My Commander (Bewitched and Bewildered #1)

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My Commander (Bewitched and Bewildered #1) Page 18

by Alanea Alder

  "Do you like it?" She asked before twirling round. When she stopped, he simply pulled her in for a long kiss. For the first time in hours she felt calm. It was like she craved him, his very physical presence was needed for her survival. She pulled back and tried to catch her breath. His eyes shone bright.

  "How long before this heat settles down?"

  "A couple hundred years." He teased and then offered her his arm. She laid her hand on his elbow as he escorted her towards the ballroom.

  "Man, I'm going to stay pregnant." Aiden stumbled but caught himself. His eyes had a wild look about them as they darted from her midsection to her face.

  "Are you? Could you be?" He stuttered. She shook her head.

  "No, well, I don't think so." She shrugged.

  "Don't do that." His other hand clutched at his chest.

  "Sorry." She squeezed his hand as they approached the door.


  "As I'll ever be" Aiden nodded to the herald and the doors swung open.

  "I have the distinct honor to present, Commander Aiden McKenzie, heir to the House McKenzie, Unit Commander to the four pillar cities and future Elder to all shifters and his mate Meryn Evans, the new Lady of the Gown of Éire Danu." The room quieted as Aiden walked them down the long carpet at a stately pace. Murmurs and whispers were everywhere. Meryn remembered Colton's words and just smiled at those who made eye contact and nodded.

  At the end of the long carpet the four Elders, two with mates and two without, stood to receive them. When Aiden stopped and bowed, Meryn inclined her head. She knew if she tried a curtsey she would topple over. More whispers spread around them. Had she screwed up already? She swallowed hard and met the eyes of the fae Elder Celyn Vi'Ailean. He stepped forward and took her hand from Aiden's elbow. He kissed it and drew her forward.

  "Darling, this is the sweet girl I told you about. Meryn this is my mate, Vivian Vi'Ailean. She has been very eager to meet you and is already planning a visit to our garden in your honor." The tall blonde woman stepped forward and took her hand into both of hers and smiled. Like Adelaide, she didn't have to bedeck herself in jewels, she wore her dignity around her.

  "She's been invited to the fae gardens?"

  "Who is she?"

  "She's just a human, why is she so special?"

  Even with her human hearing she could hear the contempt in the voices around her. Vivian's eyes flashed.

  "Lady Meryn, it's such a pleasure to meet you. My mate has had nothing but wonderful things to tell me about you and your ongoing assistance regarding the troubling disappearances of late. I know that you have squire interviews tomorrow, but maybe after that has concluded you could come by for a visit? I would love to show you my garden." Her invitation started a buzz that spread like wildfire.

  "I would love to visit tomorrow. The interviews should go quickly, we've had so many cancel unexpectedly. It was very curious how that all had to back out at the last minute. Would it be acceptable if I brought my new squire with me tomorrow?" She kept her eyes wide and her voice sweet. Vivian looked down her mouth twitching.

  "Of course. I can't wait to talk with you tomorrow." Her words matched the admiration and sincerity in her eyes. Meryn just grinned up at her cheekily.

  "I told you she was a darling." Adelaide boasted.

  "And she is." Elder Vi'Ailean confirmed, then turned to Aiden.

  "Commander, congratulations on your mating. She is an amazing woman."

  "Thank you, sir, she has made me a happy man." When he gazed down at her there was no mistaking how he felt. His love was there for all to see.

  "We won't hold you up any longer. Enjoy your first All Hallows' Eve ball Meryn."

  "I'm sure it will be an experience unlike anything I've ever known." Meryn said and Elder Vi'Ailean coughed to cover his laugh.

  "With your permission?" Aiden bowed and guided Meryn through the crowd that parted before them making it easy to get to the refreshment table. He leaned down and nipped her earlobe.

  "How are you feeling?" His eyes were dancing with laughter.

  "Surprisingly well. The fae Elder is really nice, I like him." In the distance Vivian covered her mouth to hide her smile as her mate blushed. Aiden nipped her ear again. Right! He was trying to remind her that anything she said could be heard and of course held against her. She spun around and eyed the table. Everything looked amazing.


  "Starved." She would keep her mouth full so her foot wouldn't have any room.

  "Heads up." Aiden murmured.

