Billionaire Daddy & Nanny

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Billionaire Daddy & Nanny Page 3

by Mia Ford

  “Divorce. I was married for two years and it…ended. I wasn’t happy on my own there, and my mother caught wind of this job, so here I am. It worked out perfectly, and I hope that this is a good fit for all of us.” I looked around the living room with a smile. “I love my mother, but like the idea of being on my own, so to speak. She’s a beautiful girl as well.”

  “She is, and Carmen liked you. I could tell. She doesn’t ask just anyone for a hug before bed,” Rebecca assured me as she gave me an encouraging smile. “This will be great.” I saw something in her eyes before she looked away and took another sip from my glass. “Just give it a bit of time. Tomorrow, we’ll go around after Carmen gets out of school and show you her favorite places and grab some dinner. One last hurrah until I come back for the holidays in a few months.”

  “That sounds great,” I said as she smiled and told me that she tried to come a few weeks before Christmas, and her face fell as she mentioned that it might be longer this year. She had plans to come for Thanksgiving and stay all the way through New Years for her brother and niece.

  I went up to my room after she excused herself to go to the guest bedroom on the first floor, not seeing Nick anywhere. It was quiet from the second floor, but I knew that Carmen understood that she could get anyone she needed. I made my way to the third floor and walked into the bedroom that was softly lit by the amber glow of the large lamp on the night stand. Rebecca told me that it was a salt lamp and that they reduced stress, swearing by them. It was pretty, and I walked to the window to look out at the cloudy, dark sky. I cracked it just enough to hear the waves, though I couldn’t see them right now. I knew there would be a beautiful view waiting for me in the morning and I smiled as I went to the bathroom to change into a large shirt to sleep in, looking around the strange surroundings slowly.

  I was tired from the driving I’d done over the last few days and found myself sleeping easily once I was under the covers. I wasn’t required to be awake for the morning routine tomorrow, but I felt like I wanted to. I needed an idea of how things went in this house so I would know what could shift as things do with a new person. I had some idea from what Nick told me, but we hadn’t spoken much since my arrival on our own. My alarm went off at seven o’clock, and I rolled over to see the windows bright with the morning sun, jumping up to run over and look at the water. It was stunning, and I smiled as I gazed at the long stretch of beach for a moment.

  I went into the bathroom to pull on some jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, pulling back my hair before I went downstairs. Nick was in the kitchen making breakfast, and Rebecca was yawning by the coffee pot. “Good morning. I thought you might want to sleep in a bit today after the drive,” Nick told me as he stirred some eggs in a pan with a surprised smile.

  “I wanted to get a feel for mornings around here,” I replied as he nodded and glanced at his sister.

  “There is coffee there. Want some breakfast?” He asked as I looked at the pan. “Just eggs and toast with some fruit salad. Nothing too crazy.”

  “Sounds good,” I replied as I went over to get a cup from the glass cupboard door and grinned at Rebecca. She poured me a cup and smirked as she handed it to me, gesturing towards the array of cream and sugar on the counter. I found the half and half and added some, stirring it in to soften the dark color of the brew as I heard footsteps.

  “Hey there, princess,” Rebecca said as I looked over to see Carmen, dressed in jeans and a button up pink shirt. She gave her a hug and then Carmen went over to her dad for a kiss and a hug. She finally looked at me and smiled as Nick fixed her plate, coming over to hug me.

  “Did you sleep well in your room?” She asked in her sweet voice as I nodded.

  “It is such a cute room. I like hearing the waves,” I told Carmen as she grinned widely and nodded, going to the table as her dad told her that her breakfast was ready. Rebecca grabbed two plates, handing one to me as we took turns filling them and joining Carmen at the table while Nick got his food.

  Once we were done, Nick took Carmen to school while Rebecca and I washed the dishes. The house was quiet, and I slipped the last dish into the rack as I looked around. “You and I will pick up Carmen today, so you’ll have an idea where the school is since you’ll be doing the driving a lot when he travels. You get some down time, but once she’s in the car, it is game on. That kid has a lot of energy.” Rebecca smiled. “She’s still a little bit shy with you but just wait.”

