Billionaire Daddy & Nanny

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by Mia Ford

  Billionaire Daddy & Nanny

  Mia ford



  Billionaire Daddy & Nanny

  Cowboy Romance Series

  Alpha Male Billionaire Series

  Billionaire Steamy Romance Series

  Mia’s Hot Seller - Dad’s Best Friend (Complete Story)

  Mia’s Hot Seller - Breaking Rules (Complete Story)

  Betrayed - Cover Reveal & Blurb

  Copyright © 2017

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. While, as in all fiction, the literary perceptions and insights are based on life experiences and conclusions drawn from research, all names, characters, places and specific instances are products of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. No actual reference to any real person, living or dead, is intended or inferred.



  I am Mia Ford, author of steamy contemporary romance. I love both reading and writing them!

  First of all, I would like to thank you for choosing to download my book and read it. It really means a lot to me!!!

  This book will offer you the best reading pleasure as I have included a few bonus stories for you….just my way of saying my thanks!!!

  And I know since you love Older Man Younger Woman Romance stories, so with this book I have included my previous hot sellers!!

  So, if you are a fan of that, then don’t forget to read my HOT SELLER’s - “DAD’S BEST FRIEND” & BREAKING RULES (COMPLETE STORIES). Both these titles have more than 160 customer reviews and a 4.3 star rating on Amazon!!!

  SNEAK PEAK : Also, get a sneak peak of the cover and blurb of my next title - “BETRAYED”, that will be released on Amazon soon!!!

  You can read this super steamy and explosive content via the TOC.

  So sit back, relax, grab a glass of wine and let’s get this party started!

  I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did them writing!

  Mia Ford. Let Loose Your Inner Nymphos.

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  Billionaire Daddy & Nanny


  It is a shock to find your own husband with another woman, especially when you are just starting out together. I want it all, but it crashes on me the moment I open his office door.

  I pick up the pieces and go back to my hometown, young and uncertain of what is to come. I have a new job caring for a young girl that just lost her mom and I know that I want to help her. I feel like I have a purpose in life, but when I start to have feelings for her widowed father, I wonder if I am going down a dangerous path!!!

  He is gorgeous and the way that he loves his daughter makes me fall even harder for him. I know that I can’t hold back my feelings, so one night I decide not to…

  Can I be a good mother to this sweet little girl that needs love?

  Will I be enough woman to please Nick, since he is older than me and has done so much more loving?

  Can I find it in my heart to love again?

  I parked in the garage, noting that my husband Sean was home as I smiled. He worked so much lately for his Architecture firm that it felt like we never saw one another, but I kept telling myself that it helped us to live in this beautiful house in the best part of Boston and let it go. I checked my face in the mirror and refreshed my lip gloss after ruffling my black curls with one hand. Jumping out, I walked into the spacious kitchen and called out his name. “Sean?” There was no answer, and I looked around for a moment, wondering if he was in his office. I worked at a nursery in a hospital, providing care for the staff there and was let go early today as I thank you for working extra hours. I didn’t have kids yet, so I tried to help those that did while loving every moment of it. I was eager to start trying for a baby at twenty-three, but Sean seemed to want to wait.

  I dropped my purse on the counter and walked towards the stairs that led to my room. I’d try to find Sean, and if he was busy, there was always the massive bathtub in the en-suite to the master bedroom to relax in for a little while. I was just at the top of the stairs and heading towards my room when I heard something coming from the office at the opposite end of the hallway.

  I licked the gloss off my full lips nervously as I turned left to walk towards the intimidating, closed door. I turned the knob slowly, pushing it open to see Sean on the bed as he fucked a blonde woman that looked at least five years younger than I was on the futon that he requested in there. At the time, it was to take a break from sitting at his desk while he worked, though now I knew the truth. “I suppose that I should be happy that you’re not in our bed.” My voice was oddly monotone even though I felt my life crumbling apart in front of me.

  Sean jerked, moving off the girl as he looked at me with shocked eyes, revealing that this girl was indeed a young one. Not jailbait young, but perhaps in the early years of college.

  Sean was thirty-five, an age where you’d think that he’d be well beyond this stage of his life. We’d been married for two years now, and I believed that we were happy. I was so wrong, and I felt the rage inside of my veins as I turned to leave the room. I knew that Sean and I were over since there was no way that I could ever forgive him for this, much less act like a wife to him.

  My mind swam as I wondered what I was going to do. Sean provided well for me, and the nursery was merely a volunteer job for me, being that he told me that he didn’t want me to work when we got married. I didn’t quite finish college since I was young and foolish, choosing instead to get into a tumultuous relationship with a bad boy because he was hot and exciting. It was a shame that interesting often meant criminal and abusive, making me happy that I got out of the relationship alive and without getting arrested for anything that Brad did. I was seventeen then, and I held back until I met Sean, who was settled and stable. I considered him boring in some ways, but nevertheless, Sean treated me well and promised me a good future.