  "Darrrllliiinng. So wonderful to see you again. I'm so surprised you could make it." Daphane Bowers stopped before her with two other women. Meryn couldn't help the mental image that popped in her head. They were like the evil stepmother and step sisters from Cinderella, with the regal atmosphere her brain was stuck on Disney.

  "You know, I almost wasn't able to come tonight. Most of the shops in Lycaonia were completely out of fabric and couldn't make me a costume. Imagine that, every single clothing shop in the city, running out of fabric at the exact same time. But I found out later that things happen for a reason. Due to my dire situation, Lady Fairfax was moved to give me this lovely gown. You could almost say it was meant to be." Meryn said sweetly. Behind them Adelaide began to choke on an h'orderve, Vivian laughing, pounded her on the back.

  "I see. Well I hope nothing happens to the gown, that would be a shame." She sniffed and turned away, her twin toadies raced behind her.

  Meryn opened her mouth and Aiden stuffed a bite size brownie in it. She chewed and took a deep breath.

  "The man at the grocery store said that chocolate helps make women more loving. I think he was right." Aiden held out another brownie.

  "Especially chocolate sauce." She accepted the second brownie.

  "How do you eat sauce?" Aiden asked frowning. Feeling wicked she smiled.

  "By licking it off of something."

  "Licking it off of ... Oh!" Aiden leered down at her. This time it was Byron who was choking and Elder Vi'Ailean hitting his back laughing uproariously.

  "It seems like you're doing just fine short stuff." Colton walked up also in his dress whites. Meryn sighed, men in uniform were always so yummy. Aiden nipped her neck.

  "It's the uniform." Meryn explained. Colton preened.

  "In that case, look your fill." Colton turned and pointed behind him. On the dance floor, the men of the different units were dancing with ladies of all ages. Each man wore a pressed white uniform and glided across the dance floor with their partners.

  "Meryn I hate to do this, but I'll be right back. Eleanor's grandmother is flagging me down. Colton will stay with you." Aiden kissed her hand. She nodded.

  "Hurry back." She watched his broad back walk away. He greeted an older lady with a bow. She covered her face with a handkerchief and Aiden escorted her to a more private corner. Meryn turned to Colton.

  "It's so sad."

  "We do what we do so that other families won't know their heartache." Colton took a deep breath. Grinning, he pulled Meryn into his arms and dipped her. She squealed and started laughing.

  "Come on Meryn, let's dance." He tugged her towards the dance floor and she started digging in her heels.

  "But I can't dance like that!"

  "What kind of gentleman would I be if I couldn't lead a woman around on the dance floor?" Colton raised an eyebrow. Meryn looked around frantically. She grabbed a champagne flute off a passing tray and downed it. She set the empty glass on the table.

  "Okay, ready to go."

  Colton swung her around and guided her onto the dance floor. Meryn realized that if she stopped thinking about where her feet was supposed to go and just kept up with Colton it was a lot easier. Pretty soon she was getting the hang of the turns and bows.

  "May I have the next dance?" Darian bowed at the waist. Colton handed her off to the fae.

  "You didn't have to dance with me." Meryn blushed furiously.

  "The pleasure is all mine.
In fact, the Alpha Unit has dibs on the dances with you tonight. The other units were very upset with us. We all wanted to dance with our Commander's lady." He winked at her.

  The dance with Darian was no less graceful or fun than with Colton. By the third time around, she was getting thirsty.

  "I believe it is my turn." A silvery voice interrupted. Darian bowed in favor of Gavriel.

  "I believe I will pass on my turn to dance, let's find you something to drink." He guided her over to one of the festively decorated tables.

  "Here you go Meryn, mineral water." Gavriel handed her a wine goblet.

  "Thank you." With little thought or care on how it would be perceived she downed the whole glass. She smiled at Gavriel.

  "Much better."

  "I'm so glad I could help." Meryn looked around the room. She watched as small groups of people merged to become larger groups, or how two or three people would leave a group to talk amongst themselves. It was then that she remembered that tonight was also about wheeling and dealing. She stood on tiptoe and didn't see a thing.

  "Gavriel do you see Adam anywhere?" Gavriel looked around.

  "Yes, I believe, he is talking to the Public Works Commissioner and a group of city businessmen."

