Sleeping. Sex.

  Mitch was an incredible lover and her hero in so many ways—strong yet sweet; passionate yet gentle; funny yet serious—a true rarity.

  He listened to her talk about her dreams of NASA and seemed genuinely intrigued by the program. More than once, she’d caught him flipping through her grandfather’s scrapbook and photo album.

  He was finally starting to accept his fate.

  “Mitch, I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” she said as they finished their breakfast the next morning.

  “Sure. Anything.” He sent her a lop-sided grin and reached across the table to cover her hand.

  Warm shivers shot up her arm. Damn. She’d never grow tired of those addicting tremors.


  “I...I.” She cleared her throat and shook her head. “What was your college degree in?”

  He blinked and drew his hand away. “Engineering. Although, I don’t think it matters much now.”

  Engineering? Didn’t ring a bell. Try as she might, she still couldn’t remember what her grandfather had said about him or the others for that matter. She knew they either had a degree or were in the process of getting one when the war had started. Edward Sheppard Sr. had barely graduated and started an avionics job using his electrical engineering degree when Pearl Harbor happened.

  “What about you?” He reached for her hand again, lacing their fingers while another round of shivers charged up to her collar bone.

  Sam nodded and smiled slowly. “Aerospace Engineering.”

  “Aero what?” He frowned. “Don’t you mean aeronautical?”

  “No. The field definition changed in the late fifties to include not only the earth’s atmosphere, but outer space as well,” she explained. “What branch of engineering did you specialize in?”

  “Mechanical.” He winked and a slow, sexy-damn smile spread across his lips. “I’m pretty good with my hands.”

  Her heart jumped into her throat as she recalled their night together and the strange, yet familiar images of their lovemaking from long ago. “That you are, Captain. That you are. And I’m beginning to remember that went for John as well. You seem to carry the skill with you.”

  Chuckling, he lifted his free hand to scratch the bridge of his nose. “It would seem so, at least where you’re concerned.” He stilled and hit her with a serious blue stare. “We were meant to be together, Samantha. You’re mine. Always have been. Always will be.”

  Normally, an alpha statement like that raised her hackles and garnered a sarcastic response. Heck, Justin had said something similar and she’d broken up with him. Of course, he’d also wanted her to turn down the test piloting appointment and resign her commission.

  But to hear Mitch utter those words…she’d never heard anything so wonderful. She leaned forward, brought his hand to her lips, and brushed her mouth over each of his knuckles. “Yes I am, and you’re mine, Mitch.”


  Holding his gaze, she released him and stood. “Want some more?” Coffee pot in hand, she sauntered to his side of the table and her heart fluttered at the heat in his gaze.

  “Yes, please,” he responded, sliding a large, wonderfully wicked hand up her outer thigh.

  “Something tells me you’re not talking about coffee, Captain.” She smirked, thanking fate for shifting time and flying this man in her life. Or would that be flying her into his life?

  He removed the pot from her hand, placed the carafe on the table, his darkening gaze locked with hers. “That’s because I’m not. You’re what I want more of. You, I can’t get enough of, Samantha.”

  He tugged her onto his lap and she happily met his uplifted mouth. Hot. Eager. Demanding. He took her lips and scrambled her thoughts faster than any flight simulator.

  When they pulled apart for air, he buried his face in her neck, nuzzling the spot that drove her mad. Bugger. She gasped and crushed him closer. Exploring his bare skin became her number one priority.

  She stood, dragging him with her to their feet. “You have on too many clothes.” Dressed in his uniform again, she helped him out of his top and T-shirt. “Mmm, that’s much better.”

  Sunlight, pouring in from the front window mingled with the dull light overhead and emphasized muscles and valleys begging for her touch. Heat pooled between her legs, dampening her lace.

  Captain Sheppard, you have a go on exploration.

  Sam’s palms brushed warm pecks and conformed to taut ridges spread across a stunning southern quadrant. Roger that.

  Mitch grasped her shoulders. “You’re killing me, Samantha.”

  She smiled at the roughness of his tone, stretched tight like his pants. “Never.” She lifted her mouth in open invitation, while her hands sought the bulging soldier standing at attention behind his zipper.

  He dipped, capturing her mouth, drinking and giving with incredible precision. The perfect Marine. Firm fingers snaked through her hair and held her head immobile while the other grabbed her ass and squeezed.

  She did a little squeezing of her own, stroking his long erection all the way down to his sac.

  A deep, male sound rumbled in his throat.

  “Someone likes that.” She adopted his words from their first night.

  “Hell, yeah. Don’t stop.” He thrust his hips and filled her palm with his hard warmth.

