10 Timeless Heroes; A Time Travel Romance Boxed Set

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  “I know,” he said, settling into the one seat. “Just sit on me like you did before and I’ll have easy access.”

  To the controls, or me?

  It didn’t matter. Her adrenaline had already kicked up a notch. He was right. She hadn’t blocked anything, and just the thought of flying with him in Lullabelle, two of her favorite things, was more than she could pass up.

  “Okay.” Sam climbed on board, settled across him, and made double sure she didn’t interfere with his access to all the controls. Satisfied it was safe, she closed the canopy and smiled. “Take me to the sky, Captain.”

  “You got it.”

  He went through his pre-flight, started the engine, and before she knew it, they were racing down the runway and lifting into the air for a flight she’d cherish forever. Her heart was floating. Her body was floating. Sam was having the time of her life.

  Keeping to the flight plan, Mitch flew them from one end to the other, his movements easy, confident, sure. Her gaze went from the exuberant expression on his face to the strong hand gripping the stick, those long fingers persuading Lullabelle into flight, soaring higher and higher, urging responses with all the ease of a confident lover. She knew that side of him well. In bed, he handled her with the same wonderful precision. For the first time, Sam found herself envying an aircraft. Her aircraft.

  She laughed out loud and his gaze met hers. He leaned close to be heard over the roar of the engine.

  “You doing okay?”

  She smiled and gave him a quick kiss near his ear. “Never better. You?”

  “Never better.”

  It was the truth.

  Mitch was grateful to Ed and Todd for allowing him to fly the past few weeks, even piloting a few incredible aircrafts. But none could compare to the ultimate euphoria he felt at the moment. He knew, without a shadow of a doubt, he had been born to fly a Corsair. The seating, the controls, the movement all felt right. Sheer joy pulled a smile from his lips. He blazed a trail across the sky, blue giving away to orange as the sun began to set. The flight took away his cares. He was completely unburdened. Unhindered.


  He glanced at the incredible woman in his lap, a sexy tilt to her sweet lips. He was born to be with this woman, too. Only…Try as he might, he couldn’t ignore the feeling something was off.

  Like the century.

  But, that was crazy. He was here. She was here. They were together as they should be. And in a Corsair. Who would’ve thought?

  “Having fun?” she asked, leaning in. She was so close. All he had to do was shift sideways a few inches and he could claim her mouth, worship her taste…but he didn’t.

  He tipped the plane instead.


  She laughed, warm curves pressed against his side, breasts brushing his arm. He turned his face to meet her lips, stealing a kiss that continued even when he righted the plane. He could feel the heart beating wildly in her chest; taste the desire heating her kiss. The woman was intoxicating. She sucked the cells from his brain, and right now, unfortunately, he needed them to focus on flying.

  Once they landed, though, all bets where off.

  Breaking the kiss, he double-checked their trajectory and spared her a quick glance. Emerald eyes shone in her flushed face, while the setting sun illuminated the heady appeal of her swollen, moist lips.

  “God, Samantha, you’re so damn beautiful,” he breathed.

  That got him the sweetest smile.

  And suddenly, he didn’t want to be flying in the Corsair. He wanted to be in Samantha. Telling her how much he loved her. Showing her how much he loved her.

  Banking left, Mitch headed for the airport, feeling her warm curves press back into his side. If only it were possible to land this way, he thought as he righted the plane, her soft laughter setting off ripples of heat he felt to his soul.

  After landing, he taxied to the hangar, his mind on the evening ahead, until he spotted Maria and Jensen heading their way.

  “Don’t look now, we have company,” he said, powering down.

  She glanced around him and nodded. “Ah, Jensen usually helps me guide Lullabelle back in and we check her over after flights. But as for Maria…? Not sure why she’s here.”

  “Maybe she and Jensen have plans.”

  Samantha laughed. “Not a chance. Don’t let the banter fool you. Maria teases and flirts with him because she knows he won’t do anything about it.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t get women.”