  "He must be trying to drum up support for the clinic."

  "More than likely." Gavriel agreed.

  "Can you escort me over there? Maybe I can help." Gavriel offered his arm.

  "You will be good, right?"

  "Why does everyone keep asking me that?" By this time they were already walking up to the small group.

  "Hello, Adam." Adam's formidable frown disappeared when he saw Meryn.

  "Hello, little sister. What do you think of your first ball?"

  "I like the dancing." She said honestly. Her gaze fell to the other men.

  "Meryn forgive me, let me introduce you." He turned to the group.

  "Gentlemen, this is my new little sister, Meryn Evans. Meryn, this is Cecil Adams, our Public Works Commissioner, Peter Dawning and Jacob Lewiston. Peter and Jacob own two of Lycaonia's most successful import businesses." Adam completed the introductions.

  Showtime. Meryn put on her most vapid expression and clapped her hands together enthusiastically.

  "You gentleman must be talking about your support for Adam's clinic." Even Meryn thought her voice sounded young and innocent.

  "Not exactly." Cecil said.

  "Have you been to the clinic? I know that you as the Public Works Commissioner must be helping Adam raise the funds needed for upgrades. You look so important, no wonder Adam trusts you." She beamed up at him. A scarlet flush worked up the man's neck and ended up setting the tips of his ears ablaze.

  "I have reviewed Adam's proposal. Very well written." He conceded. Meryn turned to the two businessmen.

  "And how much have the two of you donated?" She asked practically bouncing on her feet. They regarded each other nervously. Peter took out a handkerchief and wiped his brow.

  "We haven't really discussed it." Jacob informed her. Meryn covered her mouth with both of her hands and assumed a tragic expression.

  "I haven't interrupted your numbers discussion have I?" She let real tears fill her eyes. All three men fell over each other to assure her that she hadn't.

  "Thank goodness. Adam had to treat me at the clinic, and I can tell you firsthand that it does not represent the level of sophistication that I have seen elsewhere in the city. It desperately needs modernization."

  "You were treated there?" Jacob asked stunned. Meryn swayed a little and felt Gavriel's hand on her back.

  "It's okay Meryn you're safe now." He said. Meryn could have kissed him, he was playing along.

  "I was brutally attacked by that monster that is out there stalking people. If it hadn't been for Adam, I don't know what would have happened to me." She turned her face into Gavriel's chest. He ran a hand over her hair.

  "We never even considered that human mates might need to be treated there." Cecil ran a hand over his chin. Meryn turned to Jacob and Peter.

  "You will donate, won't you?" She let her voice crack.

  "Of course we will." Both men agreed almost immediately.

  "I'll let Adam continue this discussion. Talking about my ordeal has left me shaken. Maybe another dance or two will help me forget." She looked up pleadingly at Gavriel.

  "Of course, gentlemen, if you'll excuse us?" Gavriel led her away from the group of men, and towards a group of unit members. Without slowing down he grabbed Keelan by the arm and kept going until they were on the balcony.

  "Keelan, a silencing spell." Gavriel choked the words out. Quickly Keelan cast the spell. The second he was done Gavriel threw his head back and laughed.

  "What'd she do?" Keelan begged. Gavriel recounted the entire scene. By the end of it Keelan was slapping his leg and howling.

  "I could get used to this stuff." Meryn felt proud of herself.

  "Let's go back inside. I still want my dance." Keelan reversed the silencing spell and offered up his arm.

  "You're wearing underthings?" He whispered.

  "Yes, legging things. Why? What kind of dance do you want to do?" Meryn asked confused.

  "The kind only a witch can do." He whispered and a long, low spell and seconds later they were floating. Keelan lifted her above the crowd and spun her around. Meryn had never had so much fun in her life. The other five witch unit members didn't want to be outdone and soon they too had lifted their partners in the air. At the end of the song they all floated back down to the dance floor to a round of applause. Keelan winked at her and when he turned her one last time, she was spun into Aiden's waiting arms. He pulled her close as the lights dimmed.

  "How is she?" Meryn asked.

  "They are taking it very hard. The body parts that were delivered were Eleanor's. This is the first holiday without her." He rested his chin on the top of her head.

  "Is there anything we can do?"

  "We can find the one who took her from them."

