Around the Way Girls 11

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Around the Way Girls 11 Page 10

by Treasure Hernandez

  “You say that now, but you did harm him. Maybe not on purpose, but you still did. Forcing that boy to take his daddy’s place and work every day after school. Then pressuring him all those times to keep his little sister every Saturday instead of allowing him to be a normal teenager. Thank God I stepped in and started looking after Jania while you ran around partying every night. I should have taken JoJo and Jania in like I took you in all those years ago. Although now it looks like it’s all a little too late. But, still, it was all plain wrong, Yanna. There was no way that boy could fill a man’s shoes, but you made him feel like he had to!”

  Yanna thought for a moment, taking in her aunt’s judgmental words as she remembered how she handled things after the death of her cheating husband. “I never thought about it like that. I love my baby and just want him to be all right.” She continued to sob. She was overcome with emotion and grief, and her tears started to flow even more. She was almost hysterical when the unthinkable happened.

  Wiping her face, she couldn’t believe her eyes. “What in the fuck are you doing in here? Who let you in here?”

  Not knowing what to do or say, Dawn, still heavily under the influence of drugs and alcohol, slowly walked toward Yanna and her aunt. “I don’t mean to bother y’all, I promise, but—”

  “But what, Dawn? What are you about to tell me?” Yanna jumped to her feet wanting an explanation but really not expecting one. “You about to tell me you didn’t mean to sleep with my husband all those nights? Or you didn’t mean to call him that night he got killed? Or is you about to tell me sorry for that animal you raised up shooting my baby? Which one is it?” Yanna didn’t give a mentally unbalanced Dawn a chance to respond as Auntie Grace pulled her back by the forearm. Yanna looked like she was ready to attack. “Look at you, bitch! Joseph Sr. was nothing but a damn fool to put you over me and mines!”

  “Look, I don’t want any trouble. I swear I don’t.” Dawn was attempting to come down from her high. “But they brought Tyrus here to treat him for some deep cuts and wounds he got in the fight and—”

  Yanna broke loose from her aunt’s weak grip. “Cuts! Are you seriously fucking in here wanting some sort of sympathy because your boy got some damn punk-ass cuts? You best get on, bitch! I’m warning you it’s about to get real hectic for you in about two seconds!”

  Auntie Grace had had enough of the long-feuding mothers focusing on the wrong thing, and she tried telling them just that. “Are you both crazy? Each of your sons has been out here doing wrong, breaking the law, and y’all let them; and instead of trying to guide them in the right direction, leading by example, y’all in here fighting over something that happened years ago! That man y’all openly and knowingly shared is to blame for all this mess. And he dead and gone and y’all are still arguing like fools!”

  Time and time again, Dawn wanted nothing more than to approach Yanna and just apologize for what her selfish actions had caused to happen, but she knew Joseph Sr.’s widow wasn’t trying to hear it. And deep down inside she couldn’t blame her for holding a grudge.

  “Naw, Auntie Grace.” Yanna couldn’t be controlled or reasoned with. “First she killed my husband, and now her boy tried to kill my son! She got me twisted! I want this bitch head!”

  “Look at her, Yanna,” Auntie Grace demanded repeatedly. “What else can you do to this poor creature that she hasn’t already done to herself? And as for you, Ms. Jackson, you need some serious help. It’s a sin and a shame how you are letting your son see you as you are.”

  Before the overly distraught Yanna could get an opportunity to swing on Dawn, two police detectives entered the hospital waiting room wanting to question both mothers with regard to their sons and their recent illegal pill-selling enterprise. After interviewing several residents on the block, they’d become aware of that activity as a possible motive for the shooting.

  The finger-pointing and allegations had just started to fly when the doctor emerged through the double doors and into the hospital’s waiting area. There he found his young patient’s mother and great-aunt, who were arguing with a remorseful Dawn Jackson and the detectives about who did what to whom. As the doctor held a chart in his hands, Yanna bravely stood tall, preparing herself for whatever she’d have to face.