  “Maria is a class all her own.” The smile slowly left her face. “Actually, she’s been hurt real bad in the past. She hides behind humor and sarcasm. As for Jensen, in the two years I’ve known him, I’ve hardly ever seen him with a woman, and when I did, I could tell she was just there to satisfy his physical needs. He’s closed off to the world.” Her sigh washed over his face. “I wish I could help him. I could sense something happened on a mission. He fixes planes, but doesn’t fly, even though he’s licensed. He won’t talk, and I don’t prod. I’m hoping someday, he’ll open up and get it off his chest.”

  He had. To Mitch.

  Surprisingly, the two had bonded over tools and a tune-up, and the past few weeks they not only shared a few beers, but some of their experiences as well. Jensen had been through hell, and still dwelled somewhere between loss and guilt. The Navy man had a long road ahead of him, only time would help.

  But it wasn’t his place to talk about it. Even to the most wonderful, caring, giving woman in the world. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her soft palm just because.

  “And you,” she said, smile returning to tug her mouth. “You may not get women, but you get me just fine, flyboy. Just fine.”

  Samantha leaned forward and kissed him full on the lips.

  That suited Mitch just fine. Cupping the back of her head, he held her close and kissed her proper, his own engines revving before they drew back for air. “We’ll continue this later,” he promised before opening the canopy just as their company arrived.

  “Awe, look at that,” Maria said. “Two love birds in a plane.”

  A smile twitched his lips. He climbed out behind Samantha and nodded to Jensen, the Navy man shaking his head at the red-head.

  “So what’s up?” Samantha asked.

  “Why does something have to be up? Can’t I just pop in to see how my best friend is doing?”

  “After you’ve worked two days in a row? No.” Samantha laughed. “What gives?”

  Maria’s brows rose. “You’d better check your phone.”

  Chapter 16

  Samantha frowned, digging into her pocket to retrieve her cell. Her frown deepened. “The base called?”

  Cripes. A heaviness settled in Mitch’s chest. Already? He wasn’t ready to let her go again.

  “Yeah. First formation is at O nine hundred this Saturday,” Maria informed.

  Samantha groaned. “Shoot. I thought we’d have a little longer.”

  “Longer? They only had some minor adjustments to make, and we’ve already been home almost a week. But I get it. Time flies when you’re having Mitch…I mean, fun.” Maria chuckled.

  The dark-eyed woman sure had a way with words. He could feel a smile tug at his lips again. Jensen’s turned up a little, too.

  “You’re a riot,” Samantha said, shaking her head.

  “On the bright side, this is our rotation. And I can feel it, Sam. We’re going to get the success. Plus, this will put you past the thousand hours you need to apply for NASA.”

  He glanced down at his beautiful pilot. “It is? That’s wonderful, Samantha.”

  “Yeah, that’s great, Sam,” Jensen said.

  She smiled and nodded. “I know. I just wish I had a few more days.”

  “You do. We don’t go for five more days,” Maria pointed out.

  “That’s not what I meant. And I hate to leave dad and Todd in a bind.”

  A wicked smile spread across Maria’s lips. “You won’t.
That reminds me. You should see the guy your dad hired this weekend. Mmm. He is fine, Sams. And the best part? He’s got a brother—”

  “I’m not interested,” Samantha interrupted, slipping her arm around his waist.

  Damn straight! She’d better not be.

  “I know that, silly.” Maria waved a hand. “I was going to say, more for me. Two times the pilot. One’s former Air Force, the other’s…What did he say his brother was, Jensen?”

  “A Marine,” the mechanic replied, leaning against the hangar.

  “Right, a Marine pilot who just finished his third tour and has resigned his commission. You’re dad’s interviewing him next weekend.”

  “Wonderful.” Samantha nodded, relief easing some of the stiffness from her shoulders. “So once Mitch gets his license, Dad’ll have three more pilots.”

  “That’s actually why I’m here,” Maria said, turning her dark gaze on him. “My cousin is coming in next week with your paperwork, Mitch. You’ll be a legal flyboy soon. Well, as legal as fake papers can be.”