  I took some time to go down to the beach after everything was clean, walking along the sand as I thought over the last few years of my life. I had my phone with me, calling mom as I walked along to tell her how gorgeous the house was. I planned to go to see her tomorrow after Carmen was at school and I had a little time. We talked the entire time I was walking, and she said that the job sounded like it was going to go well.

  I hung up as I started up the steps that led to the house, walking into the kitchen to look around. I knew that Nick slept on the first floor, so I bypassed that and found the steps to the basement where Rebecca told me there was a full gym. I was pleased with what I saw, including all the machines that any big gym would have. It would be an easy way to get a workout in apart from my beach walks. I was welcome to the space, according to Rebecca and I walked back upstairs and took a closer look around the house.

  It was homey and comfortable, as I’d noticed before. I noticed an absence of pictures of his wife as far as the two of them together, though there were still a lot with her and Carmen. Was that because of the accident?

  I was in the kitchen fixing a sandwich when Rebecca came in. “Hey. How was your walk?”

  “I am crazy about this location.” I smiled at her before offering to make a sandwich for her.

  “Yours does look good. Thanks,” Rebecca told me as she sat at the counter and watched me. “I’ve been on the phone putting out fires back home. I’m the head editor of the paper, so my absence is bad. Necessary, though.” She gave me a smile. “I think you’ve got this, though.”

  “I’m not sure. She barely knows me. What if this fails?” I asked as I slid the plate to her with wide eyes.

  “Nick had a feeling about you, and so do I. You’re young but mature. I can see that you have Carmen’s best interests at heart and this is a good situation for everyone.” Rebecca took a bite of the sandwich. “Mmmm. That’s good. I am always here for you if you need anything. You can call me, and we’ll make sure that we have each other’s info before my flight. I am so in love with that little girl that it’s ridiculous.”

  “Were you close to his wife?” I asked carefully as she frowned and looked out of the window.

  “We weren’t best friends or anything along those lines,” Rebecca finally said before she focused on finishing her sandwich. She fell quiet, and I ate as well, wondering what she meant by that.

  We left shortly after that to go to the school and pick up Carmen in a new SUV that was parked in the driveway. Rebecca explained that it was for this purpose and I was free to drive it anytime. She acknowledged that my car was fine as well as she laughed, telling me that Nick was protective of Carmen.

  The school was a small one about two miles away, and we parked and chatted as we waited for the bell to ring. Rebecca was thirty-three whereas Nick was forty-three, and they were close despite the years between them. He took good care of her growing up and was every bit the protective big brother, still threatening anyone she dated once Rebecca broke the news to him. She was currently single and busy but had some hopes for a child of her own someday.

  I looked up as a bell rang and kids started to leave the building as Rebecca and I found a tree to lean on to wait. She explained that Carmen’s class was in the back and it always took her a few moments to come out, so I’d have time. This was where they met every day though that might change as time went on. I smiled as I looked over all the little bodies streaming past us as chatter and laughter filled the air, making me take in the joy of the innocence in the sounds.

stilled when Carmen walked out, her big eyes searching for us as she smiled brightly. She was a beautiful child, and Rebecca hugged her tightly before Carmen looked at me, wrapping her arms around my legs. I stared at Rebecca as time seemed to stand still and the woman placed her hand over her mouth as tears filled her eyes. Carmen pulled away after a brief hug, and we made our way to the SUV, the conversation all about any homework and how it affected the shopping and dinner that we had planned. This was unfamiliar to me, and I grinned as I listened to the two of them talk easily together. Carmen was a smart girl and got most of her homework done at school, making me think that she would be in an accelerated program in the future. I had been with every English class that I took, and I thought back to the online school that I’d looked into a few weeks ago. I planned to see how much time this took out of my day and allowed myself time to adjust.