  Dawn took a deep breath as she waited to hear the news too. She hoped, for Tyrus’s sake, that Yanna’s son would be okay.

  “Hello, Mrs. Banks.” The doctor took a deep breath as his patient’s mother braced herself, holding on to her elderly aunt’s arm. “It was touch and go for a good while, but fortunately we removed both bullets with a minimal amount of damage. It must’ve been divine intervention, because the bullets missed every vital organ. It might take a couple of months of your son being hospitalized to fully recover, but he’s young and strong-willed. He’ll make it.”

  Yanna dropped down to her knees and cried out, “Thank you, God, for giving me a second chance with my son to make things right!”

  “Well, that’s good news, Mrs. Banks, and we’ll be back to talk to your son when he’s up to it,” one officer announced.

  “And as for you, Ms. Jackson, when they finish up here with your son, Tyrus, he’ll be transferred to the county jail. More than likely he’ll be charged with attempted murder,” the other detective advised her, handing her his card. “Be grateful. It could’ve been worse. He is still looking at quite a few years in prison so you might wanna get him a good lawyer, or pray for a miracle like that young man back there just got.”

  Six Months Later...

  “All right, JoJo, promise me you’re gonna take it easy out here.”

  Getting out of the used vehicle his mother was now driving, JoJo smiled while his sister climbed in the front seat. Yanna had traded in her brand-new Range Rover for an older car to save some money. After reaching back inside for his cane, JoJo kissed his mother on the cheek.

  “Mom, don’t worry. I’m gonna be fine, and I’m gonna take it easy; I swear. Since you started back working, you never have any fun. Maybe since I won’t be home all weekend, you and Jania can have a girl’s night together watching movies or something,” JoJo said as he leaned in to look at his mother. JoJo had decided to get away from the hood and spend the weekend in the quiet suburbs with his friend.

  “That’s not a bad idea.” Yanna smiled at her son. She was proud of the man he was becoming. He was growing up on his own terms and not because she was putting pressure on him. “Take it easy this weekend and don’t push yourself too hard.”

  “I won’t, Mom. I’ll be fine,” JoJo said as he slowly made his way down the brick pathway. His walking wasn’t back to 100 percent but, with therapy three times a week, he was improving every day.

  “Don’t worry, Mrs. Banks. He’ll be fine. I’ll make sure of it.” Tyrus met his best friend at the curb, helping him with his bag. “Besides going to church with me and my mother on Sunday, we gonna pretty much stay in the house so I can beat him on Xbox.”

  Yanna gave Tyrus a slight smile. “How is your mother doing anyway?”

  “Great! Since moving out here, she’s been off drugs for a hundred and ninety-seven days, and counting,” Tyrus proudly announced. “Going to NA meetings and everything!”

  Yanna looked on as the two friends let themselves into the house. She thanked God that things had turned out for the best for everyone.

  When JoJo had woken up from surgery, he’d insisted on testifying on behalf of Tyrus. He explained to the judge that it had all been an accident. Being that Tyrus was still seventeen and had no prior arrests, the judge allowed him to be tried as a juvenile, and the charges were dropped against him. As for JoJo, he went to court for the night that he was arrested, and he paid all the fines with what was left of his drug money. The judge also charged him as a juvenile. JoJo was to remain on probation until his eighteenth birthday, at which point his juvenile record would be sealed.

  Both boys had plans to graduate high school and were undecided about what career paths they wanted to
take. Tyrus was considering going to college to be a rehab counselor. He saw what drugs did to his mom, and he really wanted to help people get clean and have better lives. JoJo, on the other hand, was leaning toward getting a business degree. He liked the feeling of being his own boss and running his own business. It was just a matter of deciding what kind of business he wanted to go into. Whatever it was, he knew he’d keep it on the legal side things.

  As for Yanna, after seeing how Tyrus and JoJo were able to let go of the past and become friends, she decided to try to make peace with the entire ancient beef she and Dawn had. Although they ran in different circles and would most likely never be the best of friends, they could at least be cordial with each other. Their sons were becoming best friends, and Yanna had grown to respect that bond. She knew it wouldn’t happen overnight, but she was working toward building a better life for herself and her kids. She no longer wanted to be an angry, bitter woman. She was determined to be the best she could be for herself and her family.

