10 Timeless Heroes; A Time Travel Romance Boxed Set

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  “What about the police? With me here, you’ll be under even more suspicion. We both will. They’ll hound every step we take.

  “They can snoop around all they like. You and I both know we’re innocent. I can handle their hounding. Can you?”

  Her hide was pretty tough. She nodded.

  “I want you to stay with us, Loren. With me.” He kissed her until they were both panting for breath. “Sleep on it. Make a decision when you’re rested.”

  “I’ll let you know Saturday morning.”

  “Good, because I plan to be in your bed Saturday night.”

  She chuckled. “I think we better make it your bed. The springs on mine are noisy.”


  Irene had fed the kids breakfast early and they were just getting up from the table when Loren entered the kitchen.

  “Your breakfast is on the stove dear.”

  “Thank you. Oh boy, French toast. One of my favorites.” She sat down in the chair next to Miles. He was freshly shaved and looking handsome as usual, actually, more so than typical for a Saturday morning. “Good morning.” She took a bite of her toast and chewed as she studied him. “Why are you so dressed up this morning?”

  His grin made her heart flutter. “I have a special trip to make today.”

  “Come children.” Irene bundled them in sweaters and caps and then rushed them outside. “You stay close. I’ll be out in a moment.”

  She wrapped a wool scarf around her head and slipped on a heavy sweater. “I believe I see Gus in the garden. Think I’ll go outside and have a quick chat with him. Can I get you two anything else?”

  “I’m fine, Irene.” Loren arched a brow at Miles.

  He nodded. “Me too, Irene.”

  The door closed and they found themselves alone. Miles reached for her hand and clasped it tightly. “Have you made a decision?”

  “Yes. The answer is yes, Miles.”

  He visibly exhaled. A smile lit up his face. “Thank God.” He tugged on her hand and pulled her over to sit on his lap. His arms ran up her arms and then down her back pulling her closer. “I love you, Loren.”

  Her spirit lifted. Making up her mind had taken a load from her shoulders. She cupped his face in her hands and touched the tip of her nose to his. “I love you too.” Their lips met in a quick kiss.

  “Let’s hurry.” He scooted her off his lap. “Eat your breakfast so we can go.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “On our honeymoon.”


  Within an hour, Miles had Loren in the Morris and waving good-bye to Irene and the children. Irene swiped at tears as they backed out of the drive.

  “Why aren’t Mary and Daniel fussing because they don’t get to go?”

  “Because I told them if they were good, we’d bring them a surprise.” Heck, to get time away alone with Loren, he’d have promised them the moon.

  She clucked her tongue. “Bribing them at such a young age. You should be ashamed.”

  “We won’t make it a habit. Just on special occasions.” He reached for her hand and tugged. “We’re out of town. Move on over beside me.” She scooted over and nestled into his side, her hand on his leg. He felt the heat warm his skin.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Manchester. It’ll take a little over an hour.” He turned the radio on and Glen Miller and his band blared from the speaker.

  It was just after 11:00 when they checked into their hotel. When the door closed behind the bellman, Miles drew Loren into his arms. He nuzzled her neck and placed kisses across her collarbone. “I’d love for us to go to bed now, but we need to do some shopping before dark.”

  “One kiss then we’ll go.”

  One kiss turned into twenty. Both were breathing hard when they pulled apart. He smoothed Loren’s skirt back down over her hips. “If we go home with no surprises, I’m going to tell the children it was your fault.”

  “Yikes, we better go then. Let me freshen up.”

  He watched as she stood at the mirror in the bathroom and applied the red lipstick so popular today. Or so Loren said. To him, her lips were beautiful when they were bare, a soft peach color.

  “I’m ready.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Not really, but I’ll eat a little something if you are.”

  “I’m fine. How about a dessert and coffee between stores and after shopping, an early dinner.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  They bought Mary a beautiful Scarlet O’Hara Lady Alexander doll with a trunk and wardrobe. Daniel was a bit young for an electric train so they selected a fleet of die-cast trucks and construction vehicles.

  Loren loved shopping for the children’s toys. A Scarlet O’Hara doll. Wow, it’d be worth big bucks in 2007. As he waited for change, Miles asked the clerk, “Would you deliver these to our hotel?”

  “Yes, sir. We’d be happy to.”

  Boy, times had sure changed. She rather liked some things about this era. Miles took her arm and ushered her out the door. “Now, we need to buy a few things for you.”

  “Me? I don’t need anything.”

  “Oh yes you do. Well, it might be partly for me too.” He laughed as he steered her toward a lingerie shop. Several mannequins were posed in the windows. She loved these old styles—the length of the gowns and their long flowing lines.

  Miles tapped the glass. “I like the tangerine one. Do you? The color would be beautiful with your hair and eyes.”

  “Miles, I don’t need a gown. Should we be spending our money on such frivolous items?”