  Rebecca drove to Mendocino, and we walked through some of the shops that overlooked the headlands, making me smile towards the blue water. I was only back for a few days, yet it already felt like I was home all over again. Carmen clearly loved it here, and as the sun started to set, we drove into the Nyack Harbor to a small place that overlooked all the fishing boats and the occasional seals that passed by.

  Nick met us there, and the young woman sat us outside since it was still nice. We sat at a large picnic table, and Nick sat with Carmen on one side while I joined his sister on the other. It was a pleasant meal, and I found myself laughing several times. We went home to get Carmen into the bath and bed before Rebecca excused herself to pack for the flight in the morning. Nick looked at me across the living room thoughtfully as I smiled at him, intimidated by his good looks for a faltering moment. “So, are you ready for tomorrow morning?” Nick would be taking his sister to the airport while I was leaving to get Carmen to school.

  “I think so. It seemed like it went smoothly today and though she’ll need to adjust, I believe that Carmen and I will find a routine,” I replied after a moment, remembering the hug earlier as well as before bed tonight. Rebecca told Nick about the exchange at school, and I watched his face soften for a moment as he looked across the table at me.

  “I think so, too. Carmen likes you, and that’s good to see after her loss. I’m glad that you’re here, Celia. I feel like I can relax a little bit,” he told me as he opened the fridge to grab a beer, offering me one. I shook my head with a smile, watching him twist the cap off and take a long sip as something stirred inside of my body.

  I was a woman that was ending a marriage and no stranger to sex, but it had never been with a man like Nick. They were always closer to my age, a little immature and maybe inexperienced. Sean was great at first when we were dating and then newly married, and I was pleased with the relationship as a newlywed. I wondered why I’d never felt this way before as I excused myself to get some sleep for the following day, blushing as I headed up the stairs and allowed my mind to wander.

  I could never cross that line, not with my new employer.

  I got up earlier than needed the following morning, in part due to nerves as well as to be able to say goodbye to Rebecca properly. We hugged for a long time, and she told me that she’d be regularly calling to check in, as well as offering for me to feel welcome to call her.

  I made sure that Carmen was all set for her day before we left, getting her into the back seat as I smiled at her. She had her hair in a fancy braid thanks to her aunt and a pair of jeans with a flowered t-shirt. “Ready to go?” I asked as she nodded and looked into my face. I went to get into the driver’s seat and started the engine of the SUV, pulling out onto the curvy road carefully. It was a gorgeous drive, and I smiled as the radio softly played while Carmen sat quietly in the back seat. I didn’t expect her to accept me entirely right away, but I did glance into the rear-view mirror to see her looking at me with a soft smile. I dropped her off at the front doors and watched her until she was all the way in the building, feeling possessive over the child. Once the school was quiet, and I knew that all the kids in class, I was the last person to leave. I knew that I had five hours until I needed to be back and wondered what to do in that time.

  I almost felt guilty for having the free time when this was my job, but I knew that I would be the one to pick her up if she got sick or something else happened. Nick would be there in severe cases but I’d be the main one in charge, and that was a part of my job duties.

  I was getting in the car when my phone rang, seeing Mom’s name as I giggled. I was so caught up in the activity this morning that I forgot about visiting her, answering as I assured her that I was on my way. I left the school, looking over to make sure that I remembered the afternoon routine before leaving.

  I spent three hours with my mother, crying when I first walked in. I didn’t realize how much I missed her until she was hugging me tightly. We finally parted and made our way to the couch where she made some tea, and we caught up. She listened to the details of my job, nodding, and smiling as she told me how well-liked Nick was in the town.

  “What about his wife? I got some sense that his sister wasn’t crazy about her,” I said as Mom took a long sip of her hot tea.

  “Melanie wasn’t an overly friendly woman,” Mom told me as I matched the name to the face that I’d seen on Facebook. “I don’t think that a lot of people knew her well, though I’d never fault her as a mother. She seemed to be committed to caring for Carmen, and you say that she’s a happy little girl.”