  We got married when I was just turning twenty-one. I was happy and so hopeful for my future that would be different from what I’d lived with Brad. My parents were thrilled and came all the way from Mendocino to attend the wedding, confident that I’d found the perfect man for me. How wrong we all were.

  I walked into the kitchen and took the wine out of the fridge, looking at the vice that I used to relax at night when I was decompressing before bed. Right now, I opened it and took a large swallow just to try and calm my mind to sort through my racing emotions.

  Asshole. Sean was with that bitch these late nights when I thought that he was working, making me drink another large sip. “Celia. I didn’t believe that you’d be home,” Sean said as I took a slow, controlled breath.

  “Obviously. How long has this been going on?” I asked as I turned to face him, taking in his dark brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. They looked remorseful right now, and I narrowed my own brown ones.

  “Six months. I met her at a hotel when I was meeting with a client for a new project, and things just happened,” Sean said as he looked at the floor. “She moved here about three months ago,”

  “Moved here? Wow…when were you planning on telling me about this new part of y
our life?” I asked as he stared at me for a moment.

  “Soon. I’m in love with her, Celia. We want to be together.” I had drunk more wine before I set the bottle down on the granite counter. “I want the house.”

  “You can live anywhere, Sean. You have the job. Remember when you told me that you didn’t expect me to work?” I asked as angry tears slid down my cheeks.

  “Brittany loves the house,” he told me as I picked up the wine and threw it towards him, finding some joy as it crashed against the mustard wall beside him. “Jesus, Celia.”

  “You’re paying for a hotel for me until I figure something else out,” I told him as I walked past him to go to the bedroom to pack some stuff. I refused to look at the office as I walked into the huge room and pulled out a duffel bag. It was once my peace, and now I looked around before I walked over to the dresser. I packed all the clothes that I could into the bag before grabbing another. Nearly all the stuff in this house belonged to Sean. Everything here was his idea, and I allowed myself to fall into the picture, losing myself in the process as I looked back in my head.

  I grabbed my bags and left the house, not looking around as I got into my Tahoe and backed out of the garage. Driving to the hotel that was closest and had a five-star rating, I booked a room using our joint debit card, starting with a weeklong stay. Sean owed me this. He needed to give me time to settle my life, and I looked around the room with a sigh. Great place but it just didn’t feel like home to me.

  I sat down on the bed and called my mom, breaking the news to her even though we’d just lost Dad two months ago. She cried for me, thinking that Sean was such a good guy, asking me what I was going to do as I started to cry with her. I told her that I was going to try and stay in Massachusetts. I had friends here and a life apart from Sean that might be worth holding onto. She still had my aunts there with her.

  I promised her that I’d come home if it didn’t work out the way I wanted it to. I promised that I would do what I needed to be happy. I was a strong person that just got caught up in a lie for a while.

  When I hung up with Mom, I dropped back onto the big bed and closed my eyes. Emotions were exhausting.

  I woke up sometime during the night with a start, turning on my side as I looked around the strange room. I sat up and moved from the bed to feel against the wall for a switch, revealing the bland hotel room as I flicked a light on. Reality returned to me as I sighed and felt my stomach growling. I looked in the mirror, seeing the circles under my eyes as well as the mascara smeared around my eyes as I groaned. There was no way that I was going out, so I grabbed the room service menu and read it before dialing the front desk.

  I ordered a cheeseburger and fries with a chocolate shake and several bottles of water to stick in the fridge. I’d been working out every goddamn day before volunteering to make Sean happy, and it didn’t work. I was going to enjoy this food, find comfort in the taste of it as well as the fact that they overcharged for all of it. I turned on the television and discovered that it was eight o’clock from the shows that were on. I waited for the food after changing into my pajama pants and a big t-shirt, staring mindlessly at the sitcom on television.

  The knock made me come to, and I padded to the door before looking through the peephole.

  “Good evening,” I said weakly after opening the door and letting the young man inside with the tray of food. It smelled so good, and I thanked him as I pointed to the center of the room, remembering that I had a little cash in my wallet. I pulled out a ten-dollar bill and offered it to him, finding little else as he glanced at it with concern on his handsome face.

  “You don’t need this, do you?”

  “I’m okay. Please take it,” I told him as tears filled my eyes. I had to be okay. Sean wouldn’t leave me with nothing, would he? I had no issues getting a job, but it was just the uncertainty of what I could get at this point in my life. I graduated high school but had no college degree, and a fast food job or retail job in a mall was not going to pay me enough to have a place of my own. At least, not one that was safe for a woman living alone.

  The food was delicious, but I lost my appetite after a few bites of the burger and just a handful of fries. Once I was done picking at it, I set the whole tray outside of the door and secured it for the night as I sipped at the melting shake. Chocolate always tasted great, and it soothed me as I piled up the pillows to relax as best as I could. Everything felt hopeless at this moment, as well as lonely, but I knew that I’d pull through it. I fell asleep with the television on to have some noise in the background, tossing and turning as I thought about the lie my life had been for the better part of a year. I didn’t trust Sean with his story, but it didn’t matter. I knew that he cheated and that ended everything, even if he’d begged for forgiveness.