  Thank God. Finally, he won’t have to rely on others and be a burden. Samantha would no longer have to drive him around like he was some candy-ass wuss. He didn’t like the fact it wasn’t above board, but he was happy none-the-less. He really hated his non-existence. Yeah, non-existence fucking sucked.

  “Sweet!” Samantha turned in his arms and gave him a quick kiss. “This calls for a celebration. I’ll run and get us some supper while you and Jensen secure Lullabelle.”

  Before he could reply, she’d twisted out of his arms and was walking away with her friend.

  Maria dropped an arm around Samantha’s shoulder. “I feel it, Sams. Big changes are coming this weekend.”

  Mitch watched the two women head for the parking lot as Jensen pushed away from the building and cupped his shoulder.

  “Sam’s getting her hours and you’re getting your life back. I’m glad you two are able to move forward.”

  Forward, yeah. Then why does it feel…

  No, he refused to think negatively. The woman he loved, loved him back, and Jensen was right. They were moving forward in their lives. Soon he’d be flying for a living and hopefully, she’d be training to head into space. No room for dismal thoughts.

  “I’m glad, too,” he told Jensen, and together they spent the next half hour putting Lullabelle back in the hangar and going through routine after-flight maintenance.

  If he was good with his hands, the same could be said for Jensen. The man knew his shit. Knowledgeable, quick and efficient. He must’ve been fearsome in battle.

  “You would’ve made a great Marine,” he told the Navy man, and received a grunt.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “Exactly how it was meant.”

  Jensen’s smile slowly faded. “You would’ve made a hell of a SEAL, Mitch.” He hit the button to close the unit’s hydraulic door and when it stopped, he added, “Provided you could swim.”

  Mitch’s lips twitched. “Like a squid.”

  They were still grinning when Samantha walked in a minute later. She blinked at Jensen and soon her shock turned into a smile.

  “I’m not going to ask. But it’s good to see my two favorite heroes smiling.”

  His brows went up. “Heroes? How do you figure?”

  “I’m no hero,” Jensen said, features going completely tight.

  Her comment was innocent, but she had no idea how raw the nerve was she’d just touched. Mitch wanted to warn her, but couldn’t without revealing he knew about the Navy man’s past.

  She stared at the SEAL and tipped her chin. “Bullshit.”

  Mitch bit back a smile. She never was one to mince words. And knew when to push, and not to push.

  “But I’m feeling generous and won’t argue.” She shuffled the bags and drinks in her hands in order to pat Jensen’s shoulder. “You’re my unintended hero.”

  The Navy man sighed and shook his head, slight tilt to his lips.

  “And you,” she said, turning to stare straight at him, that gorgeous green gaze of hers warm and alight with mischief. “You are my captive hero.”

  Mitch chuckled. “I’ve gone from captive to captivated, sweetheart.”

  “Awe, you’re just saying that because I’m carrying this.” She held up a take-out bag of old fashion cheeseburgers.

  His mouth watered. “Damn, Samantha, you’re too good to me.”

  She stepped close and kissed him. “That’s because I love you.”

  “On that note, I’m going to head out. Enjoy your celebration,” Jensen said, turning toward the door.

  She pivoted around. “Wait! You don’t have to leave. I bought one for you and I’ll share my fries.”

  Wow. Last time he had to practically wrestle one out of her hand.

  Jensen grinned. “No thanks. You two enjoy.”

  A second later, they were alone.

  She swiveled around and held up the bag. “Oh well, more for us. Here, you get the table ready.” She shoved the bag and drinks at him, and when he reached for the second bag, she pulled back. “Nope. I’ll take care of the ambiance.”


  She nodded, pulling out some kind of plastic looking stick. “I figure candles were a bit dangerous in a sealed room with jet fuel nearby. So I’m improvising.”

  He watched as she snapped the stick before shaking it. Light instantly glowed from within. “Amazing,” he said, taking the stick she offered.