  “Love, this is going to be your last honeymoon. I want it to be special.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. Her throat clogged with tears. “Miles, I don’t need a gown to make it wonderful. Just you.”

  His arms locked around her. His lips against her ear sent shivers racing through her. “I know you don’t, but I want you to have it and I can afford it.”

  Twenty minutes later they crossed to the street to a jewelry store. “Miles, you know I can’t wear a wedding ring. Maybe in a few years.”

  “You’re going to have one whether you can wear it or not.”

  She threw her hands up in the air. This man was on a mission. He hailed a cab. “Do you have a particular faith?”

  “No. Why?”

  “I grew up in the Catholic Church. Would you be offended if we exchanged vows there?”

  She could only shake her head. What would this man have them doing next?

  He leaned over the seat to speak to the cabbie. “Nearest Catholic Church, please.”

  As quickly as the cab had taken off, it whipped to the curb and stopped. “Nearest Catholic Church.” It was less than a block from the jewelry store.

  They stepped from the vehicle laughing. People walked by and smiled at their glee as they hung on to each other to remain standing.

  A priest exited one of the tall wide doors and they instantly sobered.

  It was dark and cool in the old building. Flying buttresses supported the gallery. Paintings covered the ceiling. It was beautiful. Miles led her to the second pew. They knelt. He looked up at Christ on the Cross and back at her.

  “Loren, I pledge to love you with all my heart. From this day forward you are my wife. I will love, honor and cherish you until death us do part.” He took the ring he’d purchased less than an hour ago and slipped it on her finger.

  Tears ran down Loren’s face. She choked out the words as she made her vows to Miles. “From this day forward. I will love, honor and cherish you until death do us part.”


  It was 7:00 in the evening when they finished having dinner. Loren stepped out of her shoes and set them under a chair.

  Miles shrugged out of his suit coat and hung it in the closet. “Do you mind if I take a quick shower.”

  “Not at all.”

  When he was out, Loren picked up her toiletries and the gown and started drawing water in the tub. The
hotel had a little sample of bath oil so she poured the entire bottle in the water and swished it around before stepping into the tub. She washed quickly, brushed her teeth and slipped the gown over her head. It fell down over her body and outlined every curve, a perfect fit. The skirt gradually flared fuller as it fell from her hips. Very nice. They just didn’t make things like they used to.

  Miles lay propped up on pillows. His only attire white boxer shorts. His gaze lit on her and traveled from her head to her toes and back up again. He whistled softly. “You are beautiful Loren. That gown was worth every penny.”

  She ran her hands over the soft material loving the way it felt against her skin. It was sensual.

  He held out a hand. “Come to bed, love.”

  “Let me brush my hair real quick.” She sat down on the vanity stool and ran the brush through her hair until it crackled with life. Lifting the small bottle of cologne, she dotted a dab on each wrist and at the pulse point in her neck.

  Miles tossed back the covers on her side of the bed and patted the space.

  With the gown brushing against her legs and tops of her feet, she walked to the bed and lay down facing Miles.

  He brushed the hair back from her face, and then slid his hand down over her arm and then back up again. With his index finger, he traced her collarbone and an invisible line down to a breast, under the fabric of her gown and across to tease the other breast. He could tell she liked for him to touch her there. “Mmm, you are so lovely, your skin is as soft as a baby’s.” He slipped his arm under her shoulders and pulled her close. His free hand ran back and forth along the side of her breast as he kissed her hungrily. She arched into his touch wanting more, but he continued to tease, drawing closer to her nipple with each stroke. When he finally touched the peak, she groaned into his mouth.

  Pleased at her response, he reached for the hem of the gown stroking her legs and abdomen, teasing with each touch. Miles wanted to feel her skin next to his. He pushed the garment up around her waist. She sat up and lifted it over her head and tossed it on the bedside chair. He shimmied out of his boxers and tossed them in the floor. He pulled her into his arms, molding their bodies together, enjoying the smoothness of her skin as his hands moved over her thighs to cup her buttocks, up her back and around to cup her breasts, loving the sounds of her little pants.

  Not shy, her hands smoothed over his skin, learning what he enjoyed. At his groan of approval, she continued to touch him increasing his need. Crikey, she was everything a man could want in a lover—eager, and unafraid to be aggressive.

  “Now, Miles.”

  He settled between her thighs, his weight on his forearms, and barely entered. “This seals your fate, my dear. You are mine now.”

  She arched up taking him deeper. “Likewise, mister.”

  “Agreed.” He thrust slowly and set a rhythm increasing in speed until at last she cried out, her body stiffening and quaking with completion. With a low groan, he joined her. He held his weight off her as her inner muscles continued to spasm. When she stilled, he rolled to his back taking her with him.

  It took a minute for his harsh breathing to slow. He stroked Loren’s back and felt tears on his chest. “Why are you crying? You’re not sorry we made love are you?” Oh, God. Please let her say no.