  The End

  Party Girls

  Clifford “Spud” Johnson


  The Honorable Judge Tammy Burdine was eager to get home so she and her best friend in the entire world could go on their weekend excursion to Dallas for some fun and games. She was getting moist just thinking about the kind of fun and games they were about to play. Tammy and Debbie were freaks of the highest order. When it came to their sexual exploits, nothing was off limits. They’d had orgies, female-on-female sex, and almost every sexual experience a woman could have. Sex was all they wanted other than their successful careers. They felt nothing else was needed, especially love or any kind of relationship.

  They had it all and life was good, and that was so important for them both, being that they came from the notorious Prince Hall projects located on the east side of Oklahoma City. Life had thrown several curveballs at them both, yet they were able to prevail and come out scratched but not scarred. Tammy could smile now at that fateful night that changed the direction of her life, and Debbie’s. Those Hoover Crips who attempted to rape her changed her in so many ways. To this very day, she thanked God for that night, not only for stopping her from being raped but for the eye-opening experience. She knew it had to be God, and she was ever so grateful.

  Now here it was, twenty years later, and she was a prominent and well-respected federal judge in the state of Oklahoma. She couldn’t help but stick her chest out at the accomplishments she’d achieved. The hard work had paid off, and she was good in every way. She owned a nice, spacious home in Edmond, and she was financially secure. She had seen most of the world with her girl Debbie, and they did it how they wanted to. Not bad for some girls from Prince Hall.

  Now, she couldn’t wait to get home and get ready for the short three-hour drive to Dallas to get her freak on. She wanted to touch herself as she drove toward her home. Yes, this weekend was going to be one to remember. She then laughed out loud. “Hell, every time me and Debbie’s wild ass go out of town has been one to remember!”

  * * *

  Debbie Bell was smiling as she got into her new Lexus SUV and eased into traffic. Work was over, and now it was time to go have some fun and act a little cray cray, she thought as she grabbed her phone and made sure the suite she reserved for her and Tammy was on point. It was a suite at the Aloft near downtown Dallas so they could be close enough to all the action, yet stay in a respectable place to remain safe at all times. That was one of their rules, and they had several of them when it came to their playtime. They did it how they wanted; and, whether they got wicked and hood with it or classy and bougie with it, they had to remain safe.

  One would never think Debbie and Tammy, with their careers and how they looked, were some cold hood rats at heart. Debbie was five feet five inches with light brown eyes and a body that made men want to beg just to touch her. Tammy was a slim goody with a pair of double D’s that made men want to turn into babies just to be breast-fed by her. Thanks to hard work in the gym three days a week their bodies were fit, and they had been blessed to have aged well. They were looking super fine at forty-five years of age, and there was nothing in this world that was holding them back.

  Debbie knew that once they made it to Dallas, wild-ass Debbie Dick was going to come out. That was the nickname Tammy had given her years ago once she realized how much Debbie loved the dick. Tammy was just as wild as she was and craved young dick. She swore that the young ones fucked the best. Debbie didn’t give a damn how old the man or woman was; as long as she came multiple times throughout the night, she was good.

  Her life was so good. She owned her accounting firm as well as a condo in downtown Oklahoma City. She was blessed, and she knew it. “Oooh, wee! Dallas, here we fucking come! And I do mean cum!” she yelled as she raced home so she could change and go pick up Tammy for their ride to Dallas.

  * * *

  Though they knew better than to drink while driving, they were both quite tipsy from the Cîroc Apple and green-apple Gatorade they drank during the drive to Dallas from Oklahoma City. Once they checked into their suite, they took off their clothes and started getting their outfits ready for the evening’s festivities.