  “Chem lights, or as civilians call them, glow sticks. When you break the ampoule, the peroxide mixes with the other chemical causing the glow,” she explained, cracking, shaking and dropping as she walked toward the door. She flicked off the lights, and a second later they were bathed in a soft orange glow. “They come in a variety of colors, too.”

  He stared at the stick in his hand. “Clever. No batteries needed.”

  “Exactly. More for Maria.” She snorted. “Sorry, slipped out.”

  The conversation from the first day he’d arrived at the airport instantly sprang to mind. Samantha hadn’t elaborated on her friend’s comment, but there was no need. The internet had taken care of his education in that department. Big time.

  Dropping the light on the floor, he used his free hand to move the table away from the wall, and before long, they were seated and eating. She handed him the last of the chem lites. Mimicking her actions, he cracked then shook, marveling at the process as he placed the glowing stick between them on the table.

  “Burgers by chem lite. Our best meal yet.” She laughed, the light picking up the teasing gleam in her eyes.

  He grabbed her hand, held her gaze and slowly kissed her knuckles. “Thank you for today.”

  She rewarded him with another of her sweet smiles which kicked something deep inside.

  “It was my pleasure,” she said.

  No, but it would be. Tonight, he was going to pleasure her until she begged for mercy. Give and give to the giving woman until she couldn’t take anymore.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, Mitch, I’m not going to be able to finish my burger.”

  He smiled and released her hand. “Well, we can’t have that.”


  Time for a subject change. The woman fogged his brain…and heated him from within. He shrugged out of his coat and hung in on the back of his chair, then helped her with hers before retaking his seat, a little amazed at the unit’s climate control feature. Another modern marvel he was going to look up when he had a chance.

  The perfect safe subject. “I can’t believe these units are heated.”

  “And air conditioned.” Samantha nodded, munching on a fry. “I’m sure you already marked it on your mental list to check it out on the internet.”

  He grunted his agreement as he chewed his burger. The woman was beginning to know him very well. And he thought he knew her, too. They ate in silence for a few minutes before he set his drink down and studied her.

brows went up. “What?”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about your hours?”

  “My hours—oh.” She straightened her shoulders then shrugged. “I actually forgot about them. My focus has kind of shifted.”

  It was his turn to stiffen. “No, Samantha. NASA is your dream. Please don’t tell me you’re thinking about giving it up.”

  She crumpled her empty wrapper and threw it in the bag. “I’ve learned one thing over the past few weeks. I don’t like being away from you, and I don’t think they’ll allow me to commute.”

  “Then I’ll go with you.”

  “What?” Her brows were back up.

  “You heard me ” he said, taking her hand again. “I’ll go wherever you go. Do whatever I have to. If I can’t fly, I’ll sling burgers. I don’t care. I love you. I just want to be with you.”

  He watched as tears glistened in her eyes before spilling down her face. His insides twisted tight. Swallowing a groan, he tugged, and heaven help him, she came over and straddled his lap.

  Warm and sweet and wet, her lips brushed his temple, his cheek, then jaw. “I love you, Mitch,” she said against his skin before settling over his mouth.

  She tasted of salt and ketchup and love. Mostly love.

  He slid a hand behind her back, slipping his fingers inside her waistband, loving the feel of her soft, warm flesh, while his other hand cupped the back of her head. She moaned and the kiss changed from sweet and loving to hot and demanding.

  Her body rocked over his, crotch rubbing crotch, jerking his erection to life. The burger was no longer the focus of his hunger. Samantha was. She broke the kiss and proceeded to scrape her teeth along his jaw and neck.

  “I think now would be a good time for dessert.”

  Dessert? He was enjoying his dessert.

  Before he could stop her, Samantha left his lap and grabbed the other bag, tipping it toward him.

  “Here, you get first choice.”

  He reached in expecting to get icing on his fingers, but met the smooth skin of a packet instead. His insides rocked. Son-of-a-bitch. He pulled out a condom, instead.

  She smiled and dropped the bag on the table. “Nice choice.”


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