  “No . . . no . . . It’s just . . . I wish I could have a baby.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief. “Love, I know, I’m so sorry. I hope you’ll be a mother to Mary and Daniel.”

  “You mean it?” she asked as she hiccupped against his chest.

  “Of course I mean it. I love you, Loren.”

  She sniffed. “I love you too, Miles. I’ll be a good mother to your children, I promise.”

  “I know you will.” He hugged her close.

  She laughed and said, “Now I have everything a heart could desire. I’ve got you, the children, with Irene thrown in for extra measure.”


  Carlisle, UK, June 1955

  Loren stood with an arm around both Mary and Daniel. They stood in front of the cottage waiting as Miles carried a box filled with the last of their things to the moving van. Mary’s pout was typical of her teenage torment at leaving her home, school and many friends.

  “I still don’t understand why we have to move to Middlesbrough.” Loren saw the sparkle of a tear in the girl’s eye. When Loren tried to hug Mary, she shrugged away.

  “We’ve been over this a hundred times at least. Your father has moved to a better paying position. You’ll make new friends in no time.”

  Daniel, though he’d miss his friends, thought the move an adventure and approached the change with gusto. Until this moment he’d been okay with the move. Right now he wasn’t looking so sure. “Dad, you sure they have a soccer team?”

  “Yes, I am, and a rowing team.” He ruffled Daniel’s hair. “I can see you now.” Miles made sculling motions with his arms. “Pulling those oars back, gliding through the water.”

  The reassurance eased the expression on Daniel’s face and he smiled up at Mary. “It’s going to be nifty going to a new school, sis. Just think. I bet they have some cute boys.”

  Mary took a swing at her brother, but chuckling, he danced out of her way.

  Miles waved the truck off and joined them carrying a scrapbook. It was the one Loren’s mother had kept as a girl. “Better not leave this behind, love. Might have the new owners asking all sorts of questions.”

  “Where’d you find it? I thought it was in with all the other books.”

  He shrugged. “I guess it fell out or didn’t make it in the box because of its size.”

  Loren took it and carried the big book to the Ford Angelia and tossed it through the open window onto the seat. He slid an arm around her shoulders.

  “You ready to leave, love?”

  She glanced back at the cottage one last time and nodded. “Yes, I’m ready.” They were leaving a lot of wonderful memories but on their way to create new ones.

  Just as they were climbing into the Ford, a car drove up. The new owners. Butterflies danced around in her stomach and she placed a hand there to still them.

  Miles approached the driver side of the sedan as a man stepped out. “Hello Mr. Chapeau. I see you’re all packed. I hope we’re not rushing you out.” He extended his hand.

  “Not at all. We were just getting in the car. It’s good to see you before we leave. I can hand you these keys instead of taking them by the realtor’s office.”

  “Thank you.” His wife joined them carrying a toddler. The child lunged for her father’s arms. Laughing, he caught her before she fell. “One of these days, pumpkin, I might miss and let you fall.”

  The child giggled and patted his cheek. Loren studied the people standing around her with interest. Standing close to Miles, she gazed at the precious little girl. She shot Loren a toothy grin and dove for her arms. Startled, Loren caught her before a mishap and held her close, breathing in her sweet baby scent.

  “That’s quite a little acrobat you have there, Mrs. Haverty,” said Miles as he looked at Loren tenderly.

  Loren’s eyes widened at the realization. Her heart lodged in her throat and she struggled not to cry but tears formed and threatened to overflow. Sensitive to others’ emotions as all children are, the child leaned back and patted both of Loren’s cheeks.

  “No cry.” She titled her head. “Need kiss?”

  The tense moment broken, Loren laughed and swiped at the tears. “I sure do, sugar.”

  Especially one from my mother. It was a kiss she’d treasure for the rest of her life.

  The End

  Other Books by Linda LaRoque

  Contemporary Westerns

  Forever Faithful

  Investment of the Heart

  When the Ocotillo Bloom


  Born in Ice

  Time Travel

  The Turquoise Legacy

  My Heart Will Find Yours


lames on the Sky

  A Way Back

  Desires of the Heart

  A Law of Her Own

  A Marshal of Her Own

  A Love of Her Own

  Birdie’s Nest

  Linda’s Bio

  Linda LaRoque is a Texas girl, but the first time she got on a horse, it tossed her in the road dislocating her right shoulder. Forty years passed before she got on another, but it was older, slower, and she was wiser. Plus, her students looked on and it was important to save face.

  A retired teacher who loves West Texas, its flora and fauna, and its people, Linda’s stories paint pictures of life, love, and learning set against the raw landscape of ranches and rural communities in Texas and the Midwest. She is a member of RWA, her local chapter of HOTRWA, NTRWA and Texas Mountain Trail Writers.

  Linda writes contemporary western romances, time travel historical romances and futuristic romances.

  Visit Linda at these locations.





  Linda’s Amazon Page

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