  Core contracting, she yearned to have his long, thick length inside. Sam was just about to push him onto the table when the unmistakable sound of a chopper split the mountain silence.

  Mitch stilled, eyes wide, body stiff and on alert. “What in the hell is that?”

  Sam groaned. “Our ride. It’s Maria.”

  “Maria?” He yanked his shirts on. “What is she flying? That’s no airplane.”

  She straightened her clothes and smoothed her hair. “A helicopter.”

  “Oh?” His brows rose, curiosity lighting his eyes as he glance out the window to watch their ride to reality touch down on the front lawn. “So, that’s what one looks like. I’d heard the Germans had success with them.”


  She groaned and twisted him to face her. “Please don’t tell me you still think that’s why you’re here?”

  “No. Of course not.” He gave her shoulders a reassuring squeeze. “I’d just heard they’d had success with them. Were they not the inventors?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I believe they were.” Smiling, she reached up to lightly cup his face. “Wait till you fly in one. You get a three-hundred-sixty degree view. It’s like the air is all around you.”

  Excitement lit his gaze and eased the planes of his handsome face. “And you lift straight up?”


  “You don’t need a runway, just a small, flat clearing like your Harrier,” he said, more to himself than her. “Incredible.”

  The Harrier and many crafts lifted straight up, including the Phantombird, but she kept quiet. He was concerned with the chopper, whose blades slowly came to a halt.

  Maria slipped out and headed for the cabin.

  “Ah, our condom supplier,” he said with a wicked grin.

  Sam sucked in a breath and playfully slapped his arm. “Please don’t say that to her. God knows it doesn’t take much to get her going.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Mitch, trust me you don’t want—”

  A decidedly tuneful knock sounded at the door and interrupted her warning.

  “Hello? Sams? Captain Hotty? Everybody decent? Everybody indecent?” Maria asked through the unopened door. “Because if you’re not. I can come back you know.”

  Mitch slipped an arm around Sam’s shoulders and chuckled.

  She groaned. “Maria, just get in here.”

  “I’m coming. I’m coming, and I hope to God you did, too, Sam,” her friend said, waltzing into the cabin. “I swear, if you still have a full box of condoms, the female population is going to have to disown you.”

  “Consider me safe.”

  “Alleluia we have lift off! That’s my girl.” Maria rushed forward, goofy grin on her face. She pulled Sam into a hug. “I’m so happy your dry spell is over.”

  Oh, God, just shoot me now.

  “Mitch, this is my soon-to-be ex-friend, Maria. Maria, Mitch.”

  The redhead released her, turned to the Ace and gasped. “Holy Flying Heroes�
�.I want one. You look even better conscious and up close. Why the hell didn’t those Corsairs hold two? Then I could’ve had my own captive hero.”

  “All right, motor-mouth, that’s enough.” Sam grabbed Maria by the shoulders and pushed her toward the kitchen. “How much caffeine did you have today?”

  “None. And that coffee smells great. I could go for a cup before we leave.”

  “Oh, hell no, that’s the last thing you need.”

  “While you two ladies work things out, I’m going to go get a closer look at that helicopter.” Mitch walked to the door where he picked up both duffle bags they’d packed that morning, then turned to face her. “Take your time.”

  A second later, she was alone with her grinning friend.


  “So, what?” Sam played dumb.

  Chapter 12

  “Come on, Sam. You have to tell me. I mean, look at him.” Maria pointed at the window and let out a moan.

  Sam glanced at Mitch who was bending down to look under the tale. Damn, he had one fine butt.

  “You did that, Sams. That gorgeous, piece of—”

  “He’s a man.”

  “Fine, you did that man,” Maria corrected. “And you aren’t even going to tell me about it? Come on! I’ll take any kind of morsel. I’m in a friggin’ funk.”

  Her friend was only in a funk because she always wanted the unattainable. Sam grabbed the dirty breakfast dishes off the table and carried them to the sink. “Nope,” She replied with a grin.

  “That’s not fair,” Maria insisted, pouring a cup of coffee with an exaggerated frown. “I’d tell you.”

  “True, and everyone on base. The baker. Clerk at the convenient store. Postal worker.”

  “No, I wouldn’t. That clerk never smiles. I wouldn’t tell her a damn thing,” Maria stated, before sipping her coffee. “That dour, uptight clerk is a waste of a good joke. But I’d tell her anyway. The more outrageous, the darker the frown.” The redhead wrinkled her nose and smiled. “Come on. Give me something. I’m so jealous.”

  Memories from the night before brought a small grin to Sam’s lips. “You should be.”

  Stopping mid sip, her friend glanced over at her. “You bitch. Go on.”


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