  "Then let's do that." Meryn rested her cheek against his chest.

  "We will." He pulled back. "I heard you've been having fun." There was a slight smile on his lips, though his eyes stayed sad.

  "I got to meet the Public Works Commissioner." She said simply.

  "Meryn you amaze me." He twirled her around and with more strength than Colton, more grace than Darian, more consideration than Gavriel and more wonder than Keelan, he spent the rest of the night treating her like a princess.


  Meryn stripped out of her gown and hurried between the sheets. Though the house had central heating and cooling, it was close to one am and it was cold. She snuggled up to Aiden's warm body. The sensation of his naked flesh next to hers tightened things low in her body. When he began to run his hand up and down her side in a leisurely fashion, she pushed him onto his back and straddled him. The surprised expression on his face was replaced by a look of pure ecstasy as she reached down and guided him into her.

  "Even if we are to live forever, I would never get enough of you." He closed his eyes and wrapped steadying hands around her waist. Slowly she rocked her body. She loved the feeling of him deep inside of her. She soon discovered that when she leaned forward slightly the flared head of his cock hit her g-spot perfectly. He held his arms up and supported her upper body. She quickened her pace as she chased after something she had never experienced before. She had never had a g-spot orgasm before. She felt her entire body begin to burn with need.

  "Take what you need baby." He whispered. He let her have her way, let her set the pace.

  Just when she thought that she couldn't take it anymore, her legs began to shake. It wasn't a huge detonation, but clusters of tiny explosions inside of her.

  "Aiden, please. I need more." She begged.

  He flipped her over and thrust inside of her with one deep thrust.

  "Yes!" She screamed. That was what she had needed. "Just like that Aiden, please!"

  He took her at her w
ord and began to pound into mercilessly. She could feel him bumping her cervix. She was about to tell him to stop, that the pain was too much, when it changed into something else. His hand had come down and he was teasing her clit every other stroke. It didn't take long before a second orgasm washed over her. Aiden cried out and collapsed next to her.

  "You said that this heat dies down eventually, right?" Meryn asked. Aiden was breathing too hard to answer, he just nodded.

  When they had both recovered and cleaned up Meryn lay in his arms, staring up at the ceiling.

  "I found something today." She whispered. He turned so that they were facing each other, each lying on their side.


  "I broadened the search parameters. I don't know if they are all paranormals, but eleven other couples between here and St. Louis have been reported missing, there may be more if paranormals aren't going to the police."

  Aiden pulled her close.

  "Email me the list, I'll go over it tomorrow with Colton and Gavriel to see how many are paranormals."

  "Aiden, I think this is bigger than we realized."

  "I'm afraid you may be right. Get some sleep, you have squire interviews tomorrow. You'll need your strength." He teased. She tilted her head up for a kiss. He didn't disappoint. When they broke apart, she snuggled close.

  Fate, if you're listening. Keep him safe.

  Meryn closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


  "Thank you gentlemen for coming. Today's interview will be in the form of a practical. We would like for you to ask whatever questions you need to of Meryn and then prepare a lunch and afternoon tea. We have reviewed all three of your credentials and are very satisfied that you are well trained for the position. Now all that is left to see is how you respond to your future employer."

  Adelaide continued to give instructions to the three men as Meryn observed them closely. The German applicant, Jungen, he was on the short side, maybe five foot ten, with a receding hairline. She could see a fine sheen on his brow, he was sweating horribly. She felt like she was looking into the face of a serial killer. He had empty eyes, she supposed that was his version of a poker face, but she couldn't help the uneasy feeling he gave her. She turned her attention to the British applicant, Dennis. He was an even six feet tall. He reminded her of Ben with his wavy blond hair and warm smile. He flirted horribly with Adelaide, but was pleasant. She knew she could get along well with him. Then there was the Japanese applicant Ryuu. She had to remind herself that she was mated. Twice. He was the tallest of the three at six foot four. He exuded serenity and power, it was a potent aphrodisiac. She had heard the term 'cool type' before, but didn't really get it until she saw Ryuu. He sat quietly, his posture perfect and listened respectfully. She could tell that he was muscled under his traditional Japanese attire. The air around him even felt different, regal. She half expected Sakura blossoms to start blowing by any moment.


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