  I woke up late and made some coffee in the room, drinking it on the balcony as I thought about my next step. I needed a divorce lawyer, but with no income, I had no idea who I would get. How could I pay for them? I called a couple of friends who had been through divorces and got some recommendations before a text came through on my phone. It was from Sean who told me he’d set up an appointment with one of his own. He suggested that I do the same, offering to pay for it if I made it easy and didn’t ask for half of everything that he had. Hell, a quarter of what he had would suffice until I could get back on my feet.

  I agreed to that as well as my staying in this hotel for a week or two. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do since I didn’t have lots of experience in the workforce. I knew that there would be future negotiations with Sean, but I wasn’t a greedy woman that wanted to get revenge on him, no matter how sad I was. I just wanted a clean break at this point.

  I called the first attorney recommended to me, making an appointment for the following morning. I powered up my laptop to look at job listings and kept seeing how much experience was needed. I didn’t have a bachelor’s degree or much experience past the few jobs in high school that I’d gotten briefly. It was a competitive market out there, and I pushed the computer away and went to make another cup of coffee.

  I spoke to some friends that said they could get me jobs at their offices, offering to ask around that day. I knew that I could go to a coffee shop, fast food restaurant, or a store as well but I was now single and needed to get my own place. The minimum wage wouldn’t pay for that. I thought about the sleepy town where Mom lived, daydreaming about the beaches and peaceful life. I tried to embrace the city when I married Sean, but it was a bit too much hustle and bustle. I always tried to find ways to relax, and I frowned as my phone rang.

  It was Mom, and I answered wearily. She asked me how things were going and I explained about Sean’s plan. She agreed with me as long as I didn’t let him push me too much into making his life easier. Sean didn’t go about things the right way, and he needed to suffer some for that. However, Mom wasn’t vindictive and didn’t want me to be that way. She got to the point of the call after we discussed Sean, telling me about a family that recently lost the mom in a tragic car accident. It was a couple that was new to town after I left but well-liked, and now the husband was left behind with a six-year-old daughter and a very busy schedule since he was the owner of a popular hotel chain. “What are you getting at, Mom?”

  “Well, I don’t know if you considered coming back home, but he’s looking for a nanny. It would be a live-in position, so you don’t have to move back in with me, and the house is big and lovely. It would give you a chance to get back on your feet and put some money away.”

  “A nanny?” I asked as she chuckled.

  “Carmen is a little angel. The poor girl is going to miss her mother so much, but I think she’s strong. She’ll get through it, but it would be nice for her to have a sweet female caring for her since her dad travels so much. It’s just something that I wanted to mention. Do you want to stay in the city now?”

  “You know, I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about that with this time I’ve had at the hotel,” I admitted a
s I walked out to the balcony to look over the hustle and bustle of Boston. “It’s a great place. You know that from visiting, but I grew up in Mendocino. It’s smaller and so much slower.”

  “That’s exactly what I thought when I was there. Think about it, Celia. He’s going through the process of planning the funeral and all right now, but once things settle down, Nick will need help.” I smiled and assured her that I would. When we hung up, I leaned over the balcony and considered the job.

  It might be nice. I loved kids, and I was devastated when Sean kept telling me that he wanted to wait. Since we got married and he wanted me to stay home, it seemed like the perfect opportunity. That was when I started to volunteer at the nursery.

  I got up early the following day and went to the appointment, trembling with nerves. The attorney was a kind man and explained that since Sean did bring in all the money for the household, that he might be more likely to keep the house and cars if he chose to. Some divorce attorneys were cruel, and they went for where it hurt, and I could imagine Sean going that route.

  “I don’t want much. Sean can have the house and everything in it, apart from some of my things that are still there. Everything was his style and taste. I’d like to keep my car as well.” I looked into his warm green eyes as he tilted his head at me.

  “Your husband did have an affair, correct?” I nodded, as tears filled my eyes. “I have seen so many wives go for the jugular in that situation, Celia. Why not you?”

  I thought about my answer for a few minutes. “I…I’m not sure. I’m torn up about what happened, and the image of seeing my husband with another woman is not something that I’ll forget anytime soon. I just wish he would have been honest with me, instead of dancing around the subject the way that he did.” I noticed the curious look and reached for a tissue to dab at my eyes. “We both wanted kids when we got married and agreed to that. He kept telling me that he wanted to wait but he didn’t expect me to work. I was so confused. I ended up volunteering at the hospital nursery to have some time away from the house and be around all of the kids.” The nanny job came back into my mind, and I looked at the gray carpet on the floor, spotless and perfect. “I suppose in a way, this is best. He can have what he wants and maybe I can too.” In all reality, the idea of trusting another man with my heart terrified me. I knew that I’d be skittish for some time as I healed from Sean’s betrayal. I wasn’t the type to go out to bars to get drunk and find one-night-stands. There had only been a couple of men before Sean since my evil ex left me broken before I met him. I always seemed to be bouncing back from some man or another.


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