  First was dinner at their favorite seafood restaurant in Dallas, Pappadeaux. After drinks and some great seafood, they planned on hitting a few clubs to see if they could find some men who could feed their sexual hungers for the night. They intended to make sure all of their sexual desires would be fulfilled before heading back to Oklahoma City Sunday afternoon.

  It took them over two hours before they both felt their outfits were perfect. Debbie had on a form-fitting wrap dress with some killer open-toed stilettos to show off her perfectly manicured toes. Tammy decided on some silk slacks and a low-cut blouse that left very little to the imagination. You could damn near see her areolae, but she didn’t mind one bit. The ladies were on a mission to have a good time and find some good dick. They weren’t like the rest of the hood rats out there just looking for any man to buy them dinner and pay for their drinks. They were classy, intelligent career woman who could pay for their own meals. They were not going to settle for anything less than grade A prime dick and plenty of it!

  * * *

  After enjoying lobster and Pappadeaux’s lump crab and spinach dip topped off with the restaurant’s signature drink, the Swamp Thing, the ladies were ready to hit the first club. They preferred the mixed crowd with both a younger and older scene, so they went uptown to a club called Side Bar. Once there, they stayed only long enough to have one drink because the pickings were slim, men-wise. Debbie did see some sexy women, but she just wasn’t in the mood for that tonight.

  They left and went to another club located in North Dallas called Park Ave. It was a bit better than Side Bar because the men were on point, so they stepped to the bar, ordered their drinks, and turned and let their eyes roam around the club.

  Debbie spotted a man dressed in some nice jeans and fitted shirt, looking casually dapper. She winked at Tammy and off she went with a drink in hand. She and Debbie weren’t the type to stand around and wait for men to approach them. “See what you want and go get it!” was their motto. They applied that to everything in life.

  Tammy was smiling as she watched her bestie do her thing. Just as she was about to step away from the bar, she noticed a young man at the opposite end of the bar looking absolutely scrumptious. As she stepped his way, she saw he was a young tender. She smiled at his baby face and guessed he couldn’t be over twenty-one, or maybe twenty-two. That thought alone made her wet. His body looked lean and toned. She could see his muscles through his fitted shirt, and she noticed he had a nice-sized bulge in his pants. Oooh, you’re about to get you some grown-woman pussy tonight!

  She eased next to him and gave him a sexy smile. “Hey, you. What you drinking?”

  The young man looked at her, then looked over his shoulder to see if she was, in fact, speaking to him. When he realized she was talking to him, he was shocked. He di
dn’t want to seem immature, so he smiled and said, “Hello. I’m drinking Crown Apple on the rocks.”

  Tammy ordered a round for both of them and then pounced with no preamble. “So, how can I get you to come to my suite after the club so I can blow your mind?”

  The young man was sipping the last of his drink, and he almost spat it all over her expensive blouse, but he caught himself. “Damn, baby, you ain’t playin’, huh?” he managed to say after clearing his throat.

  “No. I don’t like to play like that. I like to play in the bedroom. So, what’s your answer?” she said as she leaned in toward him and winked.

  “Not trying to sound like a cornball or nothing, but you don’t even know my name.” She started to speak, but he raised his index finger, silencing her before she could say a word. “My name is Jerron, but I prefer J-Run. And yours?”

  She smiled because she liked how he was taking control of the conversation, and that was a major turn-on for her. Young man, but a strong young man. I love it. She gave him the name she used whenever she and Debbie were on their freak trips. “I’m Tennelle.”

  He reached and grabbed her right hand and said, “Hi, Tennelle.”

  “Now that the proper greetings have been made, can you answer my question?”

  “I’m not the type of man who just jumps at an offer like that from a female I know nothing about.”

  With a smirk on her cute face she said, “So, you’re telling me that you’ve never left a club with a female you just met?”

  “No, that’s not what I’m saying. Shit, look at me; you don’t think I get ass thrown at me on the daily? All I’m saying is I’m the cautious type. If I don’t know you, I don’t trust you. Simple as that. So, we got to get to know one another a li’l bit before I decide to go somewhere with you and let you do some freaky shit to me. With that said, tell me a little bit about yourself.”


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