  “Yes, she is. I can tell that she’s getting used to things, but she’s always been sweet to me. I think we’ll be good,” I replied as I looked around the house. It was small since it was just her now, but quaint with a beautiful, distant view of the water. It felt cozy, and I settled into the chair as we continued to talk until I left to get back to the school. I was early, knowing that I needed to do that until I started feeling comfortable and sat down against the tree as I looked at my phone.

  The bell rang, and I stood up, brushing off my clothes as I moistened my lips. I was more aware of the looks that I got when Carmen approached me, the curiosity from the other moms. I just focused on her little face as she hugged my legs again and walked with me to the car.

  Carmen told me all about her day as we drove home, opening up more as I smiled. We got back to the house and did homework before we took a walk together, making it home in time to start dinner. Nick got home early if he was working locally, usually by six from what he told me. I had already selected roast chicken and vegetables for tonight and set about getting the prepared food ready as Carmen asked if she could help. I let her make a little salad, chopping up vegetables for her that she added into the bowl.

  Nick walked in and looked around, meeting my gaze when I looked up at him. “How was your day, baby?” He asked Carmen as she ran over to give him a big hug.

  “It was fun, Daddy,” she gushed as he looked at me again. She told him all about school and how we did homework before getting dinner ready for him, making him smile as I started plating everything. I grew up with a mom that prepared her husband’s dinner, and I blushed as I looked down at the plate that I’d automatically fixed for Nick. “Oh, my goodness,” I said as he came in to pull some milk from the fridge for Carmen. “My mom…she used to make a plate for my dad, and I just did that. For you. I’ll take this one,” I offered as he glanced at the generous helpings of food with a slow grin.

  “That looks good to me,” he replied as his brow raised. “I don’t think that you’d consider poisoning your boss, would you?”

  I blushed deeply as I shook my head quickly, well-aware of the fact that I never fixed a plate for Sean. He was always rushing about if he was home at all, which was very telling to me now. “No. Never,” I stammered as he took me in with sharp eyes, reaching for another plate that he fixed for Carmen. The helpings were smaller but healthy, and I laughed as I watched him take both to the table. I got my food and walked over as well, seeing a bottle of wine and two glasses.

  “I figure we could both us
e a little relaxation and if we’re not going anywhere, I don’t see a problem with wine with dinner. I have a cellar with some good bottles, something that Rebecca thoroughly enjoyed while she was visiting.” Nick seemed to sense my hesitation before he cracked a smile and poured the wine for us.

  I made dinner every weekday night that we were all home, something that Nick seemed to enjoy. He didn’t travel for a month and a half, giving me time to become aware of his habits. Nick was not a man that slept a full night, working and spending time with Carmen until she went to bed much of the time. He worked out in the evenings in the basement if we didn’t get to talking, in which case Nick woke up at five thirty in the morning to make the effort.

  I worked out a lot when Carmen was at school, though I did go down in the evening before I saw Nick in there. I didn’t disturb his time, but I couldn’t help but to watch him in his low riding work out shorts and bare torso. I stayed longer every time I knew that he was down there, admiring his muscled body as I crouched around the corner to look a little longer. Nick was perfect, not ready to step onto the stage in a bodybuilding competition but very fit.

  All the while, I got closer to Carmen by the day and loved our time together. She was giving me real hugs after a couple of months and seeking my opinion on things in her life, making me realize that she missed her mom. I was always there for her and in the process, Nick. I fed them and tidied up when any mess was made. I started to consider the house my home and cared for it as such.

  I noted that Nick seemed to be focused on work and his daughter. There were not the late nights with the guys or even a trace of a woman, making me respect him. Carmen didn’t need to see her dad with another woman for quite some time, and it seemed to be the three of us night after night.

  I wondered if he’d marry again someday as I watched him with Carmen or even as he worked out at night. I was addicted to him as the weeks passed, finding my sexual need again after I’d watch him and return to my floor too desperate with a desire to remain there, at least until I slumped against the wall after some time and masturbated to the sounds coming from the gym.


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